Daming Haiku

Chapter 125 Ask for Help

What makes Kong Youde feel more afraid is that according to the observation of these birds in the hands of Fujian soldiers, they can ignite without a fire rope, which is even more incredible. How can birds ignite without a fire rope? This is simply a fantasy! Can't these Fujian soldiers and horses be demonic?

In a word, the more Kong Youde thought about it, the more afraid he became. The more he felt that he did not dare to underestimate the Fujian soldiers led by Yu Xiaotian. He completely understood why Li Fujie was destroyed by Yu Xiaotian at the beginning, not to mention the scattered soldiers led by Li Fujie. Even if he replaced all of them with the elite rebels, he may not be able to defend Pingdu City.

So he no longer dares to underestimate the enemy. That night, he summoned his rebel generals to discuss how to deal with this group of Fujian soldiers and horses, but after discussing in the middle of the night, they did not find a suitable countermeasure.

In the end, they can only decide to fight with them in a serious way and rely on the advantage of troops to crush them until they break through their army and then rush to defeat them with cavalry, so that they can defeat this group of Fujian soldiers and horses.

At present, their troops do have an advantage. They are near Laizhou City alone, and now they have gathered nearly 40,000 rebels. Among these rebels, there are about 10,000 soldiers and horses with strong combat effectiveness. Most of them are the old troops of the Dongjiang Army, some of whom are refugees who fled from Liaodong, and some are They defected to their horses, and even some captured Guanning troops.

The rest of the soldiers and horses are the officers and soldiers they captured. They are forced to follow them to survive. Their combat effectiveness is relatively weak, but they are not distressed when they die.

Therefore, Kong Youde finally made a decision, first using those scattered soldiers to force them to attack the array of Fujian soldiers and horses in Xiaotian, consume the enemy's ammunition, and finally send out the elites to defeat them in the first battle.

But they are also very clear that this time, I'm afraid that dealing with this group of Fujian officers and soldiers is not as easy as in the previous battles. This time, their casualties will be quite serious. If they are not careful, they may also make those soldiers who are forced to work with them to defect, but in addition to this method, they do not Other better ways, so this is the only way.

As for those officers and soldiers in Laizhou City, as well as Yang Yubo and other generals, they are not in Kong Youde's eyes at all. The number of officers and soldiers in Laizhou City is already very limited, but there are more than 3,000 people. Although Yang Yubo is relatively good at fighting, he is their defeated generals. He was once beaten by them and discarded armor. With hundreds of defeated soldiers, he fled to Laizhou City. For more than two months, he could only defend the city and was unable to go out of the city to fight back.

So they don't have to worry. Those officers and soldiers in Laizhou will suddenly come out of the city behind their backs and work with Fujian officers and soldiers to make them suffer from the enemy.

After making the decision, Kong Youde ordered the next day to withdraw the battalion for several miles away from Laizhou City, set up the camp directly near the official road in the direction of Pingdu, blocked the Fujian officers and soldiers to Laizhou City, and opened some distance from Laizhou City.

In this way, Fujian officers and soldiers can't easily rush into Laizhou City, and the defenders of Laizhou City are even more afraid to go out of the city to attack the rebels. Otherwise, they may not be able to return. The rebels can gather troops and go all out to deal with the Fujian army led by Xiaotian.

When Kong Youde led the rebels to move the camp, Yu Jiajun on Yu Xiaotian's side also chose a more suitable place to camp and moved the battalion. The two battalions were only about seven or eight miles apart. Using large-caliber long guns, they could almost bombard the enemy camp with one shot. The two sides began Entered a state of confrontation.

In a few days, both sides did not send the main force to fight, but they sent a small group of troops to test the strength of the other party. For the strength, the Yu family army is completely in a state of disadvantageousness. The rebel army has more than 30,000 and nearly 40,000 people, while the Yu family army only has less than 7,000 people, and the rest are On the way, he was stationed at the military stations along the way and was responsible for protecting their food lanes.

However, the rebels did not have such worries. During this period, they robbed a large amount of grain and materials, and the army stored relatively sufficient food. In addition, a large amount of grain was stored in Dengzhou City. Moreover, when they were short of food, they went to the surrounding areas to get food and did not consider the issue of material supply at all.

The reason why Yu Xiaotian did not immediately fight with the rebels in an all-round way is not because he was short of troops and did not dare to fight the enemy, but because it was a little unfair to let him fight all by himself. Zhu Dadian sat in Qingzhou and mobilized 30,000 to 40,000 officers and soldiers. At this time, there was still no one. His family ran over and took the rebels. It's not such a thing, which makes them too dazzling. They are afraid that Chongzhen will be happy and transfer him to Liaodong now to deal with Jiannu. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian was not greedy for merit in this battle, but waited for the arrival of reinforcements.

He has seen that Kong Youde is probably going to fight a war of attrition with him this time, using the weak peripheral brigades among the rebels to consume his main force. Even if he can't consume his main force, at least he will waste a lot of his ammunition.

