Daming Haiku

Chapter 222 Confrontation 1

Wen Liufang's attitude towards Xiaotian is obviously a little dissatisfied. Although he is only Cai Shanji's staff and does not have any official position, Zhu Yifeng can't see the situation at present. Because of the defeat of Nanri Island, anyone can see it. Zhu Yifeng, the governor, is completely at the head, not to mention that he has offended before. With the Wei Party, even if he has not offended Wei Zhongxian's party, it is definitely impossible for the court to make him this governor again.

So at present, before the new governor arrives, the whole Fujian should have the final say. As Cai Shanji's staff, he came here to see Yu Xiaotian, which is condescending, but this Yu didn't even give him a seat or even owe his buttocks, which is really rude.

However, Wen Liufang was secretly angry, but there was nothing she could do, because after all, he came to beg others. Obviously, the surname Yu could see this, so he had no choice.

So Wen Liufang had to laugh and said, "Since the master knows that you are now the enemy of the Fujian government, you should also understand that although the current power of the family is strong, after all, you are still thieves. Even if you are strong at present, is it difficult not to plan for the future?

Our lord Fantai also sees that the head is a hero, so he doesn't want to look at the head like this, and finally he will end up with no end.

Lord Fantai cherishes talent, so he was sent here to advise the head of the family not to do too much, so as not to cut off the back road!"

Looking at Wen Liufang's arrogant look, Yu Xiaotian couldn't help laughing.

"Haha... What a cherished talent! Yu really admires Mr. Wen's eloquence. Obviously, you are at a loss now, and you really can't come up with any good way to deal with someone. He actually threw out such an excuse! What did you do earlier? If you hadn't been in a dilemma with me everywhere, why did you suffer so much?

Although I dare not say that I am a good citizen or a law-abiding person, Yu asked himself that in the past few years, he has not filled in any trouble for Fujian officials!

Originally, there were as many pirates along the coast of Fujian. If it hadn't been for the integration of a certain force, how could there be such peace along the coast of Fujian now?

I just wanted to do some business through the sea. First, Zhu Qinxiang tried to kill me, and finally failed. Yu still restrained my brothers and didn't do much to attack the coast, which was already a step down your Fujian government.

But the new Zhu Yifeng and Zhu Junmen did not care about me forbearance somewhere at all. This time, they actually gathered heavy troops to put me to death!

But what you may never have expected is that Zhu Junmen's painsiveness to organize such a large-scale attack will be defeated by me. I'm afraid it's not that I haven't come to an end, but this Zhu Junmen will fall to the point where there is no end first!

Since it is useless to tolerate somewhere and not want to be the enemy of the government, why should I tolerate everywhere as before?

You can't blame me for coming here this time. This is your government's fault for making it so embarrassing!

Mr. Wen doesn't want to mention anything more. If you had understood this truth earlier, how could it have gone so far?

Mr. Wen still said bluntly, what's the matter with sending you here this time? I am not an unreasonable person, but I would like to hear it in detail!

It's not convenient to talk like this. Come and give me a seat to watch tea!"

Although Yu Xiaotian and the Fujian government are still in a hostile state, Yu Xiaotian did not intend to humiliate him too much for the envoys sent by the government, so he ordered people to bring a chair and show him tea.

Wen Liufang felt better this time, and finally could sit down and talk, but Yu Xiaotian's words just now still made him very unhappy. Although Yu Xiaotian was telling the truth, this was a little too straightforward, which made him a little unable to get off the stage. He secretly scolded the thief as a thief in his heart, which was vulgar!

But he also had to admit that Yu Xiaotian clearly saw the embarrassment of the current Fujian government. To be honest, Cai Shanji sent him here this time, which was indeed what Yu Xiaotian said. After the Fujian official was defeated by Nanri Island, he was indeed weak. There are dozens of other things on the sea besides Zhang Jiace. The warship, which can be filled with the facade, basically can't bring out any strength to challenge the sea wolf.

And the sea boat is majestic, nested on the sea, with the nest of Taiwan Member Island behind it, and Nanri Island is controlled in front of it. This time, it has seized Haitan Island, which directly threatened the safety of Fuzhou. Now it has seized Jinmen Island and Xiamen Island, including Meizhou Island in Meizhou Bay, a famous large island along the coast of Fujian. Now Nowadays, except that Dongshan Island is still in the hands of Chu Cai, the rest is basically under the control of the sea wolf.

