Daming Haiku

Chapter 37 Final Battle 8

But as long as the cavalry was not dragged to stop, the infantry could not fight against it, so in just a moment, the three infantry battalions paid a heavy price, and many officers and soldiers died under the enemy's sword.

However, the Jiannu cavalry finally tore open the defense line of the three infantry battalions, but they were not happy too early, because they suddenly found that Yu Jiajun's * hand was not as weak as they thought. According to common sense, once the * hand was forced in front of the enemy, the bird gun in his hand would be reduced to a fire stick and could only be used as a burning stick. Once the enemy is brought close, they will basically declare their end.

So the subsequent Jiannu cavalry originally thought that they could finally rush into the enemy array and kill a special battle to vent their anger, but when they rushed into the military array, they found that things were not as simple as they thought.

Although Yu Jiajun's generals were indeed in chaos at this time and could no longer organize an effective defense line, these Yu Jiajun's * hands were not as unbearable as they thought.

These Yu Jiajun's eyes were right in front of him. They pulled out a dagger from his waist one by one, and stuck them on the muzzle of his hand, making their * instantly become a short spear.

When the enemy cavalry rushes to them, they will raise their spears and madly stab the enemies in front of them. Even if they are cut to the ground by the enemy, they can leave a deep opening on the enemy or their horses with daggers*.

There are also some soldiers of the family army who use a three-edged dagger, which is very strong, and there is a deep blood groove between the three edges. After piercing the enemy's body, it is easy to pull out, and it can also leave a triangular blood hole on the enemy's body in an instant.

A large amount of blood gushed out along the blood tank. Even after pulling out the dagger, the wound could not be closed, and a large amount of blood still gushed out, which could kill the injured person in a short time.

So although the Jiannu cavalry used Meng*'s death charge method to tear open the defense line of three infantry battalions, causing great casualties to the Yujia army infantry, but at the same time, they are not much better. Along the way, they will be stabbed to death by the living Yujia army soldiers with daggers*.

Therefore, this method of warfare is a desperate way for both sides. Relatively speaking, the domestic infantry suffered a little, but the slave cavalry could not form a one-sided advantage, and the two sides finally fell into an entanglement.

And the Yujia army front is a front built as a battalion. Although the defense points of three battalions were torn apart by the Jiannu cavalry, the chaos is limited to the position of these three battalions and cannot be expanded to both sides. The defense lines of other battalions are still motionless and unaffected at all.

This is not to mention that after arriving here, Yu Xiaotian did not put all the infantry battalions into the first line, but left five infantry battalions on the second line for use as reserves.

This prevented their front from being torn apart by the enemy, and the enemy rushed behind them to make them suffer from the enemy. Therefore, although Jiannu successfully dispersed the three battalions of the family army after paying a huge price, the results were limited to this, and they could not continue to expand their results at all, a little chaos. , which cannot lead to chaos on all fronts, so the price paid by the Jiannu cavalry and the benefits of recycling cannot be directly proportional.

On the contrary, as soon as the three battalions were disrupted by the construction slaves, Yu Xiaotian immediately ordered the two infantry battalions behind to prepare for battle, and sealed the gap caused by the three battalions in time. Even behind one battalion happened to be the military camp. At this time, the military battalion had already been built. The road wall was directly sealed, and some friendly troops were quickly covered and retreated into their car camp for rest.

So Jiannu was really going to cry. He wasted so much strength and lost so many soldiers and horses, but he still did not completely disperse the whole front of the Yu family army. The array of the Yu family army was still like a volcanic eruption, constantly spraying artillery fire at them.

At this time, the artillerymen who reached the front line were also crazy, and the artillery was so hot that they could not take care of it. They still kept repositioning, filling and firing.

When the enemy cavalry rushed 300 steps, they had given up using solid bullets to bombard the enemy, all with grape bullets, and after the enemy got closer, they replaced them with smaller shot bombs.

These grape bombs and shot bombs are bombed with a large area. Generally, they often empty a large area of enemy troops with iron brooms. The construction slaves were full of corpses and suffering. Even later, the slave soldiers did not dare to rush towards these places and try to bypass them as much as possible.

