Daming Haiku

Chapter 137 recovering the city of Relanzha

This incident has caused a huge response in the Nanyang area. I'm afraid that the most shocking thing is the Dutch East India Company. Over the years, the Dutch and Yu Xiaotian have never been very happy. Under the mouth of the sea wolf in the past, the Dutch barely maintained the city of Relan Zha on Taiwan Island and worked with the Chinese. Business, but life is very unhappy. You have to pay rent to Yu Xiaotian every year to continue to do business on Taiwan.

Later, the Dutch East India Company had a big debate about whether to continue to maintain the city of Genoa on Taiwan Island. Many people think that it should not continue. Anyway, it does not make money anywhere. Everything depends on Yu Xiaotian's face, and there is no need to stick to it at all. Most of the money earned is basically given to Yu Xiaotian as rent.

So at the beginning of Chengtian's third year, they made a decision. After the year's lease, they gave up the city of Reland on Taiwan, withdrew to Batavia, and completely gave up there.

But giving up Relan Zhacheng in this way also makes them very painful, because they have invested a huge amount of money in Relan Zhacheng over the years, and the construction of Relan Zhacheng has also consumed a huge amount of manpower and material resources. They are not willing to give it to the Greater China and North Korea. When they want to bargain with the Greater China North Korea and give up here, Let the Great China and North Korea give them some money or materials as compensation for them.

But before they gave up the city and went to bargain with the Greater China DPRK, the Greater China DPRK brazenly launched a war against the West Bank in Manila.

The Dutch were very shocked and hurriedly sent people to inquire about the news. They learned that it was the Spanish who offended the expedition fleet of the Greater China DPRK in the Americas, which led to the anger of the emperor of the Greater China Dynasty, Yu Xiaotian, and brazenly launched an "invasion" of Manila

The Dutch were concerned about the war in Manila. They thought that Manila had been operated by the West Bank for so long, and it should not be a problem to hold on to Manila, but soon they got the news that Manila had only persisted for less than half a month under the attack of the large and medium-sized army, and then announced its surrender and ended. After their colonization in the Philippines, the whole Philippines fell into the hands of the Great Central Dynasty.

So the Dutch were greatly scared and knew that the current Dazhong Dynasty was no longer the Ming Dynasty. Under the leadership of the emperor Xiaotian, the military and maritime power showed explosive growth and had the ability to compete with them head-on at sea and completely defeat them. .

And the Dutch are not stupid. They are well aware of the power contained in such a big country as China. During the Ming Dynasty, although their ships were strong and powerful, they did not dare to rush into the coast of the Ming Dynasty. They just attacked on a small scale, hoping to occupy a port as their base for doing business.

But now the situation is different. Since Yu Xiaotian rose on the sea, they were surprised to find that Yu Xiaotian Group actually has a large number of black technology. Whether it is gun-making or gun-making, it is far more technical than the technology they have in the West, and has also shown a very high level in shipbuilding. .

Yu Xiaotian Group has been trying its best to create new ship types for so many years. They have effectively combined Western shipbuilding technology and Chinese shipbuilding technology and creatively developed many new types of sailboats. These ships are not only strong, but also suitable for sailing in the sea, and they also have great speed. In recent years, a large number of large warships have been put into the water like dumplings, and then loaded with a large number of well-trained sailors. They have traveled to all over the world and begin to compete with their old maritime powers for maritime interests and occupy a large number of colonies.

Now if they want to fight against the navy of China and North Korea by force, it is pure death-seeing. Even if they send the whole Dutch fleet from Europe to Batavia, if they fight against the North and North Korea Navy, they may not be able to win the battle. They were still defeated or even completely annihilated by the Great Middle-North Korean navy, making them have no return to their blood.

And this is also impossible. It is definitely impossible for the Dutch king to send all the fleets to Asia. Now, relying only on the armed forces of the Dutch East India Company, they want to fight against the large and medium navy, which is simply to hit the stone. After reassessed the strength of the large and medium navy, they sadly found that They can't continue to fight against China and North Korea at all.

So they also stopped bargaining with China and North Korea, and the idea of asking for some compensation when they withdrew from Relan Zha City. They directly sent messengers to Fujian to inform them that they would not renew the contract, continue to lease Relan Zha City, completely give up Lelan Zha City, and withdraw to Batavia.

However, Fujian officials from Greater China and North Korea told them that they could evacuate, but they must compensate for the various losses caused to the environment over the years.

After listening to it, the Dutch almost sprayed. Environmental damage? I have never heard of this term. I really don't know what the Great Middle East and North Korea think, so the envoy of the Dutch East India Company began to argue with Fujian officials, but the large and medium-sized officials also threw out a set of environmental theory, talking about the problem of environmental damage with eyes, and it was very serious, and finally angered the Dutch messenger. It's terrible, I can only write to the company for instructions.

The Dutch East India Company exploded as soon as it heard it. The personnel of the companies blew their beards and stared angrily, thinking that this was absolutely unacceptable. At worst, they didn't want anything and directly evacuated people without pulling them down? But this didn't work. Just after the Dutch informed Fujian that they were going to withdraw from the city of Genoa, the large and medium fleet and the army stationed on Taiwan Island surrounded the city of Genoa, including several Dutch ships moored here were also disarmed and taken over by the large and medium navy.

At this time, Dazhong officials made another claim, that is, to make a claim for the losses caused to the Chinese by the Dutch during the period of burning, killing and looting along the coast of China during the Apocalypse. Although Daming is no longer available and has been replaced by Dazhong North Korea, this account cannot be erased and must be liquidated.

