Daming Haiku

Chapter 121 Lien Zhan's Victory

As for the navy, they also refused to show weakness and did not want the army to take all their credit. Although they were mainly responsible for providing support and transporting the army to land, they still transferred some sailors to launch a clean-up operation on the islands currently controlled by slaves along the way.

After cleaning up the old part of the Dongjiang Army, Jiannu more or less obtained some ships, owned a very weak sailor, and controlled these islands along the coast, but in front of the family army and navy, such a naval fleet is not enough to see at all.

The whole limited sailor of Jiannu was almost instantly in front of the cannon of the family navy and disappeared ashes. Either it was beaten into scum and sank into the sea, or it was directly destroyed on the shore, and some ships were captured by the family navy.

And the Jiannu defenders on the islands along the way are not enough for the navy to watch at all. The navy's warships first shelled fiercely, and then covered the landing and attack of the seamen. It can almost be said that they did not encounter decent resistance, and basically cleaned up the Jiannu guarding the island.

As the army launched its action, the navy also took control of the islands along the Liaodong Peninsula in a short time, destroying the extremely limited water power of Jiannu.

At the end of August, the navy organized its own offensive against Pi Island, and dozens of warships were put into battle, and a full sea barracks landed.

In less than two days, Pi Island was seized by the navy. Hundreds of slave defenders guarding the island were killed, and the rest were captured alive, and no one was able to escape. He also seized the Hongyi cannons cast by the three gates of the island's slaves. After inspection, they were directly scoffed by the navy and smashed them as scrap iron.

Yu Zhenshan did not stay much after leading the army to capture Zhenjiang Fort. After cleaning up the surrounding slave village castles, he immediately went against the current and attacked Yizhou (Yizhou, which belongs to the dynasty-Xian Dynasty in later generations). At this time, Chao-Xian was still subject to Jiannu. Although it was a little restless in the past two years, But after all, Yu Xiaotian had no time to pay attention to them, so they did not dare to re-announce that they would no longer submit to Jiannu.

However, before Yu Xiaotian's action, he sent people to go to North Korea in the name of the Ming court to announce the Ming Dynasty's action to fight against the slaves, asking the North-Xian king to choose a side station again, either to send troops to participate in the conquest of the slaves, or wait for the Ming Dynasty to clean up the slaves, and then the thunderous anger against them. .

The North-Xian king is in trouble on both sides. In this era, because of the news is blocked, they are not very clear about the current situation of the Ming Dynasty, but according to the previous situation, they can't believe that the Ming Dynasty can cheer up and fight against the Jiannu army in just a few years.

So he did not dare to offend Daming, but he did not dare to offend Jiannu. At this time, he fell into a dilemma and could not make a decision for a while.

Yu Zhenshan led his army to attack Zhenjiangbao this time, in fact, to knock the mountains and tigers, let the North and Fresh side see the power of the Ming Dynasty, let them understand who to follow in the future, and also blackmail the North and Fresh side.

This is also the reason why he did not immediately attack the hinterland of Liaodong after taking Zhenjiang Fort, but instead attacked Yizhou.

Yizhou is under the actual control of Jiannu at this time, because it is necessary to monitor the North-Xinth side, there are a group of strong Jiannu soldiers and horses stationed here, and Dudu sits here.

Du Du was defeated by the Yu family army in Guan and finally fled back to Liaodong. After that, he was arrested by Huang Taiji and imprisoned for a period of time and removed his title of Baylor. However, later, considering Du Du Du's talent, he released Du and let him sit in Yizhou and be responsible for monitoring the trend of North Korea-fresh.

This time, Yu Zhenshan led his army to attack Yizhou and met this old acquaintance again. When Yu's army blocked the road of the Jiannu army in Tianjin Wei, Dudu led the vanguard to try to open the way, that is, the 7th Brigade led by Yu Zhenshan, which met on the Tianjin Wei side, fought several battles with Yu Zhenshan and was led by Yu Zhenshan. The gray face retreated.

This time, Yu Zhenshan led the army to attack Yizhou City, and happened to meet Du Du again. The two were also enemies. Du Du led the army to immediately go out of the city and release the Yu family army, ready to use his newly trained fire-gun soldiers to meet the Yu family army and fight against the Yu family army.

How could Yu Zhenshan be afraid of this guy? He immediately ordered his soldiers to be released. Both sides formed a horizontal array and slowly approached the other party. The artillery of the two sides also fired their own artillery and shelled the enemy. However, relatively speaking, the artillery on the slave side was weak. Once shelled down, their artillery was almost basically I was beaten down.

When the two sides were about 200 steps away, Dudu suddenly sent a cavalry and launched a raid on the Yu family army led by Zhenshan. The Yu family army immediately stopped moving forward and contracted the front. First, it used a hollow phalanx to stop the enemy's attack, and then killed and injured the Jiannu cavalry with dense fire, so although Du Du Du This tactic was very beautiful, but in the face of absolute strength, it still had no effect at all. After the cavalry's sneak attack was defeated, Yu Zhenshan's army immediately turned and began to fire at Du Du's fire-gun soldiers.

And the Jiannu fire-gun soldiers under Dudu's command are all ordinary smooth-bodied birds with a range of less than 100 meters. At such a distance, they are simply humiliating themselves by shooting against Yu Jiajun and playing the game of shooting the party.