Although he carried a lot of ammunition when he came here, he also consumed a lot of ammunition after the first battle a few days ago. The next large-scale battle will definitely consume more ammunition, so it is necessary for him to replenish more ammunition before the decisive battle.

In addition, if the rebels want to consume him, why didn't he want to consume the rebels? He can't let those officers and soldiers stand on the dry land and watch the bustle! Therefore, after arriving in Laizhou, Yu Xiaotian was not in a hurry to fight a decisive battle with the rebels, but sent someone to send letters to Zhu Dadian, who was in Qingzhou. Chen Ming had already arrived outside Laizhou and fought with the rebels, and now he is in urgent need of reinforcements.

In addition, while reporting the victory, he once again exaggerated his losses and greatly exaggerated his losses dozens of times. He said that although he killed nearly 1,000 rebels and captured hundreds of rebels in the first battle, Fujian officers and soldiers also suffered heavy losses, hundreds of soldiers, and nearly 1,000 people were injured and were unable to defeat the siege with their own efforts. The main rebel forces in the state city asked Zhu Dadian to send reinforcements as soon as possible.

Soon Zhu Dadian received another victory report from Yu Xiaotian. Looking at this victory document, Zhu Dadian almost grinned to his ears. He laughed that he was blind. He even patted the table with his palm and shouted loudly without demeanor. He even called Yu Xiaotian as a famous general.

Although Yu Xiaotian was in the midst of the victory and reported that although they defeated the rebels, they also suffered great losses, how could they only kill the enemy and die in the war? As long as you defeat the enemy, it is inevitable that some people will die, which does not affect Xiaotian's image in Zhu Dadian's mind at all.

Even the high-potent eunuch sent by the emperor to supervise the army was also very happy after learning the news. He felt that Yu Xiaotian was indeed the backbone of the country and was really a useful talent.

In the past six months, there has been no big victory against the rebels, but the Fujian soldiers, led by Xiaotian, arrived in Laizhou and even won the battle with the rebels.

What made Gao Qiqian and Zhu Dadian most happy was that they just urged Yu Xiaotian to march into Laizhou. In a few days, Yu Xiaotian led his troops outside Laizhou and fought another battle. Moreover, according to the victory document, this time they fought with the rebel elite cavalry and defeated them, if it was not Yu Xiaotian is talking nonsense, so I'm afraid this news is better than that of Pingdu Prefecture a few days ago.

Because after all, the rebels guarding Pingdu Prefecture are ordinary rebels, not the main elite of the rebels. However, this time the Fujian soldiers led by Yu Xiaotian are against the most elite cavalry of the rebels. Unexpectedly, they have won such a big victory, which fully shows that the Fujian soldiers led by Yu Xiaotian and his command are really not simple. This rebellious rebellion is really promising.

As for what Yu Xiaotian said in his report, because of the weak strength, the rebels were so strong that they could only confront the rebels for the time being and were unable to defeat the main force of the rebels. Zhu Dadian and Gao Qiqian had no doubt. After all, Yu Xiaotian only brought 8,000 horses from Fujian this time. These fierce battles It's good to remove the number of soldiers and generals who lost casualties, as well as the officers and soldiers left behind along the way. It's good to have 5,000 people who can get to Laizhou.

This time, there was another fierce battle with the rebel elite cavalry. It is said that hundreds of officers and soldiers were killed and nearly 1,000 were injured, so there are indeed not many soldiers left in Yu Xiaotian's hand.

It is rumored that the rebels gathered nearly 40,000 to 50,000 rebels in the area of Laizhou City, including more than 10,000 elites. If they let Yu Xiaotian take only 3,000 to 4,000 officers and soldiers to fight against the rebels ten times theirs, it is really unreasonable. I'm afraid no one will do this matter, and it's simply forcing people to die.

What's more, Zhu Dadian has bet all his hopes on Yu Xiaotian, and how can he let Yu Xiaotian do this kind of death? If he also kills Yu Xiaotian's group of Fujian soldiers, then who will be expected to be the main force to defeat the rebels in the future?

Therefore, Zhu Dadian joined forces to rise high and immediately issued a death order to the remaining officers and soldiers who had been stagnant, limiting them to arrive outside Laizhou within ten days. They would attack the rebels with Fujian soldiers and horses to defeat the rebels. Otherwise, they would be disrespectful and must be engaged in military law!

In this way, after learning that the Fujian soldiers had arrived outside Laizhou, fought with the rebels, and won a big victory, the main generals of these officers and soldiers also felt that they could not drag on any longer. Now the Fujian soldiers have made many remarkable achievements. Zhu Dadian has been impatient with them for a long time. What's more, the emperor also sent his trusted eunuchs to rise the submarine surveillance army this time. If they refuse to lead their troops to Laizhou City to relieve the siege, then I'm afraid that in the next step, they should also be arrested.

(Today, I would like to thank Xiong Z Xiong's friend for the reward. It's the end of the month. I hope I can rush again and ask for a few monthly tickets or rewards! Ha ha! Brothers, help me stand up!)