Daming Haiku

Chapter 130 Reform

There are also professional examinations under the household department. Those who are good at economic management and financial management can take the examinations under the household department. Some accountants who used to be good at accounting now also have a way to become officials and can serve under the household department.

If some of them are very proficient in accounting management, they may even be specially transferred to serve in the newly established Audit Office under the Metropolitan Police, and set up the position of auditing the imperial envoy, which is responsible for auditing local governments and controlling the financial revenue and expenditure of local governments from the source. The problem is that the accounts of local governments are audited every year to supervise the control of financial revenue and expenditure and strengthen the monitoring in this regard.

The Ministry of Industry has set up the most examination subjects, because the Ministry of Industry is currently responsible for civil construction, road traffic, water conservancy construction and other affairs throughout the country. Now Yu Xiaotian has also handed over the construction of various factories in various places to the Ministry of Industry, which greatly increases the responsibilities and powers of the Ministry of Industry. Professionals are required to be more extensive.

Therefore, many students who have specialized studies in this field can take the relevant examinations set up by the Ministry of Industry, including civil construction and road water conservancy engineering construction. Those who think they are specialized in this field can take the examination. After passing the examination, they can work under the Ministry of Industry.

In this way, a lot of new talents have been opened. They no longer only rely on the imperial examination to recruit officials. Although many scholars have been hired in the previous imperial examination, under the rigid imperial examination system, the vast majority of these people are better at reading death books and only learn some that can be tested. The eight-share articles are well written, but their actual work ability has been rotten to their homes. Many local affairs are handed over to them, and they are in a mess, but they all have the ability to take advantage of loopholes to make money.

Now these exams have been added under various departments, and officials have been hired through various professional examinations, so that these officials are basically specialized and can be directly put into the jobs they are good at, specializing in some jobs that require strong professional knowledge, so as to avoid the public in previous imperial examinations. Many ills can at least give many people who are specialized to get a chance to become an official.

In this way, it also forces those former readers to transform and learn more useful knowledge, instead of continuing to read eight-part articles and write eight-part articles as before, so that they will basically have no future prospects in the future.

Yu Xiaotian's doing so undoubtedly touched the interests of those previous scholars in the world, which caused another uproar in the world. Many readers collapsed on the spot after carefully studying the newly promulgated imperial examination system and the examination system set up under various ministries.

Over the years, what they have learned has basically become waste under the new imperial examination system, which is equivalent to learning for nothing. If they want to become an official, they have to learn more new things, and they have to choose a certain major to study, so that they will have the opportunity to become an official in the future.

How good this is, so scholars and scholars from all over the world exploded on the spot, went to the local government to make trouble, and wrote to the court one after another. Such a new imperial examination system was really humiliating and demanding that they should be changed back to the original imperial examination of the previous dynasty.

In the past, some scholars did not react too fiercely to Yu Xiaotian's accession to the throne, because in the eyes of these people, no matter who is the emperor, they always have to use these scholars to govern the world! As long as the dynasty still wants to govern the world, they have to take the imperial examination. They can continue to take the imperial examination in the new dynasty, and then continue to become officials. Who can they do it for? As long as you can continue to be an official, who will not be the emperor!

Before scholars became officials, many people actually knew the word shame. They did not have to be corrupt officials if they wanted to be officials. Many scholars gradually learned to be corrupt officials to make money after taking the imperial examination and entering the officialdom.

So before studying for the exam, most students actually want to be a good official and serve the glory of the court. In the past, the salary of officials in the Ming Dynasty was very low. If they didn't find a way to make money, they could not support their families or live a decent life, so they were forced to find ways to make money and take the first dirty. After the money, they couldn't stop their desire and wanted to make more money, so that they finally completely lost their conscience and became black-hearted corrupt officials.

Now Yu Xiaotian ascended the throne and became emperor. After becoming emperor, Dazhong took good care of officials. In terms of salaries, it was many times higher than that of the previous dynasty. After becoming an official, with the salaries issued, you can basically live a good life. There is no big problem to support a large family, and In the past, some small officials who needed to support themselves from their own pockets are now also paid by the court, which reduces their great burden.

