Daming Haiku

Chapter 57 Raw Rice

After listening to Gao Qi's promise, Chongzhen ordered him to continue to control the soldiers and horses he brought back, and also classified Chen Xinjia's previous defeated Xuanda and the defeated soldiers of Shanxi into Gaoqi's hidden account.

At this time, he trembled again, and he suddenly controlled more than 30,000 officers and soldiers. He was ordered by Chongzhen to be sent to the east of the capital to guard the gates such as Chaoyang Gate, Dongzhimen, Guangqumen and Zuo'anmen.

Gao Qiqian is actually very clear about the combat effectiveness of these officers and soldiers under his command. These people have just been defeated, their morale is low, and their equipment is not very good. Let him take these officers and soldiers out of the city to fight against Yu Jiajun, which is basically similar to looking for death. Where will Wu Xiang's end? If his remnants are defeated, they will come out. The city is basically guaranteed to collapse at a touch, and there is no possibility of winning.

So he did not dare to go out of the city to block the family army. After Ming Chongzhen, he put these soldiers and horses into the city and was responsible for defending these gates.

In addition, through the relationship, he put forward some weapons from the Beijing barracks, supplemented these generals under his command, and made a posture to defend them.

It should be said that although the military is not strong, as the capital division of the Ming Dynasty, the quality of weapons and equipment in the capital is definitely a little interesting!

Over the years, as the Hongyi cannons began to be imitated by all parts of the Ming Dynasty, the Beijing side has also been equipped with many Hongyi cannons over the years. In addition, there are various firearms such as general cannons and Lianzhu cannons (Flang machine cannons), which are so large that the number of equipment is unmatched by other cities.

Moreover, there is a weapons production workshop in the Beijing Division, which is subordinate to the Military Bureau. It is responsible for creating various weapons and armors for the officers and soldiers of the Beijing Division. In addition, it also creates firearms and other things. Under the military bureau, there is also a gunpowder department under the military bureau, which specializes in the production of gunpowder.

Therefore, there is a fairly complete weapons production system in Beijing Normal University, which can basically meet the needs of Beijing Normal University.

In addition, I don't know why it is probably because of the butterfly effect caused by the appearance of Yu Xiaotian. The famous Wang Gong factory explosion in Beijing in history did not happen in this time and space.

Therefore, on the whole, the quality of weapons and equipment of the Beijing Division is still quite high, and there are enough ammunition and materials in stock. As long as the officers and soldiers are willing to fight to the end, it is still very difficult for the family army to conquer the strongest and largest city in the world.

On the fifth day after Xiaotian led the army to capture Tongzhou City, he began to take troops to kill the capital. On the morning of April 9, Yu's army finally appeared outside the Chaoyang Gate and Guangqu Gate in the east of the capital. About ten miles east of the capital, he began to set up a battalion. The cavalry immediately began to disperse all the guerrillas and east of the whole capital. The north and south sides have been blocked.

With the arrival of the Yu family army, the capital division also entered the most severe martial law, and a large number of officers and soldiers, led by military generals, began to defend the city.

A cannon was also pushed behind the stack, and the black hole pointed out of the city...

After Yu Xiaotian led his troops to arrive outside the capital, he took his staff officers and generals and carefully observed the walls and defense facilities east of the capital, such as Guangqumen, Chaoyangmen and Dongzhimen.

After looking at the situation of the capital, Yu Xiaotian couldn't help sighing that this is the capital of the Ming Dynasty. The wall was built tall, thick and strong. On the whole, the city wall of the capital was made of slabs and rammed earth, and the outer layer was wrapped in huge city bricks.

Almost every gate has a large urn. There is a moat several feet wide outside the city, filled with river water. At this time, the weather has turned warmed and the river water of the moat has been thawed. Therefore, if you want to break through the city defense, you must find a way to build a pontoon bridge or fill the moat to attack the bottom of the city wall.

After thousands of years of war, Chinese dynasties have formed a unique city-building concept and a unique city-building culture, forming a complete set of urban defense facilities.

Although with the development of artillery technology, the construction of Chinese cities is a little backward, the structure of the rammed earth wall is strong and has a certain ability to absorb the kinetic energy of artillery bullets. In addition, various auxiliary defense facilities make the Chinese city still have a strong ability to resist attacks.

Such a strong wall, even if it pulls up the large-caliber artillery of later generations and bombards the city wall directly, it may not be able to dismantle the wall quickly. In the Anti-Japanese War in later generations, many cities attacked the tough battles, and the Japanese pirates shelled the walls of some cities with strong heavy artillery firepower, and did not get much Good effect.

It can be seen that it is very difficult to collapse such a strong wall with artillery alone, and Yu Jiajun is now equipped with some smooth-bore front-loaded artillery. Although it is technically in an absolute leading position in this era, it is basically impossible to nibble down such a wall.

