Daming Haiku

Chapter 246 Trade with Japan

Although they are only the outermost people of the sea wolf, now have sea wolves as their backing them, and Mao Shengyuan's guys also feel that there is light on their faces, so before Li Yi comes back, they have cleaned the shop long ago. However, Mao Shengyuan evacuated in a hurry at that time, and many heavy goods have reached the future. When it was raided by the government, they were all lost, either fell into the hands of individual officials and sold, or were stolen by some government officials.

Therefore, the losses of stores in Maoshengyuan are not small, and even the shops have been seriously damaged. Some boxes and cabinets that cannot be moved have been smashed. These things can only be repaired before opening again.

Li Yi returned to the store. After seeing these clerks and stewers, after comforting them, he began to order them to do things and invited many craftsmen to redecorate the shop.

In addition, he also began to negotiate with the government to recover the lost goods. At that time, when Yu Xiaotian and Cai Shanji were negotiating, the government did not dare to say no compensation, so after the negotiation, the government more or less took out some money and compensated Mao Shengyuan.

With the return of Li Yi, Mao Shengyuan reopened and began to be shipped to shops around the world and began to be sold on the shelves.

As soon as Maoshengyuan opened, merchants from all over the world immediately flocked to order various goods from Maoshengyuan. Even if they don't need them for the time being, they will come here to get some goods, at least to establish some friendship and cooperation, so as to pave the way for them to continue dealing with sea wolves in the future.

So Maoshengyuan's business was very hot as soon as it reopened, which also had something to do with the goods they had at hand. Because the soap and soap "created" by Yu Xiaotian were out of stock for several months, and it was already difficult to find on the market, and now these things have already become the pursuit of rich people. The luxury goods suddenly went out of stock and let them go back to use the previous soap corners and pancreas. They were really not used to it, so as soon as Maoshengyuan opened, they received a large number of orders.

In addition, the glass industry of the sea wolf has also been deeply rooted in people. If anyone has some money, if they don't buy a glass product, they will be embarrassed to say that they are rich, and new things like glass mirrors have attracted countless women. Now they have become very scarce in the market because they have been out of stock for several months. Not many people came here*.

In addition, the sea wolf has also grabbed a lot of goods through the military operations in recent months. These things are piled up in the warehouses of sea wolf everywhere. In addition to the things that the sea wolf needs to use, they will be transferred to fresh water or other places. Of course, some luxury goods will be disposed of.

Although the sea wolf has the business of maritime trade and can be resold to Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch, there are still many things to be sold on land.

And Maoshengyuan has naturally become a place to publicly sell stolen goods. In the past, they would have slightly restrained by doing this kind of thing, but now they have sold the stolen goods, which has become an open matter. The government does not even dare to fart, and can only stare at Mao Shengyuan sell these stolen goods.

Fortunately, Mao Shengyuan was able to reopen so quickly, which also gave them a complete sigh of relief, because in the past few months, although all the workshops in Nanri Island have been shut down, the workshops in freshwater and chicken cages have been continuously producing.

They have also hoarded a lot of various goods they have produced. Although Fujian's business has stopped and can still be shipped in Guangdong and Zhejiang, it will affect some of their sales after all. Now these goods can finally be realized.

For this commercial matter, Yu Xiaotian has now been handed over to the board of directors. Now there is a special commercial office under the board, which is temporarily responsible by Li Yi. There are two departments under the commercial office, one is responsible for export trade, and the other is responsible for the interior of Daming. Sales of goods.

Li Yi is now in charge of the power of the Commercial Office. This is because Li Yi has firmly stood on Yu Xiaotian's side and has not shown any betrayal or alienation from Xiaotian. Therefore, Li Yi has now completely gained the trust of Yu Xiaotian, so he set up a Commercial Office under the board of directors. Li Yi was responsible for everything. After all, he is the most professional, and there is no problem with loyalty. In addition to his overview of the major affairs of the business office, the overall trade within the matter is also directly under his control.

However, Yu Xiaotian handed over this external matter to Xu Xinsu, who had just been subdued by him. After this incident, Xu Xinsu's whole power has been destroyed by the sea wolf, so Xu Xinsu can be said to have no way out. He knows that he is even his family, and now his life is pinched. In the hands of Xiaotian.

Now the Fujian government has no way to take the sea wolf. If he doesn't work for Yu Xiaotian honestly, then Yu Xiaotian only needs one sentence to erase him and even his family. Even if his family is on land, no one can protect him.

In terms of the government, now he is afraid that Yu Xiaotian will be scared to death. The huge Weitouwan has been handed over to Yu Xiaotian's control, and he dares not fart. Even if Xu Xinsu has any ability, if Yu Xiaotian wants to destroy his family, the government will never risk tearing his face with the sea wolf again to protect him.

