Daming Haiku

Chapter 144 Sea Battle of Yangma Island

After a while, a large black pressed sail gradually appeared on the sea level and sailed towards Yangma Island. Through a telescope, a flying-shaped speedboat with a flagship flag, a young naval officer observed the rebel warship sailing on the sea through the telescope.

The number of rebel warships is about 70 to 80. At present, the number of troops cannot be judged. Most of the ships are hundreds of warships. The type of ship is miscellaneous, and the speed of the ship is very slow! Order the fleet to prepare for the attack!" While observing, the young naval officer calmly made his judgment and also issued an order to prepare for combat.

This young man is only in his 20s, much younger than Yu Xiaotian. His name is Luo Feng. He is the captain of the northbound task force of the Yu family's navy. He is responsible for commanding these warships patrol here. He is one of the youngest officers in the Yu family's naval system.

Although he is young, his qualifications are not light. He is also one of the first people to follow Yu Xiaotian. He also started as the lowest-level sailor. Later, he was gradually promoted. Now he has been appointed as the captain of a detachment detachment. His rank has reached the level of major, even beyond those sitting here. Liu Di and Wu Shengli and others.

Navy officers have always been promoted faster than the army, which is also a matter of no way. For any small ship, the captain is at least a second lieutenant, and the army, because of the rapid expansion in recent years, there are many second lieutenants and company commanders, which makes the army a little unhappy, but this is also There is nothing we can do.

After seeing the change of the command flag on Luo Feng's ship, several sea wolf warships immediately began to prepare for battle, and then adjusted their course and began to seize the upper position on the sea.

The appearance of these warships on the sea was also found by Mao Chenglu on the side of the rebels, but Mao Chenglu did not feel too nervous, but felt a little happy. After all, his quantitative advantage is here. 70 or 80 should not be a problem to deal with seven or eight ships!

If he does well, he can rob these big ships at once, and then he can do something in the rebels.

But he didn't realize the horror of these ships, because the warships and merchant ships of this era are basically no different from the appearance. Even the warships used by many so-called boatmen in Daming themselves are the most common ships, but they are used for different purposes.

The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed on the sea. The closer the distance, the more excited Mao Chenglu was. The boats coming towards them on the sea were indeed too beautiful, big and strong. It seemed that the speed was also relatively fast, especially the three soft sailboats led by them, which seemed to be a kind of ship used by the Taisi people. The linear shape was very drifting. Bright, the operation is also very flexible.

Although Mao Chenglu lives in the north, he also knows the biggest difference between Chinese sailboats and Western sailboats. Chinese sailboats use hard sails, while Western sailboats mostly use soft sails. In their eyes, although Western sailboats are beautiful and majestic, this kind of sail is really powerful. This kind of ship is impossible to compare with Chinese sailboats are easy to use.

"Spatter! Surround them! Take these boats first!" Mao Chenglu stood in his handsome boat, pointed to the unidentified ships opposite him, and shouted at his opponent.

After the rebel fleet was ordered, it slowly began to disperse and opened a wide array on the sea. The rebels also went on the deck, stood on the side of the ship and began to be busy preparing to jump, and loaded the ship's limited artillery to prepare for battle.

Luo Feng's task force quickly seized the limelight position on the sea. When the distance between the two sides was close to three or four miles, Luo Feng issued an order that the whole team accelerated and hit the enemy's fleet. Because the enemy ships were large, but the quality was poor, and there were even some very small ships, so he ordered the fleet to do it. Good preparation for the collision.

Among the ships used by the sea wolf, especially the warships, the quality is very good, using high-quality wood, and the structure of the warship has been strengthened, and the position of the bow has been strengthened to the greatest extent. In naval battles, impact tactics can be used when necessary.

Especially in the face of the small and medium-sized ships used by the rebels in front of us, the collision tactic is the most suitable extreme way to exert combat effectiveness.

It happened that the number of enemy ships was large and the quality was poor this time. In order to get the best result in the first face-to-face, Luo Feng chose to adopt this tactic.

Each ship kept a certain distance, arranged a geese-shaped array, and cut straight towards the rebel fleet without hesitation.

As the distance between the two sides got closer and closer, Mao Chenglu began to see the differences between the ships opposite, especially the guns on the side of these ships and the various cannons displayed on the deck. At this time, it was not until this time that he felt that the ships he met today seemed not simple.

