Daming Haiku

Chapter 206 Guns and Guns

Chen Wencan also saw that the proportion of the number of * hands of the sea wolf is very high. When these * hands shoot long-range, it is indeed very powerful, but * hands are not good at close combat, which is the consensus of everyone. As long as the two sides can get closer and fight a close battle, he still believes that the officers and soldiers can have an advantage. The battle is still much more powerful than the bird.

So after he ordered the whole army to adjust the formation, he remained still. The Chinese army put the knife hand to the front and set up a shield array to resist the frontal attack of the sea wolf.

At this time, in the army camp occupied by sea wolves, suddenly there were several huge roars in a row, and four groups of flames rose.

The hearts of all the officers and soldiers suddenly caught it again, because they knew that this was the Hongyi cannon firing, and only the sound of the Hongyi cannon would be so loud, and these Hongyi cannons must be the Hongyi cannons they left in the camp.

A few shells roared and flew out of the positions built in the camp and hit directly into the large array of officers and soldiers.

But this time, the officers and soldiers were a little self-righteous, because these firing cannons were not the four Hongyi cannons they left in the camp, but the 12-pound long guns used on the sea wolf ship that Yu Xiaotian ordered to unload from the fleet last night.

Although they captured the four Hongyi cannons of the official army, Yu Xiaotian personally inspected these cannons after landing yesterday afternoon and scoffed at the casting process of these cannons. These cannons are all imitation Western-style carrier-borne half-snake guns. Although they are long-range cannons, the casting process is very rough. Despicable, the barrel is really thick and looks very solid, but in fact, he knows better than anyone else about casting such a heavy cannon, which is actually not easy.

The heavier the cannon, the more troublesome it is to cast, because the cooling speed of the inner and outer walls is uneven. In addition, the clay casting method is used. The government hastily cast the cannon, but it can't care about the quality. The gun is full of large and small pits everywhere, indicating that the mud model is not completely dry when casting the cannon, and the water inside is iron. After the water is poured into the mud, it gasifies, which seriously affects the quality of the gun barrel.

The craftsmen who cast the cannon also took this into account, so they used the method of thickening the gun barrel to enhance the ability of the barrel to withstand the pressure of the barrel. However, the more they did so, the faster the cooling speed of the outer wall, the slower the cooling speed of the inner barrel, and the more likely the barrel was prone to cracks and hidden damage.

So in his eyes, these four cannons are not only thick and stupid, but also standard waste products, which can probably be fired a few times, but once they are slightly more loaded, there may definitely be a bomb accident.

Moreover, when using this kind of cannon in a hurry, there is also a problem that they are not familiar with their performance. The probability of accidentally killing the enemy may not be as high as the probability of killing their own people.

So at that time, he ordered to discard the Hongyi cannons of these officers and unload several 12-pound cannons from the ship to strengthen the defense of the battalion.

And now they are firing in the camp not the four Hongyi cannons of the officers and soldiers, but the 12-pound long guns equipped in their fleet.

This 12-pound cannon has a direct shooting range of more than 600 meters. If you raise the elevation angle, you can hit 1.5 kilometers away, and basically can hit five miles away, and it can definitely reach the army's array.

And the officers and soldiers came here this time, they lined up three miles outside the camp. They just moved forward about one miles and entered the distance of about two miles, which could just be covered by the range of these cannons.

Seeing that Li Dazui personally led a battalion of soldiers to advance forward, Yu Xiaotian ordered that the 12-pound cannons in the battalion began to fire, provide some fire support for the army, and first to blind the officers and soldiers.

Several 12-pound long guns fire in turn. Although the gun racks of naval guns are not suitable for land use, they can still make do with it in this case. As long as the ground of the artillery position is compacted and a thick wooden board is laid on it, and the recoil distance of the cannon is farther. It is more difficult to reset, but there is no need to be a When the gun is fired, the gun will turn over.

Several 12-pound shells roared out. Although they were not shooting directly, they still almost hit the officers and soldiers. Even if they did not fall in the officers and soldiers, as long as they fell in front of them, they could still use the jumping effect of the ground to kill the officers and soldiers.

Several shells fell, and suddenly several bloody alleys appeared in the officer's array, and there was a bloody rain. The officer's army suddenly had another **, and it was finally suppressed again.

Under the operation of the seamen, several cannons began to fire one after another, and almost every shell can harvest the lives of more than a dozen officers and soldiers.

The officers and soldiers stood there in fear, but there was helpless, because they had no cannons on hand, let alone a repressive counterattack.

Chen Wencan's teeth were itchy. He thought that these cannons should have been theirs, but now they have become a sharp weapon used by sea wolves to slaughter their officers and soldiers. Looking at the sea wolf's phalanx, he was slowly pushing towards them step by step. He did not dare to order the officers and soldiers to evacuate the formation, so he could only stand here. My son is beaten.

