Daming Haiku

Chapter 122 Battle of Bull Pressure

Although Huang Taiji thinks that it is not reliable to do so, after all, the current Ming army is not the Ming army of those years. In fact, the current Ming army should be the Yu family army. The combat strength of the Yu family army is definitely not comparable to the Ming army during the Battle of Salhu.

Therefore, it is very doubtful whether such a concentrated army can work. What's more tragic is that the eight Mongolian flags have collapsed, and most of them have defected to each other. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Mongolian ministries have also begun to send troops one after another, launching attacks on their Jin side and restraining them. There are a large number of Qing troops in western Liaoning.

Another thing that worries Huang Taiji is that this year, for various reasons, Houjin completely cut off the channels of imported grain, and the agricultural situation outside the customs this year is not optimistic. After summer, the weather is dry, and many farmlands have no water available at all, resulting in a reduction in grain production. Now the weather has Turning cold, Yu Xiaotian chose to go out of the customs and start a war against Houjin at this time.

After the initial victory of the family army, they began to send a large number of cavalry separately, devastated many places in Houjin, and set fire to many crops that were about to be harvested. In this way, even if the Houjin army won the war next, it would face serious famine after winter. Besides, a large number of people will starve to death this winter.

Two consecutive years of hunger has killed the possibility of building slaves and expanding their troops. Because of their lack of strength and their inability to launch an invasion of Guan, they had to invest more manpower in agricultural production, which has also led to the inability to increase their troops in the past two years.

In addition, the emperor was extremely resistant to the future war launched by the Ming army against Houjin, devoted all his efforts to build various firearms, and occupied a large number of human, material and financial resources, which made their economic situation even worse and completely fell into a difficult level.

Now, although they have decided to gather heavy soldiers and eat the troops all the way, even if they mobilized all the movable troops, there are only more than 30,000 people, and they will no longer be as strong as before.

Even so, Huang Taiji also knows that this battle is a major plan for the survival of the whole Houjin. Sooner or later, they will still be forced to go outside the gate of Shengjing. The grain storage in Shengjing has reached its bottom, and the future is about to fall, and the temperature will drop sharply. At that time, their days will be very, very Sad.

Their only chance is to completely defeat the "invading" Ming army while the weather is not completely cold, so with the captured food, they are expected to survive this winter, otherwise I'm afraid that the famine will completely knock them down after the winter.

So Huang Taiji finally made up his mind to gather all the warable troops and go to Haizhou and Yu's army for a head-on decisive battle. If they win, they will get a chance to survive. If they lose, it will announce that the Qing Kingdom, which they have recently established, will be completely destroyed.

This time, Huang Taiji also made the greatest cruelty. He handed over the command of this battle to his young brother Duoduo and appointed him as the ordered general. With the seventh brother Abatai as the deputy, he commanded nearly 40,000 soldiers and all the elites available in Houjin. He also recruited a large number of clothes to help the war with the army, claiming that the army was ten Wan went to Haizhou to stop the Ming army led by Xiaotian and fought to the death with him in Haizhou.

On the seventh day of September, Yu Xiaotian's governor, including Yu Jiajun and Zu Da Shou and other Guanning troops, arrived at Xining Fort on the west bank of the Liao River, easily captured Xining Fort, and then began to cross the river and advance towards Haizhou.

At the same time, the Jiannu army led by Duo and Abatai also arrived in Haizhou. When they learned that the Ming army had captured Xining Fort and wanted to cross the Liao River to enter Haizhou (the area of Haicheng in later generations), they immediately accelerated their march and rushed to the east bank of the Shuangtaizi River to prepare for the Ming army in the Shuangtaizi River.

This time, Huang Taiji can be said to have taken out all the goods at the bottom of the box, took out 68,000 taels of silver from the warehouse, distributed them to the soldiers and generals to reward the soldiers, and allocated the red cannons that can be mobilized in recent years to Duoduo, and also raised tens of thousands of kilograms of gunpowder and more than 3,000 newly built birds for it. Use.

In addition, nearly 10,000 cavalry, more than 15,000 war horses and more than 2,000 mules were mobilized to transport those heavy red cannons.

In short, Huang Taiji took out everything that could be taken out. At the same time, he ordered the left-behind people in Jiannu to go all out to start collecting food, supply it to the army for food, and make another winter reserve.

On the tenth day of September, the Ming army arrived in the area of the Shuangtaizi River under the supervision of Xiaotian and began to build a bridge to cross the river. Duoduo immediately sent cavalry to launch a fierce attack on the Ming army that crossed the river first.

The first to cross the river was the Guanning army, which was used as cannon fodder by Yu Xiaotian. As a result, the Guanning army that crossed the river was hit by the Jiannu cavalry and retreated to the other side.

After Yu Xiaotian personally led the main force, he suppressed the slave cavalry on the opposite bank with artillery, and then sent engineers to build a bridge at the downstream and upstream at the same time, and began to forcibly cross the Shuangtaizi River.