In addition, today's emperor Yu Xiaotian has now changed his name to Emperor Chengtian. He is very strict with the management and control of officials. He has set up various layers of supervision systems, so that officials dare not easily reach out and be greedy for ink again. Since the salary is enough for them to live a decent life, they will lose their heads and raid their homes. The tragic end, so officials naturally try to control their selfish desires and dare not reach out without reaching out.

This also makes the official governance of Dazhong appear clear. When the local government is doing things, it is much more honest. When the government is clean, the burden of the people will naturally be reduced a lot. The people gradually rely on farming or doing some handicrafts. Although they can't get rich quickly, they can at least support their families. The mouth problem is not big, and when there is food to eat, naturally, not many people are willing to do things to rebel. As a result, after the founding of the country, ordinary people are unwilling to follow the nonsense in addition to some people with ulterior motives.

Although there are still a large number of people who have lost land in this era who have not been able to get land, with the development of industry and commerce, Yu Xiaotian banned ways to export and encouraged businesses to open workshops. Various workshops began to emerge in various places like bamboo shoots. These workshops also absorbed a lot of idle labor force, so that In the past, those exiles who lost their land could work in workshops and earn money to support their families, which naturally alleviated social conflicts.

However, the matter of reading is still the best way out in the eyes of the world, especially those former scholars, who are still fantasizing that one day they can be on the golden list, get an official and a half-position, and then shine.

However, the reform of the new imperial examination system has basically made them wasteful and lose the way to continue to pass the scientific examination. How can they accept it!

Of course, they refused to agree, so scholars from all over the world immediately made trouble and went to the government to petition to resist the implementation of this new imperial examination system.

Even some local scholars simply proposed to jointly take the imperial examination, not to take the examinations and township examinations across the country in spring and autumn after the coming spring, to put pressure on the current dynasty and refute the face of the current court. No one took the imperial examination. Let's see if you will change the imperial examination system back.

After hearing the news, Yu Xiaotian sneered and said, "Let them make trouble. It's just right not to participate. Anyway, they won't pass the exam!" Then let's start with the examinations of each department. Can't the world turn around without them? If someone makes trouble again, let the local governments not be polite to them and beat me until they dare not make trouble!

But all those who participate in trouble or resist the imperial examination, cancel their original reputation and their previous tax exemption and various preferential treatment. If they don't take the exam, they will starve to death even if they don't go back to farm! For those scholars who provoke trouble in various places, they should be more strict, remove their previous reputation, and never hire them! Let me see if they learn a lot of literature and can eat it as a meal?

Yu Xiaotian's imperial edict immediately spread the decree all over the country. Those who took the lead in making trouble in the government happened to have a jointly signed petition, and the result was just used by the local governments as a list.

A large group of students from all over the country were unlucky and were caught in the government one by one. In the past, Xiucai could not kneel down for officials? Now, press and lie down, go down, beat your buttocks, then throw them out of the government, let their families drag them back, and then cancel their reputation, cancel the various subsidies and tax exemptions given to them before, and go home to farm!

This time, these scholars were so sad that they had nothing at once, especially those students who took the lead and made trouble. They were even more unlucky. They were actually removed from all their fame and never hired, permanently banned their qualification to take the future imperial examination. At this time, they were dumbfounded.

They study in order to get ahead one day, pass the imperial examination to gain fame, and then embark on an official career. Even if they can't become a scholar, they can become a practitioner, and the worst thing is to be a scholar. At least they can find a way to make up a seat. If it really doesn't work, they can go to some officials and be a staff. You can also fool around with a decent life.

But now Yu Xiaotian has removed all the reputation of these provocative guys and directly and permanently cancelled their qualification to take the imperial examination. In the future, he lost all the possibility of becoming an official, and he had to find another way to live by himself.

At this time, I was stunned by these students who tried to make trouble. Suddenly, some timid students were stunned and dared not continue to make trouble. They had to go home honestly, found some books that were useless before, wipe their buttocks, find some new books, and learn something new quickly, hoping to learn something. After that, I took the imperial examination and sought a way forward.

(Congratulations on the New Year, brothers. Although it is very vulgar, I still want to wish you a happy New Year. In the new year, I hope you can make money and make cramps and pick up girls with soft thighs! I guess this is the dream of many losers! I hope my brothers' dreams come true! There is no harm in making great progress on the road of making money and picking up girls! Ha ha! By the way, tomorrow is the first day of the Chinese New Year, and I will ask for a day off! Is it okay?)