Daming Haiku

Chapter 124 Kong Youde's Shock

Yujiajun's war horses are not castrated and maintain a certain wildness, which plays a very important role in their strength on the battlefield, but also brings some negative effects, that is, these war horses are not very honest. If they don't cooperate well with the riders, it is difficult for riders to control them.

In addition, there are many firearms, and firearms on the battlefield are their main weapons. If there is no specially trained war horse, it is easy to be frightened by the sound of gunfire and cause a shocking horse accident.

Therefore, when training, these war horses are often used by domestic cavalry to set off firecrackers near them to exercise their adaptability to the sound of explosions, so these war horses have long been adapted to this dense and huge gunfire, and no war horses have shown a frightened appearance.

However, on the side of the rebels, it is obvious that the horses have not been trained in such a comprehensive way. During the charge just now, when they were shot by artillery, there were some shocked horses. Some horses were shocked and no longer obeyed the rider's command, jumped around on the battlefield, or did not obey the command, disrupting some enemy formations. .

Even some cavalry were caught off guard, and many of them fell to death on the spot. Many rebel cavalry were broken on the spot and lay on the ground waiting to be trampled to death or wait for someone to save them.

But now these people have taken advantage of it. They lie on the ground without being killed by the guns of Yu's army. They just wait for the Yu's army to clean up the battlefield and capture them alive.

At Yu Xiaotian's order, the cavalry of the two cavalry companies immediately turned over their horses without saying a word, roared, and bypassed the array from behind the array and chased the rebel soldiers.

At this time, the whole cavalry and generals, including the horses, were actually a little tired after a day of fierce battle, but now their morale has reached its peak. They all cheered loudly and urged the horses to chase the rebels.

Seeing that the cavalry began to pursue the enemy, Meng Fei quickly ordered to stop opening fire, so that the light infantry of the scattered company began to leave the battle array and enter the battlefield. They took the initiative to enter the battlefield to clean up the battlefield, capture the enemy's equipment, capture prisoners, collect trophies, and collect the horses that lost their masters.

The cavalry of Yu's army, like a dark cloud, swept across the battlefield and chased and killed the rebels. This chase was more than ten miles away, until they themselves felt that the war horses were about to lose their strength, and the cavalry company ended their pursuit, took a large number of prisoners, and began to return to the array.

Chen sometimes brought more than 1,700 rebel cavalry in this battle, but only 700 people escaped, and the rest were lost on the battlefield, including Chen himself, who was also killed by the Yu family army on the spot, and the losses were very heavy.

In this battle, there were almost no losses. I dare not say that the loss was zero, but it was basically negligible. However, they successfully annihilated nearly 1,000 rebel elite cavalry, captured more than 400 people alive, collected three or 400 uninjured horses, and captured a large number of enemy armor, the most The big harvest was the killing of the rebel general Chen sometimes.

This battle can be said to be a real victory, and it is also the most beautiful battle fought by the family army after arriving in Laizhou. Moreover, this battle is not a battle with the weak brigade of the enemy, but with the most elite cavalry of the rebels, and finally won a great victory.

The morale of Yu's army has been raised to a new level. Although many people heard about how powerful the rebels are when they came, it also had a little impact on them, making some soldiers more or less afraid of the rebels.

But after this battle, these fears have all been swept away, and the rebels have become their mantra. Isn't the rebels awesome? But compared with their Yu's army, they are simply scum, and they are still very scum. At this time, no one was still afraid of the rebels. They rubbed their hands one by one, just waiting for the soldiers to reach the city of Laizhou, and then clean up the rebels and let them really taste the power of the family army.

That night, Yu Xiaotian did not order to continue march, but immediately set up the camp on the spot. That night, the camp was filled with the smell of horse meat. In this battle, the rebel's horses also suffered heavy losses. Hundreds of horses were killed and injured. The injured horse was worthless, so it was immediately slaughtered and marinated. It is made for later consumption.

And the dead horses were also collected, peeled and cleaned, and even the internal organs were not wasted. Except for some of the horse bones, which were boiled into soup, and part of the horse meat was directly boiled, so that the officers and soldiers could eat quickly, the rest could not be eaten for the time being. They accompanied the army with a lot of salt, all of which were marinated with big salt. Come on, put it in a special wooden barrel and seal it. It will let the soldiers eat for a long time in the future.

So for the winner, war is always a profitable behavior. If you win, you will have delicious food and rewards, but if you lose, you will be sorry, you can't eat farts, and you have to kill yourself.

