Daming Haiku

Chapter 124 The Battle of the Beast

Especially among these clothes, in addition to a large number of Han people abvage captured by Jiannu from Guan, there are also many Liaodong or Guanning military generals captured by Jiannu on the battlefield over the years, and some former Dongjiang military generals. When they learned that Jiannu was defeated by the Ming army, the whole Jiannu is now almost gone. When the soldiers were available, these bowed slaves who had been cleaned up by the slaves broke out the strongest counterattack.

Although the news of Jiannu's defeat in Guannei was blocked by Huang Taiji's decree, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. A large number of Jiannu have not returned home, and the wives and children in the family can't avoid crying. Those slaves in their family can hear some news, and this matter will be known for a long time.

In addition, Jiannu has begun to show weakness in the past two years. Although they are still very mean to these slaves, it is obvious that they are no longer arrogant and domineering as before, so these Han slaves who have been taken abroad have seen some eyebrows.

During this period, some people secretly preached everywhere in Jiannu's control area, indicating that the army was going to counterattack in the near future, and the Jiannu army could not resist at all, so some bold Han people began to contact secretly and wait for the opportunity to rise.

After confirming that the news was not fake and hearing the news that the Ming army had defeated the Jiannu army, these Han slaves who had been taken out of the customs finally couldn't stand it anymore and began to rebel one after another, killing their master's whole family, and then gathered together to fight with Jiannu.

This also led to the entire Jiannu population. In just half a month, a large number of people were killed. Many places were already changed before the Ming army arrived. They were controlled by the rebellious robe slaves and sent people far away to welcome the arrival of the Ming army.

After the Battle of Haizhou, the Yujia army and the Ming army** almost encountered any decent resistance. The fortress towns built by slaves along the way were destroyed one after another in front of their soldiers.

In many places, there is no need to even take action from the family army or the Ming army. Those wrapped slaves inside have taken action, slaughtered their masters of all ages, and then opened the door to surrender and returned to the embrace of the Ming Dynasty.

On the third day of October, just over half a month after the end of the Haizhou War, Yu Xiaotian had personally supervised the division, and the vanguard of the army had been under Shenyang.

In recent days, Huang Taiji has sent envoys to Yu's army and asked Yu Xiaotian to deliver the surrender table, saying that from then on, he was willing to abdicate, cancel the name of the Qing Kingdom, no longer claim the emperor, and was willing to submit to Xiaotian's command, and only asked Yu Xiaotian to give them a way to live.

However, Yu Xiaotian completely ignored this, and even the envoys sent by Jiannu were not seen. He directly ordered people to kill these envoys, pick their heads, and continue to wave their teachers to Shenyang City.

Along the way, some slaves saw that the situation was not good and no longer returned to the usual kind of arrogance. They took the initiative to surrender and only asked for a way to live. However, as a result, many people were killed directly by Guanning Army or those who did not accept the night or scouts of the Yu family army before they saw the main force of the Yu family army. Only a few people were lucky enough to be captured. .

The accumulated grievances between Jiannu and the Han people for decades have exploded in an all-round way, without any mercy or pity, so that Jiannu also thoroughly tasted the taste of the loser.

When the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, that is, the third day of October in the early winter of Chongde of the Qing Dynasty, with the first snow of the year falling on this land, the Yu family army and Guanning army finally came to Shengjing City. In addition, they divided their troops around Shengjing City and began to attack north of Shengjing. , remove the remnants of the construction slaves north of Shengjing, accept a large number of mutiny of construction slaves, and begin to restore order in various places.

Huang Taiji sent people many times to ask for surrender without fruit. He knew that this time Yu Xiaotian had completely moved the idea of destroying their Houjin, and knew that there was no result in continuing to ask for mercy, so he had to order Shengjing and all the remaining Jiannu in the surrounding area to enter Shengjing City and make a final attempt.

At this time, even if all the Jiannu who can afford knives and guns are gathered in the whole capital city, plus the last elite left in the two flags of the yellow flag and the yellow flag, there are only less than 5,000 soldiers left in the capital, and there are only tens of thousands of old, weak and disabled slaves left in the capital, which are powerless at all. After going out of the city and fighting with the Yu family army in any form, they had to defend the city in the end until their final destruction.

Yu Xiaotian stopped far away on the high slope outside Shenyang and observed the most important city outside the customs through the telescope. Although this is the capital of Jiannu, it is far inferior to the capital of the Ming Dynasty in terms of scale and momentum.

But we can't underestimate Shenyang City. After all, Jiannu has built the capital here for decades. After many years of operation, the city wall industry here has been built quite strong by Jiannu, with a quite perfect defense system and facilities. If the Jiannu in the city had not collapsed by themselves, he would like to easily conquer this place. It's not very realistic.

And now the weather has turned cold. When he led the army out of the customs, it was still a hot summer. In just a few months, it has turned into ice and snow. A heavy snow two days ago wrapped a layer of silver-white plain clothing on the land, and the world became much cleaner.

Only the Shenyang City in the distance, between the white snow, like a dark beast, coiled between heaven and earth, and then looking far away, it is the towering mountains and a wide river lying on the east of Shenyang City like a long dragon. At this time, the farmland outside the city had already been harvested. , covered with heavy snow, it looked flat and unstoppable.

