Daming Haiku

Chapter 58 The Head of the Special Service

In fact, these officers are not highly educated, but once they use their brains, they are still quite thoughtful. A stinky cobbler can't do it, but a group of stinky cobblers can come up with a lot of good ways to fill the gaps. Yu Xiaotian is very willing to let these guys think of more ideas by themselves. Now It's just the beginning. For a long time in the future, these people will set foot on their own stage. If they don't develop the habit of using their own brains, everything will be obeyed by others, and it will be difficult for them to cultivate independent talents.

Through this kind of collective discussion, everyone has the opportunity to express their own opinions and fully use their brains. Even if it is wrong, at least they can improve their knowledge through such discussions.

After discussing for a while in public, Yu Xiaotian nodded and roughly sorted out a preliminary battle plan in his heart. As for the staff members present, according to the opinions put forward by the generals and their situation of terrain survey, they also quickly formulated several siege plans and handed them to Yu Xiaotian for review.

Yu Xiaotian looked at several siege plans and immediately chose what he thought was the most suitable siege plan, so he coughed, "That's right. It seems that everyone has brains done this time! Then do as you said.

This time, we will focus on Chaoyangmen and Dongzhimen. The first and second brigades are responsible for attacking Chaoyangmen, and the fourth and seventh brigades are responsible for attacking Dongzhimen.

As a reserve team, the Ninth Brigade is on standby at any time, responsible for defending the battalion and providing support to both sides at any time, while the cavalry is responsible for attacking and restraining and protecting the two wings of our army.

The siege heavy artillery battalion is placed outside Chaoyangmen, taking Chaoyangmen as the main direction of attack. Dongzhimen is mainly responsible for holding back the attention of the defenders, but it does not mean that your fourth and seventh brigade can be lazy!

The engineering battalion has divided a company to support Dongzhimen, and the rest will cooperate with the first and second brigade to attack Chaoyangmen. That's all for the time being. You go down to prepare and give you a day to prepare for the siege!

Remember, don't ignore the role of the sniper. Sometimes a sniper may top a cannon! It may even affect the battle situation! Make full use of them, which can help you a lot!"

After the generals heard the order, the brigade commanders immediately jumped up and took orders loudly. A group of officers happily wiped their hands and retreated away.

At this time, a person walked into the big account from behind the big account. This person has been in the family army and has not shown much water, but no one dares to say that this person has influence on the family army.

It turned out that this person was Liu Tong, who was the first to follow Yu Xiaotian. Now Liu Tong is nearly 40 years old. From the beginning of a small pirate to now, Liu Tong has been silently doing things for Yu Xiaotian behind his back for so many years. He has never held a too conspicuous position, but Yu Xiaotian knows that Liu Tong has done too much for him over the years.

Since Yu Xiaotian led his troops to occupy Weitou Bay, break through the Moon Harbor, and destroy the Moon Harbor, Liu Tong withdrew from the army sequence and began to transfer to the underground full-time, working as a spy leader.

Over the years, the intelligence network laid by Sea Wolf across the country is from Liu Tong. Although Liu Tong is young, his vision is not low and his mind is quite meticulous. Over the years, with the full support of Xiaotian, the intelligence work has done quite well, making Yu Xiaotian had to grasp a lot of information in time and was able to respond in advance.

In addition, this time, there was a big war of words between Yu Xiaotian and the court, always controlling the direction of public opinion, spreading various rumors of the black court in the north, and spreading the character of Xiaotian. Nowadays, most of the people in the north basically maintain Xiaotian's rebellion this time. With a sympathetic attitude, Liu Tong has made great contributions in this regard.

And Liu Tong's reputation is not loud in the family army because of doing these things, but the sand he has at hand makes many people very scared. Some people who are not have a strong mind or have two minds for filial piety are unable to stand in the family army at all, and always let it be in a kind of iron plate within the family army. Liu Tong also contributed to the state of the block.

Over the years, the secret service organization controlled by Liu Tong has detected at least dozens of cases of internal officers trying to rebel. Basically, they were discovered in advance and stopped in advance without causing a big disaster. Many of their own hidden minor works or spies did not know how they were exposed, so they were arrested. Get up, secret *jue, Liu Tong has done a lot of work behind his back.

Even several times, some hostile forces in the government or local government tried to buy people from within the family army and assassinated Yu Xiaotian, which was also cracked by Liu Tong in advance and successfully protected Yu Xiaotian's safety.

Therefore, Liu Tong is now quite trusted by Xiaotian. This time, in order to coordinate the contact with the intelligence system on the ground in the north, Liu Tong also secretly followed Yu Xiaotian to come here.

Seeing Liu Tong come out, Yu Xiaotian ordered someone to give Liu Tong a seat, threw a cigar to Liu Tong, and let Liu Tong light it himself. He took out his beloved heather pipe, put a pipe into a pipe, sat down and asked Liu Tong, "How's it going?" Is there any news from the city? What's the situation in the city now?

