Daming Haiku

Chapter 73 spies

After the horse fell down, the rebel cavalry fell to the ground, as stupid as pigs, unable to struggle, and cursed angrily. Such a scene attracted some villagers watching the battle on the wall to shout, but the remaining rebel cavalry pulled their horses and ran away, and could no longer care about chasing and killing the refugees.

Zhang Tao was angry and wanted to spit blood, but for him, the cavalry was the elite in his hand. If he forced them to chase and kill the refugees, it would not be cost-effective if it was consumed, so he had to order Mingjin to withdraw his troops, but even so, he still lost more than 30 horses in front of the battle, making his flesh painful to death.

This time, Zhang Tao felt a little scared. More than 100 cavalrymen, in the high-speed gallop, were actually knocked over by their opponents by more than 30 people. Such a loss was so great that people couldn't help but be shocked. If it came a few more times, I guess his cavalry would have folded here this time.'

So he no longer dared to send cavalry to show off his power in front of the two armies. He was so angry that he could only sit and wait for the Hongyi cannon behind him to come up, and then consider attacking Xishan Village.

At this time, the remaining refugees finally fled to the village gate, knelt outside the village gate, kowtowed repeatedly, and loudly begged Xishan Village to open the gate and let them in for refuge.

At this time, Wu Shengtian made the people in the village ready to accept these refugees and made an open space to surround the villagers. Then he ordered the gate of the village and let the refugees enter the village.

The suspension bridge was slowly put down by the ruggles and put it on the trench. The suspension bridge assembled with heavy logs fell to the ground with a roar. The thick hemp rope of the arms of the suspension bridge on both sides was in a tense state at any time. It can be seen that as long as you give an order, the suspension bridge will be opened immediately.

And the soldiers in the village gate were all put on bayonets, and the bright bayonets pointed to the village door. The village gate was slowly opened from the inside. As soon as the village gate was opened, those desperate refugees, with tears in their eyes, crying and swarmed in and rushing towards the village.

The refugees are really scared at this time. They are afraid that they can't enter the stockade slowly, so you pushed me and squeezed onto the suspension bridge. The suspension bridge made a creaking sound. Some people are weak and can't squeeze others, and they are accidentally squeezed into the trench under the suspension bridge.

In the trench, Liu Di and Wu Shengtian have ordered to bury a lot of sharp wooden piles in advance. After pouring water, they froze the sharp wooden piles firmly. As soon as they fell into the trench, they were immediately pierced to death on the sharp wooden piles. The screams sounded one after another, and blood splashed out of the height, which made people feel miserable.

So someone above shouted, "Don't squeeze! Come in one by one. If anyone is crowded, put away the suspension bridge so that you can't wait for anyone to get in! Slow down, don't squeeze..."

In the scolding of the soldiers of Xishan Village, these refugees became more stable. Seeing someone fall into the trench and die on a sharp stake, they dare not move. They can only slow down and start to walk towards the village.

Liu's different worries are justified. As a result, several rebel dead were hidden among the refugees. These guys were also wearing refugee clothes and mixed among the refugees. One was to monitor the refugees, and the other was to try to attack the stockade.

Now Xishan Village took the initiative to put down the suspension bridge and opened the gate, which made these spies mixed among the refugees immediately see the opportunity. As long as the rope of the suspension bridge is cut off, then Xishan Village will not be able to raise the suspension bridge, which will rise for them to attack Xishan Village next. To the huge effect.

So these spies looked at each other, sandwiched in the crowd, and slowly walked up the suspension bridge. Just as they stepped on the suspension bridge, several people began to explode at the same time, pulled out a bright thick-backed short knife from their arms, howled and rushed to the ropes of the suspension bridge on both sides, and waved the short knives in their hands. , chopped down towards the sling.

At this moment, Wu Shengtian, who had been carefully observing the situation of the refugees below on the village gate, saw at a glance that these spies were not right. When they burst out and took out a short knife, he roared harshly: "Kle those spies! Open fire!"

It was several first-class shooters who had already prepared. At this time, they immediately began to aim at the spies. They only heard a burst of gunshots. Several spies suddenly fell on the suspension bridge.

Only one person was only slightly injured. He struggled and rushed to the rope of the suspension bridge, waved the knife in his hand, roared like a beast, used his sharp weapon and cut into the suspender.

At this critical moment, there was a sudden sound from the side wall, and a sharp arrow left the string, shooting at the desperate man like long eyes.

With a sharp arrow, it shot directly from the man's neck. The sharp clusters of arrows cut off the desperate man's neck artery, deeply inserted into his chest wall, nailed it to his spine, and instantly cut off his nerves and paralyzed his body.