So after Xu Xinsu was captured this time, Yu Xiaotian did not kill him, and he himself was already frustrated. He knew that he was still useful for Xiaotian, so Yu Xiaotian would leave his life and save his life. He was already very happy. As for his business, he no longer wanted to do it.

What's more, Yu Xiaotian also has a secret contract with him, which gives him a condition that as long as he follows Yu Xiaotian in the future, Yu Xiaotian will not touch his family, nor will he touch his family's property, and will also provide them with protection.

In addition, in the business of foreign trade, Yu Xiaotian also promised to give him 5% of Xu Xinsu's shares. On the surface, this half of the shares do not seem to be many, but Xu Xinsu is very clear about how big Yu Xiaotian's current business plate is. In the past, he used to be a giant in Quanzhou, but he had a life at hand. Compared with the business of Sea Wolf, it is simply a small plate.

Even if Yu Xiaotian only gives him half of the shares, his income will never be lower than before every year, or even greatly exceed his previous earnings.

Since Yu Xiaotian has given Xu Xinsu such a condition, Xu Xinsu naturally has nothing to say. From all aspects, it is the wisest choice for him to turn to Xiaotian now, so Xu Xinsu can only start to work hard for Yu Xiaotian.

After Xu Xinsu submitted to Yu Xiaotian, the first thing he grasped was the trade with Japan. The first reason why he had to do it quickly was that he used to do this trade. In the past, he had a large amount of resources for trade with Japan and was most familiar with this area.

And Xu Xinsu used to have Li Dan as an ally in Japan, and the relationship between the two sides was quite good. However, after Li Dan's death, this matter was taken away by Zheng Yiguan, and Xu Xinsu and Zheng Yiguan were at peace and made a lot of trouble. Zheng Yiguan also cut off Xu Xinsu's trade with Japan.

In the past two years, Xu Xinsu has suffered a lot of losses, and Zheng Yiguan has also blocked his trade with the Dutch and constantly intercepted the merchant ships he sent to the officials.

Now that Zheng Yiguan was driven out of the coast of Fujian by Yu Xiaotian, Zheng Yiguan has lost the ability to continue to control trade with Japan, including himself, and has also lost a large supply of goods for trade with Japan.

Last winter, when Zheng Yiguan wanted to deliver a large number of goods to Japan, Zheng Yiguan was driven out of Fujian by Yu Xiaotian. After losing Fujian as the source of goods, he could not organize how many goods to be shipped to Japan.

In addition, his own strength was greatly damaged, and his men also dispersed a lot. About 70% or 80% of the ships were lost, which made him worse. Last year, he did not send several ships to Japan at all. At this time, there was a big gap in Daming goods in Japan due to the problem of out of stock.

Therefore, after solving the matter in Fujian, Yu Xiaotian immediately ordered Xu Xinsu to resume trade with Japan as soon as possible, taking advantage of Zheng Yiguan's weakest time to completely control the channels of trade with Japan and completely squeeze Zheng Yiguan out of this trade route.

But if you want to explore trade routes in Japan, you can't rely on your strength alone, because if you want to trade in Japan, you must have a license issued by the shogunate. Without this permit, even if the goods are shipped to Hirado, they cannot be sold, unless Yu Xiaotian now mobilizes a super-large fleet to give the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan. Destroy it, otherwise, this trade route cannot be opened by force alone.

However, Xu Xinsu just has such permission. With Xu Xinsu, coupled with his previous relations in Japan, as long as there are good goods that can be shipped to Pinghu, Zheng Yiguan, who has no source of goods, can quickly squeeze out this trade route.

So after the end of the New Year, the sea wolf's military operation was not completely completed, and the trade work with Japan began intensively.

Now the sea wolf has cultivated a group of fire chiefs, received the teachings of Spanish prisoners, has initially mastered some of the ability to sail long voyages without relying on landmarks at sea, and has also mastered the use of quadrants, that is, quadrants, right-angle meters and viewers, and has also imitated them, so that the sea wolf is now With the ability to no longer sail by needles.

In the past, due to the regression of China's navigation technology, after the Ming Dynasty, it could not sail directly to Japan. It could only rely on the compass needle road and make a big circle along the Ryukyu Islands to sail to Japan, so Fujian's trade with Japan was very important.

Most merchant ships have to sail from here, and then take a detour along the Ryukyu Islands and make a big circle to Japan. If they don't depart from Fujian, they can't sail to Japan safely.

However, in this way, it is equivalent to taking two-thirds of the road, so that a merchant ship can only leave for Japan in winter and return to Fujian after the spring of the following year, and can only run once a year.

(Special thanks for the reward of Yao Dao Wuwei's friends! In addition, I would like to thank you for your monthly votes! I am gratified by your support!)