Daming Haiku

Chapter 123 Bad News

All the gunners of Yu's army have received rigorous training and have mastered very modern gun operation technology. The artillery technology has also far exceeded Jiannu for at least 200 years. In terms of artillery power and artillery accuracy, Jiannu's artillery team can only look back.

As a result, Jiannu's artillery array was like a hail, falling into countless types of shells. The Jiannu artillery array was full of earth and stones, and the bodies of Jiannu gunners were also flying all over the sky. All kinds of corpses fell like rain. From time to time, gun racks were collapsed, and heavy cannons were lifted up. High scene.

The whole Jiannu's artillery array lasted for less than an hour in total, and was almost disabled by the artillery of the Yu family army. Although the artillery was not completely destroyed, the gunners were also killed and injured and were unable to fight again.

Then Yu's army infantry entered the battlefield and sent a horizontal array of fishing to advance towards the defense line of the Jiannu army.

The 200-step standard platoon ray tactic made Dordo want to cry on the spot. At this distance, after their gun array was destroyed, there was only one to be beaten. And the rope guns in their hands can't reach the family army at all. Only part of their strong archers used the strength to breastfeed, regardless of the damage to the bow arm, and shoot at a high angle. Only a small number of light arrows shot can get the family army.

However, such a counterattack was under the intensive fire-gun shooting of the family army and was soon disintegrated. Those light arrows that shot into the family army array could not effectively shoot through the chest armor and helmet of the family army generals, but only played a slight role in harassing the domestic arms-gunners.

A large number of slave soldiers lined up in front of the two armies to meet each other were knocked over in front of the two armies like grass. This kind of fight can be said to have played a devastating blow to the morale of the soldiers.

Soon the queue of Jiannu began to appear chaos, and some slaves lost the courage to continue to stand and wait for the other party to be shot and began to retreat.

Looking at such a war situation, Dordo was shocked that his soul was scattered and had already lost the general's wind. For a while, Abatai, who was not very smart, made an amazing move at this time. His son had been killed by the Yu family army, and Abatai himself was a reckless man, known as a brave general.

At this time, Abatai led a group of white-armed guard soldiers, and suddenly went out like a fierce tiger, launching a counterattack against the Yu family army.

These Baya La soldiers are composed of the strongest flag soldiers selected by Jiannu from each Niu Record in each flag. They have always been known as the strongest soldiers in the world. Each of them wears two or even three layers of heavy armor, is good at making all kinds of heavy weapons and has the title of invincible. Although the number is not large, it can often play on the battlefield. It plays an important role.

This time, Abatai led hundreds of Bayala guards and suddenly launched a charge, which also wanted to break the kettle and sink the boat, so he suddenly disrupted the front of the family army and saved the whole battlefield situation.

But it's a pity that what they met this time was not the old-fashioned Ming army, but Yu Jiajun, who was holding the sharpest rifle in the world so far.

Although they were covered with two or three layers of armor, they did not play much role in front of the high-flying Mine bomb. Many Bayala guards, who did not even see the enemy's face clearly, raised a mass of blood on their bodies and fell to the ground from the war horse. Some of the Baya La guards simply took people. The horse was knocked to the ground directly by the flying bullets.

Including himself, when he rushed to the front of his army less than a hundred steps, he was also hit by several bullets. He was knocked off his horse on the spot and was trampled on his chest by another Ba Yala guard's war horse that rushed over. He only heard the sound of broken bones. Abatai's chest was trampled and collapsed, spitting out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and was instantly trampled to death on the battlefield.

Hundreds of the most elite Bayala guards launched this death charge in the face of thousands of munitions and gunners. Although they showed their fearless spirit, they also suffered the most tragic failure in their history. Hundreds of Bayala guards who made Jiannu proud were hit by bullets like dumplings. Falling down the horse.

In the end, only more than ten people successfully rushed through the bullet screen and entered the infantry queue of the Yu family army, but at this time, they were also injured and had become the end of the crossbow. Although they tried their last strength to kill some soldiers of the Yu family army, they were instantly killed by countless long guns and bayonets. He stabbed down from the horse, and in the blink of an eye, the whole army was exhausted, and no one survived.

After seeing these Baya La guards complete the last charge of their lives with such a tragic ending, the whole slave soldiers will collapse together, and no one has any illusions about victory.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses began to collectively **, turned around and began to flee the battlefield. Before the war, such morale collapsed, which announced the destruction of an army.

