Daming Haiku

Chapter 244 Inequality Treaty

After listening to this sentence, Peter almost vomited blood and died on the spot. 200,000 taels of silver only bought the five-year lease of the old man and had to pay it five years later, and Peter left on the spot.

"You... Your Excellency is blackmailing! You...you...how can you do this?" Peter jumped up and pointed to Yu Xiaotian to curse, but he squinted at several sea wolves staring at him with cold eyes. Although he was extremely angry, he did not dare to curse.

Yu Xiaotian leaned back on the back of the chair, showing an old god. With a bad smile on his face, he said, "This is quite reasonable, even quite cheap. 200,000 taels of silver, you have obtained such a large piece of land, and it is still five years. This big member port will give it to you. We bring at least a profit of millions of taels of silver, but only 200,000 taels of silver. As a rent, it is actually very cheap. If you don't want to, I don't care. Presumably the British will be willing to rent a place on my land at a higher price!"

Peter's nose was crooked. If it hadn't been for Tamsui City, he believed that he would immediately pull out his sword and have a duel with this damn guy. Unfortunately, he was in Tamsui City at this time. He dared not make such a request at all, and looked at the tall Yu Xiaotian and his seemingly implicit With a body with great power, Yu Xiaotian gives people a leopard-like feeling. Even if he is given a chance to fight with this guy, it is estimated that his chances of winning are zero, and he may not even be able to get a move, and he will be killed by Yu Xiaotian.

"Okay! I promise! However, I also have a request that we should enjoy exclusive rights. After we rent out the members, you are not allowed to let other forces lease places in Formosa and establish ports!" Peter shivered for a long time and finally had to agree to this condition, but he still insisted on making his request.

"Yes! But it doesn't include building a business hall on my territory! Of course, this is under the premise of our happy cooperation. If you have any bad behavior against us in the future, then this agreement will be invalidated!" Yu Xiaotian immediately nodded and agreed to Peter's request, but still left a way out for himself.

Peter was so angry that he didn't know what to do. He was trembling all over his body. In Yu Xiaotian's words, he only promised not to rent other places for ports, but he had the right to let other forces rent places and build business halls. Although it was not convenient to build a port, it was still okay. It threatens their interests, but he still knows that people have to bow their heads under the roof. Now it's useless to say anything.

"In addition, I have other additional conditions, and you have heard clearly. Your leased land is limited to the current Dayuan Port, and you are not allowed to expand outside Dayuan Port. I will send someone to survey your current land and draw a boundary line. You can only move within your rented land without special permission and cannot leave you. Lease land, otherwise I can regard your actions as a hostile action. I have the right to deal with or attack those who leave your leased land without authorization!

Again! I can allow you to keep the projects you have built so far, but it is limited to this. You can't build and expand your castles in the future, excluding repairs on the basis, but you can't add new forts and walls! Except for dock facilities!" Yu Xiaotian threw another blockbuster without waiting for Peter to calm down.

Peter finally had a feeling of fainting. He sat in the chair and shook his body a few times, swallowed his breath, and said with difficulty, "But we need to protect ourselves!"

"You don't have to worry about this! As long as we cooperate happily, I can provide you with some protection. Once a third party forces attack you, I can send troops to protect you! So you don't need too much force! Because this is my territory, I have the final say!

I almost forgot that in the future, when my ships enter Dayuan Port to trade with you, they will enjoy tax-free treatment. In addition, my people will enjoy immunity. In addition, the ships you pass on my territory will have to pay me 3,000 taels of silver tolls every year. Otherwise, I can't guarantee the safety of your ships! "

Plop... Peter slipped out of the chair and to the ground.

The negotiations lasted for three days, and Peter and Yu Xiaotian, his subordinate Lin Yiyang and the personnel of the board of directors negotiated repeatedly and finalized the details one by one.

In addition to the previous issues related to the status of Dayuangang, they also negotiated the capture of the Dutch warship by the sea wolf.

Yu Xiaotian still resolutely rejected Peter's request to redeem those warships. His reason is very simple. First, these ships are the trophies of war, and he has the right to stay. In addition, these ships have been destroyed. Even if they are returned to Peter, they will not be able to sail back to Batavia and will definitely sink on the way. So there is no need to return it to them.

