Daming Haiku

Chapter 139 Defeat

This combination of artillery tactics is the first time that Yu's army is fully displayed in front of the rebels and friendly forces. When they see Yu's artillery, pushing those artillery and moving forward, many people are surprised. In their opinion, these cannons should be very clumsy. Generally speaking, they have to be arranged in advance. It takes a lot of people to serve and move forward with the army. Except for the small cannons of tiger squatting cannons, such cannons are unscathed.

But if you look carefully, it seems that it is not difficult for Yu Jiajun's gunners to push these cannons, and the operation is also very simple. The mule horse dragged the front car over, turned the cannon around and hung it to the front car, and immediately moved forward with the army. The action was extremely simple, which surprised many people.

When can the cannon be made so light, leave, stop when you stop, and fight. Yu Xiaotian really doesn't know where he invited such a light and sharp cannon for them. If he pushes it up and points to the rebels' nose and fires, the rebels will be very happy.

Under the defeat of the rebels in the artillery battle and heavy losses, they could only give up the artillery battle and follow the whole army to prepare for a head-to-head battle with the officers and soldiers. However, when the distance between the two sides just approached within 400 steps, the artillery of the Yu family quickly took off the cannons. For almost a moment, they arranged the cannons in front of the array and pulled the mules Ma Xun. It was quickly taken away, and the artillery quickly took out the ammunition from the front car and began to load it.

After a while, the cannon of the Yu family army sounded again, and the solid bullets roared out and directly hit the rebel array. After 20 or 30 shells landed in turn, even if there were bloody alleys in the rebel array, the rebels cried for their father and mother.

In fear, Kong Youde had to order the rebels to evacuate some to reduce the damage of the shelling as much as possible, and the whole army continued to accelerate to the front of the officers and army.

However, as the rebels continued to move forward, the artillery of the Yu family army replaced them with more ferocious grape bombs. Once the cannons passed, the rebels were immediately killed and injured, and pieces were bombed into pieces of meat. The scene can be said to be extremely tragic.

The rebels are so aggrieved! When they met Yu Jiajun, they could only be beaten. They watched the artillery array of Yu Jiajun in front of them. The muzzle slowly pointed at them, but they could not escape and could only stare and wait to be bombarded.

Before the two sides fought, many rebels were killed and injured, and the formation was scattered. Kong Youde felt that the situation was not good, but at this time, the retreat was a failure. Once he ordered to retreat, the enemy would immediately pursue him. His retreat may turn into defeat at any time, so he could only grit his teeth and insist. As long as he can break up the officers outside Yu's army, he will not be defeated.

From the sky and down, the scene of the battlefield was spectacular. The officers and soldiers kept raising a mass of smoke, pouring countless shells into the rebel array. A blood mist kept flying in the rebel array, and many people's lives were harvested by these cannons at any time.

And the two armies were covered with black pressure on the battlefield, like two black and red tides, rushing towards each other, and then a neat soldier and horse in the middle stopped and began to spit out smoke and flames. Yu's army's standard platoon gun shooting tactics appeared again, and rows of * hands filed forward and kept facing The rebels shot.

This shooting tactic does not need to turn back to the array after shooting. After shooting, they stopped on the spot and gave the back * hands to them, and they began to reload ammunition on the spot. After the first few rows of * hands were shot, they walked again. The front, like a wheel, keeps moving forward and approaching the enemy's front.

The rebels facing the family army were unlucky. They were shot dead in rows and cut down like grass. Looking down from the sky, you can see that the rebels are facing the line of the family army. Gradually, the bodies of the rebels are covered in front of the front line of the family.

The two torrents finally collided with each other. When the last 20 or 30 meters, the soldiers of both sides shouted like beasts at the same time, and then began to run forward. Finally, they hit each other heavily. In an instant, there was a large area of blood fog at the intersection, and countless lives were almost instantly attacked by the enemy. The knives and guns in people's hands are harvested.

Before the superior firepower of the army this time, the morale of the army has also become much higher. Following the Yu family army to fight together seems to create a sense of superiority, which makes their morale low and improved a lot. Moreover, the military generals also know that they do not work hard today, and I'm afraid there will be no chance to work hard in the future. .

Later, Zhu Dadian personally supervised the battle and sent 500 axes to supervise the battle. Before departure, he ordered anyone who dared to retreat without authorization and immediately beheaded in front of the battle. Whether it was the officer and army, if the whole army was defeated, they would kill the main generals on the spot. These generals did not dare to take it lightly and have a fluke mentality.

This time, Zhu Dadian was cruel. They couldn't help but cheat and play slippery in front of the battle. When they saw that the situation was not good, they immediately wiped oil on the soles of their feet. What's more, today, Yu Jiajun is their main backbone. They have also seen the strength of Yu Jiajun. They are very sure that they can win this battle.

