Daming Haiku

Chapter 145 Catch a big fish

As for the remaining four No. 2 lucky boats, they are not too big, but in the face of the rebel's dilapidated warships, they are still crushed without suspense. The bow of the lucky boat is high and the bow is strong. Although the bow is not sharp and sharp, it can still directly crush the enemy ship. Pressed into the sea, it is like an iron plow, crushing directly from the enemy ship. Relying on its own impact and weight, it pressed the enemy ship into the seawater, relying on the pressure and buoyancy of the seawater to crush the enemy ship in the seawater.

The battle between the two sides took only a moment. These sea wolf warships achieved the record of destroying 12 enemy ships, and this was not the first time to face it. After crushing the first enemy ship, the sailors on the ship immediately got up and rushed to the side of the ship's guns and ships, fired guns and shots. , like a storm, hit the nearby enemy ship.

Looking at these extremely arrogant and unidentified warships, Mao Chenglu almost felt that his hair was about to stand up. He had never been at sea and had seen such an opponent. How could he still fight? It's simply a unilateral crushing!

Today, he was unlucky and took over the work happily, but he didn't expect that as soon as he came here, he was beaten to face by the other party.

Looking at these warships that were spraying fire everywhere, Mao Chenglu had completely showed his timidity. He exclaimed and greeted the warships under him. He quickly dispersed and separated from the enemy ships. Don't fight with them anymore. He quickly withdrew from here and returned to Dengzhou City.

In fact, there is no need for him to greet him at this time, and the remaining rebel generals on the rebel warships have also been scared, and now they have begun to disperse in panic.

However, they disbanded in panic, which brought another bad result, that is, they were thinking about their own things and were busy. As a result, the ship array was instantly chaotic. Almost in an instant, there were ship collisions between their families.

It's a big accident. These strong ships like seawolves are better. It's basically not a big problem to meet ships that are smaller or weaker than them. However, these so-called warships of the rebels are of inferior goods, and the shipbuilding process is simple. Many of them are temporarily put together. The hull structure is single. Bo, not to mention crashing into a ship, even if there is a big storm at sea, they are easy to fall off.

So once the ship is hit, many ships will be seriously damaged, and the cracked hull will pour into a large amount of seawater in an instant, and it will not take long to capsize or sink.

The sudden blow made Mao Chenglu's fleet suddenly mess up, and the seven warships of the sea wolf soon chiseled through their fleet and rushed behind them. Luo Feng immediately ordered to adjust his course and came back to continue to attack.

The seven ships formed a fleet, pulled out a vertical formation, and began to do maneuvers on the sea. After all, it is a sail warship, and its mobility at sea is affected by the wind direction, but the impact of this personnel is also great.

The sailors of sea wolves, who have been at sea for a long time, often have to receive a variety of boat training and pay special attention to the mobility at sea. Therefore, in the long run, the helmsman and the hand on the ship have formed a very tacit cooperation. The helmsman only need a simple password, and the hand will quickly respond and adjust the sail. Go to the most suitable position and drive the ship to maneuver.

So these ships of the sea wolf quickly drew a perfect arc on the sea, circled, returned to the battlefield again, and aimed the bow position at the chaotic rebel fleet again.

The seven ships once again seized the upper hand, and then again, led by Luo Feng, rushed straight to the rebel fleet. With such repeated impact, impact and shelling, the battle on the sea lasted for more than three hours, that is, more than six hours in later generations.

In these six hours, seven ships of the detachment launched a total of eight attacks on the rebel fleet, and almost each time, several enemy ships could be destroyed.

From beginning to end, Mao Chenglu's rebel fleet was in a passive state of being beaten. The firepower was not as good as that of the enemy. The speed of the ship could not keep up with the speed of the enemy, and the command was completely failed. The rebel ships fought separately, all of which were the idea of wanting to escape quickly.

The rebel ships turned around and fled in the direction of Dengzhou, but the sea wolf's fleet was like maggots, chasing them fiercely, like beasts. They rushed up and took a bite, tearing off a large piece of the rebel's bloody meat in every bite.

70 or 80 rebel warships, under the bite of these seven sea wolf warships, are getting fewer and fewer. On the sea, from the east of Yangma Island to the sea surface of Zhifu Island, leaving pieces of ship wreckage and a large number of rebels fluttering in the sea. Although many rebels know water, they desperately want to swim to friendly ships or On the shore, but the distance and their lack of physical strength made many rebels unable to swim to the shore at all, so they exhausted their physical strength and drowned in the sea.

