Daming Haiku

Chapter 250 Cement

Three large wooden turbines can power three factories at the same time. According to the previous method, such turbines seem to only power one hydraulic machine.

However, Yu Xiaotian still found a way to solve this problem. After repeated thinking, he thought of the transmission method of the sky shaft.

The sky shaft is actually a long iron or steel shaft. If it is placed on the ground, it is the ground shaft. This is a power method often used by factories before the widespread use of electric motors.

Along the sky axis, the machine can be placed under the sky axis. At a distance from the sky axis, a belt wheel will be installed on it. When the machine needs power, the belt can be hung on the wheel of the machine to provide power to the machine and start running.

As for the belt, there is definitely no rubber belt of later generations. We can only find a way to solve it. After many experiments, it is finally found that deer skin is a good substitute. It happens that Taiwan produces deer leather, and there are many, so the problem of this belt can be solved on the spot without causing too much trouble.

This method solves the problem that a water truck could only power one machine in the past, so that a large water wheel can power many machines. As long as the power can meet the needs, it can power more machines by increasing the length of the sky shaft.

In this way, a large-scale factory can be built, and larger-scale mechanized production can also be carried out.

It can be said that this set of turbine and sky axle system has laid a solid foundation for the mechanization process of sea wolves in the future, which is at least much more convenient than using animal power and manpower.

However, building such a hydraulic factory is not simple, because there are too many problems involved in it, and Yu Xiaotian does not have the energy to do these things at all, and because of the material problem, many parts need to be replaced by wood. No one knows what the strength is.

So Yu Xiaotian transferred Zhang's blacksmith out of the gun and became the chief engineer here, because after all, in addition to him, only Zhang's blacksmith knows the most about machinery. It has been nearly a year since Yu Xiaotian gave the mechanical notes to Zhang Blacksmith.

In this year, Zhang Blacksmith can be said to have plunged into this notebook, like crazy crazy to draw nutrition from it.

While looking at this notebook, he works in the shooting. Now the overall management of shooting has been handed over to others, and he has become an idle person, mainly responsible for some technical guidance. In addition, he is mainly responsible for improving the various tools used in shooting and artillery.

With this notebook, Zhang Blacksmith has a deeper understanding of mechanical knowledge. He not only begins to know it, but also gradually knows why. Many things that he did not understand before are gradually enlightened and figured out the truth after reading this note.

In fact, many times, some technical problems are not insurmountable gaps. The key is that some people can think of unexpected problems. Once they figure out and know the truth, it will be much easier to solve them. Therefore, Zhang Blacksmith, a mechanical maniac, some of whom even feel scratching their heads. The problem becomes much easier to solve.

After all, Zhang's blacksmith has profound iron experience and background, and his hands-on ability is strong. Yu Xiaotian can't catch up with it. Therefore, in Yu Xiaotian's view, some problems that are difficult to solve in materials and processing can be handled by Zhang's blacksmith after they arrive at the hands of Zhang's blacksmith. Solve it by law.

In addition, Zhang is not the only blacksmith who is now holding the talent in his hand. Through the efforts of these years, there are also many smart carpenters, masons and construction craftsmen in Yu Xiaotian's hands. With Zhang blacksmith to preside over this matter, it seems difficult to gather these masters together. Things were gradually conquered one by one under brainstorming.

This also makes the construction of this hydraulic plant less difficult to overcome. After the start of construction after the Spring Festival, the progress of the project here is still quite considerable.

In addition, human resources are also relatively abundant now, not to mention financial resources. Naturally, there will be no problem with the war dividends supported. A large amount of human and material resources have been invested in the construction site, making the progress of the project here moving forward every day.

Under the hard work of countless workers like ants moving, a dam was built in just over two months, and began to stop the river, and the reservoir began to store water.

As for the main building of the factory, it is not a problem. There is a large amount of wood at hand, and a wood drying plant and wood processing factory have been specially built in advance.

In addition, in order to establish this factory, the sea wolf also built a large brick kiln to burn bricks day and night to supply the factory.

Of course, in order to build this factory, Yu Xiaotian finally began to stir up cement. In fact, it is not difficult to burn cement. The key is the construction of cement kilns. Yu Xiaotian wants to build a large cement kiln in later generations, but it is still impossible. He can only use the earth method to build a vertical earth kiln first. Everything is simple. Let's do it first.

