Daming Haiku

Chapter 29 Gift

In this way, when Yu Xiaotian invited Dorman to fight to the death, the Jiannu on the east bank of the canal had been completely defeated by them and completely lost their combat effectiveness. Now Yu Xiaotian and the generals of the Yu family army no longer have to worry about Jiannu running to the east coast to make trouble at this time.

Therefore, at this time, Yu Xiaotian also transferred part of the troops of the Second Brigade to the West Bank and strengthened it into the decisive battle team.

This time, Yu Xiaotian dispatched a total of more than 20,000 troops, and put a total of four brigades on the battlefield, three of which were not enough to be compiled. The number of artillery pieces of artillery was as high as 160, mostly 12 pounds of howitzers, and a small number of six-pound cannons, and a total of cavalry battalions, with a total of more than 2,000. As a saying, he has exhausted the elite and put all the old capital on this big bet.

As for Dorcon, he took out all his capital this time. In addition to leaving some troops to guard the hostages and the materials they looted, it can also be said that all the troops that can be put into the battlefield, hoping that this battle can be defeated by the family army and completely pass the withdrawal outside the customs. The way to go.

After reporting the news of Jiannu, Yu Xiaotian calculated the time slightly. This time, his army arrived on the battlefield about half an hour ahead of the enemy, so this time he took another opportunity.

Within a few miles ahead, Yu's army's scouts have blocked the front battlefield. Within a few miles, they have basically blocked the way for the Jiannu scouts to investigate the situation, so this provides him with a quite good opportunity.

Yu Xiaotian's eyes turned and showed a treacherous smile. He turned his head and said to Meng Fei, who followed him, "What do you think you are still doing? Are the engineers a little too idle? Why don't you find something for them to do? Why don't you bury the big gifts we prepared for Jiannu? What are you doing?"

After listening to this, Meng Fei patted the fine steel helmet on his brain and promised with a sad face, "Look at my head, I don't know what I was thinking about just now!" Yes! Haha! I'm going to arrange it!"

After saying that, the guy saluted, turned around and ran away, and began to arrange it.

In just a few minutes, a group of unarmed Yu's soldiers flew out of several places and lifted a lot of things. After running more than 100 meters before the battle, they immediately began to dig up like a group of groundhogs with the shovels they were carrying.

They moved very quickly, and soon dug a large deep pit in front of the army, put some tight things wrapped in oilcloth into the pit, and then poured a lot of stones, broken porcelain pieces, broken iron pieces and other things on it.

Of course, some people use more professional things. These are some iron round cast iron jars, which can be put directly into deep pits. Then they immediately hang a rope on these iron jars. After checking that they are correct, they pull out a pin on the iron jar and quickly seal the pit with soil. The thing was buried, and the surface was swept with a broom, so that something had been buried here in the distance.

Then these engineers rushed back to the array while putting on the rope, with a special person in charge and watching some ropes.

Yu Xiaotian looked at the busy work of these engineers and showed a bad smile on the corners of his mouth. These things were some other big gifts he prepared for Jiannu. To put it bluntly, they were land thunder.

The better is the iron mine specially cast by the arsenal. In addition, due to the limited quantity, some explosive bags are simply used. Since the successful development of the fire cap, the application of mines has gradually matured. Although the pull-type fuse has not been successfully tried, the mechanically sent fuse has been used first. It was tested.

These mines are equipped with a simple mechanical firing fuse, replacing the previous way of igniting mines with long fuses, which makes mines really have actual combat capabilities.

The launch fuse is actually a simplified spring hammer. A fire cap is installed on the mine. When it is stored, the fire cap is not installed, and the pins are used as a safety. When used, the wax seal is removed, the bracket is pulled, the fire rope is hung, and then the pin is pulled out to complete the preparation.

Once used, you only need to pull the fire rope hard, and the head will hit the fire cap under the action of the spring. If the fire cap ignites, the mine can be detonated.

So it was not until this time that mines were used as standard weapons by Yu Xiaotian and equipped for engineers.

Today, he rushed here in advance. Of course, he can't wait for the Jiannu army to come. It's good to prepare some gadgets for them in advance. It's good to give them some surprises at that time. In addition, he just needs to test the actual combat effect of this mine.

Just as the engineers had just completed the mine laying task, a wide black line appeared far away on the horizon. Through the eyepiece of the telescope, it can be seen that it was a black line composed of people and horses. Countless Jian slaves were rolling in from a distance, like a group of super-large marching ants. However, it passed on the land and slowly drove towards the battlefield.

