Daming Haiku

Chapter 249 Dam and Hydro Turbine

After listening to this, Yu Xiaotian nodded. Now the cement problem is a problem that must be solved quickly. Although the machinery and equipment of firing cement cannot be solved comprehensively, as long as you think of a way, it can still be done. Modern machinery is definitely impossible, so the local method is put on the market, and the quality of cement is as long as As long as it can be used, you don't have to meet the standards of future generations. At least the output of soil cement is much larger than the current soil cement. The quality will only be better than these soil cement, and it will not be inferior to them. The worst is similar to them. Anyway, it will definitely be used.

So he nodded solemnly and said, "There is no problem with this. After I go back this time, I will immediately start to prepare and find a way to solve this problem for you. In addition, if it really doesn't work, you can do it on the ground, but it will take some time. As for the problem of the filter pool, you just have to prepare it. Well, let's build it with clay first and make do it temporarily. I'm afraid this matter of earth and cement can't be solved in a day and a half. It will take time.

In addition, you can arrange some weak people to organize to supply boiled water to labor. You are right. Although these scum are not regretful, after all, they are also human beings. If they are pressed too hard, they will rebound and there will be chaos!

If there are sanitary problems here, you should also pay special attention to them. You should build more toilets, and send people to clean them up. First, you can dig a large septic tank and collect human manure, including some rotten vegetable leaves and leaves, which can be piled up and rotten, and can be used as good fertilizer in the future.

In addition, we should pay close attention to those guys who keep ordering and urinating randomly, so that they can also develop good habits, so that the development here is not completed, but the epidemic will break out first!"

"The humble position is as ordered, and the inferior position will be arranged tonight. In the future, if any of these guys is unruly, let me see if I will skin them! Hey hey!" Ma Tiancheng responded with a smile. Once this guy loses his temper, he is no worse than Yan Youde, the general manager of the camp.

"Bearby the way, how did the locals react when you landed here this time?" Yu Xiaotian then thought of a very important question.

Because there are many indigenous tribes living in the area of Dagou Port, there were often some merchant ships or pirates here. Because of yau or other reasons, they went to Dagou Port to berth and rest, but they were attacked by local indigenous people.

So much so that many pirates or sea merchants have a chilling feeling when it comes to attacking the dog port. The natives here are very fierce and hate outsiders, which is also related to the fact that pirates often harassed them in the past. They regard all outsiders as enemies.

In addition, the indigenous people in this area are very tough and have the custom of liking headhunting. Sometimes they will suddenly launch an attack for no reason. In fact, they just want to get a few heads back and decorate their facades as decorations.

This custom has lasted for a long time in history, and many people will be afraid when it comes to the indigenous tribes in this area.

This time, the sea wolf came to develop a dog port on a large scale. If it wants to stand here, it will definitely conflict with the indigenous tribes, which also infringes on many interests of the local indigenous tribes. If the sea wolf wants to stand here, it will definitely drive out the indigenous people.

For the natives, sea wolves are actually real invaders and bad guys who come to rob their homes, so it is definitely impossible for them not to resist.

This is also the reason why Yu Xiaotian came to occupy the dog port this time and sent nearly 1,000 troops to three infantry companies and a naval company. In addition to taking care of these hard labors, another reason is to prepare for the attacks of these local indigenous people.

Hearing Yu Xiaotian ask about this, Ma Tiancheng immediately said, "The indigenous people here are really fierce. As soon as we landed here, they launched a large-scale attack on us. More than half a month ago, hundreds of natives suddenly emerged from the forest and fired arrows at our camp and dock. It was another bidding gun, which killed more than 20 of our unprepared hard labor.

Fortunately, the British organization counterattacked quickly and mobilized two infantry companies to fight with them. Although the indigenous people were fierce, after all, they could not compare with our people on the open terrain.

As a result, we killed more than 200 natives that day, and the rest were scared to flee back to the forest. These days, we sent some native auxiliary soldiers and scouts into teams to explore the surrounding area and found that three native tribes within about 20 miles nearby gave up their original village and did not know how to escape. Where is it?

It is estimated that it was the natives of these three villages who attacked us at that time, but after being killed by us a lot, it is estimated that the rest were also scared and dared not live nearby and fled into the forest!

I have ordered the reconnaissance platoon and the indigenous auxiliary soldiers to start searching farther away to find and find out the situation of the surrounding indigenous tribes as soon as possible!"

