Daming Haiku

Chapter 207 Three Strikes

At this time, even the officers and soldiers with low morale can't help but be a little angry. The sea wolf didn't pay attention to them at all. They simply regarded them as nothing and rushed straight among them. How could they look down on people so much?

People always have a little blood. Even the most timid officers and soldiers can't stand being so contemptuous at this time, so at this time, the morale of the officers and soldiers has recovered a little, and the two wings began to accelerate towards the sea wolf phalanx.

Li Dazui was in the middle of the queue, always observing the situation of the officers and soldiers, silently calculating the distance between the two-wing officers and them.

Although the sea wolves in the queue look calm on the surface, they are still a little nervous. After all, they are facing four times their enemies today. If they are not careful, they may suffer a big loss. Thousands of people surround them like this. If they want to say that they are not worried at all, then they will not He is a normal person.

However, after long-term and rigorous training, they have formed a subtle instinct to obey orders. No matter how nervous they are, they still habitually listen to the sharp whistles in the queue, mechanically move their legs forward, and try not to look at the enemy's situation. During the march, more It is to observe the companions on both sides with the corner of the eyes and always keep the queue from chaos.

Li Dazui didn't shout loudly to stop the team until the officers and soldiers on both sides had pressed their flanks nearly 100 meters. The officers on both sides then ordered their men to turn left and right, including the last queue, which were also ordered to turn back at the same time, and the whole phalanx immediately stopped.

When the officers and soldiers entered this distance, they finally burst out their last power. I don't know who burst out with a shout, and suddenly the officers and soldiers on both wings swarmed towards the phalanx of the sea wolf.

"Within the shoulder of the gun, loaded..." The officer shouted hysterically in the phalanx.

The sea wolf's * hand immediately removed the * on its shoulder and began to load it quickly. Although the two wings and the rear * hand are not equipped with wolf-tooth rifles, their southern Japanese tuff guns are still an absolute weapon in this era.

In just a moment, * the hands finished loading, put the butt on their shoulders, held the gun body tightly with both hands, and pointed the muzzle where they should point.

"Fire!" When the officers saw that the officers had rushed to their 60 or 70 steps, they finally issued the order to fire.

In the two armies, there was a series of roars. When many * fired at the same time, they could no longer hear a separate gunshot. Almost all the gunshots sounded within a second or two, so the gunshots were practiced into a film at this time, making a shocking roar.

The whole phalanx of the sea wolf instantly burst into flames like a volcanic eruption, firing at the officers and soldiers surrounding on three sides. Even if they were charging, the officers and soldiers rushing to the front of them screamed in unison and fell to the ground one by one.

But this did not immediately stop the advance of the officers and soldiers. The officers and soldiers thought they were still familiar with birds. In their opinion, it was inevitable to rush to the dead, but as long as they could hold on, as long as they could rush to the enemy, the enemy's hands would become soft-footed crabs and never be against them again. It is no more a threat.

Once the bird can't be used, it's not even as good as a fire stick. As long as they can get close, then these damn sea wolves can only wait to be slaughtered by them, and they can win back this battle in one fell swoop. As long as they can defeat this group of sea wolves, then they can take advantage of the situation. Take back their camp.

So these generals did not dare to neglect at this time. They led their subordinates and soldiers crazily, and even took the lead in killing the sea wolf array.

But they still despised the loading speed of the sea wolf's * hand. After the sea wolf stopped moving, it immediately began to use the three-stage shooting method.

After each row of gunmen fired, they did not hesitate to retreat to the back for loading again. The second row of gunners immediately stepped forward and continued to fire. In this way, the gunfire in the sea wolf phalanx formed a continuous shooting.

The officers and soldiers on the three sides of the sea phalanx are unlucky, but those who rush forward often have no time to rush to the front of the sea wolf's array, and batch after batches are cut to the ground. There is no chance to rush to the front of the sea wolf array, at most closer to the sea wolf's phalanx, but the price of casualties But it's amazing.

Although the Japanese fuch gun is still a smoothbore gun, which can't be far away, the sea wolf's smoothbore husk lance gun has a large caliber, heavy bullets, and extremely strong killing power at close range. As long as it is stained with death or injury and hits the limbs, there will even be a direct shooting of the limbs away. In front of the rifle, no matter what armor you criticize, only If you want to enter 50 steps, you will never be spared.

