Daming Haiku

Chapter 216 Temporary Rest

In the office of thousands of households in the center of the city, there is a cheerful atmosphere. At this time, the generals of the sea wolf are almost concentrated in this small office, with excited smiles on their faces.

At the same time, there is a strong sense of self-confidence and pride on these people's faces, because they now have this capital. Thinking about what they have done in more than half a month, no one will say that they are a mob.

First, they destroyed the whole fleet of the Dutch fleet in the Battle of Tamsui Estuary, and none of them ran away, including the commander of the Dutch fleet, who were captured alive by them.

Then they killed Nanri Island and destroyed the Fujian Marine Division, which was commanded by Yu Zhigao, the general of Fujian, in one fell swoop. That was all the elite of the whole Fujian Marine Division, with a total of one or two hundred ships! Unexpectedly, they beat their heads like flies, and only a few of them escaped in the end.

Then the sea wolf land soldiers on Nanri Island defeated nearly 7,000 officers and soldiers in the First World War with fewer enemies, and these officers and soldiers were also elite officers and soldiers of Fujian, forcing even the Fujian economic generals to commit suicide on the spot.

Now they have swept the Weitou Bay, swept all the Golden Gate and the center and left, put all the Weitou Bay in their pockets, and then broke through the Moon Harbor and grabbed a full bowl. It is difficult to make them unhappy at this time.

After the destruction operation of Yuegang, Yu Xiaotian temporarily withdrew both the sea and land forces to Kinmen and the central and left places to temporarily rest here.

Even the Iron Man will feel tired after such a long period of continuous combat and preparation. Although it is still far from achieving his goal, it is still necessary for his men to have a proper rest.

In addition, during this period, they have obtained a large amount of supplies in continuous combat, and they do not have to worry about eating and drinking. During the interval of combat, they let everyone relax, which is more conducive to the next step.

So all the people gathered in the central left city, gathered for a small time, and also summarized and analyzed the actions during this period to discuss the gains and losses.

Yu Xiaotian let these people speak freely and just say what they want to say. There are sagearies who make special records. Yu Xiaotian finally makes summary comments. The scripts will form a complete written material based on these records, which will be used as a battle example in teaching after filing.

This situation is already the practice of sea wolves. However, after each battle, even a very small-scale conflict will be specially compiled after the event. In addition to being used as a battle merit, it can also summarize the gains and losses and be used as a teaching example.

One morning, the generals expressed their opinions on each combat operation during this period and did not hesitate to point out some mistakes. For this reason, some people also quarreled with each other, but this did not affect their relationship, because since the sea wolf became an army Before that, Yu Xiaotian had already formed such a tradition for his subordinates.

If everyone is in harmony, it will certainly be of no good for the growth of their army, and he has never taken the initiative to learn from the method of governing the army of the land officers. He fully adopts a set of military training and combat methods he has developed. One of the most important ways is to let his men from every game You can learn something new in the battle.

believes that the problems existing in the battle case are directly raised in person, and everyone analyzes and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of doing so, so that these officers can understand the problem through such arguments and discussions, and know why.

So although the generals of Seawolves used to be born with mud legs, they have grown up very quickly through continuous fighting with people over the years. They are no longer Wu Xia Amon. Now these guys have developed the temperament of soldiers. They are decisive and vigorous. They dare to say and dare to do something. What to say, but in public, it won't offend people.

After a day, they conducted a thorough summary and analysis of the recent battles, from which everyone gained a lot, including Yu Xiaotian himself, and also summed up some new experiences from these battles.

Especially in the battle between the Dutch fleet outside the mouth of the freshwater estuary, Yu Xiaotian and the admirals have learned a lot of new things, and have summed up a lot of useful experience on how to deal with these large Western-style splint ships, which will be for them to encounter similar situations in the future. It's a great help.

At present, after this half-month of military operation, the sea wolf has gained more than any previous large-scale military operation.

At present, among the trophies they have obtained, they have included five Dutch Western-style splint ships, and more than 100 naval warships of various sizes have been captured. These two alone are enough to more than double the overall strength of the sea wolf's navy.

In addition, dozens of official boats were captured in Yuegang this time. Even if some of these old ships are eliminated, the number of remaining ships is considerable.