So Mao Chenglu began to feel a little nervous and felt that it was not good to kick a piece of iron plate today.

Sure enough, just before the ships of the two sides came into contact, several sea wolf warships suddenly spewed out flames one after another, and there was a violent sound of artillery on the sea. The fierce shells roared out of the gunfire and hit the rebels who were shouting and surrounding them fiercely. Military ships.

In just a moment, the rebels really experienced the real power of the most powerful fleet in Asia. Although these ships are not the most elite main heavy warships of Seawolves, the main guns on the ship are also ordinary 12-pound short-tube guns, but these 12-pound short-tube guns are facing the rebels. The power produced by the warship made these rebels stunned.

Because the slaves in the north do not have decent ships and have no shipbuilding ability, so for so many years, the officers and sailors in the north do not need good quality, very ordinary and inferior ships, which are enough to deal with and use, so they have never seen such a fierce fleet as seawolves, or even they use them. The quality of ships is much worse than that used by many ordinary pirates in the south, and the level of equipment can't even catch up with ordinary pirates.

A fleet like them wants to win a naval battle against a well-equipped enemy like a sea wolf at sea, which is almost like a dream.

So as soon as the two sides entered the battle, the rebels were hit by the artillery of the Seawolf Task Force. Several weak ships were shot by the fire, and they didn't even hold on for a while. They disintegrated on the sea surface or buckled to the sea. Among them.

The rebels all made an exclamation, and Mao Chenglu was stunned and exclaimed. Only then did he realize that he did kick the iron plate today. What kind of cargo ship is this? It's the most ferocious warships in the south. Otherwise, how could these ships be loaded with so many cannons?

And these cannons on enemy ships are really powerful. It seems that they are all Hongyi cannons. When did so many warships with Hongyi cannons appear in the north? Whose warship is this?

Mao Chenglu was immediately confused. Seeing the fierce artillery fire of these warships, Mao Chenglu was timid and quickly ordered to give up the siege of these ships and immediately evacuate here. As for the attack on Yangma Island, it seems that as long as there are so many warships, he can't think about it.

Mao Chenglu knew himself, but at this time, he wanted to leave, but it was too late. He saw seven sea wolves' warships, like seven sharp knives, split into the rebel ships, and even did not even adjust their course, and directly crushed the rebel ships in the way.

The rebels exclaimed on the ship. For a long time, in Bohai Bay, they thought that their warship was already the most powerful. When did they meet such a fierce role, let alone see such an arrogant enemy.

They are not unaware of the impact tactics of warships, but they all believe that they will only have to do this when they work hard. The standard practice of killing the enemy is 800 yuan. Even if they can smash their ships, these enemy ships will definitely be damaged.

But the next scene surprised them even more. The seven ships seemed to be the same. They all chose an enemy ship and directly crushed it. The sharp bow of the flying-shaped fast ship, coupled with a strong angle, was like an iron plow, rushing straight to the enemy ship, and only heard a few clicks, like a thorn. The knife first crashed into the enemy ship with a sharp collision angle. Relying on the huge impact energy carried by the hull itself, it dismembered the enemy ship on the spot and broke the enemy ship on the waist.

A flying-sized fastship, the cutting angle is not ideal. It almost collided head-on with the enemy ship, but only slightly deviated. The collision angle was hit from the right front of the enemy ship, but what the enemy did not expect was that in front of this strange warship, their boat was like paper, and they were actually flying quickly. The ship cut into their hull diagonally. Originally, they thought that after the hull hit, it could be stuck on the enemy ship, and the enemy ship would be entangled with them. At that time, they could take the opportunity to climb the enemy ship and jump to help seize the ship.

But what they never expected was that after this strange ship hit them, it directly opened their boat on the spot. A good warship did not resist the collision and was disintegrated by the other party on the spot. The rebel generals on the ship immediately exclaimed and screamed. They fell into the cold sea one after another, leaving them no chance to jump and grab the boat.

Then the enemy ship seemed to be fine and directly dispersed the wreckage of their warships, and sailed over, leaving a piece of broken ship fragments and a large number of struggling rebel generals on the sea behind the stern.

(Today, I would like to thank the two old friends for their rewards of Laughing West Wind and Winter Solstice 1979, and ask for monthly tickets and red tickets by the way!)