Drowning rebel bodies floated everywhere on the sea, and some rebels caught some wreckage of ships on the sea, making a sad cry for help.

Mao Chenglu himself was not spared. Of course, his handsome ship was the best ship among the rebel fleet. His handsome flag was also hung on the ship, so that Luo Feng and the lookouts on each ship under his command stared at his boat at a glance.

So Mao Chenglu's boat became their key target. At the time of the fourth attack, Mao Chenglu's boat had been hit with a lot of holes. The hull was flooded, and he was about to sink into the water. Mao Chenglu's life was actually a great blessing. In such a rain of bullets, he was actually unscathed. Seeing that the boat was no longer available, Mao Chenglu had to abandon the boat and escape, jumped into the water and tried to swim to the nearest island called Jiadao.

However, before he could swim to the island, a sea wolf ship appeared near him. Several hook guns protruded into the sea, hooked Mao Chenglu's clothes, dragged him into the boat like a dog, and was instantly tied into dumplings and thrown into the cabin.

It's also pitiful. Mao Chenglu rushed to lead 3,000 rebels and sat on 70 or 80 warships. After this battle, only more than 20 warships were finally able to escape from the battlefield and fled back to Dengzhou.

The rest of the warships were either destroyed or sunk by the sea wolf's ships on the spot, or seriously injured, half sunk in the sea, sinking and floating, and can't be saved.

There are also more than a dozen warships. Because their sails or cables were destroyed, they had to fight white flags on the sea to surrender and become prisoners and trophies of the Yu's army.

Luo Feng led the fleet and chased to Zhifu Island. Seeing that it was getting late, he began to order a return voyage.

At this time, several large ships followed into the battlefield again, chased behind the warships, cleaned the battlefield on the sea, picked up some submerged and half-dead rebel generals, dragged some surrendered rebel warships, and then joined Luo Feng's fleet on the way back. After nightfall, they returned to Yangma Island.

The people on Yangma Island already knew that their warships had won a great victory at sea this time, so they were already excited to wait for these naval ships to return on the island.

After this battle, although 3,000 rebels were not completely destroyed, less than 800 people escaped back to Dengzhou, including Mao Chenglu himself, who were also captured by the Yu family army.

On the way back, the ships began to conduct a preliminary screening of the prisoners. Mao Chenglu, as the main general, was immediately taken out and learned that this time they actually captured a rebel general like Mao Chenglu alive. Liu Di and Wu Shengtian all grinned happily.

And Luo Feng was naturally very proud. He knew that he had made great achievements this time. It was an unexpected surprise for them to catch a rebel general like Mao Chenglu. This time, they also had to receive an order issued by Yu Xiaotian like Liu Di and Wu Shengtian and that guy called Li San. Awards will definitely be of great benefit to their promotion in the future.

However, there are some differences on how to deal with prisoners like Mao Chenglu. This time, the rebels attacked Yangma Island, which undoubtedly destroyed the previous agreement reached by the two sides. Some people proposed to simply cut off Mao Chenglu and send his head to the government, or simply send people to the Xiaotian army.

However, Liu has exercised considerable political wisdom during this period, and immediately saw the potential value of Mao Chenglu.

So Liu's power cannot kill Mao Chenglu without authorization, let alone return it to the rebels or resell it to the government. The value of this guy is not as simple as hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. Although he does not know what this guy may be useful, he still believes that this matter should be notified to them immediately. Lord Yu Xiaotian, let Yu Xiaotian decide in person.

After listening to Liu's different opinions, everyone felt that it was also reasonable. For them, it was not a good thing to kill such a big fish without authorization. If it is not done well afterwards, they will take the blame because of this matter, so it is best to keep it first and wait for the Lord to come up.

So they immediately sent people to sneak out of Xishan Village and rushed to Pingdu to find Yu Xiaotian to report the matter. However, what was unexpected was that the person sent out somehow disappeared on the way. It is likely that they were attacked by the rebels at night and attacked by the rebels at night. He was killed by the rebels at night, or he may have been captured.

So by mistake, it was not until July that they sent the news to Yu Xiaotian. It was not until this time that Yu Xiaotian knew that Luo Feng had actually caught a rebel general named Mao Chenglu.

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