Daming Haiku

Chapter 243 Rental Bill

Peter also saw this to grasp this point and repeatedly discussed the matter of retaining the staff with Yu Xiaotian, but this time he did not dare to threaten Xiaotian with a strong tone, because Yu Xiaotian saw his mind and said coldly:

"If Mr. Peter thinks that you are irreplaceable, then you are wrong. I can kick you out of the staff and just need to extend an olive branch to the British. Presumably the British should be very happy to take your place!"

Peter was scared into a cold sweat, but he still said euphemistically, "Although you can do this, don't forget that we are only now in control of Malacca!" If British ships want to transport Chinese goods back to Europe, they will definitely go to Malacca!"

Yu Xiaotian suddenly laughed: "This is not my concern. If the British see that they can get very rich rewards here, I think they will find a way to solve this problem!" That's what happened between the British and you!" Yu Xiaotian said this, with a bad smile on his face.

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, Peter had a desire to jump on and strangle him, because the surname Yu was really too bastard. If he did what he said, it would be equivalent to losing a bone and letting the Dutch and the British bite each other to earn this bone.

The British are still very weak in Asia, occupying only a small place and building a small number of commercial halls in Asia. Naturally, they have not tasted much of the benefits of trade with Daming.

Nowadays, the trade with the Ming Dynasty is mainly shared by the Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese. Even if the British can intervene, they just make some leftovers.

So without sufficient interests, the British will not mobilize a lot of manpower and material resources to invest in Asia for the time being.

But this does not mean that the British are not clear about the huge benefits of trading with Daming. In fact, the British have already seen how much benefits they can get by trading with Daming. Over the years, they have been trying to get a foot in close to China.

Many years ago, the British tried to rob Macao occupied by the Portuguese and sent a fleet to Macao to fight against the Portuguese.

However, the Portuguese prepared in advance, built a strong enough fortress, and mobilized enough troops for defense. As a result, the British could not capture Macao in the end and had to return.

Even the British sank two ships outside Macao. Later, the naval guns on one of the ships were salvaged by the Portuguese and sold to the Ming government, which made the Ming government begin to pay attention to the Hongyi cannon.

Over the years, the British have not given up this idea and have been looking for a suitable place to build a bridgehead for trade with China.

Unfortunately, the territory in the Nanyang area has been basically divided by the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal, and the British have never found a suitable foothold.

If Yu Xiaotian drives the Dutch from the staff now and invites the British to come and build a business hall, it is estimated that the British Queen can wake up with a dream. At that time, she will definitely find a way to mobilize more strength to join this feast and compete with the families they came first. Sit flat.

If the Dutch try to intercept the British merchant ships in Malacca, the British will not necessarily sit idly by and will definitely send a large number of ships to fight against them. It is really not certain who will die.

This time, Peter is really afraid of Yu Xiaotian. He no longer dares to put forward any threatening conditions with Yu Xiaotian. He can only beg bitterly that Yu Xiaotian should not attack the big members. As long as Yu Xiaotian agrees to keep them from doing business with the big members, then the Dutch are willing to pay some price to meet Yu Xiaotian's requirements.

Yu Xiaotian shook his head repeatedly and said, "There are not many things that you Dutch can take out. You can give me, and I can get them from other places. In fact, you don't have much to exchange with me.

In addition to silver, you must not be able to bring out much useful things for me!"

Although Yu Xiaotian's words seemed to be rejecting his request, Peter was not stupid. He immediately heard something else from Yu Xiaotian's words. Yu Xiaotian's words seemed to remind him that if he could offer the right conditions, then for them to stay with them. There seems to be some room for negotiation.

So he nodded quickly and said, "If the leader agrees, this time I can apply to the company to pay you some compensation as compensation for our presumptuous action. I hope you can retain our right to continue to do business as a staff member. I don't know if it's okay?"

Yu Xiaotian raised his eyebrows and looked at Peter. He frowned and didn't say anything for a long time. He seemed to be hesitating or thinking about something.