Under the order of Chen Wencan, a limited number of tiger squat guns carried by the officers and soldiers were set up in front of the battle, which is already the biggest killers in their hands. The officers and soldiers hope that these tiger squat guns can create some trouble for the sea wolf and kill some sea wolf masses before the sea wolf's infantry phalanx approach them.

But how can Li Dazui make them wish? They also have this kind of tiger squat gun used by officers and soldiers, and it is much more sophisticated than the officers and soldiers, and far more powerful than the tiger squat guns of the officers and soldiers.

But even so, even their tiger squat gun has a range that is definitely not as far as their wolf tooth rifle. Relying on this, they want to kill a large number of sea wolves. It's just a joke. It's just self-deception, and it can only be bold.

With the advancement of the sea wolf phalanx, they are getting closer and closer to the official army array. The shells are still flying from the camp and hitting the officer and army array. Each shell falling will bring a burst of ** to the officer and army array, and the whole officer and army array seems to have the possibility of collapse at any time.

And with their advance, the sea wolf's infantry phalanx also brought more and more pressure to the officers and soldiers. All the officers and soldiers felt that this sea wolf infantry phalanx, which did not look too big, seemed to be like a huge stone, which was unshakable.

Until the distance between the two sides approached about 200 meters, Li Dazui ordered to stop moving forward, and the phalanx temporarily stopped. With a shout, the * hand in the front row once again raised the long gun in their hand and aimed at the front army side by side.

Of course, the one at the forefront is still a battalion and a company. With such a strong * soldier, Li Dazui will not easily advance dozens of steps in front of the officers and soldiers to fire.

After hearing another bean-like gunshot, a blue-white smoke rose in front of the sea wolf's square array. Under the blowing of the sea breeze, the smoke slowly dissipated.

Looking at the gunners of the officers and the army, the gunners of the tiger squat guns arranged in front of the battle, even if they were knocked over, the remaining gunners who were lucky not to be shot, immediately shouted and lost their tiger squat guns and turned around and fled back to the battle.

Even some of the knife hands lined up in front of them immediately fell in front of the queue and screamed loudly.

Li Dazui ordered a company of soldiers to shoot three rounds in a row. Because the officers could not withstand the pressure, some archers and gunners also counterattacked, but the distance of 200 meters was too far for them. Their gunners still had arrows, not even half the distance. After flying, it landed on the ground and did not pose any threat to the sea wolf at all.

However, the sea wolf's rapid shooting immediately overturned a large area of the officers and soldiers in the position of the army. The whole army seemed to have been cut out one and a half, and at least 100 officers and soldiers were killed and injured.

Even if the Chinese army is the most elite soldier led by Chen Wencan, it can't stand it at this time. In the team, it began to be chaotic.

While making his men vigorously suppress the central army, Chen Wencan quickly ordered the officers and soldiers on both wings to surround the phalanx of the sea wolf and try to surround the sea wolf army.

After hearing the order, the two-winged officers and soldiers could only bravely surround the infantry phalanx of the sea wolf from both sides. At this time, in order to avoid accidental injury, Yu Xiaotian also ordered the artillery array in the battalion to stop shooting.

The whole officer and army were in chaos like a pocket and began to surround the sea wolf's infantry phalanx. The officers and soldiers shouted loudly and pushed forward tremblingly.

Li Dazui did not stop moving forward at this time, but ordered a series of fire. The phalanx continued to maintain its formation and pushed forward, as if he deliberately put himself in the encirclement of the other party.

Yu Xiaotian also secretly sweated at this time, because this is the first time that the sea wolf has fought with the officers and soldiers on such a large scale on land. Although he is very confident in the army soldiers under his command and the infantry phalanx they formed, after all, the officers and soldiers are now fighting against trapped beasts, far more than There are many troops in the first battalion.

So if the officers and soldiers explode their personal character at this time and sacrifice their lives to charge the square array of the first battalion, it may really cause great trouble to the first battalion.

Although many of the sea wolf infantry have seen battles, a considerable number of them are new recruits for the first time. Once they can't stand the pressure, they may even collapse.

At this time, it was actually more risky for Li Dazui to do so, but he did not interfere in this. Since he handed over this battle to Li Dazui, he believes that Li Dazui can take on this responsibility.

In the rumble of the drums, the officers and soldiers slowly formed a semi-encirclement circle and began to surround the phalanx of the sea wolf, but the wolf's phalanx did not stop moving forward into the field defense, but still stepped on the point of the whistle and steadily advancing steadily forward step by step. It seemed that the two wings were being surrounded at all. Those officers and soldiers who came are average.