However, all the slaves who were hit by shot bombs and grape bombs were all full of holes, like piles of rotten meat, and the scene was so tragic that it was almost indescribable.

In this way, the army's array is like an anti-bodi, standing on the battlefield. The army of Jiannu washed their front like a tide, but it was always motionless. The guns were like a sickle, passing through the enemy's array without listening, harvesting a large number of Jiannu every time. Life.

The battle has reached this level, and it is unreasonable. The battlefield has evolved almost like a one-sided massacre. A large number of construction slaves rushed into the battlefield fearlessly, and then were repeatedly harvested by the Yu family army, leaving pieces of corpses on the battlefield.

Within a few hundred meters in front of the army, the bodies of the Jiannu soldiers almost covered the ground. In less than two hours, Jiannu had filled 20,000 to 30,000 people in the battlefield, but most of these people became a corpses on the battlefield, even if they were injured and not dead. I guess it will be difficult to survive.

After Dorgun pressed the last elite cavalry into the battlefield, the number of the first wave of cavalry on the battlefield was almost empty, and the remaining cavalry had completely lost their fighting spirit. Most of them were Mongolian cavalry. They were really afraid and listened to the sound of dense artillery in front of them. These Mongolian cavalry finally collapsed. They no longer care about turning their horse heads and running towards both sides or simply behind them. Even many of the Mongolian leaders among them had already been killed and injured by the Yu family's army. At this time, they had completely lost their fighting spirit.

When the last thousands of elite cavalrymen braved the fire of the Yu family's army and rushed to the front of the two armies, more than 100 steps in front of the Yu's army line, they could completely see clearly that the scene in front of them could no longer be called a battlefield.

At this time, if the scene here is described, it can only be described by the four words Shura Hell, because at this time before the family army, it was almost covered with Jiannu and Mongolian cavalry, as well as some armor and Han soldiers's.

These corpses are all steaming. Many of the wounds on the corpses are still fresh. Blood is still trickling out, converging into blood puddles in low-lying places on the ground. The air is full of the smell of blood choking nose and the smell of smoke, which is disgusting.

But looking at the front of the family army, these Jiannu almost collapsed on the spot, because they saw a nearly complete array and stood in front of them. Even if it can't be said to be very neat, it still maintains considerable integrity. At this time, the enemy's front is still constantly spitting out a mass. Flames, a slippery firelight, cannonballs still pass around them like flying locusts.

There are still a large number of slave soldiers, who were harvested for life by these torrential shells and bullets at this time, becoming a member of the pile of corpses on the ground.

Yu Xiaotian's face was extremely cold at this time. From the beginning to the beginning of the battle, his face was not sad or happy, as if he had been frozen. Even at the moment he saw the defense line of the three battalions torn apart by the enemy, his face did not change anything, but stared at the battlefield coldly.

But in fact, his heart has never calmed down. This is also the first time he has led an army to carry out such a large-scale battle. The battlefield is so big. So many soldiers and horses gathered in such a small place, where flesh and blood keep colliding. Every moment, the shells and bullets fired by his men are A large number of human lives are harvested, and as long as there is a little human nature, it is impossible to be indifferent to such a scene.

So his mood never calmed down, but he did not show any emotions, but kept a happy look and stared at the whole battlefield.

The smoke on the battlefield was sometimes too thick for him to observe the panorama of the battlefield. He just ordered the watchers or officers on both sides to continuously send what they saw to his central army position.

At the beginning of the war, Jiannu also launched several cannons, which looked like Hongyi cannons, probably captured from the city when they broke through some states and counties along the way, but after consumption, they only had only a few cannons left.

Unfortunately, in front of the fierce artillery fire of the family army, it is basically impossible for these cannons to play a huge role. As soon as they entered the battlefield, they were covered by the firepower of the family army and completely dumb.

(Maybe some friends think these chapters are a little delayed, but after all, this is the most critical battle since the beginning of this book, so it has taken more space to write. This is related to the fate and future of pig's feet, as well as the future pattern direction, so the description is more detailed. I hope you can forgive me! Ask for a few more monthly tickets!)