Finally, a group of Yu's army took a hidden action in the area of the cattle pressure station in the upper reaches, and finally built a bridge. The infantry of the two battalions and a company of artillery successfully crossed the river overnight, sneaked the cattle pressure station and captured the cattle pressure station. Only then seized a bridgehead on the east bank of the Shuangtaizi River and established a relatively stable The line of defense.

Duoduo was shocked when he heard the news and immediately sent a large number of cavalry to attack the Yujia army headquarters that had crossed the river in the area of Niuyi. The infantry of the two battalions and the artillery of a company were attacked by nearly 10,000 Jiannu troops in Niuyi Station.

More than 2,000 domestic infantry, relying only on the simple fortifications of the cattle, blocked the fierce attack of the Jiannu army and covered more Yu's army to cross the Shuangtaizi River from the bridge to the east bank of the river.

As the army crossed the river with more and more troops, Bolo, the son of Abatai, who led the army to attack Niu Yanyi, was killed by artillery, which made Duodu realize that he could no longer attack the enemy in Bandu and blocked the Ming army crossing the river, so he ordered to shrink his troops and build fortifications in the lower reaches of the east bank leading to Haizhou, and prepare to die with Yujia army who crossed the river. War.

On September 13, the main force of the Yu family army all crossed the Shuangtaizi River. Later, under the leadership of Zu Da Shou, the Guanning army made a detour around the downstream area, re-selected the river crossing location, and crossed the river separately from the downstream to cooperate with the main force of the Yu family army to form a pinch attack on the post-Jin army.

After a short rest, on September 15, Yu Xiaotian arrived at the place where the Jiannu army was stationed, and the approximate location was in the area of Panjin City in later generations. The terrain here is flat and open, which is very suitable for the main forces of the two sides to fight.

For Jiannu, they have the advantage of land advantage, because they arrived here earlier, built certain fortifications in this area, built some artillery forts, arranged more than 30 red cannons they brought this time, and prepared for a decisive battle. .

For Yu Xiaotian, the expedition of the Yu family's army and labor division under his command was unstable at the beginning of the battlefield, and his military strength was also slightly at a disadvantage.

However, after observing the battlefield through the telescope, Yu Xiaotian listened to the feedback from the scouts and made a general judgment on the battlefield without feeling nervous at all. After arriving at all, he immediately ordered the battalion. On the same day, he blocked the raid sent by Duoduo and stood firm on the battlefield first.

Early the next morning, Xiaotian came out with all his elite, threw his troops into the battlefield, and began to take the initiative to launch an attack on the Jiannu army.

The two sides immediately launched a war related to the survival of Jin in the area of Panjin City in later generations.

Although Duo led the army this time and brought the most elite people of Jiannu, including some white armored soldiers they were proud of, and a large number of firearms, they could not take any advantage in the face of the attack of the family army.

The two sides first had a direct contact with the cavalry. Jiannu thought that their cavalry was quite tough, but he didn't expect that the cavalry of the Yu family was not weaker than them at all.

Among the cavalry of the family army, the main force is the newly formed Mongolian cavalry battalion. In addition, the rest are also cavalry teams mainly composed of northerners trained for many years. Although these Mongolian cavalry were not the opponents of Jiannu cavalry before, the key is that their equipment is of poor quality. In addition, they belong to different Mongolian departments, and there is no Unified command and dispatch, so it is not the opponent of Jiannu.

But now that they have been disrupted and reorganized, the situation is very different. First of all, they have obtained extremely sophisticated weapons and armor, and the horses are also the best horses provided by Mongolian departments, including the horses, which are also protected by light armor. Although Yu Xiaotian did not equip them with firearms, he changed them. The best archers, with these armored weapons, immediately improved their combat effectiveness.

In addition, they have obtained good command and dispatch. The officers are all from the direct line of the Yu family. These Mongolian cavalrymen are simple and straightforward. After receiving good treatment, they are very concerned about filial piety. What they have never lacked is courage. Now after becoming an army, they have become extremely brave.

Therefore, when the cavalry of the two sides came into contact, it was difficult to fight immediately. Only then did Jiannu find that their cavalry against the Mongolian cavalry of the family army could not take advantage at all. After a fierce battle between the two sides, they fooled the losses, but the losses of Jiannu were much higher than that of the family army. So Dordo had to withdraw his cavalry and began to turn to a positional battle.

This adjustment can be said to have suddenly determined the fate of Jiannu. In this era of position warfare, no one can be the opponent of Yu's army. Although Jiannu is also equipped with a lot of arson guns and cannons in red, they are only beaten when facing the Yujia army infantry armed to their teeth.

Yu Jiajun pulled the artillery to the front, built a temporary artillery base in line, and then began to attack each other with the artillery team of Jiannu on the opposite side.

The cannons on both sides fired desperately, and the shells roared through the air and hit the other party's position. However, in terms of artillery warfare, the construction of slaves is at best in front of the artillery of the family army, and can only be regarded as the level of kindergarten children at best, while the artillery of the Yu family army is a bachelor's degree. The scope of industry.