Seeing Yu Xiaotian's hesitant look, Peter quickly hit the iron and said, "We can compensate you for 30,000 silver coins!" I don't know if you are satisfied?"

As soon as Yu Xiaotian heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "No! You just want 30,000 silver coins to get the right of residence for the old man, absolutely not!"

Peter frowned. Although he felt that Yu Xiaotian's appetite was too big, he was still a little happy. He said so, it seemed that it could be solved with silver. As long as silver could be solved, then things would be easy!






"No, it's still too little..."

Peter's face is getting bluer and bluer. He keeps raising the price, but Yu Xiaotian always refuses to agree and always feels that it is too little, so that Peter's face is getting worse and worse.

In the end, Peter could only gritt his teeth and said, "150,000! Only 150,000! No matter how many, the company will never agree!"

"Two thousand, but two! Not silver coins! Your silver coins can be converted into the two we often use! One or two can't be missing!" Yu Xiaotian patted the table.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian is like a profiteer, and the lion said to Peter.

Looking at the color of Peter's face again, it was blue and white, almost turning into a palette. He gritted his teeth and stared at Yu Xiaotian, as if he could jump up and bite Yu Xiaotian at any time.

And Yu Xiaotian was also like a cockfight, staring into Peter's eyes without giving in.

The two stared at each other for a long time. Finally, Peter was defeated. He smiled bitterly, gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay! Just as you said, 200,000 taels of silver!"

"The color of silver must reach 90%, and if the color is not enough, it must be discounted!" Yu Xiaotian still did not give in at all, and then added a condition.

Peter's face trembled a few times, because now the silver and silver coins in their hands contain only about 70% of the silver, and the better ones are only 80%. 90% are basically pure silver. If they follow Yu Xiaotian's requirements, they will have to add at least 20,000 taels of silver.

But since 200,000 taels of silver has been determined, he can only grit his teeth and agree.

"If you are willing to pay me 200,000 taels of silver, it is not a loss for you! Because the goods you get after Dayuan Port every year are transferred back to Europe, at least the profit you make is far more than the money you pay!

Since I can block your Dayuan Port, I can let more merchant ships go to Dayuan Port to trade. Based on this alone, you will get far more benefits every year in the future than this.

And if you don't agree, then if you want to solve it by force, then it can't be solved with 200,000 taels of silver. Presumably, you will send another fleet. If you lose the war, you will lose much more than 200,000 taels of silver.

Also, I'm afraid that the money you have invested in Dayuan Port in the past two years is far more than 200,000 taels of silver! How can you make money this time? Ha ha!" Yu Xiaotian said proudly.

Peter thinks so. Now even if they want to defeat Yu Xiaotian and don't mobilize enough warships, it is impossible, but if they continue to use force, the price will far exceed 200,000 taels of silver in a battle, no matter whether they win or lose.

It's okay to win, at least there are war dividends to make up for the losses, but once you lose, you will have no money.

This time, Waite's fleet has a total of seven warships. Although the total value of these seven warships is less than 200,000 taels of silver, coupled with the materials on the ship and various artillery and weapons and ammunition, it still far exceeds 200,000 taels of silver. If you add the one or two thousand sailors on the ship, this number is at least It has to double again, because he knows better than anyone how difficult it is for a qualified sailor to cultivate.

A considerable number of the sailors on the ship brought by Wett this time are experienced sailors. These people are rich and can't buy them. Once the loss is too big, they will not be able to recruit so many sailors for many years, which is also the reason why they dare not come to masturbate the sea wolf and tiger beard in a short time.

But after this battle, Waite's fleet was completely destroyed, and the lost sailors actually made them feel more painful than the lost ships.

When this condition was negotiated, Peter finally breathed a long sigh of relief, but before he could relax a little, Yu Xiaotian threw out another additional condition.

"As long as you pay the compensation, you can continue to stay with the staff, but this is a time limit. This time limit is five years, which is equivalent to renting the staff to you. After five years, you need to continue to pay me the rent! Otherwise, I have the right to take back the staff when it expires!"