Daming Haiku

Chapter 131 Education

Of course, Yu Xiaotian not only reformed the imperial examination. While reforming the scientific examination system, he also made people choose a considerable number of practical books, which made the Ministry of Industry vigorously publish and print a large number of books, and then distribute them to various places for students to buy, read and study.

Over the years, during his seclusion in Fujian and Taiwan, Yu Xiaotian has obtained many books of various disciplines from the West through various means, translated and printed them for the schools and students he set up in Taiwan and other places for study.

Now Sun Yuanhua was brought back to Beijing by him from Danshui. In addition to the six departments, a Ministry of Education was established, directly appointing Sun Yuanhua as the first Minister of Education, independent of the six departments, specializing in education.

The original Jingshi Guozijian and Nanjing Guozijian are under the Ministry of Education, specializing in training useful students. The original students in the Guozijian are selected and retained, and the rest are dismissed and returned to their hometowns. From Fujian and Taiwan, a large number of young students were admitted to Guozijian for further study.

The teaching subjects in the National Supervision has also been greatly restructured, canceling a large number of what has been learned before, and many courses have been reopened, including geometric algebra and some mechanical, chemical, physics disciplines, as well as administrative management and other disciplines. It should be enriched many times.

As for the faculty, Sun Yuanhua is responsible for looking for it. His three sons have deep knowledge in many disciplines, and all of them have entered the national supervision and are called professors.

Another part of the missionaries who used to preach in various parts of Taiwan with solid knowledge have also been specially allowed to teach in the Guozijian. They are specially allowed to set up churches in Beijing and Nanjing to preach under supervision and Nanjing in addition to teaching. They are also required not to publicize their teachings to any students in Guozijian. Otherwise, it will be expelled from China.

The church was very happy to learn the news, because they cooperated with Yu Xiaotian for a long time and found that Yu Xiaotian was not very resistant to their mission. He was a pro-edist. Although he refused to join the church and never allowed any family and soldiers to join the church, he allowed them to preach in the local area to a certain extent. Although they have to supervise and set a lot of rules that make it impossible for them to open up for missionary work, this has made them quite satisfactory.

Now Yu Xiaotian ascends the throne and becomes the emperor of China. With the support of such a pro-trincipal emperor, they think that it will be a smooth sailing to preach in China in the future, so they absolutely dare not refuse to agree to Yu Xiaotian's request and try their best to search from Europe. Knowledgeable priests came to China to preach and worked part-time in the national prison to teach all kinds of knowledge they have learned.

Even Yu Xiaotian proposed to the church that some scholars who were considered by the church to be heretical doctrines and prepared to be persecute, and even those who were ready to be executed, he also wanted to send them all to China. Yu Xiaotian could open more places for them to establish churches to preach in exchange for these heretical scholars. After these people come to China, they will be given generous treatment and provide enough funds for their research.

Especially scholars who have made achievements in navigation, mechanics, astronomy and geography, chemistry and medicine are even more welcome to come to China for further research. Yu Xiaotian specially allocated a large amount of funds in his private treasury and handed it to the Ministry of Education, specializing in It is used by these scholars who are willing to come to China to continue their research.

Of course, it is not enough to set up only two national supervisors. The concept of governing the country promoted by Yu Xiaotian is different from that of the previous dynasties. Now, with the development of society, he will strongly promote the refinement of various social division of labor. With the refinement of social division of labor, the demand for administrators will also increase significantly. In the future, each A large number of professionals are needed in all walks of life.

This requires education first to cultivate more scholars, rather than only a few people in society can read as before, but to gradually popularize education and improve the quality of the whole people, so that more and more people can learn new things, and finally achieve universal education.

And in the future, like the development of industry and commerce, there will be more and more demand for the number of skilled workers, and all of them will be illiterate, which will definitely restrict the development. If he wants to accelerate the process of industrial development, he must let more workers in production, know the production technology and also know why, and he can't all rely on him. He opened his golden finger and transplanted the technology of later generations. Once he drives to the west one day, it is likely to cause the stagnation of industrial machinery technology.

