Daming Haiku

Chapter 122 Chapter 123 The Head of the Rebel

But sometimes Chen still refuses to admit that they are not the opponents of these Fujian officers and soldiers. Aren't they just a little powerful? Fujian is in the south, and the water-by-water buildings are first served. They can buy some good cannons, but do they dare to fight close to me?

I don't believe it. Aren't you afraid that I will lead my troops to rush in front of you? As long as you let me rush over, you have to flatten your artillery array! Chen sometimes thought about it as a matter of course, and still led his cavalry to continue to accelerate towards the phalanx on the other side of the artillery position of the Yu family army.

When the war horse rushed to a distance of about 300 meters, the Yu family's army was not in chaos. At this time, the infantry company protecting the artillery position had begun to shoot.

A dark wolf-toothed rifle had begun to be raised, and the black muzzle was aimed at the oncoming rebel cavalry, but the officers did not order fire, and they did not fire immediately.

"load the grape bomb! Fill in the grape bomb! Let them come and fight together!" Meng Fei sat in the phalanx on this side and shouted for orders.

The artillery quickly reinstalled the artillery in an orderly manner in the gun position, loaded a bag of grape shells the size of pigeon eggs into the gunbore, lowered the muzzle, and pushed the artillery back to the gun position, pointing to the direction of the enemy cavalry's attack.

The speed of their movements is almost dazzling, which is also greatly beyond the expectations of the rebels.

With the rebels' understanding of cannons, on the battlefield, the Ming army's cannons can often only fire once when the enemy charges, especially in front of the fast-moving cavalry attack, because they are too slow to load. In addition, the speed of the enemy's arrival, their psychological pressure is even more Their speed has become very slow.

Often after firing a shot, the gunners looked at the enemy rushing over, so they had no time to load it, turned around and ran away, throwing away the cannon.

However, they underestimated the ability of Yu's artillery. At this time, they could prepare for shelling again so quickly.

After the cannon was reset, it did not fire immediately, because the range of the grape bullet is closer than that of the solid bullet, and the closer it is, the greater the power. The best shooting range is within 200 to 300 steps, just forming an excellent fan, which is the time when the grape bomb is the most powerful.

And it will take a little time for the rebels to rush into 200 to 300 steps from 400 steps. At such a close distance, the artillery of the Yu family can complete a load, which is probably unbelievable for many people.

After the rebels entered the distance of 200 to 300 steps, they also entered the effective range of the wolf tooth rifle. Although the hand could not make an effective hit against the goal of rapid movement, the fire shooting can still make up for the lack of accuracy, so the cannon and the wolf tooth rifle shot together, Wei The power will be very strong. Meng Fei has made up his mind to give the rebels another big surprise.

Sometimes Chen just lowered his head and led the generals and rushed forward. He couldn't see that the other party had dug a hole and waited for him to arrive.

So the rebels are shouting one by one, cheering themselves up and urging the horses to move forward, but by this time, they still did not raise the speed of the horses to the highest, and still maintained a certain slow pace.

Because they know very well that if they want to increase the speed to the fastest speed when the horse is impact, it needs to be within 200 steps to completely stimulate the horse. Otherwise, the horse will be exhausted and slow down without waiting to rush to the enemy.

Looking at the performance of the rebel cavalry, most of the generals of Yu's army sighed in their hearts that these rebel cavalry were indeed elite, but unfortunately they would be slaughtered by them today.

Just after Chen sometimes led the troops and rushed into the front of the artillery position between 200 and 300 steps. Most of the rebel cavalry had entered this range, Meng Fei suddenly roared: "Fire together! Hit!"

More than 30 artillery, plus 700 or 800 wolf-toothed rifles, were finally ordered to fire at this time, and the gunners and * hands immediately moved one by one.

In front of the Yu family's army, it was like a sudden volcanic eruption. A cannon roared and spit out a dazzling flame. A wolf-toothed rifle immediately began to speot a small flame.

The sound of gunfire and gunfire were intertwined at this time, like a grand war symphony, and various shells and Minee bullets swept towards the rebels like a storm.

A large number of rebels stared at the scene in front of the Fujian officers and soldiers in front of them. They were a little stunned. After some people were stunned, they even despised these Fujian officers and soldiers a little.

More than 200 steps! You southern barbarians actually began to fight with birds. Can you beat the old man? After all, Fujian officers and soldiers are still young!