The result was calculated. In the end, Dazhong officials told the Dutch that together with the compensation for environmental losses and the previous Dutch looting along the coast of China, they had to compensate Dazhong and North Korea for a total of 5 million taels of silver.

When the Dutch East India Company heard the news, it cried on the spot. Five million taels of silver, even if they smashed their Dutch East India Company and collected every silver coin, it could not compensate so much money!

This is simply blackmail, ** naked blackmail. They can't agree to anything, so the two sides began a tug-of-war. Later, the officials of the Greater China and North Korea simply put forward another thing, that is, the former Sudan Kingdom of Malacca was a vassal state of China. Now Malacca is occupied by the Dutch, which is illegal. Yes, it must be returned to the Great China and the DPRK.

After this matter was raised by Dazhong officials, the Dutch East India Company wanted to cry even more. It is obvious that the next step is that Dazhong North Korea will take action against them, to drive them Europeans out of Southeast Asia and finally completely control the whole Southeast Asia in their hands!

So of course, the Dutch refused to comply, and the two sides broke down. Next, Yu Xiaotian ordered to forcibly take back the city of Geland, confiscated all the property of the Dutch people in the city of Geland, confiscated all the ships in the city of Geland, and then expelled the Dutch. Go and let them return to Batavia in a Portuguese boat in Trench Australia.

When Yu Xiaotian wanted to start a war against the Dutch-occupied island of Sumatra and bring Malacca and the entire Southeast Asian islands under the central government, something happened, forcing Yu Xiaotian to temporarily interrupt the plan and temporarily reach a easing opinion with the Dutch. Temporarily shelved these disputes and temporarily maintained the Dutch occupation of Batavia and the Strait of Malacca.

However, the Dutch are required to fully open the Strait of Malacca and not to inspect and collect taxes on any ships passing by, otherwise they will send troops to deal with the Dutch.

The Dutch are forced by the navy of China and North Korea to become stronger and stronger, so they have to pinch their noses and agree.

The main reason for forcing Yu Xiaotian to temporarily suspend the plan to fight against the Dutch was not caused by others, but caused an incident in the Japanese country in northeast China, which made Yu Xiaotian change his mind and decided to launch a war against the Japanese first.

After so many years, Yu Xiaotian constantly sent a series of attacks on Japan around Japan and the Ryukyu Islands, which greatly weakened Japan's control over Ryukyu.

The king of the Ryukyu Kingdom also felt that the status of the Japanese in the Ryukyu Kingdom was increasingly challenged by the new Chinese, which made the Japanese more and more afraid to be arrogant in the Ryukyu Kingdom, so he began to challenge the control of the Japanese people after the founding of the Great Middle Dynasty.

Yu Xiaotian's men also deliberately supported the resistance of the Ryukyu people against the Japanese in the Ryukyu Kingdom, and secretly directly participated in the Rebel Army of the Ryukyu Kingdom and launched a campaign against the Japanese stationed in the Ryukyu Kingdom. Finally, in the third year of Chengtian, the Japanese stationed in the Ryukyu Kingdom were defeated and completely expelled from the Ryukyu Kingdom.

The king of Ryukyu was grateful for the help of the Great China Dynasty, which enabled him to restore the country, so he sent envoys to Beijing to pay tribute to Xiaotian and re-rererererere to Xiaotian to crown him and recognize his status as king.

Yu Xiaotian then readily agreed to his request, officially canonize the king of Ryukyu, and reached an agreement with the king of Ryukyu, that is, the Great China has the right to station troops in the Ryukyu Kingdom and help the Ryukyu Kingdom defend against the Japanese attack.

At the same time, it also gave the Ryukyu Kingdom considerable autonomy and required the Ryukyu Kingdom to guarantee the status of Chinese in their country, such as a series of unequal peace.

The king of Ryukyu thought that they had long been a vassal state of the mainland regime, and these conditions were acceptable, so he fully agreed to the peace treaty proposed by Yu Xiaotian.

Therefore, the Great and Medium Navy officially stationed a squadron in Ryukyu, subordinated to the East China Sea Fleet, stationed in the Ryukyu Kingdom, and also sent an army of 5,000 people to garrison in the Ryukyu Kingdom.

Tokugawa Imitsu, who was in power by the Tokugawa shogunate on the Japanese side, was suddenly furious when he heard the news. In the past, their Japanese often bullied the Ming Dynasty, but now how can they become Chinese bully their Japanese?

In this era, because the Tokugawa shogunate implemented the policy of shutting down the country, they knew little about what happened on the mainland. They only knew that Daming seemed to be gone now. An emperor with the surname Yu ascended the throne and changed the name of the country to Dazhong, but they don't know how many Dazhong Dynasty there are now. Awesome.

He also thought that the Great China Dynasty was similar to the previous Ming Dynasty. Even if it is more powerful now, where can it be? So he ordered to arrest all the Chinese who did business or settled in Japan, and killed many Chinese. At the same time, he ordered to strengthen the policy of sealing and lock the country, and completely ended up foreign trade activities.

This pissed Yu Xiaotian off. The person who dares to kill me and arrest me. Now what do you think you are? How dare you not do business with me? You know, I am still thinking about your money now! Do you think you won't do business if you don't do business?

This is absolutely impossible. This is an offense to him and an offense to the whole China North Korea. Now it's finally time to settle the new accounts and old accounts together. In those years, the Japanese pirates attacked the border and disturbed the coast of China for more than a hundred years. I don't know how many Chinese people have been slaughtered. They have repeatedly invaded the little brothers of the continent, let the mainland The country had to send troops to fight in North Korea.

The small Japanese have never been punished, and later generations have become the biggest enemies of the Chinese people.