At first glance, it is really extraordinary and has a fierce momentum. In the construction of the slave army, it is also full of banners and bright armor. Under the light of the morning sun, knives and guns reflect cold light.

However, Yu Xiaotian sneered. After this period of repeated confrontations with Jiannu, he already knew the strength of these Jiannu armies. Although it seems that the terrain of this place is open, it is because there is a canal in the east and another river in the west. Such terrain seems to be flat, but it is decisive for the army. In terms of war, it is not necessarily conducive to the deployment of the party with more troops.

Jiannu is good at cavalry, which seems to be very beneficial for their cavalry to attack here, but the width of the battlefield is so large that no matter how many Jiannu troops there are, they can only be thrown into the battlefield in batches.

The Yu family army seems to have no more troops than Jiannu, but it can just unfold on this side. There is no need to worry about the left and right wings at all, and will be attacked by the Jiannu cavalry.

What's more, the infantry phalanx of Yu's army is extremely defensive. Nearly 20 infantry phalanxes are formed as battalions and firmly control the battlefield. Even if there is no temporary chest wall and other defense facilities here, the family's own infantry phalanx is still the nemesis of cavalry.

In addition to the firepower output ability of the family army, Dorgun dares to fight in this battle, and the slave side itself has fallen into a disadvantage. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian is not afraid of Dorgun's coming, but he is afraid that he dares to come. If Dorgun is now a strong man breaks his wrist and gives up hundreds of thousands of them. The captled Ming people and countless goods suddenly turned around to choose a way, bypassed Tianjin Wei, went straight into the west of Beijing, and walked to the west to protrude outside the customs.

Then Yu Xiaotian really only stared and was completely unable to stop the Jiannu army from escaping.

But now when he saw that Hu Biaobiao, the Jiannu army had been killed from afar, his heart was completely put in his stomach and immediately ordered, "Send the order to the artillery, today is the day of the decisive battle, so that they can let go and fight me regardless of ammunition consumption and artillery consumption!" Don't make too much. As long as Jiannu enters the range of our artillery, we can fire. I want Jiannu to tremble in the roar of our cannon from beginning to end!"

The artillery officers were very happy when they heard about it. This time, they all came with double ammunition. In addition to the artillery car stuffed with ammunition, the heavy battalion also carried an extra backup ammunition for them, just to have a good time today.

Now Yu Xiaotian has issued such an order, which is equivalent to letting them fight casually. As long as they can reach each other, there is no need to save ammunition. For them, this is another form of kindness, so these officers seemed to beat chicken blood one by one, and suddenly their mouths were happy.

You should know that being able to be an artillery is a very respectable thing for the family army, and it is even more respectable to be an artillery officer, because artillery is a technical arm, with high requirements for quality and high requirements for physical fitness. Whether it is an officer or a soldier, it is selected one.

And the artillery is generally in a relatively safe position during the war. In addition, * is also a very cool thing. Although it is extremely hard, the firing of this cannon is much more enjoyable than shooting with * by infantry, and it sounds very happy.

Because of the large consumption of artillery, they generally fight on the battlefield and will not open them to fight casually. They are often let them fire at the most important time, which makes many artillerymen feel unsyin. Sometimes low-intensity combat, and even their artillerymen can only stare at each other and release two cannons and infantry. As soon as they rushed, it was over, so the artillerymen rarely had a chance to get such an open opportunity to fight casually.

But today, Yu Xiaotian issued an order of unlimited shelling, which allowed these artillerymen to be addicted to cannons. It was strange that these guys were unhappy. They immediately rubbed their hands and began to prepare, and the muzzle of artillery began to slowly rise under their operation.

Although the direct shooting distance of the 12-pound gun is not far, up to about 400 meters at most, if you adjust the elevation angle of the muzzle, you can fire the solid bullet as far as far as 1,200 meters, and can ensure that it can effectively hit the target of the size of the house. If it is farther, it can be farther, but in that case It is completely inaccurate and has no practical significance.

So after hearing the order, the artillery immediately adjusted the artillery to the maximum effective range, that is, a distance of 1,200 meters, aimed at the direction of the construction slave army and prepared for the shelling.

At this time, Dorgun, Dudu and other slave chiefs led tens of thousands of troops and entered the battlefield. Three miles away, they stopped. These guys were not stupid. They knew that Yu Jiajun's cannons were far away and accurate, and could almost hit about three miles away, so they The array did not dare to come any closer, but stopped three miles away.