So all the officers and soldiers showed considerable fighting spirit this time, and hit the enemy array without showing weakness, and the two sides immediately launched a deadly battle.

The cruelty of the war was vividly displayed at this moment, and countless officers and rebels became a corpse or wounded on the battlefield in a short time.

The knives and guns kept dancing, piercing or splitting into the enemy's body, bringing out a stream of blood. Screams and curses resounded over the battlefield, and the unique sound of Yu's army's gunfire never stopped.

The first thing they couldn't stand was the group of people who faced the rebels facing the family army. In front of the superior firepower of the family army, they were beaten without fighting, let alone the power to fight back. Several charges were repelled by platoons, and they didn't even touch the side of the family army, but increased a lot of casualties.

The rebels soon began to collapse, and a large number of rebels who were lucky enough not to be shot began to turn around and run away. Suddenly, a large gap appeared in the rebel array.

After fighting fiercely for more than an hour, the rebels completely showed defeat. The soldiers and horses in the middle had been defeated, and the morale of the whole rebels fell into their crotch in an instant.

Fear is something that can spread and contagious quickly. Seeing their own people flee around, the rest immediately began to panic. No matter how the rebels would bomb and kill people, they gradually couldn't control the situation. So in a short time, the whole rebel army began to retreat collectively.

The officers and soldiers have never fought so happily this time. Seeing that the rebels were crushed by them, several officers and soldiers shouted and began to chase the rebels.

Even on the side of the army, when they saw that the defeat of the rebels had become a fore, they also ordered to stop shooting. All * bayonets directly launched pig thrust tactics, changed to white-edged charge, and began to roar and chase the enemy.

In the Chinese army, Kong Youde looked at the fact that his soldiers and horses could not defeat the officers and soldiers, but was defeated by the officers and soldiers. He wanted to curb this defeat, but he was already powerless. Seeing the defeat of a large number of rebels, even the Chinese army where he was about to collapse, so he had no choice but to order the retreat of the troops. .

It is said that it is to withdraw troops, but in fact, it is impossible at this time. Today, the officers and the army put on the posture of a death war. Once they repelled the rebels, the whole army pressed them and chased the ranks of the rebels, leaving the rebels without any chance to reorganize. The titles of soldiers on both sides have never separated from the tail of the soldiers, and the rebels who fled slowly are all He was stabbed in the back or stabbed by a long gun and fell to the ground.

Listening to the dying screams made by their own people behind, the rebels panicked and accelerated their escape, so that later evolved into some cavalrymen who were blocking the way in order to escape for their lives. In order to open the way for their lives, they actually raised a butcher knife to their own people.

The whole rebel army was defeated in the first battle. From the initial defeat of the former army, it spread to all horses and joined the ranks of the defeat.

The battalion certainly can't go back, and it can't close the gate of the camp. It will definitely be chased into the battalion by the Yu family army or other officers and soldiers. At that time, the battalion will not be a place to save their lives, but a place to close the door and fight dogs. Therefore, some rebels even if they choose to abandon the camp and escape, they will not even return to the battalion and directly climb in. The state fled.

Kong Youde is so angry! However, there is nothing he can do. He has completely lost the control ability of the rebels under his opponent. Seeing that the army is defeated like a mountain and there is no possibility of redemption, so he has to choose to abandon the camp and retreat in the direction of Dengzhou with the closest elite soldiers and horses.

The officers and soldiers were led by the army, with cavalry in the front and infantry in the rear, chasing and killing the rebels. Many rebels saw that the general trend had gone and could not escape. They ran out of breath. It seemed that there was a danger of dying because they could not breathe at any time. They simply lost the guy, lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, or simply knelt down. Surrender on the ground in order to save his life.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian no longer personally led the army to pursue, and handed over the command to Meng Fei, so that his troops could continue to pursue, while he himself led the guard company and a battalion of infantry, greeted the artillery battalion behind, dragged the cannons straight to the rebel camp, and ran first to pick the fruits of victory.

The main generals of other people were proud and excited at this time. They began to hurriedly greet their men to chase the rebels, try to cut off more rebels' heads and decorate their military achievements. However, when they saw Yu Xiaotian leaving the pursuit queue and killing the rebel camp with a team of people, these people also Last time I came back, I quickly greeted my men and went to attack the rebel camp.

But after all, Yu Xiaotian was faster. He first blocked the gate of the rebel camp and did not leave a passage for other officers. A row of guns dispersed the remaining rebels blocked in the gate, and the army immediately rushed into the rebel camp.

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