Daming Haiku

Chapter 28 Clearing the Battlefield

When each team of soldiers passed under this slope, they would involuntarily make a cheer. Under an order, the generals made a uniform side face and a military salute to Yu Xiaotian immediately on the slope, but their feet did not stop, continuing to step on the rhythm of the marching sentry and quickly move forward. OK.

Yu Xiaotian abandoned all the distracting thoughts in his heart at this time and looked at the soldiers in front of him with a lot of emotion in his heart. Since he came to this era, he was picked up from the sea and became a pirate. More than ten years have passed.

He has operated from a small group of pirates to the present, becoming a huge valve with 100,000 troops and controlling more than millions of people. Now it is finally time for him to have a showdown with this era.

He is deeply proud of what he has done over the years, proud of creating such a strong soldier with his own hands, and also full of joy.

Today's World War can be said to determine the fortune of China in the next few hundred years. If he wins, he will be depressed. From then on, he will be expelled from the long river of history. If he loses, the world will return to the old road. Therefore, he can only take these children and move forward for the future of the whole Chinese nation and for his own future. The world.

Yu Xiaotian kept raising his hand to return the salute. Today, he appeared on the roadside and gave all the soldiers who went on the expedition like another injection of chicken blood. When he just got up in the morning, the heaviness that was suppressed in their hearts. When he saw Yu Xiaotian immediately under the morning light of the morning, he was immediately waved away, and only in his heart There was a warm excitement.

What kind of slave? I've seen a lot these days, but what can today's World War I be? Does it make me nervous? That's too long for these Jiannu. As long as you follow our master, who can be the opponent of our family army? If the Ming officials and soldiers can't make it, this slave is still a bad dish!

Many people thought about it secretly and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of the tension when they got up in the morning. At this time, they didn't know who started in the team: "The big river flows east!" The stars in the sky are in the Big Dipper! ......”

This song is also said to have been hummed by their masters when they had nothing to do a long time ago. It is catchy and makes people feel excited, so it soon became popular in the family army, and now it has become the most popular song in the family army.

I heard that someone started, so many soldiers and generals of the family immediately sang loudly, and suddenly the song resounded through the sky. Although some guys were born with incomplete tone and sang in a barren voice, the majesticity of tens of thousands of people singing together can be said to be quite magnificent. The singer's blood was boiling, which made the listener excited.

Shili Road was not long for Yu Jiajun. It was only an hour from departure to arrival. At dawn, the forward battalion of Yu Jiajun had arrived at the battlefield and immediately took a foothold on the battlefield. Then the Yu Jiajun troops entered the battlefield one after another and began to line up on the battlefield. .

The gun car entered the battlefield like a long dragon under the lead of a mule horse, quickly untied the mule horse from the front car, and the artillery quickly removed the artillery from the front car and quickly began to build a gun position.

The heavy trucks loaded with thick wooden boards entered the back of the battlefield and were also quickly hooked up by the heavy trucks, forming a battalion array with heavy trucks, like an active city.

The infantry of each battalion filed into the battlefield and quickly formed a hollow phalanx according to the instructions. In an instant, more than 20 phalanxes were formed like fish scales on the battlefield.

The limited cavalry troops lined up on the side of the array. The cavalry were reluctant to waste horsepower. They all led the war horses into the battlefield on foot. At this time, after the array was completed, they silently held the horse's rein, kept touching the neck of the war horse, appeased the war horse's uneasiness, and adjusted the war horse's mood to the best. State.

After entering the predetermined battlefield, everyone immediately checked the weapons at hand, sorted out the military uniforms and armor, and some heavy armors were removed from the car and placed at the feet of the soldiers. When they were only needed, they hung them up and put them in battle at any time.

Yu Xiaotian fulfilled his promise, took the Guards to the front line of the battlefield in person, and stopped at the highest point in the array. Here, you can overlook the situation of the whole battlefield and is most conducive to commanding the army.

Tens of thousands of people arrived on the battlefield. Although the arms were mixed, they were not chaotic at all. Everything unfolded quickly according to the instructions of the generals. It took only a very short time for the troops to complete the array.

At this time, a sentry on a war horse and galloped back from the south, quickly rushed into the array and reached the position of the Chinese army.

A short but strong cavalryman turned over and jumped down. His movements were amazingly. Before the war horse stopped, he had landed. He raised his legs and rushed to Yu Xiaotian's position. After being stopped by his own guard for inspection, he quickly came to Yu Xiaotian and shouted after saluted: "My lord ! The Jiannu army has a total of 60,000 soldiers and horses, and more than 20,000 people are moving towards us, according to which it is only about five miles! You can see them in the slowest hour!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said loudly, "Thank you for your hard work! Get back and rest!"