But their idea just flashed by. Next, the rebels who rushed to the front were like hitting an invisible wall head-on. Even people and horses began to spray blood and fog all over their bodies, and fell on the road of charge one after another.

Especially those grape bombs fired by cannons, which are heavier than ordinary small particle shotguns. They fly very fast and carry a lot of kinetic energy. When the human body is touched, it is the minimum to be pierced. Even a horse can be pierced back and back, and a pack of grape bombs, just dozens, sweeping a large area, a few There is no blind spot.

Dozens of cannons fire together with grape bullets, almost completely blocking the entire front battlefield, so that the rebels have no place to hide. In addition, with a large number of Minee bullets fired by wolf tooth rifles, the front of the whole battlefield is almost blocked by their projectiles.

The rebel cavalry rushing to the front almost had no chance to escape, just like hitting the wall. They burst into blood and fell to the ground. This time, at least 100 rebel horses were killed, and the whole rebel front line was almost swept away.

Even some rebels behind were not spared. They were cut to the ground by the leaked bullets, causing heavy losses for the rebels. Many rebels were almost scared to pee their pants, but they could not stop the war horses. They had to step on the bodies of their companions and the fragments of the war horses and continue to attack forward.

"Mom! What's going on?" Sometimes Chen was lucky not to be hit by this round of bullet screen on the spot, but he was really scared and scolded. He didn't understand why these Fujian officers and soldiers fired so fast and why these Fujian officers and soldiers hit so far away, which was too unexpected to him.

At this time, Chen sometimes did not dare to despise these Fujian officers and soldiers in front of him. At this time, he understood why Li Fujie and others were destroyed by Fujian officers and soldiers in Pingdu.

These Fujian soldiers are really powerful. At least the guns in their hands are fierce enough. It is the first time that he has been bombarded so violently on the battlefield, and it seems that the other party's guns are beyond his imagination.

His mind suddenly flashed and remembered the news sent back from Chen Guangfu from Muping County, Ninghai Prefecture at the beginning of the year, saying that they encountered a fierce counterattack by a group of villagers called village, with heavy casualties. There was a kind of bird in their hands, which was said to have been bought from the south.

At that time, many people thought that this was Chen Guangfu's words, which could only show that Chen Guangfu was too lax, but today, these birds in the hands of Fujian soldiers who could fight two or three hundred steps reminded him of this matter. Is this true? Is there really a bird that can fight two or three hundred steps away? And Fujian soldiers are also southerners. Do they happen to have this kind of thing in their hands?

If this is the case, it would be troublesome. Sometimes when Chen thought of this, he only felt that the whole spine was cold, and there was a layer of goose bumps on his body and his hair stood up.

If this is true, then he is in danger today. Thinking that they are now within the terrible range of the enemy's bird, God knows when there will be a bullet hitting him in the head, won't he...?

Chen was sometimes so shocked that his hair stood up all over his body. For a moment, he only felt a roar in his head. He didn't know what to react, whether he should retreat or continue to rush forward. At this time, he was a little at a loss.

Although a platoon of guns and a platoon of guns shot and killed many rebels, the rebels still maintained that momentum at this time, continued to cross the bodies of those fallen people and marched towards the array of Yu's army, and did not collapse immediately. The rebel soldiers were still shouting for themselves. Continue to charge across the corpse line.

And after rushing into 200 steps, they have begun to urge the war horses and accelerate again, which even the soldiers of the Yu army admired them a little.

However, I admire it. This battle still needs to be fought. Of course, people will continue to be killed. Looking at the performance of these rebels, the soldiers of the Yu family also know why they can be so arrogant. These guys are indeed a little arrogant. If ordinary soldiers and horses meet them, it is really difficult to deal with them. They.

That's their army. Fortunately, they have sharp firearms, perfect battle array cooperation, and perfect tactics and arms cooperation. They are not filiate with these rebel cavalry. Otherwise, it is really dangerous to meet them.

Nowadays, their family army occupies the initiative of the absolute battlefield, and the number of infantry far exceeds that of the enemy, so no one feels nervous.

Meng Fei was a little surprised to see that the rebels were beaten so wildly without collapsing. After sneering, he ordered, "The artillery shoot freely, and the infantry * hand starts three-stage strikes!" Call me! He can't even recognize them! Kill!"