Daming Haiku

Chapter 30 Decisive Battle 1

Dorson looked at the terrain of the battlefield, looked at the array of the Yu family army that had arrived here, and frowned. Now he has completely dispelled all the contempt for the family army in his heart and no longer dares to underestimate this group of Yu family army.

Up to now, when he saw the array of Yu Jiajun, he still felt a little twitching in his heart. Thinking of Yu Jiajun's fierce artillery*, he had a lingering fear in his heart.

This time he came to fight a decisive battle with the Yu family army, which can be said to have spent a lot of words. He finally persuaded those Mongolian soldiers to come here for the last fight.

In fact, the leaders of the Mongolian ministries are not willing to give up the wealth they have easily captured. Although they are afraid of the family army, they think that if they return to the customs like this, their next life will certainly not be better. Without these captured wealth and slaves, they will have to suffer outside the customs. Forced days to the extreme.

Although Yu's army is indeed powerful, under the heavy profit, they finally chose to stay and follow Dorton to make this last fight. As long as they can defeat this Yu's army, they can easily carry these wealth and slaves, return to the grassland, and live a comfortable life with enough food and clothing for a period of time.

And this time Dorgon made a promise to them that he would never treat them as cannon fodder again. This time, it was a decisive battle. Dorgon would never hesitate to spare the generals of their eight flags, but only filled the Mongolian soldiers and horses on the battlefield to be cannon fodder.

Since Dorgon has said so far, the leaders of these Mongolian ministries are relieved that they will die together. Don't let his mother die by you. You have run away with your things. As long as everyone advances and retreats together, then this battle can still be fought.

So Dorgan led his troops here, took a foothold on the battlefield, and began to dispatch troops.

The confrontation between the two sides is not long. Dorson is very clear that this battle can be delayed by the family army, but he can't afford it. Now he has finally encouraged some morale. If the confrontation continues for a long time, it is very unfavorable to him. The family army can wait and can be delayed, but they can't.

It has been almost half a year since they entered the customs, and most of the soldiers have been homesick, and the biggest problem is that they are now full, and many people are no longer willing to fight for their lives. If they are blocked here for too long, I don't know if the Ming court will send a large army to besiege them.

If the Ming court understands the taste at this time, once the army is mobilized, then they will completely fall here if they have so many soldiers and horses.

Therefore, after the two armies confronted each other for a while, Dorcon saw that the family army did not take the initiative to attack, so he stopped waiting and issued an order to attack.

They have many cavalry, so they are not good at defense. Attack is the greatest use of cavalry. Since it is a decisive battle today, he will not hesitate to do anything.

So he immediately put the armored troops in front of him. In the past few days, he also tried to raise a lot of vehicles, and even unloaded the goods on some looted ox carts and mules and converted these vehicles into rovers as a way to restrain the enemy's arms.

At present, in addition to this method, he really can't find a way to restrain the enemy's sharp fire, so he tried to piece together hundreds of such rovers as a tool to cover his charge.

The first batch of soldiers and horses sent were mostly the Han army who were captured by them and surrendered to them. These Han soldiers have a low status among the construction slaves. Although Huang Taiji has been quite tolerant of these Han troops over the years, after all, they are still the Han army and will never be able to raise their heads among the construction slaves.

Since the first array must be a war of attrition, these Han troops naturally became consumables and were firstly filled into the battlefield as cannon fodder.

In addition, there are a group of young and strong men selected by them who were taken into the customs this time, and they were also forced to help push these bulky cars.

The first soldiers and horses who fought took these people who were forced to help them push their carts, and Dorton invested more than 20,000 troops at once.

In the low sound of horns, more than 10,000 armored soldiers and Han soldiers forced the people who were forcibly taken to push the cart and slowly out of the array. It was not only these ordinary people who were forced to help but also help Jiannu, including those Han soldiers and Jiannu armored soldiers, one by one by one. With an expression of going to the execution ground, whether they are willing or not, they have no room to resist this arrangement. They can't do more than die.

These Han troops were in front of them, accompanied by clothed slaves, and behind them were the armored troops of the Eight Banners. First, they supervised these Han troops, and also served as the second echelon. After attacking in front of the enemy's defense line, they fought as a new force.

Behind them were nearly 10,000 Mongolian cavalry and Jiannu cavalry. They were ready. Once the front troops and the enemy were glued, they immediately launched an assault to tear the enemy's defense line when the march blocked the enemy's artillery fire.

