Daming Haiku

Chapter 236 Collective Farm

At this time, Tamshai City has become the nest of sea wolves and the base camp that sea wolves rely on for their lives. After more than three years of operation, Tamsui City has reclaimed a large area of farmland, and the local ecological environment has also undergone great changes due to a large amount of ploughing. Change, if people who came here a few years ago come here now, I'm afraid no one will believe that this is the former freshwater river.

It is not only the pioneering area of farmland that is constantly expanding, but also the population that has migrated to the freshwater river. With the continuous efforts of sea wolves in recent years, it is also surging. Every year, a large number of immigrants will flood into the freshwater area and be placed by sea wolves in various pre-selected settlements, gradually forming new immigrants. Village.

Now, in the whole area of Danshui, there are more than 100 immigrant villages alone, and according to Yu Xiaotian's requirements, these immigrant villages are large villages. The population of each village must be more than 1,000. Some of them are the earliest immigrant villages, and now some villages have a population of 2,000.

In addition to the immigrant village, Yu Xiaotian also made some adjustments to the immigration policy at the end of the fifth year of the Apocalypse, changed the previous method of decentralized arrangements for one family, and began to set up a new type of collective farm, and no longer distributed pieces of land to immigrants for them to cultivate.

Although the decentralized farming of small households is simpler to manage, there is a problem, that is, the large-scale farming that Yu Xiaotian hopes to promote cannot be effectively implemented.

And collective farms can carry out concentrated rotation of large plots. Among the new immigrants, they are no longer the same civilian way as before, but after they were transported to the freshwater area, they signed a life-sale deed with the sea wolf. Theoretically, they are all slaves of filial piety, but in fact, these people are professional agricultural workers. .

These immigrants are concentrated on the farm, and special personnel are responsible for leading them to farm collectively, so that the land can be reclaimed into large pieces of farmland, farmed centrally, and planted according to standardization, and some simple large-scale animal agricultural machinery can be used to manage the fields.

Although there will be some drawbacks in doing so, at this stage, the land is actually in the hands of Xiaotian, which is much better and easier to manage than cutting it into small pieces and assigning property rights to a family.

So at this stage, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As for whether it will affect the development of productivity in the future, that is the future. At least at present, under the strong control of sea wolves, there will be no big problems. In addition, Xiaotian took some people in charge of civil affairs to formulate this kind of collective farm. Less incentives and punishment measures to manage farmers on farms with the system can still play a quite good role in motivating.

In the past, when sea wolves wanted to promote some good crops, they had to work door to those farmers, but farmers had a natural vigilance. For unfamiliar crops, they did not dare to try to grow them easily, so it was difficult to promote some selected crop varieties.

This also affects the agricultural development of sea wolves in freshwater. After all, most of the fields in this area are newly reclaimed. To cultivate the land, it is necessary to adopt some effective methods to rotate with various crops to improve the soil.

Many places seriously lack nitrogen content. Although no one knows what nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are at this time, some experienced farmers still know that planting legume crops in the land will play a role in improving the soil.

However, many ordinary farmers don't understand, so they don't know how to rotate and improve soil fertility. They are unwilling to plant the land according to the arrangement of sea wolves, so that some land is still not mature after two years, and the crop yield is very low.

The adoption of the collective farm system can solve the problem well. The farmers of the farm will decide what to plant and how to plant according to the above instructions. Anyway, it is none of their business, but in this way, it can speed up the improvement of the soil.

Another advantage is that Yu Xiaotian has been asking to find a way to accumulate fertilizer. In the absence of modern fertilizer, fertilizer has a great impact on the output of farmland. Most farmers did not pay much attention to the problem of fertilizer accumulation before. At most, they carry baskets to pick up some cow dung, even if it is a good agricultural fertilizer.

But in fact, there are many ways to accumulate fertilizer. Yu Xiaotian has always been paying attention to hygiene issues, strictly requiring all villages to build public toilets, and has long begun to promote biogas pools. Although the biogas utilization rate is not very high, he can get very good rotten fertilizer.

In addition, in addition to collecting human manure and urine, the biogas tank can also put some rotten vegetable leaves, weeds, leaves and other organic substances produced in daily life or agricultural production into the biogas tank. After rotting, it can become good organic fertilizer and sprinkled on the ground, which is a good agricultural fertilizer.

In this way, the rural environment has been greatly improved, the threat of epidemic outbreaks has been reduced, and a large amount of agricultural fertilizer can also be obtained.

