Daming Haiku

Chapter 3 Unbridled

After such a period of tossing around, the officials and public officials in the surrounding government can completely understand who is standing behind this. Who dares to fight against General Yu again! As for those blind guys, they disappeared when they disappeared. Together with Anzhi County and Nan'anzhi County, they did not dare to investigate, but everyone knows that these blind guys have been dragged to the sea and have now become fish food!

After learning from the past, the officials and officials of the government office of Tong'an County and Nan'an County have gained a lot of wisdom. Since General Yu wants to buy your land, that's to give you face. It's wrong if you don't sell it. Now that you are in trouble, you dare to come and let us come forward to touch the evil head. You We don't think it's a long life. I don't think it's a long life. Let's go!

So these landlords and gentry were made to beg for help by these ruffians. In the end, they could only bear the pain and sell their land to Yu Xiaotian. Of course, after this disturbance, of course, they will not want to sell at a good price. Even if they want to sell, Yu Xiaotian doesn't want it! If they don't overwhelm the price, they can't even sell it. No one dares to take over, so they can only pinch their noses and admit it.

During this period, some people also went to Quanzhou Prefecture to complain to Shen Jiaochu, the governor of Quanzhou. Shen Jiaochu had no choice but to send someone to negotiate with Yu Xiaotian and wanted to restrain Yu Xiaotian, but the people sent returned to Quanzhou in disgrace, because General Yu was too busy to meet them at all.

As a result, Shen Haochu had no choice but to do anything about it. He was secretly angry and complained to Xiong Wencan or Cai Shanji, trying to ask the two bosses to come forward and beat Yu Xiaotian, but Xiong Wencan did not say anything about it and did not know it at all, while Cai Shanji scolded Shen Changchu, the governor of Quanzhou. It makes Shen Changchu even more helpless about this.

The good thing is that Xiaotian is not the kind of person who doesn't talk at all. After this big deal, he secretly sent someone to send a generous gift to Shen Changchu. In the face of Xiaotian's generous gift, Shen Changchu can only pinch his nose and admit it.

As for those victims, of course, they are unwilling to find a way to find a relationship, let some so-called clean people shout injustice for them, and want to impeach the general for disaster, bully the market, buy and sell, and collude with the ruffians, but these voices have no effect at all in the current situation.

Because Yu Xiaotian is very clear that the court in Beijing has been chaotic, and no one is interested in paying attention to these little things happening in a corner of Fujian at this time.

And the most important reason is that today's emperor is "sick"!

In August, shortly after Xiaotian's caress, the historical giant wheel still maintained its great inertia and pushed forward. It seemed that the wind blown by Xiaotian, a small butterfly, did not have any impact on the fate of today's Mingxizong comrade Zhu Youxiao.

This great carpenter emperor is still addicted to pleasure under Wei Zhongxian's power all day long. As always, he is unwilling to care about the affairs of the world.

Naturally, his fate has not changed. One day in August, the great carpenter emperor, as in the history of time and space, accompanied by Comrade Wei Zhongxian and the wet nurse Keshi, who had hooked up with Comrade Wei Zhongxian, went on a boat to play. Drink on a big boat in the shallow water north of the bridge. He went to deep water to row with Wangtiqian, Wei Zhongxian and two trusted eunuchs, but the boat was overturned by a gust of wind and accidentally fell into the water and almost drowned.

Of course, under the protection of the eunuchs, the emperor had no possibility of drowning on the spot. After finally filling the lake, he was saved by the eunuchs, but this accident still shocked the emperor deeply, plus After soaking in cold water for a long time, coupled with his body that was usually hollowed out by wine and color, the originally healthy and young emperor finally fell ill like a mountain and fell completely on the dragon bed.

Although the news of Yu Xiaotian in the capital is not very well-intened, since last year, he has conveniently used Maoshengyuan to lay out in the north, causing Li Yi to establish Maoshengyuan sub-numbers in some important towns in the north in batches. Even if conditions do not permit, he sent some detailed works first to station in some important towns in the north. Among the deployment, find collaborators or collect important local information.

In the past, Yu Xiaotian wanted to do these things, but he was obviously powerless, because the funds needed to lay such a large intelligence network and commercial network were massive. In the past, Yu Xiaotian concentrated on developing his strength. Such things could only be temporarily postponed, but since last year, the income of the sea wolf has been enough to support He did such a thing, so since last year, he began to choose people to send to the north during Li Yi's spare time.

