Daming Haiku

Chapter 2 Rampering in the Country

As for Chu Cailao's temporary abandonment of Dongshan Island and retreating to the coastal area of Chaozhou, Guangdong, it is also an agreement between Yu Xiaotian and Chu Cailao.

Although Yu Xiaotian is now supported by Xiong Wencan in Fujian, and his status is relatively stable for the time being, Yu Xiaotian also understands the truth of rabbit dead dogs cooking and birds hiding.

If the sea wolf is the only one in the coastal area of Fujian, it will become the object of fear in the imperial court sooner or later. The necessity of the existence of the sea wolf will certainly be greatly reduced. The Ming Dynasty has always been worried about the self-respect of the generals and tried his best to limit it. Once he feels that there is no need for Yu Xiaotian, he will definitely The court and the government will do everything they can to weaken and divide the sea wolf in the future. Even if they want to see the dagger, it is not impossible to kill them in Xiaotian.

So raising bandits has become the most realistic choice at present. Unfortunately, he did something too well before. Some famous bandits along the coast of Fujian are almost cleaned up by him now. Even if there are no individual forces killed or annexed by him, they have no choice but to escape from Fu. To build a coastal area, either go north to Jiangsu and Zhejiang coastal activities, or run to the coast of Guangdong and Guangxi to survive.

Even some pirates were forced to leave their hometown in desperation, simply ran to Nanyang with their men, settled down there, and continued to do their business of cutting paths and robbing boats.

As a result, there are really few pirate forces on the coast of Fujian that can pose a threat to the coast of Fujian.

Now Chu Cailao and Yan Siqi are probably the last two pirate forces that can cause the government to be afraid. If he is eager to make progress at this time and even the two groups of them are annexed and killed, then it is estimated that he will soon become the object of Xiong Wencan's fear.

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian finally adopted Lin Yiyang's suggestion, retaining Yan Siqi's independence, and also preserving part of Chu Cailao's strength.

On the surface, Mr. Chu Cai temporarily withdrew from the coastal area of Fujian, but he still maintained a secret contact with Yu Xiaotian in private. Once necessary, Yu Xiaotian only needs to release water, and Mr. Chu Cai will go north and return to Fujian's coastal activities. This is probably the most realistic version of self-respect.

Of course, Xiong Wencan, as the governor of Fujian, certainly did not know these tricks of Yu Xiaotian. Just a few days after he ordered Yu Xiaotian to expel Chu Cai from the coast of Zhangzhou, Yu Xiaotian passed on the news of the victory. Xiong Wencan was extremely happy about this great victory, which was his consolation. After Yu Xiaotian's move, the first harvest he got could finally make a special book, so he personally wrote a memorial and reported it to the court to ask for Yu Xiaotian.

Moreover, Yu Xiaotian's action did not invite any officers and soldiers from Fujian to participate in this time. At the same time, he did not ask Xiong Wencan for more food and salary supplies, but basically used his own people and materials to handle the matter alone.

After the incident, Yu Xiaotian's headquarters captured more than 300 pirates. In addition, more than 1,000 thieves under Chu Cai's old men were captured. Yu Xiaotian was not detained and sent to the government for disposal.

Such credit will make people jealous, so officials in Zhangzhou Prefecture and Quanzhou Prefecture have secretly found Yu Xiaotian and want to enrich it from this credit. Yu Xiaotian was not stingy, giving them the first 50th level of the thief respectively, and also sent more than 100 people to capture thieves.

Even in the war report he submitted, he did not forget to give Cai Shanji a credit, highlighting that Cai Shanji, the deputy envoy of the sea, made them achieve such a great victory.

When Cai Shanji learned the news, he was immediately happy to close his mouth. He mentioned to his wife and concubine many times in the inner house that although Yu Xiaotian used to be a sea bandit, he really knew how to be a man. Invisibly, he looked at Xiaotian again. In addition, he secretly remembered Xiaotian's practice and decided to be well in the future. Yu Xiaotian.

So far, Yu Xiaotian has completely gained a foothold among Fujian officials and has become a well-recognized coastal defense general.

Of course, when Yu Xiaotian was doing these things, he naturally did not forget to operate the Weitou Bay and open up the dog port. Since he was comforted, he immediately recruited craftsmen in the Weitou Bay and began to build a large number of various port and dock facilities.

He personally led people to survey the hydrological situation and geological topography of Weitou Bay, and divided Weitou Bay into several ports according to the terrain. Among them, a lighthouse was set up in the Weitou corner south of Fuquan to provide instructions for ships entering and leaving Waitou Bay at night.