Yu Xiaotian lowered his head and thought about it. It is inevitable to have a conflict with the natives. I'm afraid it's not a matter overnight to make them agree that these people occupy here. If you want to stand firm here, you can't rely on any kindness. Force is their most basic guarantee, and necessary killing is not allowed. He didn't need it, so he nodded.

"Yes, these natives will certainly not honestly watch us stand firm here, so it is inevitable to use force, but at present, we don't need to expand too much. First circle the surrounding radius within 20 miles and expel the natives, as long as they are not big. Come on, then let's not kill them too much! You have to grasp this scale. If you are understaffed, I will send you two more recruit companies. In addition, from Danshui, I will send you 100 additional native auxiliary soldiers. It should be okay to cooperate with the veteran company!"

"Thank you for being the head of the family! If you can send me two more recruit companies and 100 native auxiliary soldiers, then the inferior position can be completely assured! These people are really a little nervous now!" Ma Tiancheng said with a happy face.

In this way, in a short period of time, a battalion of the army, plus a company of marines, and 170 local auxiliary soldiers, nearly 2,000 troops, can basically ensure safety on the side of the dog port.

Yu Xiaotian did not stay too much at Dagou Port. He still had too many things to do, but after briefly inspecting the construction of the dock and the pioneering camp near the dock, he pointed out some problems and asked Ma Tiancheng to rectify it. A few days later, when the fleet was unloaded, Yu Xiaotian led the fleet back to Tamsui City.

On the south bank of the Tamsui River, about ten miles away from Tamsui City, there is a small river flowing through a small mountain pass.

And this river has now been rambed by a stone and blocked by a dyke reinforced with logs, forming a small reservoir in the mountains.

In addition to providing irrigation for tens of thousands of hectares of surrounding land, the biggest advantage of this reservoir is that this reservoir can provide a relatively abundant power for sea wolves.

So far, Yu Xiaotian has not been able to make a steam engine, let alone an electric motor. In addition to animal power, only hydraulic and wind resources can be used.

After all, human and animal power is too small to last. Although wind power is relatively easy to obtain, it is affected by the wind and its sustainability is not good. Therefore, the best power resource in this era is still hydraulic resources.

However, the use of hydraulic resources is relatively large and the choice of location is relatively troublesome, but after all, this is the best guarantee of power at the beginning of industrialization.

When Western European countries first began to industrialize, practical steam engines had not been invented at that time, so most European factories were built by some rivers, which used hydraulic resources.

Some developed industrial cities in later Europe were often by the river, also because of the use of hydropower at that time.

So when Yu Xiaotian had developed to a certain extent in Tamsui City, he still decided to use hydropower resources to provide power for his industrial area.

If you want to use hydraulic resources, the hydropower provided by running water is obviously not enough based on the drop of the river. In the past, many watermills and hydraulic woodworking factories were built around Danshui City, but these are too scattered and difficult to control, and it is not easy to make full use of hydraulic resources.

After a period of survey of the water system around Tamsui City, Yu Xiaotian finally chose the address in this place and ordered the construction of a dam to stop the river and form a small reservoir.

Although the scale of this reservoir is not large and is nothing in future generations, it is still a considerable project in this era.

Fortunately, the human resources of sea wolves are not as scarce as before. They have gained a lot of human resources through purchase and war. When building this reservoir, tens of thousands of manpower were invested. In a few months, the dam was built and water began to be stored.

At the dam, three steps are divided into three steps, and three large wooden turbines are built. After the water is released from the dam and flows through the water wheel, it will push the thick wooden blades of the water wheel to start rotating.

The water wheel drives an iron shaft, which can provide power resources for the sea wolf, and these wooden water wheels are designed to be lifted and lowered. Once it is needed, the water flow can push the water wheel to power the iron shaft.

When you don't need to use it, or when you need to repair the wooden water wheel, you can lift it, and the iron shaft will stop rotating, which will be more convenient to use and repair. After all, this thing is made of wood, even if it is made of extremely solid wood, but this thing The strength is still not comparable to steel.

As for bearings, Yu Xiaotian can't make them yet, so they can only use iron wood to make bearings. The life will be relatively short and the rotation speed cannot be too high. Only after their industry develops to a certain extent and bearings and gears can they gradually replace this wood in the future. Structured water turbine.