Daming Haiku

Chapter 138 Cannon Duel

In addition, it is not realistic for Yu Xiaotian to want to fight these labor ideas. After all, it is Zhu Dadian sitting here now. Before the two armies, he had no way to unknowingly take away these labor, support them, and consume his own food, so he will definitely not leave these prisoners.

But it was too cheap for them to give it to Shandong soldiers and Zhejiang soldiers for free to let them replenish their troops, so Yu Xiaotian hesitated and blocked them. In the end, Zhu Dadian made a statement that in the future, the army would take Yu Xiaotian as the main general, and the rest of them, except for him, would be restrained by Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian agreed. Give these prisoners to Wu Anbang, Gao Guozhu and others.

For more than ten consecutive days, there has been no large-scale battle between the two sides. It can be said that both sides are secretly adding injuries and recuperating themselves, waiting for another decisive battle.

Ten days later, in early August, the temperature is getting higher and higher. Unlike the cold in winter, the temperature in Laizhou is also quite hot in summer. The sun burns everything on the land and seems to want to burn everything. For both officers and rebels, such a climate is not so pleasant. Joy.

And there was a heavy rain in the first few days, and it was cloudy for several days. After the sunny, the temperature rose sharply, steaming up the accumulated water on the ground. People felt more wet, hot and humid, as if in a steamer.

Everyone felt uncomfortable with such weather. Such a confrontation was a kind of torment for both sides, so Zhu Dadian finally couldn't stand it. He gathered the generals again and asked for a quick battle to solve the siege of Laizhou first.

Yu Xiaotian is not willing to waste time here. Now the land of Denglai has long been devastated by the rebels. He led thousands of children to live here, which consumes a lot every day. Although the court has transferred a batch of military food, it is indeed a priority to Fujian soldiers and horses, but these military food lies in Xiaotian's view. Come on, but it's not something people eat at all.

First, the amount of food transferred by the imperial court is insufficient. The amount of food allocated by the imperial army is far more than one-third of the other officers and soldiers. There are many meals a day, and the rest of the officers and soldiers are two meals a day.

Moreover, most of these soldiers' grain is old grain. Many of the grain has become moldy, and most of them are sorghum, wheat, soybeans, and even wheat are not even ground into flour. They can only be mixed with wheat rice or miscellaneous grain porridge for officers and soldiers to eat. Yu's army is mostly southern soldiers. They are used to eating rice or brown rice, which is not used to it. I am used to eating this food.

In addition, the quality of grain is poor and there is a lot of mildew. In addition to the poor taste, it is also easy to cause large-scale diarrhea. Even if Yu Xiaotian tried his best to avoid it, there is also a situation of unconformity in the army, and many officers and soldiers have continuous diarrhea, which has a great impact on his combat strength.

Therefore, in Yu Xiaotian's army, most of the food eaten should be transported from the Fushan Institute for a long distance. Before Laizhou City is conquered, it cannot be replenished by waterways, which is also very wasteful.

The rebels also seemed to be aware of this. Today, they tried three times to cut off the food lane of Yu's army. Fortunately, a military station was arranged on the food lane of the Yu family army, which was not successful by the rebels.

So continue to drag on, Yu Xiaotian has no patience, not to mention that now he has extended his tentacles to Denglai, and a large number of people have been sent to Shandong and Denglai, and have done everything that should be done. A large number of refugees have now begun to transfer to Denglai in batches. Yangma Island in Mouping County or directly transferred to Fushan Institute. Every day, ships go to these two places to transfer refugees gathered in these places. Recently, a large number of refugees have been collected.

After a large area suffered a military disaster, it was a disaster for the economy and places of these places, including the squires, which made the whole Denglai area almost fall into a desolate state, so that Yu Xiaotian could easily reach out to many places and with the strong support of the Sea Wolf Group. , quickly formed a new powerhouse in the local area.

These people will be the seeds of his filial piety in the future. For the time being, as long as the imperial court does not stand up the mountain to raise the anti-flag, it will undoubtedly play a huge role for Yu Xiaotian's rebellion in the future.

Since these things have been done, Yu Xiaotian asked himself, and there is no need to continue to waste time here, so as soon as Zhu Dadian mentioned the decisive battle with the rebels, he immediately nodded and agreed.

Now among the officers and soldiers, Yu Xiaotian is the figure who has the final say except Zhu Dadian. Everyone knows very well that if he wants to deal with the rebels, it is up to Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian doesn't want to fight. Others must have no chance to fight, but if Yu Xiaotian wants to fight, I'm afraid it's useless for others to say no.

Seeing Yu Xiaotian nodding, none of the other generals could but agree, willing to meet the death of the enemy at the order of Zhu Dadian.

