Daming Haiku

Chapter 1 Dead Rabbit Cooking

After dealing with Yan Siqi's matter, there is only Chu Cai's group of people who are temporarily stationed on Dongshan Island. Chu Cai's relationship is different from Yan Siqi and Yu Xiaotian.

Although Chu Cailao has also avoided Xiaotian everywhere in the past two years and helped Yu Xiaotian do a lot of things, after all, he is not very close to Yu Xiaotian, and the two sides can be said to take advantage of each other.

Now as soon as the news that the sea wolf is going to be caressed came out, Mr. Chu Cai can't sit still. For a while, it can be said that it's like a funeral, and I don't know what to do.

But he could not stop Yu Xiaotian from being caressed. He could only watch the development of the situation. When Yu Xiaotian was caressed, Chu Cai almost collapsed on the spot.

Yu Xiaotian was given the position of coastal defense general. This position is clear that the coastal area of Fujian will be under his control in the future, and Chu Cailao has been living along the coast of Fujian for so many years, relying on eating along the coast of Fujian. If Yu Xiaotian wants to take away his job after being touched, he wants to take away his job. That can be said to be an easy thing.

So since Yu Xiaotian was caressed, Chu Cailao has been panicked all day long. Originally, he intended to simply abandon Dongshan Island and Fujian, and also imitated Zheng Yiguan and many pirates in Fujian, and went south to the coast of Guangdong to ask for a living.

But after all, he has been operating in Fujian for a decade, and his foundation and path are all in Fujian. At best, there are only some roads in Chaozhou in Guangdong.

What's more, now the peer forces on the sea in Guangdong are intertwined. There are as many large pirates, and they have already divided the territory along the coast of Guangdong. He hastily went south to participate in it, which will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism. The pirate peers in Guangdong will never look at such a large group of forces and take them The interests are divided into a large part, so he will definitely face countless enemies when he goes south. Whether he can stand firm or not is really unknown.

So he thought about it and couldn't make up his mind. He abandoned this side and led his troops south.

But just when Chu Cai Lao Zuou wanted to die of embarrassment, he suddenly received the news that Yu Xiaotian had sent a man to Yunxiaoyi in Zhangzhou Prefecture and asked to see him and ask him to go to Yunxiaoyi to talk about important matters.

And this time Yu Xiaotian sent someone to contact him secretly through a very private way. Obviously, Yu Xiaotian did not want more people to know that he sent someone to come this time.

Chu Cailao, who was worried, was a little confused by the sudden news. He didn't know why Yu Xiaotian suddenly sent mysterious people to see him, but with his intuition in the world, he still felt that this might involve his future. He didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly ordered someone to prepare and announced that he would go to the land to do something. He quickly landed and rushed to Yunxiaoyi.

Yunxiaoyi is actually Yunxiao County in later generations. It is said to be a post, but it is a big town. During the Wanli period, in order to prevent the Japanese, a coastal defense was set up here. In addition, a general judgment was added, which was specially responsible for the prevention of Japanese and preparing for the Japanese. However, in the year of Apocalypse, these official offices were gradually abandoned, making the base of Yunxiaoyi Originally, it became a place of three things, and it has always been an area where pirates go ashore.

And Chu Cai Lao is the most powerful in this area and is most familiar with the situation in this area. His eyes are everywhere, so Yu Xiaotian sent people to see him, but he doesn't have to worry that Yu Xiaotian will design to deal with him or be unfavorable to him.

However, after landing, Mr. Chu Cai carefully sent people to investigate the area of Yunxiaoyi and made sure that he did not find a large group of officers or other people arriving in the area of Yunxiaoyi. Therefore, Chu Cailao safely entered Yunxiaoyi, became a businessman, and lived in an inn in Yunxiaoyi. Inside.

In an upper room in the inn, Mr. Chu Cai saw a man. When the two sides met and announced their names and identities to each other, Mr. Chu found that the visitor was actually Lin Yiyang, the first counselor beside Yu Xiaotian.

Lin Yiyang came to Yunxiaoyi with only a few guards. He also disguised himself as a businessman and leisurely came to Yunxiaoyi.

Seeing that the visitor was such an important person, Mr. Chu Cai was quite shocked and was quite polite to Lin Yiyang, but Lin Yiyang gave him a huge shock and said, "Cou is in charge! Lin came here this time to save Chu's life!"

Mr. Chu Cai was shocked when he heard this and quickly asked, "What did Mr. Lin say?"

Lin Yiyang waved his hand to let the guards he brought out of the room and wink at Chu Cailao. Chu Cailao immediately understood and quickly drove his men out of the room, so that he could empty the whole room and not let anyone hear his conversation with Lin Yiyang.

Lin Yiyang and Mr. Chu Cai talked in the room for nearly two hours. Mr. Chu Cai walked out of the room in a sweat and unexpectedly left Yunxiaoyi overnight and rushed back to his nest.

