Daming Haiku

Chapter 74 Hongyi Cannon

After a while, Wu Shengtian put down his telescope and scolded, "Mom! These rebels are actually waiting for the cannon to come! This seems a little troublesome! This time they may have brought the Hongyi cannon! I'm afraid we're going to call out the gun next!"

Liu Di also looked at it for a while and nodded solemnly, "It looks good, damn bastard! Unexpectedly, in order to deal with Laozi, he pulled all the Hongyi cannons! Our wall can't stand this kind of guy for a few times! Damn! I'm afraid our cannon can't be hidden!"

"Come on, let the platoon leader Dai come here!" Wu Shengtian and Liu walked down the watchtower and immediately ordered.

After a while, a young man ran over, reached out for a standard sea wolf military salute, and shouted, "The artillery platoon Dai Fang was ordered to report!"

"This is not at home. You don't have to be so polite. You go down and prepare, pull out the No. 5 short gun and No. 3 long gun, get it to the wall of the fortress, and get ready to shoot. The rebels may bring a Hongyi cannon immediately. You must destroy it before the enemy fires! If it doesn't work, use flower bombs! Anyway, you can't let them collapse the wall!"

Dai Fang was refreshed when he heard this, and his face showed joy. As an artilleryman, he came with the army this time, but he has never had a chance to play with cannons. The few cannons brought here can only be drilled in a courtyard every day with his men, but he dare not put them on the wall. That's too ostentatious. At best, it just brought two small and improved tiger squat guns to the wall, but the tiger squat guns are training guns, which are too small to play with.

In these two rebel attacks, he and his men did not get a chance to take action. They could only stare at the infantry's power. This time, Wu Shengtian finally allowed them to get out the cannon, which depends on their ability.

So he answered loudly, ran down like flying, greeted his artillery, and called some rural soldiers to help. He ran to the Liu family's compound and took out the two cannons.

Although the six-pound gun is light, it has been eliminated by the navy of the sea wolf, leaving only a small part as a deck secondary gun, but for the army, the six-pounder gun has the advantage of a six-pounder gun.

First of all, the six-pound gun is a long gun. The body tube is relatively large, which is a kind of cannon. It has an advantage in range and a long direct shooting distance. In addition, the Army's six-pound gun is not much equipment, but it is an improved type. The body tube is lengthened again, and the gun wall is thinner one by one, reducing the weight.

In addition, the tail part of the gun is thickened, which can withstand more gunpowder and improve the range a lot. In addition, it is mounted on a standard wheeled gun rack, which is relatively light to move. A horse can be dragged and follow the army to move. Two horses can pull a front car and hang a six-pound gun behind it to drag it down, and weighs down. However, it is only about 700 catties, which is quite light.

As for the 12-pound gun, it is a short-tube mountain howitzer. The trajectory is relatively high and curved, and the range is not too high, but when hanging, it can also hit two miles away. The direct shooting distance is short, but it can also be guaranteed to hit about 300 steps, and can fire grenades and shotguns, which is extremely powerful at close range. .

These two cannons were dragged out of the Liu family courtyard by Dai Fang, and were dragged from an inner slope to the wall and placed on two preset gun positions.

The wall is not as thin as the wall, so the area of the gun position is not large, and it can't withstand the back seat when the artillery fires. Once there is no corresponding measures, as soon as the cannon is fired, it may sit back and climb down the wall.

Therefore, piles are reserved for fixing the pulley group in the gun position. After putting the cannon on the wall, a set of pulley group must be fixed to reduce the sitting distance after firing the gun, so as to ensure the effective use of the gun on the wall.

Dai Fang was already ready. As soon as the two guns were transported to the wall, he immediately led people to install the pulley group, fixed the cannon on the pulley group and arranged them in the gun position.

At this time, both guns are wearing gun coats, so that people can't see the gun body covered below, but in terms of shape, eye-catching people can still recognize these two cannons. Those village soldiers have never seen such a big killer hidden in the village before, so they all looked around and were coaxed aside with a square face.

After the gun jacket was uncovered, the artillery immediately began to wipe and maintain the two guns, clean up the chambers, and transport the ammunition box to the nearby ammunition depot, which can be upgraded at any time for the cannon.

According to the requirements, the gun position and the ammunition depot where ammunition are stored should be separated. The ammunition depot should be set up in the safest place. Next to the cannon, only safe solid bullets and shotguns are allowed to be placed, while medicine bags and explosive grenades must be placed in a safe ammunition depot to prevent ammunition explosion in combat. , causing disastrous consequences.

When used, a special person sends medicine bags and grenades to the gun position to provide artillery for loading and firing, which is obviously much smarter than the Ming army of this era.