As a result, Jiannu Fire-shooter watched Yu Jiajun start shooting at them at a distance of about 200 steps, using the tactics of three-stage attack, but they only stared at each other, but they could not reach each other.

So Du Du had to let his fire-gunners line up against the artillery fire of the family army and try to enter the effective range of their fire.

However, at a distance of 100 steps, it has become the burial place of the bones of the Jiannu fire-gunners. A large number of Jiannu fire-gunners were on their way forward, as if they were shot to the ground one after another by the Yu family's rifles. Before they reached the effective range, they had been beaten to pieces and lost their counterattack. The ability.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Du Du knew the bad things and quickly ordered to withdraw troops to Yizhou City, but Yu Zhenshan issued an order to charge at this time.

The cavalry was in front and the infantry was behind, and the infantry launched the most capable white-edged charge. If you use the words of the little devils, it is a pig thrust tactic.

The Yujia army's infantry, with a rifle and a bayonet, began to rush towards the Jiannu army one by one. The Jiannu army can almost be said to have no strength. Under the assault of the combination of the family army, the whole army collapsed.

Although Du Du finally escaped back to the city of Yizhou, there were only a thousand soldiers who were brought out, leaving less than a thousand, and the rest were left outside the city and became gradually cold corpses.

Yu Zhenshan ordered cannons to attack the city, and Du Du led the defeated soldiers to carry the dead. After two days of fierce fighting, the city of Yizhou was broken. Du Du knew that his guilt was unforgivable and it was impossible to break through the siege and escape. Therefore, after his army surrounded his mansion, when he was attacking the mansion, he ignited a large amount of gunpowder hoarded in the house and blew it. He didn't say he died, but also killed some of the last remaining slave soldiers in the house.

With more than 100 military generals who were attacking his mansion, they also became victims. The whole mansion was razed to the ground, full of broken human flesh and blood. The center of the explosion even blew up a big hole. Yu Zhenshan jumped to curse his mother and ordered on the spot to drag out a group of slave soldiers captured in the city to chop them. Fall, come to bury more than 100 of his men who died in battle.

Yizhou City was defeated by the Yu family army in a short period of time, and the news of the defeat of the slave army soon reached the ears of the North Korean-Xian king. At this time, he knew that the current Ming army was not the former Ming army.

The Ming army that is here now is a terrible army. In their eyes, it is already a very fierce slave army. In front of this Ming army, it is simply a dish.

And their fresh soldiers and horses were originally the five scum in the five scum of war. If they don't have good equipment and morale, they don't have morale. Now if they offend Daming, the destruction of the country is a matter of sight.

So the king of North-Xian hurriedly announced that he would no longer obey the command of Jiannu. He arrested some Jiannu who remained in Seoul and sent them to Yizhou for the Ming army for disposal. In addition, he tried to raise 20,000 taels of silver, got thousands of stones of grain, sent them to Yizhou, and sent thousands of Chao-Xian troops to Yizhou assisted the Ming army in attacking Jiannu.

In a word, these gestures should be made. As for Daming's disrespect for the help they provide, they can't take care of it.

In just a month, Yu's army was in trouble in the whole Liaodong at the same time, defeating the slaves and soldiers one after another. After the news spread to Shengjing, Huang Taiji was extremely shocked. He thought that in the past two years, he had tried his best to build firearms and equip the Qing army. He thought he could compete with the army of the Ming Dynasty, but he did not expect the Ming army As soon as the disaster broke out, so much bad news came from all walks of life.

The whole Liaodong Peninsula, the original control of Dongjiang Town, has been beaten back to its original shape in just one month and taken away by the Ming army. Moreover, Fuzhou was also broken by the Yu family's army a few days ago. The soldiers and horses around Fuzhou were almost completely destroyed by the Yu family's army, and very few people fled back. Gaizhou.

Zhenjiangbao and Yizhou were also quickly captured by the Yu family army, and Chao-Xian also announced that they would be out of their control and no longer submit to them.

And Daming supervised Yu Xiaotian and personally led the army on the land road. All the way to conquer Dalinghe City, Guangning and other places, the soldiers pointed straight to Haizhou, attacked the city and pulled out the village along the way. The Tunbao controlled by the slaves were pulled out by them one after another, and the Qing army could not stop it at all.

In particular, the action taken by the Ming army this time was to attack Houjin on the east and west sides at the same time, making it impossible for them to concentrate their forces to intercept the Ming army.

Either he could only divide his troops to resist the attack of various Ming troops, or he could only sit and wait for the Ming army to attack Shengjing. Huang Taiji quickly summoned the Minister of Wenwu to discuss countermeasures.

So in the end, they thought of the Battle of Sal Margin. At the Battle of Sal Margin, the Ming army also had an absolute advantage, but it also attacked separately, so that the troops were scattered. Finally, they were defeated by Nurhachi and defeated the Ming army.

This time, the Ming army attacked again. These later Jin's civil and military ministers also thought that they could follow the example of their ancestors Nurhachi, gather troops, eat the family army all the way, and then gradually eat all the Ming army.

(Thank you for the reward of GZG1972!)