A team of Yujiajun drove outside Shenyang City and gradually surrounded the whole Shenyang City. There were also many Guanning army and those captive slaves who had recently surrendered to the family army. At this time, they also gathered outside Shenyang City as assistants, waiting for the final revenge.

Various four-wheeled wagons and various types of gun trucks, under the traction of mules and horses, spray hot air in the snow, dragging the vehicles vigorously, and slowly entering the designated position.

At this time, the soldiers have changed into new warm cotton-padded coats and hats, still maintaining their military appearance and being busy outside the city.

While the land was not completely frozen and thick, various fortifications were quickly dug out, and gun trucks arrived near the fortifications. At the sound of countless artillery, a heavy siege gun was pushed into the temporary artillery of the position.

And at the head of Shenyang City, there is a dead look. Those various flags representing the Eight Banners are weakly hanging on the wall. Occasionally, with a small wind, they flutter slightly, but no one can be seen shaking on the wall.

The scouts who arrived earlier have let the last soldiers of the slaves on the wall experience the power of the arms-gun of the Yu family. Some of the slaves who did not know the interests were overturned on the wall one by the cold guns of the Yu army, so that no one dares to easily show themselves on the wall.

So the whole Shenyang city seemed to be dead in the snow, with no vitality at all. The limited Tarot soldiers hid behind the stack in fear, occasionally looked out through the hole of the stack, and quickly withdrew their heads, because no one knew whether there would be one next moment. It is not the first time that the bullet shot through the hole and opened their heads.

Yu Xiaotian also changed into a thick fur cloak at this time, with a pair of warm fur boots under his feet, and a red cloak exclusive to him. Although he stood in the ice and snow, he did not feel cold at all.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian's mood is somewhat complicated. The result he wants is now in front of him. The last strong enemy of the nation is about to disappear in front of his eyes, which gives him a sense of loneliness that he can't find the enemy with his sword.

Over the years, he has faced various challenges and enemies. Now he has finally kicked away the stumbling blocks that prevented him from moving on the road one by one. Now there is only one last stumbling block in front of him, and he will be kicked into the garbage of history.

From then on, it is no longer possible for the Manchu Qing Dynasty to threaten the Central Plains and bring the Chinese nation into a bottomless abyss.

Jiannu, who was once arrogant to the extreme, has become at the end of the road and can't find any chance to revive. At present, the Ming Dynasty is no longer the previous Ming Dynasty. Everything has undergone earth-shaking changes because of his appearance. History seems to have become plausible by this time. Get up.

Suddenly, Yu Xiaotian had a confused feeling and seemed to know what to do next, but soon he shook his head and laughed at himself. In fact, what he was going to do in the future had been understood by him a long time ago. Now he is only one step away from success. What else is there to hesitate?

In two days, Yu's army and Guan Ning's army united and surrounded the whole city of Shenyang, including Kong Youde and Yu Zhenshan's troops, who have now come from the Liaodong Peninsula and joined the final battle.

It is called a decisive battle. In fact, it is too much to praise the slaves at this time. Now they have no ability to pose any threat to the family and army except to hide in the city and tremble.

After taking a deep breath, Yu Xiaotian waved his hand and said, "Let's start!" Give an ultimatum to Huang Taiji to bind himself and surrender. Otherwise, when we attack the city, we will not stay! Let them also taste what it's like to be slaughtered!"

Together, the fast horse flew four hoofs and splashed with snow and quickly rushed outside the south gate of Shenyang City. A cavalryman spoke a Liaodong accent and shouted at the city, informing Xiaotian's ultimatum to Huang Taiji to the Jiannu in the city.

There was no movement in the city, but someone rushed to send the news to the palace in Shengjing City and reported it to the emperor Taiji sitting in the palace.

After listening to the news reported by the slave, Huang Taiji looked stunned and didn't speak for a long time, and his eyes seemed very confused. After a long time, he said, "Although I don't deny that Yu Xiaotian is a hero, my Qing Dynasty is indeed not his opponent, but at this point, he is not qualified enough to humiliate me in the Qing Dynasty!

Since I succeeded to the throne, although I have worked hard to govern, I can't help it. After all, my Qing Dynasty has not been able to enter the Central Plains. On the contrary, I will fall under the hands of Xiaotian today. I feel ashamed of my father and emperor and those meritorious ministers of the Qing Dynasty!

But if you want me to bind myself and beg for surrender now, don't think about it again. I can't continue to humiliate my ancestors. Since he wants to capture my Shengjing, let him come!

I will personally fight with them until the last battle, and I will never continue to be humiliated by them! Go and tell Yu Xiaotian and ask him to attack the city! I'll wait for him here!"

After listening to Huang Taiji's reply, Yu Xiaotian nodded slightly and sighed, "Huang Taiji is a hero after all, but he was not born at the right time. If it hadn't been for Yu's appearance, I'm afraid he would really have a chance to come to the world. Unfortunately, things in the world are unpredictable! I respect Yu so much for him, so Yu will let him die like a man!

I will order it, and now let's start the general attack! ......”

(Thank you for the reward of the iron-handed brother!)