Daming Haiku

Chapter 135 Military Manila

Yu Xiaotian even began immigration activities in Australia before he ascended the throne and established the Chinese Dynasty. He has used recruitment and even coercive means to transport thousands of people to East Australia and Western Australia, and even transported two large numbers of people. About 500 army soldiers and seamen each stationed in the two places and sent officials to begin to explore and manage the area.

The navy sent five or six resident gunboats in both East Australia and Western Australia. As a local maritime armed force, after the establishment of the Great Central Dynasty, Yu Xiaotian increased its immigration activities to Australia. Through mandatory means, more than 10,000 people emigrated to Australia after the first year of Chengtian, and And a fixed route has been established, with more than a dozen to dozens of large sea boats traveling between China and Australia every year, continuously transporting new immigrants to Australia and improving local management and infrastructure.

As for the Americas, the naval expedition fleet of Greater China and North Korea has landed in Mexico, Chile and other places, and encountered Spanish ships there. There was a conflict between the two sides. Spain claimed that the land there was Spanish territory, and no large Chinese and North Korean naval expedition ships were allowed to land, let alone large Chinese and North Korean naval explorers occupy the land here.

The two sides have had a head-on conflict at sea and fought several small-scale naval battles, but now relatively speaking, the large-China and North Korean expedition fleet is not dominant. After all, they are latecomers and do not have enough strength here. Although the expedition fleet has the power to protect themselves, it is not enough to rely on them. The ability to expel those Spaniards and seize their castles, so they suffered some losses in several battles, and even the ship was destroyed and killed.

In the third year of Chengtian, Yu Xiaotian learned about these situations in the captain who returned from an expedition in the Americas, and suddenly became furious. He summoned the cabinet and lost his temper.

At first, the ministers of the cabinet were a little puzzled about Xiaotian's sudden fire, but Yu Xiaotian then began to tell them about Luzon, the relationship between Luzon and China's former dynasty, and how the Spaniards later controlled Luzon and how they established Manila.

Yu Xiaotian focused on telling cabinet ministers that during the Wanli period of the previous dynasty, about 31 or 32 years of Wanli, the Spaniards launched a tragic massacre of local Chinese businessmen in Manila. As many as 30,000 to 50,000 Chinese people suffered, just because they found local China The people were too hardworking and capable, and there were too many. They were worried that the local Chinese would replace their rule over Luzon, so they unjustifiably raised their butcher knives to the local Chinese businessmen.

At that time, after the news spread to the Wanli court of the Ming Dynasty, the Wanli emperor at that time actually thought that these Chinese were abandoned by the Ming Dynasty, which was not enough to pity them, so he did not care about their experience. As a result, it greatly fueled the arrogance of the Spaniards. It turned out that the Spaniards were nervous after doing this matter. He was about to die for fear of causing revenge from the Ming court, but he didn't expect the Ming court to have such an attitude, so he became even more unscrupulous about the local Chinese businessmen in the future.

Later, the Spaniards also tried to seize Taiwan Island, but fell into the hands of the sea wolf fleet led by Yu Xiaotian at that time and prevented them from occupying Taiwan Island. Later, the sea wolf became stronger and stronger, and clearly told the Spanish that they must be kind to the local Chinese, no Yu Xiaotian vowed to launch a war against them and retaliate against them.

The Spaniards restrained a little and no longer dared to kill local Chinese businessmen unscrupulously, but they still adopted quite strict controls on the local Chinese, and often secretly encouraged the local black monkeys to invade the Chinese.

Now that the Great China Dynasty has been established, Yu Xiaotian has long called out that all Chinese overseas are also the people of the Great China Dynasty and have the right to receive the protection of the Great China Dynasty. No country will be allowed to kill Chinese people around the world indiscriminately, otherwise it will be an invasion of the Great China Dynasty.

Now, the Spaniards have sunk the exploration ship of Greater China and North Korea and killed and injured many large, medium-sized naval explorers, which is intolerable. In addition, according to news, the Spaniards have once again intensified their persecution of local Chinese businessmen in Luzon, fear that these Chinese businessmen will be instructed by the Greater China and North Korea. Challenging their dominance, since the beginning of the second year of Chengtian, there have been many large-scale violations against local Chinese businessmen, and many local Chinese businessmen have been killed.

So he must not continue to tolerate this time, and ordered the cabinet to immediately come up with a constitution to solve this matter. The first step is to expel the Spaniards from Asia, expel them from Luzon, restore Dazhong's jurisdiction over Luzon, and put Luzon back under the territory of Dazhong Dynasty.

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's preaching, the cabinet ministers immediately understood why Yu Xiaotian suddenly became so angry. It turned out that the Spaniards had infringed on their interests of China and North Korea and dared to sink their expedition ship and kill their explorers.

The current Dazhong Dynasty is not the Ming Dynasty. These ministers of the Dazhong Dynasty will no longer turn a blind eye to these things. Over the years, Yu Xiaotian led the Yu family army under his command, which is also the current Dazhong officers. After hundreds of battles, they have almost invincible attacks, which has also cultivated the officials of the Great China Dynasty. A kind of pride in the heart.