After all, this is the capital of the Ming Dynasty. After hundreds of years of continuous construction and reinforcement, the city wall is so strong that there is no one in the world.

So after looking at the city defense here, including Yu Xiaotian, they don't feel optimistic. Under the strong attack, Yu Jiajun will definitely pay a heavy price for casualties.

And through the telescope, we can see that the officers and soldiers have also arranged a considerable number of artillery on the city wall. Although the quality of the artillery of Daming's official equipment is much behind that of Yu's army, the number is huge. On the wall around Chaoyangmen alone, they found no less than 100 types of fires through the telescope. Cannon.

Among them, there are seven or eight more powerful Hongyi cannons. In addition, there are many large-caliber old general guns and large-caliber Franco machine guns. These guns will cause great casualties on the attacking side by firing at close range.

After Yu Xiaotian looked at these situations, he took out the topographic map of Beijing, which had been drawn in advance, and hung in the big account.

"Guys, this is the case. The invasion of the capital is something we have to face. Today, you have also seen the defense situation of the Beijing division. It is reasonable that the current army in the capital is far more than twice as strong as our army, but the officers and soldiers are not the same, the morale is low, and the tactics and equipment are not as good as me!

So the court has also seen this. Now almost all the troops have been reduced into the city, putting on the posture of defending the city!

Then we can only take the capital division by a strong attack. Now there is not much time left for us. Outside Shanhaiguan, there are still more than 70,000 elites in the Guanning army, who may enter the customs to attack us at any time.

In addition, the imperial court has issued an edict to order the world's soldiers and horses to enter the capital. At present, Wu Yong, the governor of Shanxi, estimates that after receiving the edict, he will mobilize about 30,000 soldiers and horses from Shanxi to enter the defense, and can reach the capital within half a month at the earliest.

It is estimated that tens of thousands of Shaanxi soldiers under the command of Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, and Sun Chuanting, the governor of Shaanxi, may arrive as soon as a month. In addition, in Shandong, there are still 40,000 officers under the command of Yan Jizu, the governor of Shandong Province, who are in Dezhou. It is estimated that after receiving the order, they can reach the capital city as soon as 10 days.

There are still more than 20,000 officers and soldiers in Shunyi, Jizhou and Huairou, and it is estimated that they will arrive soon!

Once these reinforcements arrive in Beijing before we break through the capital, we may have to face the encirclement of hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers at the same time.

So the key now is that we must capture the capital within ten days and order the world's troops to withdraw! Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be a hard battle!

Although I know you are not afraid, after all, our military strength is limited. Even now, even with the new barracks that have not yet been formed in Tianjin Wei and Tongzhou, our strength is only 70,000, and the main force is only 30,000, which is only 30,000 slightly stronger!

This attack on the capital is a bowl of raw rice. Whether we can eat it or not, we must eat it down. If we are responsible, the next step is a protracted seesaw battle. Even if we can defeat these reinforcements, it is estimated that we will lose a lot in the end.

After all, our labor expedition and logistical supplies are all transferred from the south. At present, it seems that the materials are sufficient, but they can't support us to fight for a long time here.

Therefore, you should be psychologically prepared in advance. Once the war starts, you must defeat the defenders at the fastest speed. Even if you only capture one door, it can destroy the will of the defenders!

Now everyone might as well talk about how to fight this battle. I want to hear your thoughts today!"

Yu Xiaotian did not look at this picture, but asked the staff officers and officers present with his back to the capital city defense map.

The pre-war meeting was attended by officers above the position of deputy battalion commander and staff officers at the brigade headquarters level, including members of the temporary pre-war general staff, with a total of nearly 100 people, crowded in the big tent, but everyone had a feverish look on their faces and listened to Yu Xiaotian's words.

Although Yu Xiaotian just said that the situation was very serious, it did not seem to put much pressure on these officers. Isn't it just more than 100,000 officers and soldiers? Count it! Many people secretly think so.

The Jiannu army is powerful enough. The 100,000 troops did not touch the bloodshed in front of the old men. In the end, they were beaten and disabled by the old men, and even Dornon was beheaded. What can these officers and soldiers be?

So no one here really felt too much pressure, but they all carefully looked at the Beijing city defense map in front of them and thought about how to fight this battle.

After Yu Xiaotian asked, someone stood up and began to point to the city defense map and talk about his thoughts. Soon the big account became lively. The officers and staff officers expressed their own opinions and argued loudly and talked about their views.

Soon everyone's opinions gradually unified, and finally formed a preliminary battle plan. Yu Xiaotian listened and looked at the map for analysis. Now that there are many battles, he has formed an analytical instinct, no longer as arbitrary as before.

(Thank you for the reward of Eagle Martial Brothers!)