The smoke kept rising on three sides of the phalanx, gradually covering the phalanx of sea wolves, so that their sight was also blocked. Gradually, they could no longer aim accurately, and they could only take turns to shoot in unison. Even so, it was difficult for the officers and soldiers to rush to get close to them.

Chen Wencan immediately stopped on the high slope behind the array and saw more clearly than the people in the array. His officers and soldiers rushed towards the phalanx of the sea wolf like a tide, and then raised pieces of blood fog like patting on the reef. The bodies of the officers and soldiers were covered with dozens of the periphery of the sea wolf phalanx. The place of step.

But he still hardened his heart, kept ordering drums and passing orders, not to stop charging, and ordered his own soldiers to personally supervise the array behind the two wings, but if anyone retreated without authorization, he would immediately kill him.

Because Chen Wencan knows that this is his last chance today. If the sea wolf is not so arrogant and take the initiative to attack, it is really difficult to enter the camp with his officers and soldiers, but now the sea wolf has given them a chance to divide them and surround them outside the camp.

If he can't defeat the sea wolf's soldiers and horses even at this time, then there will be no chance in the future.

So his heart became hard at this time, regardless of the cost, and the officers and soldiers rushed forward.

Although he thought so, his life was the officers and soldiers' own. Just now, they finally summoned up the last blood courage and rushed towards the sea wolf, but when they saw their robes falling beside and in front of them one after another, this blood courage could not last long.

So some officers and soldiers began to slow down and even stopped, and squeezed together in panic. Some people have even begun to turn around and are ready to escape at any time.

A thousand president's eyes cracked, waiting for his blood-red eyes and roared, "Brothers, you can't retreat!" If we can't defeat the thief army today, I'm afraid that all of them will die without burial. If we fight, there is still a chance to live. If we don't fight, we will die! Go with me! As long as they rush over, it will be their end! Kill! Kill! Kill..."

When they saw that Mr. Qian, who was usually domineering, had been desperate and waved their waist knives and rushed forward at this time, some officers and soldiers finally turned their hearts down. In fact, they also knew in their hearts that they were going to work hard today. If they didn't fight, they would be trapped on this isolated island and would have no chance to return to the land. !

Since this has happened, it is also dead. If you don't fight or die, it's better to fight for this life. Therefore, under the leadership of this president, the charge that has been contained suddenly became fierce again.

Although the sea wolf's * hand is still firing guns, such firepower is still a little weaker in front of the tide-like officers and soldiers. Once the officers and soldiers give up their lives, in front of their absolute advantage, quantitative change may turn into qualitative change.

Under the charge at all costs, the officers and soldiers finally rushed about 20 meters in front of the sea wolf. At this time, the enemy may rush to the front of them in the next moment.

At this time, there was a rapid horn sound in the phalanx. All * hands stopped firing, put the *stock at their feet, leaned their right hand behind them, quickly pulled out a dagger on the waist, and stuck the tail of the dagger on the mouth of * with a click. In an instant, their * It turned into a short spear, and then it was held in their hands.

The long gunmen arranged in the four corners of the sea wolf phalanx have always been very depressed. They can only watch the * hands keep shooting the enemy, but they have no chance to participate in the battle.

It was not until this time that they finally got a chance to try their hands. Under the loud order of the spearman commander, these spearmen instantly flattened the long guns and pointed them at the enemy who rushed towards them.

"Kill..." The land soldiers who only listened to all the sea wolves roared at this time and raised their momentum to the extreme in an instant.

The officers and soldiers who rushed up with two wings almost instantly hit the two wings of the sea wolf phalanx, sounding a tragic battle.

At this time, the long gunner has no time to observe the enemy in front of him at all, almost instinctively stabbing forward. For the long gunners, their usual training is very simple, that is, thrusts, thrusts, constant thrusts, and constant thrusts. Everyone has to make such thrusts at least thousands of times a day, so Over the years, these people's killing speed is so fast that even the best martial artists in the world will feel numb when they take their shots.

The officers and soldiers finally rushed to the front of the sea wolf phalanx, and even many people didn't have time to lift the knives and guns in their hands. A cluster of guns flashed with cold light and stabbed in front of them. They didn't even have a chance to react, so they were pierced into their bodies by these guntips.