The number of ships means that the navy of the sea wolf may be greatly expanded. Naturally, the people in the navy are extremely excited. One by one, they are happy that they can't find the north with their eyebrows and smiles.

As for the army, this time they also gained a lot. In the battle of Nanri Island, they captured nearly 6,000 officers and soldiers. These days, they have captured nearly 1,000 officers and soldiers in Kinmen, Zhongzuo and other places. The results are also quite brilliant, especially the capture of a large number of land goods, which has never been done before by the army. Now the mainland The military has at least had more voice through this war.

More importantly, the army can see that Yu Xiaotian has been cruel this time. Nanri Island will definitely be taken back, and Haitan Island will also be included in the bag of sea wolves in the future.

The key is that when he came to Weitou Bay this time, Yu Xiaotian ordered to take down the Central Left Institute, Kinmen and other places in one breath, which shows that this time Yu Xiaotian no longer just wanted to pull down the moon port. This time, it is not good to stay here for a long time.

As long as the sea wolf does not withdraw from this area, the army will have great success in the future. If there is no navy alone, it must have the cooperation of the army. In addition, they also see that Yu Xiaotian is not ready to stop there, and the next step will definitely be greater action on land, so this The army is more needed to do these things.

The army has always been at a disadvantage in the sea wolf military system, and there are far less personnel and investment than the navy, which makes the army complain about this.

But in the past, they were mainly responsible for guarding Nanri Island, Tamsui, Chickenlong and other places. In fact, after the navy, they did not need too many army soldiers. Even if they were not satisfied, they could only secretly slander themselves, but they could not propose a large number of expansion of their army.

But now the situation has changed. Their boss seems to want to intervene in land affairs, which can't be done by the navy alone. They still have to focus on their army to do this. They are more professional than the navy.

Therefore, as long as Yu Xiaotian wants to control the Weitouwan side, the army will participate. The next step will definitely be to expand, which makes the army people secretly laugh secretly.

How can Yu Xiaotian not see the small calculation in the hearts of these guys? He just can't see through it for the time being. As a general of the army, if he doesn't want to expand his strength, then this general must not be a good general. The army of the sea wolf is still in the initial stage. It must carry forward this style of martial arts and let Everyone has hope to work harder.

"Okay, that's all for today! Next, let's talk about the next action plan! I haven't told you many things before, and now you should know what I'm going to do!" Yu Xiaotian looked at the summary of the day, so he stopped the noise of these men.

When the libretaries in the hall heard this, they quickly got up and sorted out their records and left the hall. The next thing to be said was not something that their level could hear, so they were very self-abling and all withdrew from the hall.

As soon as everyone heard Yu Xiaotian's words, they suddenly cheered up and quickly stood up to prepare for the order.

"You don't have to be so nervous. Today, I'm just talking about the plan, not giving orders! Sit down, everyone!" Yu Xiaotian waved to let everyone sit down.

Everyone sat down again and stared at Yu Xiaotian with eager eyes, waiting for Yu Xiaotian to reveal their cards.

Looking at the eyes of the generals, Yu Xiaotian coughed softly and said loudly, "This time, I began to prepare from the outside. Up to now, everyone is just walking step by step as I ordered, but I haven't told you all the plans!

But today, I think it's time to tell you how far we are going to do this time!

Since its inception, our sea wolf has been on the coast of Fujian for more than three years. Yu asked himself that he has not done anything harmful in the past three years. On the contrary, we have also given peace along the coast of Fujian, making the people along the coast much better, including mariners sailing along the coast of Fujian much safer!

But the government has repeatedly wanted to put us to death, and we have repeatedly retreated and unwilling to embarras them.

But the Fujian government didn't know anything about it, and it still didn't die! In this case, then we can't be blamed for being rude!

The previous battle of Nanri Island destroyed their marine fleet and those officers and soldiers who landed on the island was just the beginning. Now we have burned the Moon Harbor and conquered the central left of Kinmen, which is not our purpose!

I'm afraid you are still thinking about when we will return these two days, so today I will tell you to wait. Since we are here this time, we won't leave again! I want this Weitou Bay!

I will soon take down Gaopu Institute and Tong'an County. If the government still does not accept it, we will completely subdue them. Next, I will take down Quanzhou and Zhangzhou! Until the government admits defeat!"