Daming Haiku

Chapter 121 Shelling to See the Power

"Okay! Brothers! Get on the horse and fight with me! Let these southern barbarians see our power!" Chen sometimes put on two layers of heavy armor, shouted loudly, stepped on the horse's staves, and jumped on the war horse. The war horse immediately made a hisshrill. Chen sometimes picked up the horse's rein with a stinky fart, making the front hoof of the war horse off the ground and jumped up the front half of his body, making the image quite great.

The rebel generals also got on the horse one after another, and then began to shake the knives and guns in their hands crazily, roared loudly, and began to cheer them up.

Under Chen's order, more than 1,000 rebels began to urge the war horse and slowly rushed down from the slope. At first, the speed was not fast. The war horse was just in a slow walking state. Gradually, it began to adjust to walk fast, and then began to accelerate to a jogging state. At this time, the horse also began to get excited and rest. After that, before the battle, the war horse must also be adjusted to a relatively excited state. Each war horse hit its nose and began to gradually adjust the speed of the horse's hoof according to the constraints of the knight.

More than a thousand rebels gathered into a horizontal array of several horses and maintained a certain distance from each other. Opposite the family's army, they formed a wide array of nearly one-mile and rushed to the Yu family's army.

Yu Xiaotian looked at the actions of the rebel cavalry and nodded secretly, knowing that these cavalry were indeed an elite cavalry. It turned out that they were all Han people. They had followed Mao Wenlong in Liaodong and fought countless bloody battles with Jiannu, but because of the mistakes of the Ming court and Yuan Chonghuan, they accidentally killed Mao Wenlong and made The whole Dongjiang army collapsed.

These old troops of the Dongjiang Army are indeed from warlords. In fact, they don't have much loyalty to the Ming Dynasty. When Mao Wenlong was there, they were loyal to Mao Wenlong, but after Mao Wenlong was killed, most of them were dissatisfied and have repeatedly reported to the court to ask Chongzhen to redress Mao Wenlong.

However, Chongzhen is an extremely face-loving person. Even if he knew that Yuan Chonghuan killed Mao Wenlong by mistake, he felt it was a pity in private, but he could not do it to reintegrate Mao Wenlong, because reinating Mao Wenlong is tantamount to denying his original approach.

When Yuan Chonghuan killed Mao Wenlong, he invested his trust in Yuan Chonghuan. Even if he was not happy, he did not scold Yuan Chonghuan. Even in order to support Yuan Chonghuan, he affirmed Yuan Chonghuan's behavior and publicly claimed that Yuan Chonghuan was right to kill Mao Wenlong.

But now Yuan Chonghuan has been proved to be not a usable person. In the past five years, Pingliao has also been completely fooled, and under the influence of power, he has done a lot of stupid things in Liaodong, so he was dragged out by him.

He regretted Yuan Chonghuan killing Mao Wenlong at that time, but this can only be a private regret. He asked him to redress Mao Wenlong. He can't do it. Chongzhen has one of his biggest problems, that is, he is too good-looking and respects face more than anything else.

Although he has made several edicts, he is actually giving himself money. He will never admit some real mistakes. In his mind, he, the emperor, must be a wise king at a glance. In the history of youth, he must leave a high image without any flaws. If there is anything wrong, it's all below, and the one who does a good job is his!

And face will really kill people. Daming can't say that there is no turning point in the end. If Chongzhen is not so good at face, in fact, there are still some opportunities to reorganize the rivers and mountains, but because of his good face, he finally took Daming into the ditch. To the destruction of the Ming Dynasty.

The old army of Dongjiang Army repeatedly asked Chongzhen to rehabilitate Mao Wenlong, but in the end, it was over. They could be said to have resentment against the court, let alone loyalty.

Later, Yuan Chonghuan deliberately wanted to divide the Dongjiang army, which led to the internal division of the Dongjiang army and mutual exclusion, so that many Dongjiang soldiers and generals could not gain a foothold in Dongjiang Town, so they had to flee to Denglai, and then they were taken in by Sun Yuanhua. He wanted to use them to resist the slave army and continue to be used by the imperial court.

However, this also bought a hidden danger for the Denglai Rebellion. The Shandong people's rejection of the Dongjiang army and the Liaodong people completely intensified the contradictions. Finally, it caused such a big disaster, which led to the destruction of the whole Denglai area by the war, and also led to the loss of a large number of officers and soldiers, which made Daming's finances even worse. Shandong They also completely lost the battleable elite soldiers and horses. In the next few years, they could not stop the slave army entering the customs, and even they could not effectively contain the civil unrest.