These people are all covered by business travelers, and they don't take many people with light cars. They take some goods from land or sea to start the deployment of important towns in the north.

If you have the conditions, you can open a shop first. If you have no conditions, you can live in the local area first, find a way to build a network, find the back, Taiwan, or find partners to cooperate * Sea Wolf's products.

Sea Wolf is currently used as a fist product of glass products and soap soap. With the solid foundation of Tamsui City and Keelung Fort, the scale of the workshop can be said to be expanding, and the output can be initially supplied in large quantities for sale in the north. Moreover, Yu Xiaotian has always controlled the shipment volume and adopted the method of hunger sales. Finally, let these two flagship products remain at the high-end consumption level to ensure greater profits.

With the current sales strategy and sales network of Sea Wolf, the profits that these flagship products can produce are definitely dozens or even hundreds of times the cost. It is not an overdone to say that it is a huge profit, in exchange for massive profits, and the supply of Sea Wolf can continue to strengthen the army.

In this era, people like sea wolves, who have their own production capacity industries are really rare. Although some sea owners, on the one hand, are pirates, also control the source of production and have their own products for sale, but most of them are downstream products, such as sugar, porcelain, raw silk and other things, such as Such a high-end and profitable business is absolutely only available to Yu Xiaotian, and there is no other centimeter.

And setting a point in the capital is, of course, the top priority in this matter. It is not only the capital, but also Nanjing is also the focus of the layout. These two filial piety can be said to be for the layout, do not hesitate to invest heavily, and the selection of personnel are also the most elite personnel that Hailang can choose at present.

Therefore, with the opening of money and the strength of personnel, the Maoshengyuan sub-number on the side of Beijing Normal University opened for business more than half a year ago, and as soon as it opened, customers were full of customers, and the business was quite booming.

In fact, it is no wonder that the more places like Beijing, the higher the demand for high-end consumption, and the more rich people. Every year, the funds flowing to Beijing from all over the country alone are huge. In addition, with the psychology of comparison between rich and rich people, they also want to. Even if they are reluctant to spend money, the power in their hands is automatically sent to them.

The right not to expire, which has always been an unbreakable truth since ancient times. The more officials there are, the stronger the demand for this market.

What's more, after years of tempering glass products, the production technology has advanced rapidly. Nowadays, the glass products produced are not only rich in variety, but also rich in color. It can be said that they are colorful and beautiful. The number of such products is also very small, so each one is valuable.

When the first batch of goods were listed on the Maoshengyuan sub-number in Beijing, it immediately caused a huge sensation. It is said that even Wei Zhongxian, the largest powerful minister in the Ming Dynasty, was shocked and sent people to Maoshengyuan to take a look. Then the first batch of products on the market were immediately swept away.

And the shopkeeper sitting in Jingshi is also very good at being a person. He actually sent Wei Zhongxian a set of exquisite glass wine sets and tea sets through the doorway, which made Wei Zhongxian regard it as a rare treasure and loves it very much.

So in a short time, the Maoshengyuan sub-colon of Beijing Normal University stood firmly on the mountain. At first, some people wanted to coveve them. When they found that the Maoshengyuan sub-colon actually caught such a backer, no one dared to touch them anymore.

So now the news of Jingshi can be easily collected through this Maoshengyuan subcolon. Once something big happens, they will soon know the news. Every month, they will regularly compile the news into a pamphlet to send the news back to Yu Xiaotian by sea through the people who regularly deliver goods to the north by sea wolf. .

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian can actually receive some targeted responses to the dynamics of Beijing than the officials in Fujian at the first time.

Yu Xiaotian was the first to receive the news that His Majesty was seriously ill in August, so Yu Xiaotian specially sent the news to Xiong Wencan, and also added some of his judgments. He vaguely pointed out that something might happen to the capital. Please prepare in advance.

When Xiong Wencan received the news from Yu Xiaotian, he didn't believe it at first, but he thought that Yu Xiaotian might have his own means to find out the news from the capital, so he didn't dare to believe it. After thinking about it, he sent his cronies to the capital and immediately rushed to the capital and began to inquire about the news while doing a good job. Be prepared to deal with possible situations at any time.

More than ten days later, the news came from the capital, confirming that the news given to him by Yu Xiaotian was true, so Xiong Wencan had to look at Xiaotian with some new eyes.

Although he didn't know what means Yu Xiaotian used to send the news of the capital back to Fujian so quickly, he thought that the sea wolf made a living from the sea, and there were often sea boats traveling between the north and the south, which must also be used to convey the news by this means.