Kong Youde on the rebel side is also waiting impatiently. It doesn't have much benefit for him if the two sides continue to consume like this. Although he can raise food on the spot, now within dozens of miles or even a hundred miles around, he has robbed everything he can. He has been trapped here in Laizhou for a long time. If he can no longer defeat the officers and soldiers and defeat Lai If the state city and move westward, he will also be out of food.

It happened that the officers and soldiers were going to fight a decisive battle with him, and he did not avoid the war. He directly poured out and once again set up the battlefield about ten miles south of Laizhou, pulling the prelude to the decisive battle.

This time, in addition to pouring out the nest, the rebels also invited out all the movable cannons. A total of four Hongyi cannons were lined up by them and placed in front of the battle.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian was not polite. He invited the three 24-pound army brought with the army out of the camp and put them on the battlefield for the first time. At this time, Zhu Dian knew that Yu Xiaotian had left a hand, and he actually brought three such big killers on his hand, so he suddenly became more confident. Some.

After the two sides lined up, they did not immediately attack each other, but the cannons of both sides started first, and there was a standard artillery bombardment.

Although there are a large number of artillery in the rebel army, and the equipment is quite advanced in the Ming army, but compared with Yu Xiaotian's army, it is nothing. The only ones they can take out are the four Hongyi cannons and more than a dozen Western-style guns with relatively small caliber and light weight, which are still relatively Not bad.

However, these imitation Western-style artillery is completely comparable to Yu Jiajun's cannons in quality, not to mention the accuracy. Yu Jiajun's artillery now has a perfect operation mechanism and a simple aiming mechanism, which greatly simplifies the operation.

Originally, Kong Youde was going to use a few Hongyi cannons in their hands this time to give a heavy blow to the officers and soldiers, especially the family army, intending to frustrate the spirit of the family army first, so that the Yu family army can also taste the power of their cannons.

However, as soon as the artillery array was opened, Kong Youde found that Yu Jiajun's artillery array was no worse than his, and in the artillery array in front of their army, there were actually three heavy Hongyi cannons that had never been seen before.

It is said to be heavy. In fact, the total weight of the 24-pound gun of the family army is not as heavy as two-thirds of the 18-pound Hongyi cannon used by the rebels, but it is far more powerful than the kind of Hongyi cannon used by the rebels.

More importantly, Yu's siege heavy artillery is equipped with a lot of flowering bombs. The casting quality of these flowering bombs is quite good, with thin skin and large fillings, and a lot of exquisite particles* are stuffed in it. Moreover, when loading, it has also undergone compaction treatment. The power is by no means comparable to that of flowering bullets equipped with ordinary 12-pound guns.

Once this 24-pound cannon's flowering shell explodes, it can produce about 50 fragments. Although it can't be compared with modern grenades in later generations, its power is really not small in this era. If you blow it up an enemy within a radius of ten meters, even if it is not killed by shrapnel, it will at least be I was shocked and couldn't recover for a long time.

After the formation of the two sides, Yu's army was the first to be in trouble. The cannons in the artillery array sounded in turn, and there was a thunderous roar and a large amount of smoke.

The shell immediately roared and hit the rebel artillery array. The accuracy of the first round of shelling was not good and failed to effectively destroy the enemy artillery, but this was only a calibration shooting by the artillery, using solid bullets, which was not very powerful.

When the rebels saw the officers firing artillery, they also hurriedly began to fire back, but the landing point of the rebel cannons was even more miserable. Most of the shells landed far away from the artillery position of the Jia army, which did not pose any threat to the artillery position of the family army.

Next, the two sides launched a artillery battle for nearly half an hour. As the artillery of the Yu family became bigger and more accurate and hotter, the shells began to fall into the rebel artillery array one after another.

Blossoming bombs exploded one after another. In just half an hour, the three Hongyi cannons in the hands of the rebels were overturned, or almost killed and injured the rebel gunners, making them lose the ability to continue the artillery battle.

And the last remaining Hongyi cannon was also because the rebel gunners were too nervous and filled with excessive gunpowder. The cannon turned over. The cannon exploded on the spot, and the buttocks of the whole cannon exploded. Don't think about the end of the rebel gunners surrounding the cannon. Dozens who operated the cannon were blown up flesh and blood on the spot. Hengfei, even if he was not killed, he was shaken to the ground. His ears were bleeding, and his eyes were deaf.

So as a result of the artillery battle, the Yu family's army won a complete victory, and the rebels' cannons were dumbened by them one after another, and then led by the Yu family's army. Shandong soldiers, Zhejiang soldiers and Sichuan soldiers followed closely and began to press towards the rebels.

And Yu's army's artillery did not wait. The 12-pound howitzers and six-pound light guns all advanced forward with the army and directly entered the battlefield to provide fire support and fire suppression to the officers and army at close range.

(The emotion in my heart is beyond words, thank you very much for your support! Today, the bandit brother's song brother once again gave a heavy reward, in addition to the white cloud gap and the winter solstice 1979 brothers! Brother, I thank you again!)