Daming Haiku

Chapter 237 Beat the Dog Harbor

Although if he wants to grab Yan Siqi's territory now, there will be no problem in terms of strength. He doesn't need to use all his troops. Only a small part of his troops is enough to clean up Yan Siqi.

However, Yu Xiaotian did not want to do so, because Yan Siqi has now worshipped him and become one of his allies. During this period, the relationship between Yan Siqi and the sea wolf has been very close, and he has always been regarded as a horse. He has never filled any trouble for Yu Xiaotian, and has repeatedly taken the initiative to help the sea wolf.

On the whole, Yan Siqi has seen the current situation clearly and has made up his mind to form an alliance with Yu Xiaotian. At this time, it is obviously inappropriate for him to run to rob Yan Siqi's territory. Even if there is a jungle law in the world, it is not good to pay attention to the law of the jungle, because doing so will make him lose morality. , it is inevitable that it will be regarded as a joke by Jiang people.

Yu Xiaotian knows very well why he has developed so fast over the years. In fact, when he is doing things, he mainly pays attention to benevolence and righteousness. Everything often has to stand on the word morality, so that people can't grasp his handle and can't blame him, so he has won the praise of many people in the world.

Now in the whole area of Fujian, many small pirates are looking at Yu Xiaotian's benevolence and righteousness. Knowing that they can't compete with Yu Xiaotian, they either go far away from home to find another way out, or simply turn to the sea wolf and join the sea wolf and become Yu Xiaotian's subordinate. This is also Yu Xiaotian's strength in the past few years. One of the main reasons for rapid development.

On the contrary, Zheng Yiguan is now gray and forced to run to Guangdong and become a group of second-rate pirates. It is precisely because Zheng Yiguan lost his morality. First, he robbed the inheritance of his adoptive father Li Dan, and then tried to eat his former eldest brother Yan Siqi, trying to put Yan Siqi to death and put his territory. Swallow.

After such an act, coupled with being deliberately publicized everywhere, Zheng Yiguan became a street mouse. Everyone shouted to beat him, and some people were dissatisfied with him, which eventually led to the collapse of his huge group. At the beginning, there were a large number of ships taken over from Li Dan. At this time, most of them had been either pulled away by their subordinates. If you do it alone, you will either be eliminated by Yu Xiaotian, and some of you will defect to Yu Xiaotian or other forces.

Therefore, acting in this era is completely im moral, and it is fundamentally difficult to walk in this world. Even if you are now strong, after a long time, you will be rejected by all the Jianghu people, and eventually there will be cracks inside, leading to the final collapse.

Yu Xiaotian takes this very seriously and always warns himself that he can't do whatever he wants because of his interests. Therefore, although he is not satisfied with the farming conditions in the freshwater area, he will never easily touch the interests of Yan Siqi.

However, although it is not convenient for him to grab Yan Siqi's territory now, it does not mean that he will give up the whole southern Taiwan, because in addition to the Jianan Plain, Taiwan also has the second largest Pingdong Plain, Yilan Plain and Huadong Zonggu Plain.

Among them, the Huadong Valley Plain and Yilan Plain are relatively small, but the Pingdong Plain is quite large. Even if he goes all out for development, decades or even hundreds of years may not be fully developed.

What's better is that the Pingtung Plain is located in the southernmost part of Taiwan Island. It has a flat terrain, high temperature, rich rainfall, fertile soil and rich groundwater. It is a famous hometown of fish and rice in Taiwan Island. It is not only suitable for growing large areas of rice, but also suitable for growing sugar cane. This For sea wolves, it is enough in a short time.

And there is also a natural port over there, that is, Kaohsiung Port in later generations. The port conditions are much better than the current freshwater river.

Yu Xiaotian didn't think about it before. First, it was because it was too close to the Dutch port, but because it was a tropical climate, the climate was hotter, and the threat of malaria outbreak was greater, so he did not dare to go there to grab territory at that time.

But now it's different. The Dutch sent a fleet this time to try to compete with him. As a result, they broke the halberd and sank in the battle of the Freshwater estuary. In the end, they were completely destroyed. In a short time, the Dutch could not show their strength at all, and sent a strong enough fleet to trouble him, so at present he is Taiwan Island can already walk horizontally, and even the Dutch can only stay with his breath.

If he doesn't want to completely expel the Dutch from the Bay Island and want to leave this trade route, he can easily expel the Dutch from Taiwan Island with his strength.

So the Dutch are no longer a threat. On the military side, he can safely and boldly march towards the dog port.