In addition, in addition to being convenient to manage, the sea wolf also organized a fleet to go to various islands to find bird droppings or bird droppings. In this era, some islands are paradises for seabirds. Over the years, thick bird droppings have accumulated. Among these bird droppings and bird droppings, they are rich in nitrogen. Phosphorus and potassium is an excellent fertilizer. Before modern fertilizer, it is the best way to use this kind of bird manure to fatten the fields.

But even so, the collected bird droppings and feces are far from enough, so they can only be used on the farmland of the sea wolf's own farm. It is impossible for each family to give such things.

Overall, with the increasing number of immigrants, the number of immigrants in the whole freshwater area reached 1670,000 by the beginning of the seventh Apocalypse. Such a population has almost reached the population of a lower-class county on land, so that the sea wolves can firmly stand here.

As for the original indigenous people in this area, as the sea wolves became stronger and stronger, there was nothing they could do about these foreigners. Although some of their tribes had also tried to resist, drive these foreigners out of their lands, taking sneak attacks, assassinations, headhunting and other measures to try to deter this. Some outsiders.

However, their actions often lead to the retaliation of the sea wolf immediately. The sea wolf's infantry will immediately take the indigenous auxiliary soldiers into the mountains and forests, find the criminal indigenous tribes, or sweep them away, resist without mercy, and take the surrendered alive out of the mountain forest and throw them to the farm to work in the labor camp. It is called labor reform, which is gradually integrated into immigration.

In fact, once the indigenous people get used to the "modern" life of immigrants, they find that this kind of life is actually more comfortable than their survival by fishing and hunting in the mountains and forests. Most indigenous people are unwilling to return to the mountains and forests after adapting for a year or two. Continue to live the days of drinking blood.

In this way, under the strong deterrence of the sea wolf, a large number of indigenous people around also knew the power of sea wolves and did not dare to continue to provoke immigrants. Gradually, the security situation improved a lot.

And the sea wolf is not blindly strong against the indigenous people. Yu Xiaotian knows that it is impossible to achieve peace by using knives and guns alone. In the end, it can only buy deeper hatred. Therefore, it must be shown that the sea wolf can feel that the sea wolf here is not only the identity of the intruder, but also It brings them a lot of help.

At least the sea wolf took the initiative to contact these surrounding indigenous people, first giving them some daily necessities, and then exchanging some hunting leather sheets from their hands. In this way, after a long time, the native tribes also found that their lives were gradually inseparable from these outsiders. From the hands of outsiders, he They can get a lot of good things that they have never seen before, from needles and threads to firewood, agricultural tools, iron pots, kitchen knives, porcelain, cloth and so on. They find that the things brought by these outsiders are very useful. Once they get used to them, now they don't need these things, and they can't stand it.

So the method of being soft and hard with carrots and sticking has gradually deterred the surrounding indigenous tribes, so that the number of indigenous attacks on surrounding immigrant villages has been decreasing over the past year, which also invisibly reduces the pressure of defense on this side and makes the speed of pioneering faster and faster.

However, sea wolves have still encountered some problems. After all, the freshwater area is not a plain area, and the arable area of flat land is not very large. Although the hillside can be pioneered, it is not conducive to irrigation, especially in terms of paddy fields, and it is impossible to grow rice in large areas.

However, people in the south are used to eating rice. If there are too many dry fields, they can only eat more dryland crops. For agricultural structure, it is not very good, especially the sugar industry, which can make a lot of profits, will be greatly affected.

And sucrose is also the most popular trade material in this era. Europeans buy a large amount of sucrose from Daming and then transship it to Europe, which has become a quite profitable business. Europeans like to eat sugar. Whether it is drinking tea or coffee that has just become popular, they like to put a lot of sugar, so sucrose The demand is very large.

Of course, sea wolves also want to do such an industry, but on the freshwater side, first, the land is not ideal, and second, the climate is not very ideal. Fresh water is located in the northernmost part of Taiwan. During this small glacier period, the winter temperature is still quite cold, and the temperature is insufficient throughout the year, which is not a very ideal sugarcane planting land.

These factors limit the reclamation and agricultural development of sea wolves in this area, so the most ideal place should be in the south or central Taiwan, but now Yan Siqi in the Bengang area has occupied it first, and Yu Xiaotian used to lacked confidence in the speed of his development and did not want to be too close to the Dutch, so he chose Choose the area of the Freshwater River.

But he did not expect that his strength would expand so quickly. Now he is not afraid of the Dutch, but he has missed a good opportunity to occupy the Jianan Plain.