Daming Haiku

Chapter 223 Confrontation 2

Wen Liufang said this and paused for a moment and looked at Yu Xiaotian's face. Seeing that Yu Xiaotian did not seem to have much reaction, she continued to say, "Once Yu goes on like this, sooner or later, I'm afraid it will attract a large-scale subjugation by the court. At that time, I'm afraid it will not be like this now. In the front of the imperial court Under the finger, I'm afraid it will be too late to regret it! No matter how many of your soldiers and ships there are, they will be wiped out in front of the imperial army!

Therefore, those who know the current affairs are handsome. While the current situation is not irreparable, students should advise the head of the family to stop. It's better to submit to the court now. The lord of Fantai can Chen Ming today, seek an official position for the head of the family, and serve the court in the future, far more than you roaring at sea now. It's better to get together!"

Listening to Wen Liufang's words, Yu Xiaotian began to hold back without saying anything, but the more he listened, the more funny it became, because it seemed that Wen Liufang was talking about impassionedness. It seemed that when the imperial court sent an army to suppress his sea wolves, it was just a matter of minutes. In fact, he saw it more clearly than anyone else. Now the predicament of the Ming Dynasty is now, and the north of the Ming Dynasty is built Slaves, there are luxury chaos in the south, Shaanxi and other places in the west, and the exiles are already everywhere.

Now, even if he stabbed the coast of Fujian, with the current situation of the Ming court, it is very difficult to mobilize a large number of soldiers and horses to fight against him.

What's more, the emperor in today's Beijing Palace is not interested in governing the country at all. He has been busy playing with his carpentry and painting all day. The major events of the court are basically in the hands of Wei Zhongxian, the eupe. Wei Zhongxian is now busy fighting with the Donglin Party. Who has time to take care of his affairs? Ah!

So it seems that what Wen Liufang said is very reasonable. In fact, he just said this by pulling a fig leaf for Fujian officials to scare him to Xiaotian! The whole thing is strong outside and hard inside!

"Hahaha..." After Yu Xiaotian finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

Wen Liufang originally thought that these words could deter Yu Xiaotian, but she didn't expect that before his words fell, Yu Xiaotian laughed wildly. Suddenly, her face turned pale and she said angrily, "I don't know why Yu is laughing? Does Yu think that what the students said is just alarmist? Is it possible for the head to think that with your strength now, you can fight against the whole Ming Dynasty? Humph!"

Yu Xiaotian stopped laughing hard, suppressed his smile, and said to Wen Liufang, "Mr. Wen, you still ask me why I'm laughing? To tell you the truth, I'm afraid what you don't know is that Yu has been scared since he was a child!

Mr. Wen said so much that the court sent a large army to suppress my sea wolves, but he didn't hear Mr. Wen say how Fujian would deal with me!

It's not that I'm arrogant. Even if the court sent a large army to suppress my sea wolf, I want to ask Mr. Wen, what does the court use to suppress me Yu?

Is it difficult for millions of troops to swim to eliminate Yu? Joke!

Mr. Wen said that I was a disaster for Fujian, but please ask Mr. Wen to tell me how I have harmed the people along the coast of Fujian before?

Before the establishment of a sea wolf, there were as many pirates along the coast of Fujian. Almost every day, pirates attacked the shore. Coastal fishermen did not dare to go out to sea to fish. Fishing bully rampant in the market and spied fishermen? What did the government do?

However, after the establishment of the sea wolf, although I dare not say that it is still a peace along the coast of Fujian, at least someone dares to say that there were much fewer pirates in the past, and the number of pirates on the coast is decreasing. Fishermen can rest assured to go to sea to fish, and the fishing market can be fair. Buying and selling! How much less trouble did the government have when I sheltered and resettled the coastal exiles?

Merchant ships can pass smoothly and safely through the sea under my control without worrying about being attacked by pirates. These things should have been done by the government, but what has the government done over the years?

Now that he sees me calming Yu on the sea, he regards me as a thorn in his side, and repeatedly tries to send troops to suppress me to death!

Fortunately, I am not as incompetent as you think. I have repeatedly defeated Fujian officers and sailors, so that now Fujian officers and sailors are almost completely destroyed.

Now it's good. Fantai's big talent remembers that Yu is a talent, and he doesn't care about talent! So, Mr. Wen, what can you give to Yu if you want to touch me? General? Or Mr. Qian? Or is it a guard? Haha! To tell the truth, Yu really doesn't pay much importance to this!

Today, Mr. Wen moved out of the imperial army again, trying to deter Yu by using the imperial army. Let me tell you the truth! If so, then Mr. Wen, please go back!

If you want to subdue Yu by relying on the court, Mr. Wen doesn't have to make such an idea again. If Yu is afraid, he won't do this. If the lord of Taiwan has the ability, he can transfer troops to suppress me to suppress Yu! Yu is here to wait for the imperial army to come. I also want to see what Mr. Wen's imperial army can do for me!"