After Dorson arranged everything, he immediately ordered to beat the drums and launch a full attack. Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound of war drums on the battlefield, accompanied by a low horn.

The black-pressure slave army began to squirm towards the defense line of the Yu family army like locusts. The rovers were pushed into the battlefield, either with thick wooden boards or directly put together with logs, and even directly piled firewood on the car to resist the bullets fired by the Yu family army. The slightly better condition is also covered with a layer of raw cowhide.

Hundreds of row cars were lined up and formed a total of three columns. Many construction soldiers hid behind these row cars and slowly pushed towards the Yu family's military front.

Yu Xiaotian silently watched the actions of these slaves and did not do any more command. The artillery should know when they would do it, which did not need him to worry about.

The artillery battalions directly under each brigade were already ready at this time. Some special personnel constantly measured the distance of the enemy and reported it to the officers at any time.

The heavy rowing car, poor manufacturing technology and uneven battlefield roads make the driving speed of the rowing car very slow. The heavy rowing axles made a creaking friction sound and were pushed by the clothes slaves hiding behind the car, squirming like ants.

From their departure to entering a range of 1,200 meters, they walked for a quarter of a quarter of an hour, which made the artillerymen who had already jumped their feet in a hurry quite speechless. They scolded these Jiannu for being too lazy to walk so slowly. Is this also a charge?

So they could only stare and quietly wait for Jiannu to come to the door. Just when they thought they were about to exhaust all their patience, these Jiannu's sawmills finally entered their shelling range.

After confirming that the enemy had entered effective range, the battalion commanders of each gun battalion flashed a cold light in their eyes. Suddenly, he raised his waist knife high above his head and roared, "All of them have it!" Open fire! ......”

"Boom..." The whole position where the Yu family army was located, several artillery positions shook violently at almost at the same time, and a group of flames suddenly spewed out of the muzzle, and then the rumble of artillery rolled between heaven and earth.

More than 100 shells roared through the sky, pulling out strips of smoke in the air, hitting the Jiannu array like hail.

When all the Jiannu saw a flames spewing out in the Yu family's army, their hearts seemed to be clenched. They only felt that their hearts seemed to sink at once, and then they were suddenly raised and directly raised to their throat.

My mother! Where did Yu Jiajun get so many cannons? I haven't seen them have so many cannons in the first few days. Why did they suddenly have so many cannons today? Does this make people live or not?

Dorgun only felt that his temples were jumping, and his heart had already bursting and scolded. In the first few days, he also saw the power of Yu's army's cannons, but in those days of fierce fighting, Yu's army was far less than the cannons today. Just a rough glance, he could see that the cannons pulled by Yu's army today far exceeded his head. They have seen more than twice as many days.

This time, Yu Xiaotian was really not wronged. In the first few days, when Yu Jiajun resisted Dorgun's fierce attack on the Tianjin Wei side, Yu Xiaotian never transferred all the artillerymen to the front of the battle.

But from beginning to end, only two artillery battalions were transferred to participate in the war, and there were only 60 or 70 cannons in total. Even so, Jiannu had been beaten badly by them, so Jiannu was sure that Yu's army had this little possession, but today he wanted to fight with the Jiannu led by Dornon. So it is no longer hidden.

This time, he came out and brought almost all the movable artillery. Four brigade artillery battalions, plus an independent artillery battalion, a total of five artillery battalions, which immediately doubled the number of his artillery.

When these artillery battalions began to fire, the scene was of course quite shocking. Even Yu's own army had never seen so many artillerymen together at the same time*. At this time, even their own people were a little dizzy by such fierce artillery fire, let alone as slaves of the enemy.

Yu Xiaotian's face once again showed a ferocious smile, and he said to himself, aren't you a famous general of the Qing Dynasty? So today I want you to see it from someone. What does it mean to shoot at the same time?

These hail-like shells fell before the enemy's array. Some shells hit closer or farther because of the large aiming error of the gunner's operation. Some shells directly hit the enemy group, and some shells fell too close. Before the shells jumped into the enemy array, they had been lost. The kinetic energy fell on the ground.

(Kneeling to thank the desert laughing spring breeze brothers for the heavy reward again! In addition, there are rewards from uncles on the other side and friends in the article!)