Daming Haiku

Chapter 137 Great Victory

So after looking at the current war situation, these guys on the side of the officers and soldiers felt that there seemed to be something blocked in their hearts. It can be said how uncomfortable it was. In addition, they were also afraid of each family and army.

You should know that although Kong Youde left a group of people to deal with the Yu family army in the south this time, those people and horses are not the main force, but there are also many troops. However, in such a period of time, their own people there were defeated by the whole army of the Yu family army, and even almost annihilated them. At this time, they have also suffered heavy losses. After knowing the general situation.

This Yu Jiajun is a little too cruel! At this time, they actually came to trouble them again, so several rebels couldn't hold their breath and jumped out to ask Kong Youde for war, asking to meet the family army.

Kong Youde looked at the sky. At this time, the sun was already west. He knew that he could not completely defeat the officers and soldiers today. If he continued to fight next, it was estimated that his men would not benefit much. On the contrary, it might also affect the morale of his men.

So Kong Youde did not allow these men to fight, ordered to defend, waited for the family's army to attack in place, and was not allowed to fight without authorization.

Yu Xiaotian also looked at the sky and saw that Kong Youde did not dare to launch an active attack on him under the condition of superior troops, so he ordered to continue to advance for a distance.

When the two sides approached 300 steps, Yu Xiaotian ordered to stop moving forward, tied their feet on the spot, and let the soldiers rest. The two sides temporarily turned into a subtle confrontation. Neither of them immediately launched an attack and were observing each other's situation.

After looking at Yu Xiaotian's people and horses, Kong Youde was secretly shocked. He already knew that the people and horses left in the south had been defeated by Yu Xiaotian's troops, and the losses were extremely heavy. Although it did not reach the extent of the destruction of the whole army, it was more than half of the damage.

Originally, he thought that even if Yu's army could win, it would be estimated that he would suffer considerable losses, but now after looking at the soldiers and horses under Yu Xiaotian's command, he realized that things were not as cheap as he thought. In addition to the great victory of Yu's army, he did not suffer much loss. Although it can be seen from afar, it is also It can be seen that many of them are covered with blood stains, but these blood stains do not seem to be their own.

Then this is not good-looking. Now it seems that the combat strength of Yu's army is still beyond his original expectations, which is simply unimaginable, so Kong Youde is already secretly afraid and dares not continue to fight with Yu's army today.

And they have been fighting fiercely for such a long time today, and the soldiers and horses are tired. If they continue to fight to the death next, they may not only not be able to win, but may also be turned to the ground by the Yu family army.

But he doesn't want to fight, which doesn't mean that Yu Xiaotian doesn't want to fight. If Kong Youde shows that he wants to continue to fight, Yu Xiaotian will really not fight with him to the end. But now Kong Youde has put on a posture of truce, so Yu Xiaotian can't let him get what he wants.

After a break, the golden drums sounded again in the Yu family's army, and the phalanx changed again began to move slowly and force towards the rebel array.

When the rebels saw that Yu's army moved again and began to approach them, their hearts hung up again. Morale was exhausted again and again. Just now, after Kong Youde's morale was withdrawn, and the rebels' morale was indeed very effective, but after such a break, coupled with seeing their commander Kong Youde, it seemed There is no intention to take advantage of the situation to attack the family army.

So these rebel generals who had good morale just now recalled the blood of the battlefield, and their morale suddenly began to decline. Yu Jiajun immediately took a break in front of them, which reminded them of the strength of the Yu family army these days. The gas suddenly fell even lower.

Now the Yu family army moved again and approached them, causing the rebels to become nervous. Under Yu Xiaotian's order, * hands began to line up, picked up the * in their hands, and there was another roar of beans on the battlefield...

After the sky gradually began to get dark, the rebels retreated their camp under the leadership of Kong Youde, and the Yu family army cheered in front of the battle, then walked around outside majestically, packed up some trophies, and sang a triumphant song and returned to their camp.

In the fierce battle on this day, it can be said that both sides have their own wins and defeats. Relatively speaking, no one has taken advantage of it. The officers and Zhejiang soldiers were defeated by the rebels, but the rebels were also beaten by the Yu family and abandoned their armor and suffered heavy losses. Although the Shandong soldiers and Zhejiang soldiers among the officers and soldiers were not completely annihilated or dispersed, they were also in a short time. The combat strength can't be restored.

However, after this battle, the losses of the rebels were also very huge. Thousands of people were lost on the battlefield. Even the core soldiers would not lose much, but the morale was not a small blow to them. Especially after the victory and defeat in the west war, their morale was much lower, and their fear of the family army was lowered. The situation has become more serious.

After Yu Xiaotian rushed to the western battlefield, Kong Youde was afraid of the battle and refused to attack. He was beaten by Yu Xiaotian and lost hundreds of people in vain, and most of them were his core elites, so that Kong Youde could only be defeated back to the camp in the end.

