Daming Haiku

Chapter 247 Enter the Dog Harbor

However, after mastering the technology of direct navigation, this situation can be greatly changed. As long as this trade route is opened, Seawolves can ship to Japan in any season every year in the future, so that they can quickly control trade with Japan.

Think about the benefits of doing this. People can only go there once a year in winter, while the sea wolf can run three times a year. When other people's goods are ready and are sent to Japan, the sea wolf's goods have long occupied the market. Not to mention that Zheng Yiguan has now become a water dog, even if his strength does not diminish, he continues to control this trade voyage. Line, the sea wolf adopts this method and can also easily defeat it.

And trade with Japan is a very profitable business at present. Japan also produces silk now. In addition, Japan has a lot of things to export. First of all, Japan is a silver-producing country. Japan has many silver mines. In addition, there are many copper mines. Every year, Japan exports silver and red copper to the outside, and they The red copper produced also contains a considerable amount of silver. After refining, in addition to obtaining pure copper, a lot of silver can be refined from it.

And Japan also exports a large number of Japanese knives. Japanese knives have always been very popular because of their excellent construction. Every year, Japanese knifemakers export a lot of Japanese knives and sell them to Southeast Asia or China, and the profits are also considerable.

In addition, Japan also exports folding fans, Japanese silk and other products, which are also very popular in Daming, so as long as this trade route is opened, it can bring at least a million taels of silver profits to the sea wolf every year. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian attaches great importance to this.

But he definitely can't go to Japan to do business in person, which requires a person to do this. The sea wolf did not have such a talent before, but now he has caught Xu Xinsu and can just solve his problem, so Xu Xinsu was pardoned by Yu Xiaotian and returned to his own use.

Just when the sea wolf won a complete victory, the Spaniards finally sent their compensation to Tamshai City. Since the defeat of Chicken Cage Bay, the Spaniards have also completely refused to continue to fight against the sea wolf. Although they took so long this time to send compensation to Tamsui City, but after all In the end, their agreement was fulfilled.

The reason why they delayed so long to fulfill the negotiated agreement is actually to wait and see the result of this conflict between Sea Wolf and Fujian officials.

The Spaniards feel that the sea wolf can't get through this level this time. If the sea wolf can't get through this level, then they don't need to fulfill the agreement signed with the sea wolf. Once the sea wolf is defeated, it will hurt their muscles and bones. Even if it is not wiped out by the officials and soldiers, it will attract other things. The coveted by Chinese pirates took advantage of their illness, so that the sea wolf would naturally have no way to block Fujian's route to Manila.

However, with the progress of the war here, the Spaniards learned about the situation here through various means. When they learned that the sea wolf first destroyed the Dutch fleet, and then defeated the officers' sailors and land divisions on Nanri Island, annihilating most of the officers' warships, the Spaniards no longer dared to hesitate.

Although Yu Xiaotian had not led his troops to attack the head bay at that time, the Spaniards immediately realized that the sea wolf had won this time, so they no longer dared to delay. Even if the silver that compensated the sea wolf was shipped to Tamsui City and delivered to the sea wolf.

Yu Xiaotian also ordered Liu Laoliu, Fang An and others in Tamsui City to fulfill their obligations and release a group of Spanish prisoners of war captured at that time.

Before these prisoners of war left, they had almost been squeezed out of oil by Yu Xiaotian and basically squeezed out everything he wanted. Now these people are no longer useful, and the sea wolf has captured a large number of Dutch sailors. Even if they return these Spanish sailors to the Spaniards, they can completely let Dutch sailors replaced them.

Therefore, the two sides also lifted the state of hostility, and the sea wolf side also completely withdrew the spoilers on the route from Daming to Manila and released the trade route to Manila.

Shortly after the truce, some Ming merchant ships began to sail from Weitou Bay and sailed to Manila to trade with the Spaniards.

Of course, after controlling Weitou Bay, sea wolves have opened up another huge financial source, that is, they began to collect sea taxes in Weitou Bay.

The merchant ships that were controlled in Yuegang were first concentrated in Kinmen and the central left area. Before the end of the war, Yu Xiaotian summoned these Tonghai merchants gathered in Haicheng and Quanzhou in the middle left and clearly told them that their ships would be prohibited from going to Yuegang for trade in the future.

In the future, if they want to go to sea for trade, they can only start from Weitou Bay and carry out trade activities on the side of Weitou Bay. When they enter and leave Weitou Bay, they have to pay taxes to sea wolves, otherwise the sea wolves will prohibit them from going to sea.

