Daming Haiku

Chapter 217 Blooming on Four Sides

Speaking of this, Yu Xiaotian paused for a moment, and the hall was silent. Everyone listened carefully to every word of Yu Xiaotian. When they heard Yu Xiaotian's heroic words about subdue the government, everyone was excited.

If this is what Yu Xiaotian said a year or two ago, then it is estimated that even if the people present do not say that Yu Xiaotian is crazy, they will at least feel that Yu Xiaotian is a little overestimated. However, when Yu Xiaotian said these words today, no one thought that Yu Xiaotian was bragging, because they are now know their sea The current situation of the wolf.

If Yu Xiaotian said that it would be more difficult to take down the whole Fujian, but if Yu Xiaotian said that only Quanzhou and Zhangzhou, they thought it would not be difficult for them to do.

At the same time, they also realized that their blow to Fujian is no longer the same as before. Instead, they should not only fight, but also stay and stand firm to let the government know Yu Xiaotian's determination.

So after realizing this, these generals couldn't help but be completely excited.

"Great! Haha! This damn official really doesn't clean them up. They don't know how powerful we are! This time, the boss did the right thing. Since he came, he can't go back easily. Weitou Bay is a good place!

Who owns this place? In the future, it is up to who will do business at sea. No matter who wants to go to sea to do business in the future, no one can do this business without our nod! As long as red hair people still want to do business, they have to listen to us honestly in the future!" The first one to calm down was the one-eyed dragon, and immediately laughed and said it.

Other people also laughed and nodded repeatedly, because as pirates in Fujian, who doesn't know the importance of Weitou Bay? Because of the existence of Yuegang and the route to Japan, everyone knows the importance of the Waitou area in terms of maritime trade.

Now Yu Xiaotian is determined to control this area in their hands, which is undoubtedly a great good thing for them. In the future, as long as Fujian's maritime merchants want to go abroad to do business, no one can go abroad without their permission.

"Don't be too happy. Although Fujian sailors are no longer a problem now, the number of Fujian officers and soldiers is still there. Although they have suffered great losses on Nanri Island, their strength is still there. If we want to control here, Fujian officials may not sit idly by.

As far as I know, now Zhu Yifeng has been unable to see the situation due to illness after the defeat of the army in Nanri Island, but now the Fujian Political Envoy Department and the Metropolitan Command Department are mobilizing the officers and troops to come to this area for defense, so I'm afraid the army will be under a lot of pressure next! Whether you can win the Gaopu Qianhu Office and Tong'an County depends on your ability!" Yu Xiaotian saw that everyone was a little complacent, so he gave them a preventive injection to let them wake up first.

But after listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, Li Dazui immediately stood up and straightened and replied loudly, "Please rest assured that the last general dares to guarantee with people. As long as our logistical supplies can keep up, our army will definitely take Gaopu and Tong'an County!"

"Okay! As you said, then I will wait for your good news! When are you going to do it?" Yu Xiaotian waited for Li Dazui's words. When Li Dazui said it, he immediately patted the table and asked loudly.

Li Dazui leaned over and discussed with Meng Fei and Liu Tong beside him, and turned around and said, "Now our army brothers need to take a short break and replenish some ammunition and supplies. If possible, three days later, we will begin to attack Gaopu City first. After taking Gaopu City, we can attack the same An County Town!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "Yes! This attack on Gaopu and Tong'an County will be entrusted to you and Meng Fei. Liu Tong will return to Nanri Island tomorrow to deal with the prisoners of war!

As for the navy, the first fleet stayed in Weitou Bay, and the second fleet and the third fleet also carried out operations along the coastline north to the mouth of the Minjiang River. My request for you is to destroy the official water village along the coast of Fujian and destroy the remaining officers and naval warships. My request is that within two years, I don't want On the coast of Fujian again, I saw officers and marine warships!"

As soon as the general heard this, they immediately shook their spirits. All of them stood up and shouted, "The last general obeys! ......”

Three days later, a large number of sea wolf warships began to sail away from Weitou Bay and moved north from Weitou Bay. Fuquan was the first to be attacked.

Ma Xiao and the one-eyed dragon operated separately. The one-eyed dragon was responsible for leading the third fleet to deal with Fuquan, while Ma Xiao led the main force of the second fleet and continued to go north along the coast and began to attack Yongningwei.

The two agreed to stagger forward along the coastline all the way north, and pull out the coastal officers and soldiers' water villages and the port wharf of the coastal officers and guards one by one.