And what depressed Kong Youde most was that he had also won a big battle, but he didn't have time to harvest much trophy. On the contrary, it was that after the family army came, he was lost on the battlefield and later took advantage of the family army.

After both sides received their troops that night, the commander-in-chief felt very unhappy and couldn't say what it was like. Zhu Dadian summoned the generals from all walks of life in the evening and went to his middle army camp to discuss matters.

Zhu Dadian scolded Wu Anbang and Gao Guozhu angrily, and others, and scolded their two groups of army generals, making them all bow their heads and dare not speak like bad chickens. Who let them have no ability and were beaten by other rebels, and some of the whole army was almost destroyed.

The most scolded was Gao Guozhu. His defeat can almost be said to be caused by his improper command. If he hadn't seen the defeat of Shandong soldiers and immediately ordered a retreat, he would not have collapsed on the spot. In fact, as long as he persisted for a while, Yu Xiaotian would have led the troops to arrive at the battle. On the field, the Zhejiang soldiers under his command do not have to suffer such losses at all.

However, it was his mistake that led to the collapse of the Zhejiang soldiers on the spot, and eventually lost a large number of materials, generals and armor, which almost destroyed the Zhejiang army.

As for Wang Hong and others on the side of Sichuan soldiers, they watched a good play today. They did not directly participate in the battle, but were responsible for cleaning the battlefield afterwards and killed some people, but they were not killed by the rebels. All of them were ordered by Wang Hong to kill themselves, just because some of his soldiers were disobedient.

Only Yu Xiaotian and his subordinate Meng Fei and others were praised by Zhu Damian in the end. Today, if it hadn't been for Yu Xiaotian and his soldiers and his generals to work hard, Zhu Dadian simply couldn't imagine what the situation was like on the side of the army at this time. He estimated that even he had The scroll is covered on the way, how can you swear here?

The generals are happy and depressed, although Wu Anbang and Gao Guozhu have quite complained about Xiaotian, thinking that if Yu Xiaotian had done it earlier today, they would not have been defeated so badly. If Yu Xiaotian had defeated the rebels on the south side of the south road earlier and rushed to reinforce them on the west side, they would also It won't be beaten so badly by the rebels.

But they can't say this, because if it hadn't been for Yu Xiaotian today, they would have been much worse. If Yu Xiaotian hadn't rushed to the West Road in danger and forced the rebels to give up their pursuit of them, they would have almost been destroyed today, which is equivalent to Yu Xiaotian saving their lives.

Not to mention how uncomfortable this feeling makes them. On the one hand, they complain in their hearts, and on the other hand, they save them. They want to complain and dare not say anything, but they don't think it's such a thing.

What's more, they also saw that if they want to quell the rebellion in the future, they can't count on it. Although their current troops are much more than those of the Fujian army, they have been completely excluded to the edge and become auxiliary soldiers, and they can only give hands on the Yu family army.

If they offend Yu Xiaotian now, they will definitely become very sad in the future. Yu Xiaotian's crooked mouth and can send them to death. They are not fools. At this time, they absolutely dare not offend Yu Xiaotian.

There is another point that makes them dare not offend Yu Xiaotian. Today, they have suffered heavy losses, but Yu Xiaotian has made a lot of money, captured many rebels, and captured a large number of materials and weapons.

At present, they must be supplemented, but Zhu Dadian does not have any extra armor materials to allocate to them, so they can only expect Yu Xiaotian to allocate some captured armor to them to supplement their defects.

Finally, Zhu Dadian came forward in person and discussed with Yu Xiaotian, asking Yu Xiaotian to give part of the capture to Shandong soldiers and Zhejiang soldiers, and give some of the prisoners to the generals on both sides to supplement their troops.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian hesitated for a moment, saying that he also lost a lot of food and salaries. Of course, Zhu Dadian knew that Yu Xiaotian was taking the opportunity to sell off the barrier and rip off the rip off, but he only pinched his nose and admitted it. After the military grain arrived, there would be limited supplies to Fujian soldiers.

Yu Xiaotian then relaxed, pretended to be deeply righteous, and spoke generously. Of course, he would not sit back and ignore the difficulties of his friends. He could promise to give them some captured armor. As for those rebel prisoners, he refused to let go.

More than half of these captured rebels are old soldiers from Shandong. At the beginning, they can be said to have been forcibly ganged. In fact, they did not want to rebel with Kong and Li. In order to save their lives, they had to join the ranks of the rebels. Now after being captured, many people have been forced to say that they were forced. Of.

Most of these prisoners expressed their willingness to abandon the secret, turn around and rejoin the ranks of the army, make meritorious service, and follow the army to destroy the rebels.

(Chapter 3 is up! Brothers, check it! Monthly pass! I want a monthly ticket! Looking at this monthly ticket list, the dizziness seems to be much better! Hey hey!)