So he needs more people to enter the research field, explore, study the knowledge of various disciplines, master the essence, and then learn to create, so that the Chinese nation can always stand at the forefront of the world's scientific and technological field, always control the pulse of the world, and become the world hegemon.

Once he doesn't pay attention to education, then he is doing a lot of work now, but it will definitely lead to a lack of stamina in the development of science and technology. Therefore, his investment in education can be said to be doing a hundred years of people. In his lifetime, he has cultivated more and more scientific and technological talents, even if one day he If you drive to the west, then these people are the biggest legacy he left to this nation.

Therefore, he will never be satisfied with just transforming two national superintendents and establishing two new universities. Therefore, in terms of education, he began to implement new education methods in various provinces. With state investment, he will first establish a doctrine at the prefecture-level places with better conditions in each province, that is, it will be invested by the state and local governments. , recruit the children of poor families. Of course, they do not avoid those noble disciples. As long as they pass the entrance examination, they will be admitted.

In terms of courses, we also focus on Sinology and mathematics. During this period, some natural science knowledge is interspersed with teaching. Natural science also covers basic introductory knowledge in geography, astronomy, medicine, agriculture, water conservancy, physics and other aspects. The academic system is three to five years old, and children between six to ten years old are enrolled.

Such righteousness is actually the predecessor of the later primary school. It also teaches some simple knowledge, literature and science, and will not completely overthrow the ancient Chinese culture and education. After all, China's splendid culture for thousands of years has accumulated too much essence. These things are not irresisting to Yu Xiaotian and never want to be in his World, destroy the splendid Chinese culture. After all, many Chinese people's cultural ideas are quite good.

Of course, at the same time, strongly promote science education to avoid the disadvantages that students will only read dead books in the future, so that they can have access to a wider range of knowledge.

For the time being, he is unable to achieve universal education, but at least let some enlightened people who are willing to let their children go to school get the first compulsory education and enjoy the benefits of the education he promotes.

After all, ancient reading was basically monopolized in a higher class. The people who can read books are basically the children of some large families or eunuchs. They have the financial resources and ability to enjoy the benefits of reading, but most ordinary people, because they have no financial resources, the whole family has to start from a young age. Just let the children work on the land, and there is no time for their children to receive education, let alone the ability to let them read books.

After all, due to the restrictions of the printing industry in ancient times, the price of books was quite expensive. People who had no savings could not even afford to buy books at all. Many children of poor families had to rely on saying good words everywhere, begging their grandparents to borrow books, and then copy them down by themselves to get the opportunity to read. Therefore, ordinary people rely on themselves. The family's economic ability is unable to support a child to study, let alone let his children get out of work and receive education. There is a boy's family, and it is expected that boys can help them work early to support their families.

Therefore, when promoting righteous learning in various prefectures, some families who are willing to send their children to study should first obtain the right to receive education. As long as they are willing to send their children to school, then food and accommodation will be undertaken by the state, and reading is free. Everyone can get the minimum free books, provided that this is Some families must be willing to let their children go unborn and sent to charity school for education.

As for how to carry out deeper re-education after the end of primary education in the future, it will be three to five years later, with at least three to five years of buffer time. At that time, Yu Xiaotian believes that with his efforts, the national finance will have a greater rise at that time, and Through the training of Guozijian in the past few years, a group of scholars with higher levels will also be trained to devote themselves to the next step of intermediate education and serve as teachers to promote higher-level education.

Yu Xiaotian's practice has also surprised many people. Now it can be said that it is still a time for a lot of waste. Yu Xiaotian has taken out a lot of money from finance and invested so much money to set up a charity school in various prefectures and recruit poor students from all over the world.

This kind of behavior obviously requires considerable courage. Although he strongly promotes the implementation of the new imperial examination system, which has attracted the opposition of scholars all over the world, his current establishment of charity schools fully illustrates his demand for talents in the world and the sense of urgency to recruit talents.

Obviously, Yu Xiaotian is not satisfied with the way of selecting materials in previous dynasties, and does not satisfy what current scholars have learned. Therefore, he seeks all kinds of talents he needs by changing the imperial examination system, and teaches the knowledge he needs to recruit a large number of talents in the future. The talents lay a solid foundation in advance.

(Thank you for the reward of an intoxicating brother!)