Daming Haiku

Chapter 38 Final Battle 9

However, the small number of shells fired by these cannons still caused some casualties to the Yu family army. Several of the cannonballs actually fell in front of the Yu family's defense line accurately. The flying cannonballs also opened several bloody alleys on the Yu family's front, causing a number of casualties to the Yu family army.

Even a shell fell directly into the position of the Chinese army. The landing point of the shell was only more than ten meters away from Yu Xiaotian's observation of the enemy's array. It directly killed and injured several of Yu Xiaotian's personal guards. When everyone was shocked and tried to persuade Yu Xiaotian to retreat some distance and go to a safer place to take command.

But Yu Xiaotian didn't seem to see it, and the expression on his face did not change. He waved his hand to make Zhongwei talk nonsense and abrantly refused his subordinates' request to retreat a distance.

He knows very well that the Yu family army is facing the most dangerous test now. As the backbone of the Yu family army, he stands here, which is the backbone of the whole army, and his morale will rise. But if he retreats at this time, it will definitely affect the morale of many soldiers and generals, so even if it is dangerous here He must not retreat at this time.

In addition, after so many years of ups and downs, he has seen many big scenes. Although the situation is tense today, it is still not enough for him to be afraid, so Yu Xiaotian does not consider retreating at all.

Yu Xiaotian has actually been silently calculating the troops put into the battlefield by Jiannu. Although it is impossible to accurately calculate the exact strength of the enemy troops on the battlefield, the approximate number can be basically determined. Jiannu has launched three waves of attacks in less than two hours now.

The number of troops invested in each wave of offensive is between 10,000 and 20,000. Now Jiannu has invested in the third wave of troops on the battlefield, which is significantly lower than the previous two, but it can be seen through the telescope that this wave of cavalry should be their absolute main force.

So he put down the telescope, sighed slightly, and said to Liu Wang standing behind him, "Send! Prepare to launch a counterattack! After breaking up this wave of enemy troops, they should also collapse! Don't leave those mines anymore. When they come over, just use them!"

After hearing this, Liu Wang immediately responded loudly and repeated Yu Xiaotian's order. After confirming that it was correct, he immediately sent messengers to start riding out of the Chinese army and rushed to the ministries to convey Yu Xiaotian's order.

Thousands of the most elite cavalry of Jiannu, including some of the Baijia soldiers they call tens of thousands of enemies, staring at the dense artillery fire of the family army. Finally, after paying nearly one-third of the casualties, they rushed within 100 steps of the front of the army and roared out all kinds of weapons in their hands. There are spears, swords, and there are also Jiannu, who simply grabbed a long-handled mace, and even a big axe because of his strength.

After approaching the family army front, these Jiannu elite cavalrymen followed the example of some Jiannu cavalry in front of them and blinded their war horses, leaving the war horses in a state of blind vision. They can only be driven by them to attack the Yujia army front straight. As for whether they are dead or not, they are now I don't care at all.

If any army on the battlefield, especially the army of this era, pays one-tenth of the cost of casualties in World War I, if it has not collapsed, it should be called an elite soldier. If an army has not collapsed after 20,000 casualties, then Definitely a group of tough soldiers.

However, today, these slave armies have suffered nearly half of the casualties and have not completely collapsed, which has made Yu Xiaotian have to look at them with new eyes. The reason why they have not collapsed is probably because they have no choice. It is probably because Dorgan, Dudu and others have died and forced Make them afraid to collapse and run for their lives.

But in any case, these Jiannu have exerted a strong combat ability today and showed their absolute courage, which made Yu Xiaotian more or less admire them.

This is the only way. At this time, pity had already been thrown to Java by Yu Xiaotian. He has no longer had the slightest pity for these slaves. Over the years, he has collected too many crimes about the brutality of Jiannu and has seen too many tragedies created by Jiannu in mainland China with his own eyes.

In the history books, he has read too many tragic massacres created by Jiannu after entering the customs, so he has already cleaned up the last trace of pity in his heart.

So when he saw so many Jiannu, fell in front of his army and became a still steaming corpse, he did not feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he had a sense of comfort. He has been working silently in the south for so many years. Isn't this moment he waiting for?

Now he has finally done it. Although the Jiannu army has not been completely defeated by him, he also knows that Jiannu is at the end of the crossbow. As long as this wave of offensive is being killed, then even if Dorgon is an immortal general, he can no longer reverse the war situation. Next, he should turn to the main. It's time to completely erase this brutal slave army from the world.

When these thousands of the last elite Jiannu rushed into the front 100 steps of the family's army, in the front battalions, suddenly there was a roar of officers: "The engineers obey the order! Light the fire!"