Although Yu Xiaotian's tone was indifferent, the words of hard work at the beginning almost made the captain cry. These soldiers and generals did the most dangerous thing all day. For the army to explore the way in front of their heads, they may encounter enemy riding at any time, and may even encounter a small group of enemy troops. If they are not careful, they may die. Danger.

So it is not only in the family army, but even among all the armies, the scouts are undoubtedly the most dangerous arms.

This time they are going to come here to fight against Jiannu. A few days ago, these scouts had already arrived in this area and began to take the initiative to clean up the Jiannu riders and some small groups of sporadic soldiers. In a few days, they fought with Jiannu soldiers and horses, large and small, and the two sides suffered damage to each other. Team, the number of cuts has reached more than one-third.

However, they successfully completed the task assigned to them by Yu Xiaotian, cleared the area in advance and controlled the battlefield in this area.

When he heard that the main army of Yu's army had arrived, he immediately turned over and came back to report the news. Although they were very hard, when they heard Yu Xiaotian's words of hard work, they still felt a warm current directly poured into his heart, which immediately refreshed him and felt that the fatigue and hard work these days were worth it, regardless. How hard and dangerous they are. Their lords see it and remember it in their hearts. What else do they want for Yu Xiaotian? This word "hard work" contains too many things, which is enough for them.

But the captain still resisted the excitement in his heart, tried his best to take the order loudly, saluted with his legs again, made a standard backward turn, quickly rushed down the slope, and turned over and galloped to the right side of the team with his scout team.

Yu Xiaotian overlooked the whole battlefield, which is bordered by the canal in the east, but there is no ship on the canal. All the boats are now forcibly gathered by them to the Tianjin Wei Wharf area. Some boats have been directly towed to the river bank to prevent the slave army from crossing the river after coming here.

This also made the Jiannu arrive here, 10,000 or 20,000 soldiers and horses were separated from the east coast. A few days ago, Jiannu on the east coast tried to launch a surprise attack on Tianjin Wei, captured the Tianjin Acropolis from the main force of the Yu family army, put the army in a state of being attacked by the enemy, and cut off the grain channel of the Yu family army.

However, they were hit by the second brigade of the Yujia army stationed on the east coast. The brigade commander of the second brigade first blocked their way. After a fierce beating, they defeated them, and then took the initiative to attack them and launched a counterattack. After a day of fierce battle, they drove this group of slave soldiers and horses out for more than 30 miles, which was stunned. He pressed them and drove them to a place called Dongtang Village by the sea before they stopped the pursuers.

After the slave army was blocked in Dongtang Village, they could only camp on the spot and confront the second brigade at night. However, before dawn, the second fleet sent more than a dozen large warships to reach the sea outside Dongtang Village. At dawn, more than a dozen gunboats launched a fierce shell against the slave barracks in Dongtang Village.

The day before, these Jiannu had been bombarded into frightening birds by the army's cannons, but only one night later, they were bombarded by the Yu family's navy, and the naval shelling strength was ten times stronger than that of the army's. After all, the army only had a small-caliber 12-pound gun, and heavy artillery was not often invested. In addition, because of the amount of ammunition and the need for too many mules and horses, the number of army artillery equipment in the Yu army is not large.

But the navy does not have these scruples. These gunboats are equipped with more than 20 guns, of which the lower artillery deck is equipped with 24 pounds of heavy guns, the upper deck is equipped with 12 pounds of light guns, and the bow or stern of some ships are also equipped with 36 pounds or even 48 pounds of Karon guns.

One or twenty ships are two or three hundred cannons. When shelling on the other side, at least more than half of the artillery can be fired, and more than 100 shells can be fired in one round. In this era, it is already overwhelming.

So at the beginning of the shelling, Jiannu's barracks barracks were like hail, and the navy finally met this opportunity because it could not catch a war, and was even more willing to pay its capital. Even if all the flowering bombs that could be used on the ship were invited out, this fierce bombardment hit the shore.

Jiannu was unlucky and couldn't fight back at all. He could only be beaten with his neck straight. In a short time, he was blown up and bumped around like a blown-up wasp, killing and injured!

The army will not sit and watch the bustle. The second brigade will kill you when you are ill. Even if it launched an attack on the Jiannu battalion at the same time, the Jiannu was defeated again under the attack of the sea and land armies. In this battle, more than 20,000 Jiannu lost a small half, thousands of people were captured, leaving only a few thousand Jiannu, and fled from the sea like a homeless dog. However, it has already collapsed and completely lost its combat effectiveness.

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