Each ship has to pay 1,500 taels of silver to the sea wolf every year to get the right to go to sea. Whoever pays the silver, the sea wolf will issue a sea wolf'stong xing order flag. Of course, it is only one boat. If some sea merchants have several large boats, they will have to pay 10,000 taels of silver to the sea wolf in a year.

This is a big burden for many sea merchants. Of course, it has caused a lot of opposition, but Yu Xiaotian doesn't talk nonsense with them. You can do it yourself. Pay the money to go to sea and then do business. If you don't pay the money, just wait for your boat to rot on the shore.

With this sentence, all sea merchants immediately wither, because although they don't want to, they can't refuse to agree. If they don't agree, they will have a difficult time in Fujian in the future, let alone talk about sea merchants. Although the price paid is not low, compared with sea trade, The tax is still affordable for them.

So they also had to pay, and this one does not only refer to the ships that unbound and unbound goods in Weitou Bay. Yu Xiaotian also sent news to sea merchants in other places in Fujian. No matter where they unbound the goods and go to sea, this money must be paid, and a dime is indispensable.

In this way, he is actually equivalent to including the smugglers who were previously scattered along the coast of Fujian into his jurisdiction. However, if any merchant ship is found on the surface of Fujian without a sea wolf flag, it is equivalent to disobeying Yu Xiaotian's order, then the sea wolf patrol boat has the right to confiscate its cargo. .

In fact, in history, Zheng Zhilong also adopted this method after controlling Weitou Bay, and Zheng Zhilong is more ruthless than Yu Xiaotian. He collects as much as 3,000 taels of silver for each large merchant ship, while Yu Xiaotian only collects 1,500 taels of silver at present, which is actually quite preferential.

The reason why he only collects 1,500 taels of silver at present is not that Yu Xiaotian is much more benevolent than Zheng Zhilong, but that so far, the sea wolf's sphere of influence is mainly in the coastal area of Fujian and has not expanded to Guangdong, so he gave these merchant ships. Once he puts the coastal area of Guangdong under control one day, he will raise this pumping water to 3,000 taels of silver.

Although these sea merchants all felt a lot of pain, under the powerful force of the sea wolf, they did not dare to say no, so just after the war stopped, some sea merchants who were eager to go to sea took the initiative to pay the pumping water first, obtained the right to go to sea, and drove away from Weitou Bay one after another. , headed to their destination.

Some sea merchants who are still waiting, when they see that their peers have paid money to go to sea, they dare not hesitate any more, because they are all doing business. Who doesn't know the reason why fast hitters are slow? Once they wait for too long, when those peers who pay money in advance to go to sea will occupy the market. They can only eat leftovers with others.

So no matter how painful they are, the money has still been handed over to Yu Xiaotian, received the passing flag from the sea wolf, and began to go to sea merchants.

However, although these sea merchants felt a lot of pain, after going to sea, they found the benefits of paying, because on the main routes along the coast of Fujian, the sea wolf's patrol boats had completely controlled the routes everywhere and inspected the passing ships.

After patrolling these sea wolves patrolling the channel, sea merchants found that their routes in this area have become much safer. Basically, they don't have to worry about being attacked by pirates on this area. As long as they enter the sea route controlled by sea wolves, they can easily and boldly hang up sea wolves. Give them the order flag to sail.

In this way, for them, it also improves the safety of navigation, and it is not a great disadvantage. After all, if the sea wolf does not establish such an order on the sea surface, there will be as many pirate forces on the sea, and if they are not careful, they will be robbed by pirates*, or even if the goods are carried by ships, including ships. The people on the board are going to be doomed. In that case, it will be a disaster for the sea merchants. It is enough for them to go bankrupt if a boat is robbed casually.

So if there is effort, there will naturally be a reward. After many sea merchants understand this, they will naturally no longer be so resistant to the sea wolf's pumping water from them.

After these things gradually stabilized, Yu Xiaotian put his energy back on the island of Taiwan again. At this time, the Dutch had been completely subdued by him, and he no longer had to worry about the threat of the Dutch, so his previous plan to develop a dog port also began.

Nowadays, the sea wolf has gained a lot of human, material and financial resources after this battle, which is no longer as cramped as when it occupied chicken cages and fresh water.

This time, it was much easier to develop the area of Dagou Port and carry out pioneering and cultivation. In March, the first fleets to Dagou Port began to sail from fresh water to Dagou Port.

This fleet consists of 30 cargo ships of various types. All ships are double mast ships. At least, they are large ships off the coast of China. Each ship has a displacement of more than 100 tons. The ship is full of personnel and materials, and three companies of army colleagues are also transported.