In front of us, Yu Xiaotian's old rebels of the Dongjiang Army had mixed feelings about him. They used to be heroes of the Ming Dynasty and even the whole Han people. They lived and died, followed Mao Wenlong to defend the Liaodong Peninsula, fought with Jiannu, and shed blood for the Ming Dynasty and even the Han nation. At that time, they were worth everything. People admire it.

But now they have turned to become traitors who slaughtered their own people. In addition to standing on the opposite side of the Ming Dynasty, they also stand on the opposite side of the Ming people, then they become sinners.

There is no doubt that these soldiers are all elite soldiers. Judging from their performance of horse-riding, we know that they have been on the battlefield for a long time.

It's a pity that they are not fighting against Jiannu's foreign aggression, but against him and Yu Xiaotian. It's a pity that Yu Xiaotian has to raise his butcher knife in his hand and completely erase them from the world.

Before he ordered, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, but in an instant, his eyes became firm again, and he slowly raised his hand and said, "The artillery is ready! The enemy rushed into the marked shelling area and fired immediately!"

The order was sent to the artillery position in an instant. The artillery officer immediately responded to the order and shouted, "Get ready! The enemy entered the calibration area and fired immediately! Follow my orders! Get ready to...point the gun!"

Three artillery companies, each of which is equipped with ten standard field 12-pound howitzers and two six-pound infantry long guns, a total of 36 cannons. At this time, the firing range has already been determined, pointing to the shelling area.

When the rebel cavalry began to enter the shelling area within 400 meters of their calibration, the artillery quickly ignited the fire gate behind the gun barrel at the command of the officer.

More than 30 artillery roared collectively in an instant, flashing flames on the artillery positions, bursting with smoke, and the deafening sound of cannons suddenly swept the whole battlefield and shocked everyone's hearts.

The shell flew out of the mouth at a speed visible to the naked eye and immediately spread to the rebel cavalry. The pupils of the rebels suddenly shrank, and their faces showed a trace of fear.

They felt that the guns used by Fujian officers and soldiers were not simple and seemed to hit them accurately, and they knew that no matter how thick the armor they wore in front of the shells, they were like paper. Nothing could stop these shells. As long as they got them, they would only end up with broken bodies.

They dare not say that they have now reached the point of death, but they are by no means as good as ordinary rebels. They are easily frightened by shells. All the rebel generals lie on the ground and begin to accelerate their horses. As for who the next hits the shells, it will be their fate. If they are not good, they will be killed by shells. If so, they can be unscathed, and these shells have not yet scared them.

The shell hit the rebel cavalry like a shower, and suddenly raised a blood mist. The shell landed on the solid land and rebounded, continuing to fly forward, tearing everything that blocked them from advancing into pieces.

More than 30 shells instantly tore out more than 30 bloody alleys in the rebel array. The horses and rebel generals along the way were torn to pieces in an instant. The limbs were broken, the blood of the horse splashed everywhere, and the screams became a piece. Many horses fell into the battlefield and the knights on their back were heavy. Falling to the ground, the injured horse fell to the ground, making a sad hiss, and a large number of injured people lay on the ground and howled. In an instant, it turned into a hell on earth, and the internal organs of the meat and horses flew everywhere.

After the shells landed, the speed kept slowing down and the jumping distance became shorter and shorter. At the end, the slowness of the shells made people feel that they could reach out and shoot them down.

A rebel soldier saw a shell flying towards him. Without thinking about it, he immediately waved a big axe in his hand and chopped it down, trying to split the shell to the ground.

But with a click, the rebel's arm, with a small half of his body, was torn down by the huge kinetic energy of the shell, and broke into slag. The big axe immediately burst and flew far away before falling to the ground.

The rebel felt pain at this time, screamed and fell from the war horse. After landing for a moment, there was no sound.

A war horse was hit by a flying shell in front of its chest. The shell penetrated from the front chest of the war horse and out from its buttocks. The whole war horse was immediately hollowed out. All the internal organs were broken into slag, including the body was torn apart. Without even a word, it scattered to the ground and threw the cavalry on its back a dog. He almost broke his neck.

Such scenes were constantly staged in the rebel cavalry, and many people were splashed with a large amount of human flesh and blood, which shocked them repeatedly.

"Mom! Hurry up and spread it away! Keep accelerating and give it to me! Rush over! Step over their artillery!" Chen was sometimes scared. He didn't expect that the cannons of Fujian's officers and soldiers could be so sharp that they could fight so far, and they were so accurate and fierce, so he quickly scolded and roared and ordered. At this time in his heart, an ominous foreboding began to rise.

(This month, the two brothers who laugh at the west wind and shrimp pervert continue to give rewards. It's really awesome. Thank you very much for the cold wind here! In addition, I would like to thank the Nangua brothers for their reward today! Thank you for your continuous support and all the brothers who keep voting for the monthly votes!)