Difference from the jubilant Yu family army, the mood of Kong Youde's rebels that night. The rebels fell into a state of shock. Kong Youde was originally very sure that he sent Chen to chase the Fujian cavalry. In his opinion, even if Chen sometimes killed not only these Fujian cavalry, there would be any numbness. Annoying.

But who would have thought that Chen was sometimes so arrogant that he went directly to attack the battle of the Fujian army with only a thousand cavalry. When it was dark, his defeated soldiers were able to escape back to the rebel camp and reported the news to Kong Youde.

Kong Youde almost vomited blood on the spot. Chen is sometimes a general under his command, which is highly valued and trusted by him. Moreover, Chen sometimes fights bravely and dares to move forward with his life, which is one of his most important generals.

But I didn't expect him to say goodbye after he sent Chen sometimes. Chen sometimes died in front of Fujian officers and soldiers.

Kong Youde asked the rebel generals who fled in detail. In the afternoon, they and Yu Xiaotian led the situation of the war. When he heard the description of the rebel generals of the whole war, Kong Youde was even more stunned.

In his opinion, even if Chen is killed in battle, the more than 1,000 elite cavalry he led can at least cause considerable casualties to Yu Xiaotian's officers and soldiers. Even if they can't defeat these Fujian soldiers, at least they can break their muscles and bones, and then they will be powerless to fight again.

But when he heard what the fleeing generals said, he knew that his idea was ridiculous. Sometimes the soldiers and horses led by Chen went there and were beaten without even touching the enemy. Hundreds of people, including himself, were on the way to charge, and were knocked over by the enemy's artillery. Died before the battle.

Sometimes as soon as Chen died, his soldiers and horses naturally collapsed on the spot. Then Yu Xiaotian's officers and soldiers sent out cavalry to start chasing. As a result, Chen's rebel cavalry was collectively defeated and was chased by the enemy more than ten miles away. The whole army was almost destroyed, and the horse lost nearly 1,000. Pi, nearly 1,000 soldiers were killed and wounded and captured. It can be said that the group of elites he sent was almost completely disabled by Yu Xiaotian's troops. In the future, these people will tremble when they see Yu Xiaotian's troops and may not recover for a long time.

It was not until this time that Kong Youde found that he despised Yu Xiaotian and the Fujian officers and army he led. Yu Xiaotian's troops learned an important situation from the fleeing generals, that is, these Fujian officers and soldiers are equipped with excessive firearms, even more than the firearms they are equipped with. Much more, and more than twice as much.

Moreover, the quality of these cannons in the hands of these Fujian officers and soldiers is also very good. The cannons are far away, accurate, and fast and in large quantities!

And they have a special bird rifle in their hands with a range of two or three hundred steps. This bird rifle has a very long range and is extremely accurate. What's more terrible is that this bird rifle launched a rifle bullet, which has very strong penetration. He examined the body of a rebel cavalry who died after returning from injury, which was dug out of his wound. A lead bullet.

This kind of lead bullet is not round, and you can't see what shape it is, because after penetrating the soldier's armor, the lead bullet penetrates into his body. It has been seriously deformed, flat and a little fragmented, causing serious damage to the wound. At the same time, it can also be seen that this kind of bullet has strong penetrating power. A seriously injured soldier wore an iron armor, which was punctured on the spot, leaving a round hole.

So this kind of long-range bird rat in the hands of Fujian soldiers is very powerful and can easily take the enemy's life 100 steps away. This is simply bad news for him. What kind of bird rat can be so powerful that he can't think of why.

But he still thought of the embarrassment of his army led by Chen Guangfu to eat in Muping County in February. According to what Chen Guangfu sent to him at that time, in a village called Xishan Village on the other side of Muping County, there was also such a kind in the hands of regimentaling villagers, which could be 200 steps away, or even 300 steps. In addition, it can also take people's lives.

At that time, no one believed that it was true. Instead, they despised Chen Guangfu. Li Jiucheng almost took Chen Guangfu down and punished him. Fortunately, Chen Guangfu later led troops east and captured Wendeng County, which saved him from guilt.

Now it seems that there are not only a lot of birds that can kill people 200 steps away. According to Chen Guangfu at that time, the members of Xishan Village over there came back from the south. It is said that the kind of birds in his hand were bought from the south.

In this way, the news on both sides confirms that somewhere in the south has indeed produced this kind of sharp bird that can kill people in two or three hundred steps, which has now been produced in large quantities, which is much more powerful than the ordinary bird in their hands now.