In addition, in the west of the head corner, migrant workers were recruited to build a seawall more than 100 feet deep into the sea, forming a bay corner that can avoid wind and waves. On the inner side of the bay corner, a pier with a total of five trestle bridges was built, which officially became the home port of the second fleet of the sea wolf.

In addition, several wharfs have been built inside Weitou Bay for commercial ships to dock and load goods. A wharf has also been built on Kinmen Island and Xiamen Island for warships to dock, so that Weitou Bay officially has the ability to access the sea port, allowing a large number of merchant ships and warships to berth and load and unload goods.

As for Yuegang, since it was destroyed by a fire by a sea wolf, coupled with the ** power of Xiaotian, the previous merchant ships no longer dared to trade in Yuegang and could only enter Weitou Bay for trading, so that after suffering this disaster, Yuegang has not recovered its previous grandeur and completely declined. .

Many merchants in Haicheng County are looking at the depression of Yuegang. No longer have been prosperous in the past, and no more merchants have poured into Yuegang. With the government's own financial capacity, it is impossible to repair various facilities such as docks and other burned. In this way, many merchants who were originally perched around Yuegang can only have no Nai gave up Haicheng and began to move to Tong'anweitou Bay to find new opportunities to make money.

Yu Xiaotian was also guided by the situation. After careful investigation, he finally chose another time and space in the area where Zheng Zhilong once established Anping City, demarcated a large area and built a large wharf for mainland merchants to gather in this area and trade with sea merchants, so that more goods can be Board the ship from here and go to sea.

In this way, as long as someone is guided by the s situation, driven by the instinct of merchants, in just a month or two, a large number of merchants flocked to this area and began to sell land and build shops, making the originally depressed area almost overnight, and suddenly became lively, with a large number of workers every day. I rushed here to find work, and the shops rose up one by one, making the originally low land price increase dozens of times in a short period of time.

Yu Xiaotian, as the originator, had already acquired all the land in this area in his own hands by both soft and hard means, but just not in his name, but put all the land in this area under the name of Zhao Mazi. Jia wants to buy land and build shops here, so he has to buy land from the sea wolf.

In this way, only one income from the land sold to merchants to build shops made Yu Xiaotian earn a lot of money, making dozens of times more money.

In addition to here, Yu Xiaotian also buys land around the Waitou Bay area, because he knows very well that as long as the Weitou Bay is built as a commercial port in the future, the surrounding land will definitely increase significantly. Multi-real estate trading is still a way to make a fortune. How can Yu Xiaotian let go of this opportunity?

Of course, the acquisition of land is not as simple as expected. In addition to the business opportunities he saw here, of course, there are also smart people who see business opportunities from the current situation. There are also people who want to buy land in this area, including some original local landlords, who are not willing to easily sell the land at this time. .

But when Yu Xiaotian wanted to buy these lands, things became much simpler. Yu Xiaotian was not afraid to bring more hatred for himself. It can be said that he is both soft and hard for these landlords. First, they buy them with money. It doesn't matter if the price is high. As long as they are willing to sell it, but some of them are really not open-eyed. What do they say? No one will give up this fat meat.

For some people who only own a small amount of land, Yu Xiaotian ordered the board of directors to offer them a price far more than the market price and try not to bully them, but for those landlords who own a large amount of land, there are no such good conditions.

So these stubborn landlords are unlucky, and they don't even need Yu Xiaotian to secretly instruct them. It's just a group of guys in the board of directors responsible for the acquisition of land. Some local ruffians will immediately flock to the door and begin to find endless troubles of these landlords.

The ruffians have all kinds of shady means. As long as they want to do something, it is really not too difficult. In the past, these land ruffians could not afford to provoke. These landlords are all local gentry. Who has nothing to do with the government? Under normal circumstances, the ruffians dare not provoke them, otherwise they will use their mouths, and the government will send business to arrest these ruffians into the government, and gently beat them. If the owner is not satisfied, he can spend some more money and kill them on the spot, and there will be no consequences.

But now it's different. They have Yu Shen to support them. What else are they afraid to do? Even if these landlords and gentry complain to the government office, now as long as they hear that it is related to General Yu Xiaotian and General Yu, these Quanzhou officials are unavoidable. How dare they touch the bad luck of General Yu?

At first, some chief officers in the government office did not know the tricks in it. After receiving the owner's money, they immediately ran to arrest people, but before they could catch them back to the government office, they would be guaranteed by a piece of guarantee from the generals. Some inconvening guys also tried to do tricks secretly. He beat those trouble-maker ruffians, but within two days, these blind guys disappeared inexplicably.