As an artillery officer, Dai Fang is well aware of this. The preparations are done in an orderly manner, and the gunners are also good at this. In addition, he has been uncomfortable for a long time. At this moment, he is working hard and moves quite quickly.

In about half an hour, the two cannons were all ready and equipped to fire, and the black turret pointed to the enemy outside the village.

At this time, there was also a movement on the side of the rebels in the distance. More than 200 people drove a few mules and dragged a Hongyi cannon weighing 2,000 catties from the rebel camp to Xishan Village.

Wu Shengtian held a telescope and carefully observed the situation on the side of the rebels. After seeing that the rebels had brought the Hongyi cannon, his face became a little tense.

Dai Fang also held a higher telescope at this time. After observing the situation of the Redyi cannon on the side of the rebels and carefully identifying it for a while, there was a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

In the view of the Ming army now, this door should be an absolute advanced weapon, but in the eyes of Dai Fang, it is simply a piece of garbage.

This Hongyi cannon looks very majestic, with a dark body, thick and large, but the barrel is not very long, and the caliber can't be seen clearly, but it is estimated that it will not exceed the caliber of the 12-pound gun at most, and the weight of the projectile is within 12 pounds at most, but this kind of gun is hosted by Sun Yuanhua and Xu Guangqi. Hire a franc machine craftsman to go to the north to guide the casting.

The iron used is also the raw iron in Hebei, but because coal is mostly used to make iron in the north, China's coal mines are mostly coal with high sulfur content, and the phosphorus content of iron ore is also relatively high. The quality of the raw iron refined is far better than that of Fujian, Guangdong. Quantity.

Because this kind of raw iron in the north contains more phosphorus and sulfur that is not conducive to the quality of the raw iron. In addition to being easy to rust, the raw iron is also relatively brittle, so the quality of the cannon in the north is not very good. In order not to explode, it can only thicken the gun wall. In this way, the cannon made seems to be bulky.

is also a 12-pound gun. In the case of the same body-tube ratio, the sea wolf uses the iron casting method, coupled with the high-quality iron casting of Guangdong and Fujian locals. In addition, the internal mold water-cooled technology makes the thickness of the gun wall thinner, and the gun weight is at least half lighter than the Ming army's cannon, or even more. .

Like the sea wolf's 12-pound mountain howitzer, the total weight is not more than 500 catties. With the same caliber, the Hongyi cannon used by the Ming army weighs up to 1,500 catties to 2,000 catties, which is more than three times the mountain howitzer used by the sea wolf. In addition, the gun rack technology is backward, and the quality of the Ming army's whole gun is even more It is much heavier than the sea wolf's 12-pound mountain howitzer.

Therefore, the rebel's Hongyi cannon can be said to be a disaster. In addition to being pulled by more mules and horses, it also needs to be served by many people. The marching speed is still very slow. This is also the arrival of the rebel main force for so long that their cannons were slowly transported.

After judging this situation, Dai Fang also roughly guessed the basic performance of the rebel Hongyi cannon. The direct shooting distance of this gun is only a little farther than the 12-pound howitzer they used. If it shoots at the high shooting angle, it is not close, but it can't exceed the number of 12-pound howitzers used by the sea wolf. Speaking of range and power, it is between the middle.

However, the sea wolf's cannon casting is cast with a standard iron model, and the inner diameter of the ward is unified. After polishing and drilling with a standard bore, the inner wall of the wolf is smooth and the size is quite standard, which makes it much more convenient for the sea wolf's ammunition factory to make shells.

However, the tolerance range of solid bullets cast by sea wolves is controlled to a minimum, which can be tightly attached to the inner wall of the battery, which effectively reduces the amount of vent, effectively increases the range and the initial speed of the shell, and also has a good effect on the shooting accuracy of the cannon.

Compared with the same period, because the Ming army used the clay casting method to cast the cannon, the inner diameter of the gun is very large, and the inside of the gun is not smooth. The casting shell can only meet the minimum use of the gun as much as possible. The natural tolerance of the shell is very large. After loading into the gun, there is a large gap between the shell and the gun. The result is natural When firing, a large amount of gas of gunpowder overflows from the gap, which cannot be effectively used to promote the movement of shells.

Of course, the result is that the accuracy of the shell is very poor, the range is reduced, the power is weakened, and the cannons on both sides are not comparable in this respect. Therefore, the sea wolf's 12-pound gun is short and small, but it is not much worse than the big and stupid Hongyi cannon of the Ming army. The two sides shoot each other, and the sea wolf's 12-pound cannon still occupy Not a small advantage.

In addition, the sea wolf also equipped the 12-pound cannon with a small number of flowering bombs, that is, explosive grenades. Although the amount of charge is not much, it can explode after landing. Even if it explodes into a few petals, it is always more powerful than solid bullets, which is more shocking to the enemy.

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