The generals of the two fleets began to compete secretly, and they were ready to compete. Who killed more officers and warships and who destroyed more water villages.

So a large-scale military operation that affected the whole coast of Fujian began completely. In the next two months, the two fleets of sea wolves began to chase me along the coastline of Fujian, all the way north to the mouth of the Minjiang River, and pulled out twelve water villages and seven armies of the officers and soldiers. The port dock shelled the Acropolis of ten guard stations.

In two months, the two fleets destroyed nearly 100 warships captured by the government's marine division, and captured more than 1,500 officers and soldiers.

In addition, they also beat rabbits, mainly the sailors in the fleet, and launched a large-scale raid along the coast of Fujian.

In two months, they have conquered more than 40 Zhuang castles along the coast. These castles are famous large families in the coastal area. They are both official or noble. They are usually well-known local figures and are notorious.

These people have long been on the blacklist of sea wolves, but in the past, sea wolves were unwilling to touch them easily, but this time since they have completely torn their faces with the government, the sea wolves will no longer be polite to them.

When attacking the waterhouses along the coast, they also cleaned them up.

Although the army did not participate in these battles, the navy's sailors' equipment level is not bad. Although they may not cooperate and coordinate as the army in the land war, the sailors usually have to receive some marine training, and their ability to attack is probably not as good as that of the army, but they can deal with these coastal villages. Fort, with their level of equipment and combat effectiveness, is more than enough.

Although the big villagers along the coast have organized groups to practice hometown bravery, build villages to protect themselves, and have also purchased a lot of weapons, their equipment level is now comparable to that of sea wolves. The sea wolf sailors are equipped with a water thorn rifle. Even if it is a short version, the range is also powerful. Far more than the tattered fires they have.

Not to mention fighting cannons. Seawolves' naval-equipped cannons are now at the highest level in the world. Even if they are taken to Europe to compare with the cannons made by European countries, they are not inferior. How can these self-contained fortresses be compared?

The sea wolf did not take any conspiracy or conspiracy with them. As long as they selected the target, they adopted the method of dropping ten sessions with one force. They removed two cannons from the ship and dragged them outside the Zhuangbao. First, a cannon bombarded them, and then the sailors went up with a platoon of guns. No matter how strong the combat effectiveness was, they would immediately disperse as birds and beasts.

Although some regiments also have so many people who are not afraid of death and have the courage to fight to the end, no matter how high their martial arts skills are, they can't stop them from shooting at the same time, so it is basically a day to capture these fortresses, and there has never been a fortress that has persisted for a night.

And Ma Xiao and the one-eyed dragon also follow Yu Xiaotian's instructions. As long as they capture the fortress, they will only kill the first evil in the village. For those who depend on these large families in the village, as long as they do not resist, they will not harm them.

The property of these rich families is really amazing, and the worst is that they can extract thousands of taels of silver and a large amount of copper money without any problem.

Among them, a large family surnamed Zheng in Houlong Town, Meizhou Bay, copied more than 20,000 taels of silver and thousands of copper coins in one fell swoop. After obtaining this money, even Ma Xiao and other military generals led the army couldn't help but smacking.

It is unimaginable that these people have saved so much wealth in ordinary times. You should know that a Chinese family can live with more than ten taels of silver in a year, but this large family has accumulated tens of thousands of taels of silver. How many years will it take to accumulate this?

And this large family surnamed Zheng used to be an official, and it is said that he is still a Beijing official. His official position is not low. His family relies on his power and makes a lot of evil in the local area. Local officials usually have no time to flaunt him, and they dare not interfere with their family at all. He is a person who stamped his feet at the local level 3 earthquake.

Over the years, their family has occupied good fields and bullied men and women, so it is absolutely the most evil in the local area. This time, they were targeted by sea wolves and broke through their manor in one fell swoop, sweeping away the wealth they had finally saved for generations.

Of course, when sea wolves do these things, they don't swallow them all by themselves. They often only take valuable things. As for some bulky things that are not easy to move away, they don't want to abandon them and simply give them to the local poor, especially when spring is coming soon. There is less rain in Fujian. It seems that there will be a great drought and famine.

So the sea wolf broke through a village and gave food on the spot. Every poor family around can get some food, which makes the local people have a good impression of the sea wolf. They feel that although the sea wolf is a pirate, it is a righteous thief and does something to rob the rich and help the poor, so some of them are with these big families. The poor people with hatred simply took the initiative to act for the sea wolf when the sea wolf came.