Peter proposed that they could pay some more maintenance fees to repair these ships in Tamsui City, but Yu Xiaotian also directly rejected Peter's request.

If Peter doesn't know how to ship, he can only continue to talk to the sea wolf and ask for the redemption of their sailors and other prisoners. Even if Yu Xiaotian agreed,

The ransom proposed by Xiaotian is still an astronomical figure. After calculating the price of nearly 100,000 taels of silver, Peter was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but there was nothing he could do.

Because these sailors are really important to them, now the Netherlands is expanding their territory all over the world. At present, they have the title of sea coachman. Of course, the demand for sailors is also huge. If they do not redeem these sailors, these sailors are in the hands of Xiaotian and can only be used as slaves. Sooner or later, it will be consumed.

If he doesn't find a way to redeem these people for a short period of time, his company may not be able to recruit so many sailors for a long time.

Because once the sailors know that they will not redeem these prisoners who fought for them, they will definitely not agree to work for them.

The result is that they may have a ship in the future, but no one will operate it. In this way, they will be in big trouble in the future, especially in Asia, which may cause them to have serious problems.

So no matter what they do, they have to redeem these sailors, at least to appease the sailors who are working for them now.

And Yu Xiaotian understood this and dared to extort so much money from the Dutch. Peter had no choice but to agree to Yu Xiaotian's conditions.

The negotiations advanced little by little under this extremely unfriendly situation. Yu Xiaotian proposed the general direction, leaving Lin Yiyang and the people of the board of directors to negotiate with Peter, finalize a detailed rule, and finally gradually write a document.

When looking at the peace treaty that was finally written in three languages: Chinese, Dutch and Spanish, Peter's eyelids jumped. After reading it from beginning to end, his heart was as bitter as swallowing a yellow link.

If such a peace treaty is sent to the company's headquarters and handed over to the company's senior management, it is estimated that these people will run away on the spot. When did the Dutch sign such a humiliating peace treaty with people?

And as the founder of this peace treaty, he will certainly be written into the history of the company and even the Principality of the Netherlands in the future and become a shameful sinner.

But is it okay if he doesn't sign it? Of course, he can not sign it, because there are too many problems involved in this peace treaty. He doesn't even have the power to sign it. He signed it for nothing.

Because such a peace treaty must be sent back to the headquarters before it can be signed with the approval of the company's senior management. If the company does not recognize this peace treaty, there is nothing he can do.

After finalizing all the terms, Peter was sent out of Freshwater City and returned to his ship, but this time as a gift of negotiation, Waite was also returned to Peter and brought back.

Of course, the peace treaty was also taken away from Tamsui City with Peter, followed by a long waiting time. Even if it is the fastest speed, it will take at least four months to go back and forth.

Yu Xiaotian set aside five months for him to decide whether to sign the peace treaty before sending Peter away. If they have not returned the signed peace treaty when the five-month time limit arrives, it means that the negotiation will be invalid. Sea Wolf will use force to forcibly withdraw the members and will The Dutch were completely expelled from the generals.

Peter promised bitterly. With the depressed Waite, he returned to the port by boat first. Peter did not dare to neglect it. All the way * the details of his negotiations with the sea wolf were originally told to Waite and wrote a long letter in person, stating in detail why he talked about such a deal this time. Result.

After a short two-day break, he sent Waite and a businessman who participated in negotiations with him with the sea wolf on board, allowing the ship to carry Waite and the businessman, as well as the peace treaty and Peter's letter, and rushed directly back to Batavia as soon as possible to state the senior management of the company.

As for how the senior management of the company decides, it is their business. Peter is very well that his governor has come to an end. He will definitely not be able to be the governor. When the company's ship comes back again, he is expected to leave here and replace him. It's time to come here with the ship.

And this time, the huge earthquake along the coast of Fujian also completely came to an end. Yu Xiaotian finally took his men on a fast lane to compete for hegemony and truly became the maritime hegemon off the coast of Fujian.

(Special thanks to the two brothers wdj1972 and stdx! In addition, shout, brothers, look at who has the monthly ticket in your hands, stay!)