Who dares to provoke the people of the Greater China and North Korea is to be disrespectful to them and must be punished and deal with them. Now that the Spaniards have hit the muzzle of the gun, of course they can't be pardoned, so the cabinet discussed it and finally came up with a constitution, that is, to formally break off diplomatic relations with the Spaniards and announce He entered a state of war hostilities with the Spaniards and launched a punitive war against the Spaniards. First, he took down Luzon and expelled the Spaniards from Luzon.

So in the autumn of three years, when the wind direction and climate on the sea stabilized and turned into a favorable wind direction, a fleet of dozens of large gunboats and large troop carriers, with a decree from Yu Xiaotian, fired a cannon in the Weitou Bay.

The sails were quickly raised by the sailors, and the iron anchors were slowly pulled out of the surface of the water one by one. Under the hard rowing a large number of capable sailors, they towed the warships and began to slowly sail away from the anchorage and send them out of the harbor.

Large warships slowly gathered on the sea. The one-eyed dragon wore a blindfold, dressed in a neat and straight new large and medium-sized admiral uniform, with golden ribbons on its shoulders, and stood majestically on a three-mast with a displacement of about 1,500 tons. On the stern of the modified Galen ship, he proudly glanced at the warships gathered around the sea where he sat down on the flagship, and then waved his hand forward very pretentiously and shouted, "Order, heading southeast, form a standard ferry formation, and move forward at full speed..."

Dozens of warships sounded three salutes at the same time, and a series of cannons sounded on the sea. At the same time, the turrets in the port also sounded a salute together to send off these brothers and wished them success.

This time, the large and medium-sized navies have drawn the main battleships and the best-class large troop carriers among the two fleets of the East China Sea Fleet and the South China Sea Fleet, including 22 thousand-ton gunships, 12 800-ton gunships, 10 500-ton gunships, and 20 2,000-ton large troop carriers and special livestock transport ships. Two, six large supply ships.

The navy dispatched more than 20,000 troops, and also dispatched 6,000 elite troops from Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi, including 5,000 infantry, 500 artillery and 500 cavalry. The two armies sent a total of about 30,000 troops, which can be said to be the largest fleet since the Ming Dynasty.

Although this fleet is not as numerous as when Zheng He went to the West, it can explode the Zheng He fleet at that time in terms of quality, and its personnel and strength are far greater than that of Zheng He's fleet. When looking at the whole Asia and even the whole world, I'm afraid there are only a few people who can take out such a big deal at once. In Asia, it is absolutely It is second to none.

Yu Xiaotian was also really angry this time and determined to let the Spanish know the result of his thunder and fury. Since they regard America as their ban, starting from Asia, this can only be the world of his Greater China and North Korea. No one can offend him, even those Chinese exiled overseas. Immigration.

This fleet was handed over to the leader of the one-eyed dragon of the East China Sea Fleet. Although this guy can't be said to be brave and resourceful, he is quite courageous, good at fighting hard battles, dares to take risks and has a violent temper, which is just right for Li Wei.

So the one-eyed dragon was ordered to go on an expedition, leading the first expeditionary fleet to Manila.

It is no surprise that the Spaniards in Manila have detected in advance that the Greater China and North Korea were about to use troops against them and launch an "invasion" against them.

In the past two years, with the establishment of the Great Central DPRK, the navy has often appeared near Manila and conducted reconnaissance around Manila. In addition, the expeditionary fleet of the Greater China DPRK has appeared on the coast of the Americas, especially on the coast of the New Spanish Governor's Region (Mexico) and under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Peru. Santiago and other coastal areas tried to land there and occupy the land. For this reason, they sent fleets to clash with the Spanish colonial governor there.

It can be expected that Yu Xiaotian, the emperor of the Dazhong Dynasty, who has never suffered losses, will definitely not give up after knowing this matter. As Manila, which is on the doorstep of the Dazhong Dynasty, he will definitely be retaliated by him.

So since it is unavoidable, the governor of Manila has been desperate to strengthen the construction of defense facilities in Manila and increase the recruitment of local black monkeys to form a new company. He also constantly asks the King of Spain for help from Manila, the Spanish dynasty. Send more warships to strengthen the strength at sea here.

In addition, he also tried his best to cast a large number of cannons in the local area to build arson guns to arm the local defenders and build forts to enhance defense capabilities.

And the local Chinese have also become a thorn in their eyes. With the establishment of Dazhong Dynasty, these Chinese seem to have a disobedient momentum. In order to prevent local Chinese from becoming accomplices to the Dazhong North Korean navy when the Dazhong North Korean navy comes in the future, the local Spanish colonists began to attack the local Chinese again. This time they did not dare to carry out massacres, but encouraged the local indigenous black monkeys to provoke trouble and persecute the Chinese.

The Spanish colonists sat crooked, completely ignoring the murdered Chinese, and arrested a large number of Chinese, putting them into labor camps as a cool force to cleanse the local disobedient Chinese.

With the announcement of a state of war with the Spanish, China and North Korea completely banned Chinese merchant ships from sailing to Manila, which also cut off the way for Manila to make a fortune and plunged the Spanish colonists in Manila into panic.

Many local Spanish businessmen have begun to evacuate Manila in advance to avoid the coming war, but as the governor of the colony, they certainly can't run away and have to survive.

The Governor of the Philippines believes that if they persist, they should still be able to defend Manila with their current defense capabilities here. Therefore, in the past year, he has basically been a poor soldier and has tried his best to strengthen the defense force around Manila.