The sea wolf can take its boat to come and go on the sea, attack, retreat and defend. Even if the Fujian government is now complete, as long as the boat master is not good, there is nothing to do with them.

To be honest, this time Zhu Yifeng still underestimated the enemy. He thought that after his rectification in the past year, the Fujian sailor had recovered and could compete with the sea wolf. However, in fact, Zhu Yifeng was really wrong. With the strength of the Fujian sailor, he was not the opponent of the sea wolf at all.

And what frightened them now was that Yu Xiaotian not only led his boat division fleet to defeat the Fujian navy on Nanri Island, but also killed the large splint ship sent by the red-haired people to help the battle in advance, and the red-haired man was completely destroyed.

This is even more frightening to Fujian officials, because they all know how powerful the big splint ship of the Red-haired people is. When the Southern Army Gate was in power in Fujian, Fujian officials gathered one or two hundred warships to fight against Penghu and the Red-haired people.

The red-haired man crossed between the Penghu Islands with only a few large and small splints. The officers and sailors had no choice but to destroy dozens of warships by them, which almost led to the collapse of the sailors.

Later, the sailor adopted the fire attack tactics to contain the Red-haired warship, but it was only to contain it. If they wanted to defeat it, there was nothing they could do with them.

I didn't expect that the navy of Red-haired, which seemed almost invincible to them, was also destroyed by the sea wolf. The strength of the sea wolf's boat division was beyond their cognition.

And such a strong thief at sea was originally not too arrogant in the coastal area of Fujian. Although they controlled large fishing grounds and intervened in the land fishing market to trade on land, they have not disturbed the shore too much in recent years.

Many of their officials still have a consensus on this point. If Zhu Qinxiang and Zhu Yifeng are not insisting on suppressing sea wolves, these officials are happy to see the success and do not think that the existence of sea wolves is essential to them.

And since the sea wolf grew up, over the years, Chen Jiu in the north has been killed, and the coastal area of Funing Prefecture has been calmed, and then a large number of small pirates along the coast of Fujian have been eliminated, either expelled or eliminated or annexed, which has reduced the number of pirate attacks along the coast of Fujian.

If Zhu Qinxiang hadn't wanted to deal with the sea wolf, Yu Xiaotian would not have taken the initiative to attack the shore and shell the city of Puxi, set fire to Nanri Water Village, and attack Chongwu Institute.

This time, Zhu Yifeng took the initiative to gather the Fujian boat division and mobilized a large number of officers and army troops to expel the sea wolf from Nanri Island, and then expel the sea wolf from the coastal area of Fujian. Yu Xiaotian would not make such a big fight this time. He led his troops to attack Haicheng and other places, and sent a fleet to pull out the government on the coast one after another. Those guard port docks.

So to some extent, this incident is still caused by Fujian officials, so that now they can't get off. They can only take the initiative to soften and come to Yu Xiaotian to say good words.

Thinking of this, Wen Liufang couldn't help feeling a little sad about herself. As an official, although he has no official position, after all, he represents the Ming court. He is a scholar of human origin and a staff of the vassaltai, but he wants to come here to talk soft words to a pirate, which is really sad.

"Well, what an offense just now. I hope Mr. Wen doesn't mind. Since Mr. Wen is here, you might as well talk about the purpose of your trip!" After Yu Xiaotian waited for Wen Liufang to sit down, he put away the arrogant act he had just shown and began to say to Wen Liufang with a pleasant face.

Wen Liufang saw the change of Yu Xiaotian's attitude and felt a little more comfortable in her heart. She thought that there was still a way to come here today. Although Yu Xiaotian looked extremely arrogant just now, his attitude has changed a lot now. This should be a downplay for him first. In fact, he is still facing the official in his heart. The government is afraid.

So he cleared his throat and said to Xiaotian, "To be honest, the students really have something to discuss with the head of the family this time.

Just now, the student said that although the head has caused a terrible disaster this time, we, the lord of Fantai, still cherish the head as a talent, and do not want to watch the head take so many brothers under you to continue like this, and even make things irreparable!

Since the leader has such ability, he should serve the court and serve the emperor, instead of relying on the current power to harm the people!

This time, the student was entrusted by the lord of Fantai to come here to persuade the head. Although it seems that you are temporarily rampant in charge, how can you be the enemy tomorrow with your strength?

(I'm really sorry, I went out to do business today and came back late. The two chapters have been updated together! Update the second chapter in a minute! In addition, I especially thank you for the rewards of the two old friends with snoring and nails!)