Daming Haiku

Chapter 215 Burning Moon Harbor

So these shipowners quickly greeted the boatmen, anchored and sailed down the river. Under the escort of the sea wolf, they sailed to the center and Kinmen Island outside the mouth of the Kowloon River, and moored according to the designated news.

Of course, there are some ships. At this time, because the owner of the ship, including the boatman, has abandoned the ship and fled because of fear. There is no one to operate it. The sea wolf is naturally not polite and immediately confiscates it and sends people to sail the ship out of the moon port.

In addition, more than 20 official ships, large and small, have been moored here. They are mainly government patrol ships, some of which are warships, but most of them are water pawns and government servants to inspect and collect taxes around the port.

At this time, the officers and soldiers and servants on these ships had already fled to Haicheng County and even fled directly to Zhangzhou Prefecture.

So the sea wolf selected these ships and left them to send people away. They really didn't like the eye and useless ships, so they set them on fire directly.

Next, although the sea wolf besieged Haicheng County, it did not attack the county, but divided some manpower and began to sweep the dock area.

Because Yuegang is the only legal sea port in the Ming Dynasty, all kinds of merchants from all over the world have also come here to build shops to do business and do business. They are not necessarily all maritime merchants, but they are all doing marine merchants. Maritime merchants sometimes can purchase a large number of maritime trade goods on the spot, so although Yuegang has repeatedly suffered The invading has been destroyed many times, but because there are enough businessmen and funds, the thieves here can often recover quickly after retreating.

The small Haicheng County certainly can't accommodate so many shops, so around the Yuegang Pier, a large commercial stack area has been formed. There are many shops in Linlin and service shops in the tertiary industry here, which is very prosperous.

But when the sea wolf came here, it was already very deserted. Everyone who could run away ran away, and those who were reluctant to escape also hid in the shop and didn't even dare to breathe.

After the sea wolf and land soldiers entered the store area, they began to disperse with ranking units. They began to enter these stores, drove out the people in the store, and ordered them to take the soft clothes they could bring and leave here immediately, otherwise they would kill them.

These people who stayed here are crying and shouting for their mother, but there is nothing they can do. Under the bright bayonet guns and fast knives of the sea wolf soldiers and water soldiers, they can only obey, take all the soft things they can carry, and then are driven away from their store.

As for the things they could not take away, the sea wolf was naturally rude and returned them to themselves. They sent people to grab a group of labor from the warehouse area, as well as some militia and villagers who were previously prepared to bring from the sea wolf's territory to transport these goods from the store to the dock for loading and back to Tamsui City.

After the first fleet of Seawolves arrived at Weitou Bay and captured Kinmen Island and the center left, cleaning up the official water forces and various forces around Weitou Bay, the second fleet began to sail to Weitou Bay. These ships were all sea wolf merchant ships, and some private merchant ships, all of which were empty. Only some sea wolf's followers and militia were loaded.

After they arrived at Weitou Bay, they began to enter the Jiulong River and sail towards Yuegang. At this time, the merchant ships docked in Yuegang have gradually sailed out of Yuegang in batches and anchored near Kinmen Island and Zhongzuo, waiting for the next treatment of the sea wolf.

The dock gradually became empty, and the cargo ships of sea wolves docked by the trestle of the dock and began to receive all kinds of materials from the commercial warehouse area.

The whole operation was carried out in an orderly manner. For this reason, Yu Xiaotian made arrangements in advance, and a special person was responsible for these things, and there was no large amount of confusion.

On the other hand, after the sea wolf entered the Jiulong River, it seemed to be mute. Zhangzhou government and all counties closed their doors to protect themselves, and did not send a single soldier to Yuegang to expel the sea wolf.

At this time, the sea wolf had assembled two battalions of troops on the shore, as well as a large number of militia villagers, surrounded the shop area of the whole Moon Harbor and set up temporary positions outside to protect their operations in the Moon Harbor.

This collection operation lasted for three days. The sea wolf did not attack Haicheng County or continue to attack and plunder around, but was busy packing and moving everything that could be moved away in the Nengyuegang shop area.

After a few days of driving away, everyone in the shop area was driven away. As for where they went, the sea wolves did not care much about, and even did not interfere with the property they carried on them. As long as they could take away, they would take them away and escorted them for a distance. No one was allowed. *They, but after they leave, they have to leave to their fate.

In the past few days, some strong people around them hid and did not dare to show up after learning the news of the sea wolf coming. However, after seeing that the sea wolf only focused on the area of Yuegang and did not loot other places, they became bold and began to try to move.

Some powerful ruffians saw that some people were driven out of Yuegang by sea wolves, some ran to the vicinity to join their relatives and friends, and some fled to Zhangzhou Prefecture. These people carried a lot of wealth, so they moved their minds and began to get up on some roads. For a time, the area around Yuegang was more chaotic than Yuegang. The bodies of people killed by * are often seen on the road, but now no one cares about it at all.

The government was determined to defend their city and did not come out for half a step. The large families also gathered the young men in the villages to close their doors to protect themselves, and no one took care of these things. For a time, there were bandits and robbers around the port, taking advantage of the chaos * passers-by, and even some large number of strong men took the opportunity to attack. Stroke some forts and try to make a lot of money.

But Yu Xiaotian is too lazy to take care of these things! Now he is determined to follow the example of another time and space. In history, Zheng Zhilong's practice completely destroyed Yuegang and completely controlled Weitou Bay in his hands, making Yuegang lose its role as a maritime trade base.

So he only focuses on completely emptying the moon port, but all the useful things are pulled away first. Even if the temporary transportation capacity is not enough to transport these things back to Tamsui City, he will temporarily transport them to Kinmen Island for storage, and then consider the problem of transshipment.

They didn't expect that the sea wolf would do this, and they did it so well. Although this is not the first time that Yuegang has been broken by pirates, the last few pirates came here and looted, they did not do such a thing. After they retreated, Yuegang had sufficient resources. With the support of Jin, countless merchants came back and quickly regained their prosperity.

But this time when they saw the fire on the side of Yuegang, they knew that Yuegang would be unable to recover for a long time this time, and what they didn't expect was that Yuegang would completely decline from now on, and it was no longer possible to restore its previous prosperity.