A few days later, Chu Cailao suddenly sent several large shopkeepers to raid the coastal area of Zhangpu County, but was immediately hit by the sea wolf sailors and marchers who had just become officers and soldiers.

In this battle, several large shopkeepers under Chu Cai's old men were almost destroyed by sea wolves. In total, they surrendered and more than 1,000 captured thieves, sank more than 20 pirate ships, captured more than 30 large and small pirate ships, and the official won a rare victory.

And the only big shopkeeper, when he desperately broke through and fled back to Chu Cai's old nest on Dongshan Island, was also taken by Chu Cai on the spot and cut off his head with a knife.

In a few days, Chu Cailao led the crowd to give up Dongshan Island and retreated south to the coastal area of Chaozhou.

This battle was also the first battle fought as an officer and army after Yu Xiaotian was touched. It was also Yu Xiaotian's first vote for Xiong Wencan, which made Xiong Wencan feel happy and happy that he could not close his mouth. He wrote the medal in his own night, and sent someone to send him to the capital to play the victory at dawn.

Originally, Xiong Wencan was still worried about Xiaotian's mercy this time, because Yu Xiaotian was really too strong and left a way out. He originally tried to divide Xiaotian's internal division by appointing officials to Yu Xiaotian's generals, but he didn't expect that Yu Xiaotian downplayed his plan. Disturb.

Although the generals under Yu Xiaotian also accepted his appointment, they finally refused to go to some places according to his plan, but resolutely asked to stay under Yu Xiaotian's command. As a result, Xiong Wencan finally fell into a bamboo basket and made him look in the mirror. It's not human inside or outside.

This matter really worried Xiong Wencan for several days, because he knew that Yu Xiaotian had seen his intention of doing this, and was afraid that Yu Xiaotian would break up with him because of this matter, turn out of the center and left, and return to the sea to be his pirate leader again.

But a few days later, Yu Xiaotian did not respond, and according to his instructions, it was hosted by Cai Shanji and Xie Longyi in Weitouwan and adapted his men, which made Xiong Wencan's heart return to his stomach for many days.

However, Xiong Wencan didn't dare to do anything more, but he was afraid to provoke Yu Xiaotian.

In less than half a month after Xiaotian was appeased and adapted in Weitou Bay, Xiong Wencan ordered Yu Xiaotian to completely eradicate Chu Cai, who had been on the coast of Zhangzhou for many years.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian knew that this was Xiong Wencan's first test of him, so he sent Lin Yiyang to secretly go to Yunxiaoyi and see Chu Cailao. After that, there was a battle to suppress thieves in Zhangzhou.

However, only Yu Xiaotian and very few people around him know the reason. That is, many large-scale shopkeepers under Chu Cai's old hands. After learning that Yu Xiaotian was being caressed, they had a different heart for Chu Cai. On the one hand, they secretly tried to contact Yu Xiaotian and defected on Yu Xiaotian, but on the other hand, they secretly tried to unite. Kill Chu Cai's old man.

Their secret activities were quickly investigated by Yu Xiaotian and notified Yu Xiaotian as soon as possible.

Yu Xiaotian, Lin Yiyang and others have carefully discussed this matter. Although Mr. Chu Cai is not an ally of Shanghai Wolf, he has been quite obedient to Xiaotian in the past two years. Whether it is to deal with Zheng Yiguan or the government, Chu Cai Lao did not secretly stimp. On the contrary, he took the initiative to help Yu Xiaotian. .

In addition, since the Battle of Nanri Island, when the sea wolf's merchant ship passed through the territory controlled by Chu Cailao, it was basically not looted by Chu Cailao. On some times, Chu Cailao's men met the Shanghai wolf's merchant ship and would take the initiative to escort a journey.

And last year, Mr. Chu Cai took people to hunt in the sea of Guangdong. He happened to hit two sea wolves to transport goods in Guangdong and was besieged by a group of pirate ships. Chu Cai did not watch, but rescued the two sea wolves' merchant ships. After that, he also sent a ship to escort them back to Nanri Island.

These things fully show that Chu Cailao now has surrendered to the front of the sea wolf, and no longer has the idea of fighting for the sea wolf. He takes the initiative to show his goodwill to Xiaotian everywhere. Therefore, with this, Yu Xiaotian feels that putting him to death now does not seem to be so in line with his attitude.

However, if Mr. Chu is eliminated at this time, it will also be quite good for the sea wolf, that is, the sea wolf can take advantage of the situation to collect a group of Mr. Chu Cai's men and successfully bring the coastal area of Zhangzhou Prefecture into the scope of control. The benefits are very obvious.

However, Lin Yiyang expressed his opposition to putting Chu Cailao to death now, because Lin Yiyang said four words to Yu Xiaotian: "Rabbit dead dog cooking"

In this way, even if Yu Xiaotian completely dispelled the idea of killing Chu Cailao, he sent Lin Yiyang to Yunxiaoyi and sang such a good play with Chu Cailao.