The outlaws screamed, stared at his unwilling eyes, and fell down the suspension bridge. The heavy and thick knife in his hand was also thrown out of the distance and fell into the trench. His body fell, even if it was worn on a sharp stake in the trench.

After the trench of Xishan Village was dug, no water was put into it. Instead, a ditrench was dug to divert the water in the ditch.

Because the winter weather here is very cold, once the trench is put into water, it will quickly form thick ice in winter, which will lose its defensive effect. Therefore, in many places in the north, although some fortresses and even cities are dug with trenches and moats, in general, water must be drained before winter to save the winter. The water is frozen.

Xishan Village also does the same, so this trench can still provide considerable defense to the village in winter.

The desper fell into the trench and was immediately penetrated. He couldn't die any more, but he scared the refugees next to him. They also realized that there were spies among them. They were scared to death. They quickly knelt down on the suspension bridge and kowtowed for mercy for mercy for fear of the villagers in Xishan Village. , get angry with them and kill them all.

Just now, although several spies were killed, several refugees were accidentally injured. At this time, the dead person fell on the suspension bridge, screamed loudly, and rolled. Someone rolled directly into the trench and was killed on a stake.

Until this time, the people above shouted loudly: "Put your heads, raise your arms, and slowly enter the village. Whoever puts down your hands and shoot immediately!"

After hearing this, the refugees quickly raised their arms, hugged the back of their heads, and began to continue to stand up and walk towards the village.

Until this time, Liu Di and Wu Shengtian breathed a sigh of relief and thought of the arrow shot from the side just now, so they turned their heads to see where the arrow came from.

At this time, everyone got out of their bodies and exposed a thin but strong young man, who was still holding a hard bow in his hand and a carved arrow in one hand. Obviously, he shot the arrow just now.

"Small village soldiers in the first company, three rows of archers Zheng Erbao, see the two masters!" The archer saw that Liu Di and Wu Shengtian looked at him, so he quickly knelt down on one knee and reported his name.

Wu Shengtian nodded and said with satisfaction, "Your arrows are very accurate. Remember one skill, reward five taels of silver, and add a bowl of meat in the evening!" A pot of wine!"

Zheng Erbao was overjoyed to hear that and quickly kowtowed to thank him.

Zheng Erbao and Wu Shengtian know Liu differently. This guy used to be a hunter and practiced good archery with his father. Over the years, this area has not been peaceful, and their family has also been broken by bandits. Only he took a younger brother to avoid the bandit attack on the village. Later, he was admitted to the village by Liu Di and became a township soldier company. A bowman.

Today, he happened to help the battle on the wall. Just now, he saw that the spy was going to cut the rope of the suspension bridge, so he immediately fired an arrow and accurately shot the guy to death, which was a great achievement.

After listening to this, others were quite envious of this guy and came forward to congratulate him.

At this time, the war is not over, and Wu Shengtian and others did not say much. Seeing that the refugees had entered the stockade and were driven to the open space, they were taken care of by the township soldiers.

Then they were taken out to search one by one, and found two spies hiding sharp blades. One spies violently wanted to fight hard, but was immediately stabbed by several township soldiers with long guns, and then they were dismembered by knives.

Another spy couldn't escape. He pulled out his knife with a strange scream, captured a refugee as a hostage, and asked to release him from the stockade.

In nervousness, the controlled refugee was so scared that he peed his pants and loudly begged not to kill him. However, under such circumstances, Wu Shengtian did not hesitate and immediately ordered to take action. Several village soldiers went up and stabbed him with a spear. Even the hostage and the spy, they immediately stabbed to the ground, and then cut off the head of the spy. , even the body was thrown out of the wall.

It was not until after a complete examination and no hidden sharp blades were found that the refugees were temporarily left, locked in a yard, taken care of, and sent someone to make them a pot of hot porridge, sent them to the hospital, and distributed them.

These are all trivial matters. Next, the two sides formed a temporary state of opposition, and the rebels did not immediately organize a new offensive.

Liu Di asked Wu Shengtian, "Lao Wu, why do you think the rebels stopped? They didn't lose much just now. With so many people, there is no reason to stop! It's time to attack again before dark! But why is there no movement?"

Wu Shengtian took out his telescope, boarded a towering observatory at the corner of the stockade, took out his telescope and began to observe the enemy outside the village, and further away.

(If you ask for a monthly ticket one day late, there will not be many monthly tickets! Sweat! It seems that you have to get up earlier next month! Keep asking for monthly tickets! In addition, thank you for the reward of the Eagle Martial Arts Brothers!)