The engineers who were waiting for orders in the battalions. At this time, when they heard the order, they grabbed the rope in their hands without saying a word, and then pulled the rope in their hands hard.

At the moment they pulled the rope, a series of violent explosions suddenly occurred at a distance of more than 100 steps before the army.

This series of violent explosions raised dozens of meters of dust in front of the two armies. All kinds of soil and stones mixed with countless people and horses' broken arms and various body parts, including a large amount of flesh and blood, were washed into the sky together, and then scattered down like rain.

Although the explosive power of * is not very large, it can't stand the large number! Yu Xiaotian paid his money this time and ordered the engineers to plant a large number of mines in front of the two armies in advance. In order to increase the power, gunpowder bags were placed around and on the mines, and some stones, broken porcelain pieces and rotten iron pieces were poured on them. Once it was detonated, the power must not be underestimated.

Jiannu was charging desperately. At this time, thousands of soldiers and horses were most concentrated in this area. Suddenly, the violent explosion under their feet caught them off guard at all, and even if they were on guard, it was useless. The violent explosion under their feet made them nothing at all. You can hide everywhere.

Many war horses, together with the cavalry on their backs, were torn into pieces in an instant. Even if they were not directly blown away by the explosion, it was not much better. The mine exploded raised a lot of fragments, adding stones, mine fragments, broken porcelain pieces, broken nail iron pieces, and scattered like a shower.

But wherever there is an explosion, hundreds of fragments can be raised, so that the surrounding slaves can't hide. In an instant, they are blown up by flesh and blood, and a large area is knocked down. The Jiannu around each explosion point can be turned upside down, and the screams of people, mixed with the sad hiss of the war horse, resounded. The whole battlefield.

After the explosion in the sky, there was a whole period of blood rain, mixed with a large number of earth and stone fragments, as well as broken limbs, broken meat, internal organs, and everywhere.

Some Jiannu, who was lucky enough not to be killed and injured on the spot, were sprinkled with flesh and blood on his face, and the gray soil suddenly could not even see the human figure.

No matter how big Jiannu's nerves are, they can't stand such a horrible scene. Some Jiannu were so scared that they wanted to delay the war horses, but the huge explosion made many war horses very frightened. They were suddenly shocked and became frightened. They no longer listened to the call of the cavalry on their backs on the battlefield and began to jump around. Jump around, or simply lower your head and bump into it everywhere.

Originally, it looked like a torrent of Jiannu cavalry array, but at this time, it suddenly became chaotic. The whole front was blown apart by a slippery mine array and collapsed in an instant.

Even Jiannu, who ran in front of him, was shocked by the earth-shaking explosion behind him. The horses were shocked one after another and crashed on the battlefield. They could no longer listen to their control and rushed to the Yujia army front.

Dorgim stared at the earth wall raised by the sudden explosion on the front battlefield. On the spot, his mouth was almost stuffed with a fist, and his chin almost dislocated and fell to the ground. He didn't recover for a long time, as if he was stupid.

It was not easy to wait for this scene of flesh and blood to slowly dissipate the dust. What he saw was the scene of thousands of his most elite cavalry, which had already been defeated. A large number of lucky cavalry, who had not died, were now bumping around on the battlefield, and there was no formation at all.

Under this big explosion, thousands of soldiers and horses were completely destroyed, and they tried their best to control them to sit down and startle the horse, turned around and ran away to the back crazily.

At this time, the enslave generals who were still watching the enemy's array, as well as the Mongolian generals, including a small number of Han soldiers, suddenly rose violently, and everyone made a panicked exclamation.

Even several groups of soldiers and horses of the Eight Banners of Mongolia suddenly did not respect the order. Under the leadership of their leaders, they turned their heads one after another, shouted and began to escape from the battlefield.

When Yu Xiaotian saw this scene, he suddenly pulled out the knife at his waist, raised it high above his head, and roared: "Brothers of Sea Wolf! Follow me to kill the slave! Go!"

Before his voice fell, he hit the horse's abdomen with his heel, sat down the tough yellow horse and immediately pulled out his legs and rushed forward. Without saying a word, his guards took off the horses' guns one after another, shouted and began to follow Xiaotian's back, rushing to the front of the battle.

Of course, the cavalry of the two battalions will never fall behind. They have been waiting for this order for a long time. When they learned that Yu Xiaotian ordered an assault and rushed out of the middle army first, they immediately urged the war horses one after another. Like a hurricane, they were involved in the battlefield, like a dragon, the more Crossing the infantry line, he only rushed to the defeated Jiannu in the battlefield.

Even the infantry battalions began to move, and the battalions immediately contracted their phalanxes, discharged their marches, and roared and began to stride forward.

(Thank you for the reward of the Spring Breeze Brothers!)