Daming Haiku

Chapter 134 Cabinet

New boats began to spring up in coastal areas, and various sea boats for sea began to be built, including sand boats commonly used offshore, lucky boats suitable for ocean navigation, and strong and durable wide boats, and the volume is getting bigger and larger.

At the beginning of the sea ban, most of the shiphouses and the newly built shiphouses could only build about 200 sea boats because of their immature craftsmanship. However, with the improvement of the craftsmanship of shipmakers in various places, the construction of ships has also become larger and larger. From 400 materials to 700 materials and 800 materials, the mast is from a single mast. From the two masts to the three masts or even the four masts, the performance of the sea ship is getting higher and higher.

Of course, the best among these ships are still those shipyards under the Sea Wolf Group. After Xiaotian took control of the court in the north, the shipyards under Sea Wolf Group began to set up branches along the land coast.

They have now established two shipbuilding branches in Quanzhou and Hong Kong, then a branch factory in Songjiang Prefecture, and later a branch factory in Qingdao. In the first year of Chengtian, as soon as Yu Xiaotian recovered Liaodong, they immediately went to Lushun and built a super factory in Dalian in the future. Large shipyard.

And this step can be said to be very beautiful, because China's navigation industry has been developing since the Song and Yuan dynasties. A large number of forests in the south have been cut down, and then caused ships to sail far to various places. By the era when Zheng He went to the West after the Ming Dynasty, the whole area of Nanzhili could no longer find a big tree to build big ships. .

Nowadays, with the opening of the sea ban, large and small boathouses have been built in the south, and the demand for wood is increasing. Now the wood used in southern shipbuilding is either imported from the Southern Ocean or from Taiwan Island. Hainan is also a place of wood production.

However, this still can't meet the needs of major ship dormitories. They can only harvest timber from Sichuan, and then take the Yangtze River to release wood from the mouth of the Yangtze River and transport it to the shipyard for shipbuilding.

And the wood still needs a drying time. The shortest time for the harvested wood needs to be dried for three months to half a year. Some hardwoods even take more than two years to dry before they can be used for shipbuilding. Otherwise, the shipbuilding will be forced to use, and the built ships cannot guarantee the structural strength, and there will be deformation after launching. If it is cracked, there will be a shipwreck.

At present, the shipyards of the Seawolf Group have a great advantage. They control the wood production of the whole Taiwan Island. The raw materials can only be used by the Sea Wolf's shipyard first, and the surplus will be sold to other ships. Moreover, they have mastered the process of wood distillation and have the skills to build large wood dry distillation plants. The harvested logs can be put into use as soon as possible through the dry distillation and drying process in a short period of time.

In addition, the shipbuilding process of the sea wolf is also the most advanced. They adopt standardized production, prefabricated components, and then the platform is assembled and launched. The production process of the ship is intensive and simple. The shipbuilding cycle is much shorter than that of ordinary ships. Generally, the standard ship type of 400 materials to 800 materials, from shipding to delivery, the shortest one The ship can be delivered in one month to two months.

And the quality of the ships they built is also the best. They are strong and durable, with strong resistance to wind and waves, and strong resistance to sink. Although the price is high, they are still sought after by sea merchants. The orders fall into the sea wolf's shipyard like snowflakes, which makes sea wolves have to expand their scale and recruit in shipyards everywhere. Boatman.

With the destruction of Jiannu, Liaodong returned to the hands of the Han people. At present, Liaodong's timber resources are extremely sufficient and transportation is quite convenient. After the timber is cut down in the mountains, it can be directly transported to sea by waterway. Most of them go to sea by taking the Yalu River, and some places can Take the Daling River, Daliao River and other big rivers to go to sea.

Under the reminder of Xiaotian, the Sea Wolf Group quickly seized the best piece of land in Dalian Bay in later generations, and mobilized a lot of manpower and material resources to build a large shipyard there, and built a large number of timber processing plants and drying plants. In less than two years, A large-scale shipbuilding base was built, and a large number of shipbuilding began to be launched for mariners.

In addition, through the introduction of technology, the shipyards of Seawolf Group have a new Western-style shipbuilding technology through reverse replication and other means, and the addition of Chinese shipbuilding method to improve the performance of ships. Nowadays, the shipbuilding capacity is extremely strong. In addition, China currently has inexhaustible manpower, so that they can build At present, the strongest warship in the world and the best sea ship.

Coupled with the existence of Yu Xiaotian, a BUG, he holds the context of the development history of world ships and knows many newer ship types. Now, by the third year of Chengtian, Sea Wolf Shipyard has been able to build giant sea ships with a displacement of up to 1,500 tons to 2,000 tons.

These sea ships are basically Galen ships, with strong carrying capacity and navigation ability. From the view of the whole Asia, at least there is no force that can compete with the large and medium-sized navies.

If it hadn't been for Yu Xiaotian's struggle for hegemony in the land and the Central Plains in the first few years, he would have needed to invest heavily in the army, constantly expand the army's strength, and tilt the limited resources to the army. Now the navy would have had the ability to travel around the world.