At first, only dozens and hundreds of people began to disperse, and then spread towards the whole army like an infectious disease. A wave of slave soldiers began to turn around and join the ranks of escape. It can almost be said that it permeated the whole army of the slaves in an instant. In the blink of an eye, more than 30,000 slaves collectively collapsed and fought desperately towards the rear of the battlefield. The son ran away.

It was not used for Xiaotian's personal order, and the brigade commanders had already issued their own orders to charge bayonets. The cavalry roared and roared high all kinds of weapons in their hands, and were involved in the battlefield like a whirlwind, and suddenly waved to the Jiannu army like a death sickle.

The infantry of the Yu family army, who followed more than 10,000, also wore bayonets or long guns, and made shocking cheers and shouts, like rolling wild waves, swept towards the Jiannu army.

Yu Xiaotian raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then his body relaxed and exhaled a turbid breath, showing a smile...

The Battle of Haizhou almost destroyed the last elite of Jiannu, and even led to the pursuit of the Yu family army, and even Haizhou was broken by the Yu family army, so that the Yu family army completely opened the passage to Houjin Shengjing.

At the same time, Jiannu also completely lost all the power of resistance and became the flesh, which can only sit on the slaughter of the family army.

At this time, Jiannu had no ability to stop any attack by the family army all the way. As the snowflakes of the year fell from the sky, the whole Houjin Kingdom of Jiannu was no longer a country, and the last batch of Houjin were in front of the soldiers of the Yujia army and the Ming army and the Mongolian troops who helped the war. , retreated to Shengjing City.

This winter seems to have come a little later than in previous years. It seems that it is specially against Jiannu, so that Yu Jiajun has gained more than ten days of time to sing and make great progress in Liaodong and greatly clean up the remnants of Jiannu's forces.

The news of the defeat in Haizhou spread all over the control area of Jiannu. Suddenly, the people of the Eight Banners cried loudly, because this time they sent troops to Haizhou and the Ming army to fight to the death, and they have killed almost all the warable soldiers of the Eight Banners. After the defeat of the war, Almost all the flag families have lost their lives in this war.

All the flagmen also collapsed in an instant, knowing that their doomsday had come, which did not mean that the family army had arrived on their land, and a large number of flagmen helped the old and the young to escape to Shengjing.

In the minds of all Jiannu, Shengjing has become their last shelter and their last psychological defense line. This is the capital of the Qing Dynasty and their last holy place. Since the wild boar skin rose up, and later the capital Shenyang was renamed Shengjing, they have been invincible.

Who would have thought that the Qing Dynasty, which had just been established for decades, was facing such a disaster. The Ming army, which was once weak in their eyes, suddenly became so fierce and almost returned to their original shape in a few years.

After learning that the army was defeated and Duoduo was defeated, Abatai was killed on the spot and almost the whole army was destroyed in Haizhou, Huang Taiji shouted and fainted on the spot.

At this time, the whole Shengjing Jiannu's literary and martial arts were completely messed up. Some people even immediately began to clean up and softly, took advantage of the chaos to escape from Shengjing and began to run to the place they thought were safe to hide, because pigs knew that the Ming army would definitely come to attack Shengjing next, and it was impossible to stay here without soldiers or horses. Yuzhi, they are finished in the Qing Dynasty, and the money is over. No one knows if they can avoid this disaster next.

In addition, a large number of Han people in Liaodong who were previously taken out of the customs and forced to become cloth slaves or were incorporated into the Eight Banners. At this time, they shaved off the pig's tails on their heads, boldly directly encouraged those clothed people around them, grabbed any weapons that could be found, and abused them at will. Those masters are dead.

Before the Ming army swept into the territory of many Jiannu, these places were already in chaos. There were voices of people shouting horses everywhere, and everywhere was full of near-death screams. At this time, a large number of flagmen were devoured by their clothes and became souls under the knife.

These Han people or people from other tribes who were once bullied by slaves have seized knives and guns, looked for flagmen everywhere to slaughter, and then robbed their property, and even raped-** their women, took away their clothes and food, and used the most cruelest methods they wanted to enslave him. On our flag owners.

As the saying goes, it is not the time to repay evil. Now it is also the time for these slaves to harvest the evil fruits they planted before. Almost overnight, their former control area has become the burial place of countless slaves, including women and children, which is no longer under anyone. It can be controlled.