As for the raw materials, it is simpler. Around fresh water, clay, limestone and gypsum can be found. You only need to grind and calcinate to make mature materials, mixed with gypsum and grind them into powder.

Now the problem of the waterwheel is easy to solve. Yu Xiaotian asked the casting yard to cast some cast iron rollers to replace the original stone mill, specializing in raw material crushing and final grinding on the cement kiln.

Of course, fuel is a problem. The temperature of the cement furnace needs to be very high, and it needs to reach more than 1,100 degrees. The use of charcoal is obviously not enough, so it is still necessary to use coal as the raw material.

However, there is no coal mine in Taiwan at this time. Even if there is, it can't be found for the time being, and it can't be developed. It can only be purchased from land for the time being.

However, Yu Xiaotian began to prepare for the reserve of coal as early as a year. He bought a large amount of coal from Fujian, transported it back to Danshui City by ship, and specially selected places to accumulate and store it.

Although it has been suspended for half a year due to the war, they have still stored a considerable amount of coal, and burning cement is no longer a problem.

The biggest difficulty is still in the construction of cement kilns. Because the furnace temperature requirements are high, the ordinary furnace temperature is far from reaching, and we must find a way to improve the furnace temperature.

Fortunately, they already have experience in this. They have added a preheating furnace in front of the furnace, first heating the air blown into the furnace, and then blowing it into the furnace with a blower, so that the furnace temperature can reach the required temperature.

Others certainly don't know about this, but Yu Xiaotian still knows these things. Even if he has never eaten pork, he probably knows how pigs run, so he can still solve it. However, it is certain that this practice of local law will definitely not produce good quality, but he does not ask for the time being. It is very high, as long as cement can be burned, and the quality can be dealt with even if it is slightly worse. It is better than using clay and lime as a binder.

In addition, no one has experience in doing this, and it is impossible for him to burn cement in person. He definitely needs to train workers, which also requires a long process. After the workers gradually find out their experience, they can build larger cement kilns to produce better quality and more cement.

But the ideal is very plump, and the reality is often very skinny. Although the cement kiln was built and then began to produce, the results are very unsatisfactory. The quality of the fired cement is very poor, and it can't even solidify, let alone be used as a building adhesive.

After Yu Xiaotian personally led the experiment, Yu Xiaotian was very speechless about the cement. These things that looked like cement are rough and can't reach a fine enough degree, solidify slowly, and can't even solidify. Even the earth cement they used before can't catch up.

Such a result made Yu Xiaotian very depressed. After careful consideration, he began to take people to look for problems. After repeatedly burning several kilns, he finally found the problem.

First, the furnace temperature is not high enough, and secondly, there is a problem with the ratio of ingredients. After all, Yu Xiaotian is not an all-talent, but he knows more or less about how cement is fired, but he doesn't remember the specific raw material ratio. He can only grope for it, so the ratio of these kiln cement fired in the early stage is seriously inappropriate, so the quality is willing It won't work.

After they burned a lot of kilns continuously, they finally burned cement that could be solidified. Yu Xiaotian quickly asked the craftsmen to write down the ratio and took it for testing. As a result, they finally found that it could be used.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian asked the craftsmen to adjust and improve the structure of the cement kiln and improve the temperature of the blowing in front of the furnace, so that the product quality of the cement kiln can be slightly satisfactory.

Yu Xiaotian can't do anything about this, because all new things will inevitably have various problems in the initial experimental production, especially under the leadership of his half-hearted level, the possibility of failure is higher.

Only through continuous testing can the required products be made, and early waste is inevitable.

With the success of the test of cottage cement, the product quality of the cement kiln has somewhat stabilized, and it began to gradually produce cement and transported it to the construction site for use.

However, considering that the quality of such a soil cement kiln fired is really unreassuring, Yu Xiaotian specially instructed that the cement fired in each kiln must be sampled for testing to ensure that it can be used before it can be sent to the construction site for use. Otherwise, the factory he built may become For a tofu dregs project.

Taiwan Island is baptized by many typhoons every year. If the tofu dregs project is completed, God knows what problems will happen. If the house collapses and kills many skilled craftsmen, he will make a lot of losses!