Now, with the complete peace of the Central Plains on land, the development of the army has also reached a certain extent, and there is no need to continue to invest more resources in the army. With the more than 300,000 army now owned by China and North Korea, it is enough to sweep the whole Asia without any problem.

So Yu Xiaotian finally turned his eyes to the sea again and began to officially realize his dream, so the whole military expenditure also began to tilt towards the navy.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian carried out a considerable restructuring of the governance structure in the DPRK, and officially introduced a cabinet system, setting up a prime minister and six assistant ministers. Among them, the prime minister was directly responsible for the affairs of the world and managed the country according to Yu Xiaotian's instructions.

The six deputy ministers are responsible for agriculture, education, industry and commerce, military, judicial and other affairs, which are managed by the prime minister. In addition, ministers also participate in the cabinet and participate in the directors, and the cabinet is responsible for the management of the national affairs of China and North Korea.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian's current power is above the cabinet. He can fully deny any decision made by the cabinet, revoke the orders issued by the cabinet, and remove any member of the cabinet at any time.

However, in general, the cabinet has considerable independent rights and can share most of the government affairs for Yu Xiaotian. As long as there is no problem in the general direction, Yu Xiaotian decides to let these cabinet ministers go. He only needs to do a good job at the helm and let them know what they think. Once he is among these people If someone has a deviation, then he can replace it at any time and withdraw his power.

For the time being, he did not hand over the military power to the cabinet. Only when mobilizing troops can he mobilize troops must be mobilized with his approval, and the power to start the war is also in his hands, so as to ensure his absolute control over the world to avoid losing control of power.

However, the implementation of the cabinet system has indeed liberated Yu Xiaotian from the heavy handling of government affairs. There is no need to get up earlier than chickens every day, go to the court to listen to politics, and there is no need to review the memorials every night until late at night.

The cabinet only needs to summarize the various government affairs they deal with into a briefing every day and submit it to Yu Xiaotian the next day. Yu Xiaotian can review the briefing. Once he finds that some of the government affairs in the briefing are not in line with his ideas, he can have the right to recall the instructions issued by the cabinet and withdraw them. The decision has been made.

If necessary, he has the right to convene a cabinet meeting at any time, instead of convening all the court officials to the palace and completely liberate him from these chores.

After the establishment of the cabinet system, Yu Xiaotian was greatly relieved. After the last morning, he went straight back to the harem, slept with his head covered for most of the day, and then got up refreshed.

After a good rest for a few days, he became addicted to doing things again. He recruited the craftsmen who used to cooperate with him to make various models into the palace, and sent someone to make a large drawing board and a full set of drawing tools for him, and began to sprinkle it in the imperial study.

At this time, after Yu Xiaotian's preparations many years in advance, the Greater China and North Korea have now owned nearly 100 ocean expedition fleets and recruited more than 10,000 ocean expedition fleet sailors.

The ships of these expedition fleets are all Galen ships that are very suitable for ocean navigation. The styles are new and constantly improving. Although the displacement is not necessarily large, the ship is fast, the hull is extremely strong, and it is very armed. The ship is also equipped with the most perfect materials of this era. Storage facilities can sail on the sea for a long time.

And the sailors and captains are also carefully selected. Each of them has a strong adventurous spirit and is also extremely loyal to Yu Xiaotian. All of them have received training and internships in ocean navigation. They have a strong independent navigation ability and can cope with the rapidly changing situations on the sea.

Over the years, this ocean expedition fleet has been sent to all over the world in batches to explore places that the Chinese have never visited before, to explore new continents, and to investigate and draw nautical charts of islands and continents found along the way.

By the third year of Chengtian, these expedition ships have arrived in many parts of the world. The coast of North America have left their footprints, such as the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the Gulf of Oman and the Gulf of Aden in the Indian Ocean. Madagascar and the Cape of Good Hope have also been conquered by them, and even expedition ships have bypassed the Cape of Good Hope along the west coast of Africa to Europe according to the guidance provided to them by Yu Xiaotian.

Some expedition ships crossed the Pacific Ocean, followed the charts obtained, sailed to the west coast of North and South America, and sailed along the west coast of North and South America to both sides. They explored many places along the way and drew a complete chart.

They have even established bridgeheads belonging to the Greater China Dynasty in coastal areas such as North and South America and Africa, declaring that these places belong to the Greater China Dynasty.

The most important thing is that according to Yu Xiaotian's guidance, they have already found Australia in the southern hemisphere and landed on the east and west sides of Australia. They each built two castles, named East Australia City and Western Australia City by Yu Xiaotian, declaring that the whole of Australia has become the territory of China and North Korea.

(I went out for a day yesterday. I originally set to update two chapters. When I went out, I set the automatic update, but there was a problem with the automatic update. This chapter was not updated. When I came back today, I found that only one chapter was updated, so I will make it up today! I will never believe in automatic updates again! Whoo, it has been cheated several times!)