"You..." After listening to Yu Xiaotian's arrogant words, her face turned blue, and she got up on the spot, pointing to Yu Xiaotian's speechless.

Seeing Wen Liufang jumping up, Liu Wang and Zhao Si, who stood behind Xiaotian, suddenly stepped forward, put their hands on the handle of the knife at their waist, and stared at Wen Liufang with cold eyes. It was clear that as long as Wen Liufang dared to do anything wrong, they would certainly wave their knives to him without hesitation.

Wen Liufang originally wanted to attack, but when she saw the two strong men behind Yu Xiaotian staring at her cold eyes, she was immediately scared into a cold sweat, and the momentum suddenly weakened.

Although he was angry that Xiaotian was too arrogant, it made some sense to think about Yu Xiaotian's words, because he has also lived in Fujian for so long. Of course, he has heard about what the sea wolf has done at sea in recent years, and can even be quite clear.

Although the sea wolf is a pirate, their behavior is very different from other pirates. As a pirate, the sea wolf is good at establishing order and putting business first. Unlike other pirates, they often attack the shore and make a living by looting.

Although those pirates also steal and merchants, they take looting as their main business and often attack the shore, * property to kidnap meat tickets, and forcibly wrap people into the sea to join the gang.

After the sea wolf sat down, at least in the past three years, the sea surface along the coast of Fuzhou, Funing and Xinghuafu has been much calm, which no one can deny.

On the contrary, it was because Zhu Qinxiang tried to eliminate the sea wolf, but it attracted the revenge of the sea wolf and harassed the shore for a period of time. However, after Zhu Qin's fall, the sea wolf still restrained a lot, making the coast calm again.

If this time, if Zhu Yifeng insisted on the humiliation of the Fujian official and insisted on gathering troops to suppress the sea wolf and attack Nanri Island, the two sides could actually continue to be at peace with each other. The sea wolf made his fortune at sea, and the government was in charge of the affairs of the government on land.

Things have never developed to the present level, so that the whole Fujian official has fallen into such an embarrassing situation now.

He also has to admit that Yu Xiaotian hates the current situation. Nowadays, Daming is no longer the time of peace and prosperity. Now Daming wants to gather a large number of soldiers and horses to suppress sea wolves, which is basically impossible.

Even if Daming can gather a group of soldiers and horses to come to Fujian to help fight, and the visiting army enters the country, in fact, it is not much better than sea wolves. Once the visiting army enters Fujian, they will not cherish the place. I'm afraid that the places they pass along the way are much more powerful than bandits.

And even if the court sends troops, what can they do? Seawolves can go away at worst. They have many boats and boats on the sea and come and go freely. They can fight wherever they want. Now the sailors in Fujian are almost completely destroyed. Even if the court sends a large number of officers and soldiers, they can only look at the sea disciples. No matter how many officers and soldiers come along the coast of Fujian, can they still Can you fill the coastline?

So the sea wolf can now attack, retreat and defend. They are not afraid of the army coming to suppress them. If they want to deal with them, I'm afraid that even the sailors in Guangdong will be transferred, and they may not be their opponents.

What's more, Daming does not have enough financial resources to launch such a large-scale provincial federations. In case the imperial court goes crazy and really adopts several provincial capitals, it is estimated that the most unfortunate is Fujian. As a landlord, Fujian will definitely bear most of the military expenditure, even if all the vassals will be used. And the local warehouses are cleaned, and you can't get so much military expenses.

So Wen Liufang just said that the imperial army came to suppress it, but it was just to scare Yu Xiaotian. If she really did this, the sea wolf would not be over, and Fujian would be over!

Thinking of this, Wen Liufang only felt that her physical strength seemed to have been drained. Since the bottom card has been seen through by others, what else can he say? In addition, he just said that Cai Shanji wanted to recruit Yu Xiaotian, but with Cai Shanji's current status and status, even if he recruits Yu Xiaotian, it's good to give him a general official position at best. No matter how high it is, Cai Shanji may not be able to take it out.

Yu Xiaotian also made it very clear. He didn't pay attention to such an official position at all. A thousand president and garrison is not enough to recruit him at all, so it is estimated that there is no chance to appease him this time.

Next, he can only turn around and leave, or he can only honestly negotiate with the sea wolf to suppress this matter as much as possible to prevent the sea wolf from continuing to sweep the coast of Fujian on a large scale.

Now Yu Xiaotian has only laid down a few Acropolises, which is not a big deal, but once Yu Xiaotian is fierce, and then attacks several counties and even several coastal cities, then Fujian may not be able to completely hold on this matter.

Not only will Zhu Yifeng be unlucky this time, but I'm afraid that the three divisions, including local officials, will be unlucky together. The most taboo thing in the imperial court is that the city is broken. If things go to this point, I'm afraid no one can control the situation in Fujian.