As for the problem of malaria, the sea wolf has also been initially solved. In the past three years, there have been a small-scale malaria outbreak in summer, whether in freshwater or chicken cage bay, but after the sea wolf strongly implemented the health system and greatly changed the local ecological environment, it has not been the most Finally, there was an unacceptable outbreak of large-scale malaria.

For a limited outbreak of small-scale malaria, the sea wolf's medical center has also found some ways to control it. In addition, it is also an effective way to strengthen the nutrition of immigrants and improve individual resistance.

The most important thing is the method proposed by Yu Xiaotian to treat malaria with artemisia as the main medicine. After repeated experiments by medical officers, they have also achieved certain results. First, they soaked them in cold water and let patients take water soaked in artemisia, and the condition has been controlled to a certain extent. zhi.

Now the sea wolf doctors began to use the method of alcohol extraction and obtained an chryspharia extract, which greatly improved the efficacy of the drug. Many malaria patients taking this new drug finally survived, which fully shows that chryscus chrysium has a very good effect on malaria.

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian believes that as long as he first burns a large area of wasteland after landing in Dagou Port, fills the dead ponds where various mosquitoes breed, and often sprinkles them at immigrant settlements, supplemented by drug treatment, he should now be able to control large-scale malaria transmission and outbreaks.

Of course, it is not realistic to completely eradicate malaria or eliminate malaria here. The key is that as long as a large-scale outbreak is controlled, even some people die are acceptable.

What's more, he now has a lot of labor on hand. Among these laborers, there are not only Southeast Asian monkeys who are constantly trafficked by pirates in the South China Sea, but also prisoners in war. Of course, these prisoners have to be identified first. For simple people, they will naturally remain as Effective human resources use, as for the eliminated scum and scum, they belong to the consumable labor force.

If he develops a dog port, then these consuming laborers are the best pioneers. Let them be responsible for transforming the living environment there first. Even if some people die, it is not a big deal for him.

As long as there are these disposable consumables in the early stage, when the environment there is transformed, the risk of malaria outbreak will be greatly reduced. In addition, in rice fields, starting to raise fish or ducks can also effectively prevent the breeding of mosquito larvae, and it is absolutely green and environmentally friendly. Various measures go hand in hand. It is not necessarily impossible to control the epidemic.

Based on these factors, Yu Xiaotian believes that the time is ripe to go south to occupy the dog port, so in the second half of last year, he continued to send some outposts to the dog port to start survey the terrain.

After preliminary preparation, he can basically start to act now, but before acting, he thinks it is necessary to talk to the Dutch first.

This time, after completing the occupation of Weitou Bay, he returned to Tamsui City to deal with this matter.

Wett was extremely frustrated during this period. He had been sending him a fleet of seven warships by the East India Company. He thought he could easily teach the sea wolves a lesson and let them know that the Dutch could not be provoked.

But what about the result? Thinking of the fierce battle that day, he still feels cold in his heart. He really underestimates the strength of these Chinese pirates.

Although the sea wolf's warships are indeed not as good as the Western-style warships he brought, and their firepower and ships are not as good as them, the sea wolf's fleet is more expensive. In addition, these pirates are well trained and not afraid of death, giving full play to their advantages. In addition, they also use various tricks, and they are even more fighting. He has no way to fight.

At first, his careless intentions also led to the destruction of his entire army. Nearly 2,000 sailors brought by him died and captured were all planted in the mouth of the freshwater estuary.

His failure this time is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the East India Company. In a short period of time, the East India Company may not be able to organize a fleet of this size and come here to fight against the sea wolf.

As a commander, he completely became the sinner of the company this time. Even if the sea wolf puts him back now and the company does not hang him, his future will be completely ruined.

At the thought of this, Waite felt that the future was bleak, but now he is not worried about the future. What he is most worried about is his life.

After these pirates caught him, they threw him into this prison. Although they didn't abuse him too much or beat him hard, their quality of life could not be too good. They just gave him a little life-sustaining food every day. Before the next meal, I was hungry and cran.

This is not the most uncomfortable, but the most uncomfortable thing is the disregard of these pirates. Since he was arrested, he has been detained alone. No one came to interrogate him, and no one told him what happened outside. Now they have been destroyed, and they don't know the company. Have you heard the news,

Wett couldn't guess whether someone would redeem him and these sailors or not. He wanted to inquire, but the sea wolves responsible for holding him did not understand Dutch at all, and unfortunately, he could not speak Chinese and could not communicate at all.

For such a long time, he could only look at the sky from the high dungeon skylight every day. For only a very short time every day, a trace of sunlight would shine through the cell through the skylight, but it was only for a moment, and the sunlight disappeared soon.