Liu Tong smiled indifferently, took a sip of his cigar, exhaled his cigarette, and said with a smile, "Of course, there is news that now the city has become a pot of porridge. Today's emperor has not had a good sleep in the past few days. He has stayed in the Qianqing Palace all day long and constantly issued orders to order officers and soldiers from all over the country to join the guard.

As for the courtiers, now Liu Yuliang has been arrested by us. Xue Guoguan replaced Liu Yuliang and became the first assistant, but Xue Guoguan is not a good bird at all. After taking office, he only gave the emperor a way to find money. As for the city defense, Xue Guoguan has no choice.

Now the city defense in the city, today's emperor is mainly handed over to Cao Huachun and Gao Qiqian. Although we are very black and high this time, we did not expect that this guy would run back to the capital with 20,000 officers and soldiers at this jux.

This guy is quite good at taking advantage of loopholes. Chongzhen was very happy to see him lead his troops back to the King of Beijing at a critical moment. He only reprimanded him for what he had done before and did not do anything to him. Instead, he also transferred more than 10,000 defeated soldiers from Xuanda and Shanxi, who were transferred to the capital to the capital, and also handed over to Commander Gao Qiqian. .

This time, our siege of the city is the main defense ground of Gaoqi. On the other side of Dongzhimen, it is mainly guarded by the soldiers of Xuanda and Shanxi, while Chaoyangmen and Guangqumen are mainly guarded by Zhendingfu and some Guanning troops.

Cao Huachun led the three battalions of the Beijing Division and the brave guard battalion to be responsible for the defense of other city gates. As a whole, the defenders in the city have now panicked. On the surface, they are strictly guarded, but in fact, the army has no fighting spirit and no fighting spirit, but it is empty!

These officers and soldiers in the Beijing camp are all some old soldiers. They can't train twice a year. They are usually busy with their own, but the private soldiers of some generals, which are not enough to hold at all. Therefore, the court probably understands this now and dares not rely on them.

I'm afraid this is also the reason why today's emperor does not seize the high potential, but also entrusts him with heavy responsibilities! Just because Gao Qiqian once supervised the army and paced down the Denglai Rebellion, he was the only well-known soldier among the servants of the Beijing Division.

Now no one believes in the emperor, but only dares to believe in these chamberlains, so this is also the reason why the high potential is reused.

However, it was not known that the imperial court was so heavy that it was committing a big taboo. Lu Junmen had a great prestige in the army. Those Xuan soldiers and generals used to be his subordinates. Yang Guozhu, the general of Xuanfu, respected Lu Xiangsheng the most. This time, Yang Sichang and Gao Qisheng divided Lu Xiangsheng's military power and transferred Yang Guozhu's troops to Chen Xinjia's command. Lu Xiangsheng was forced to die in the battle.

Yang Guozhu was extremely angry about this. My subordinates heard that Yang Guozhu once scolded Yang Sichang and Gao Qiqian in private in the army. Yang Guozhu, including Chen Xinjia, hated it very much.

Yang Guozhu even tried to write bullets to impeach Yang Sichang, Chen Xinjia, Gao Qiqian and others, but he was persuaded by his advisers and did not attack them. A few days ago, Chen Xinjia's supervisor offend me. Yang Guozhu avoided the war and lost the ferry. Yang Guozhu led his troops to retreat and ignored Chen Xinjia, which made Chen Xinjia's defeat and return home. As a result, Chen Xinjia was finally arrested by the court.

It can be seen how Yang Guozhu hates these people who harmed Lu Junmen. It can be said that to some extent, the reason why our army was able to win the battle of Daqing River Ferry, Yang Guozhu played a great role in avoiding the battle.

Otherwise, once Yang Guozhu leads his troops to defend the north bank of the Daqing River ferry, even if General Meng defeats the Hu Dawei's troops on the south bank, he may not be able to easily attack the north bank and defeat the officers and soldiers.

So Chen Xinjia's defeat is largely due to the intention of Yang Guozhu's department!

Now the emperor is eager to recruit soldiers and horses to defend the city, but he actually reused the high diving and placed Yang Guozhu's subordinates under the command of the high diving. This is really a dizzy move!

Yang Guozhu and his Xuanfu soldiers hate Gao Qiqian very much. Now they are asked to listen to Gao Qiqian's orders and sell their lives for Gao Qiqian. You can imagine what it feels like in the hearts of these Xuanfu soldiers.

After learning about this, Gao Minghu, a general under Yang Guozhu, had been sent to contact Gao Minghu in advance. Gao Minghu was a general pulled up by Lu Xiangsheng and was favored by Mr. Lu. In the past, Gao Minghu was just a small general in the Xuanfu army, but he was upright and not liked by Shangfeng. , it has never been reused.

After Lu Xiang was promoted to Xuanfu as the governor of Xuan, he accidentally found that Gao Minghu was a tiger general, not close to women, and brave and good at fighting, so he vigorously promoted Gao Minghu and promoted him from a small general to the position of general.