Daming Haiku

Chapter 136 Luzon Province

Just as the Governor of the Philippines jumped up and down to arrange the defense of Manila, the large, medium and North Korean naval expedition fleet led by the one-eyed dragon had approached Manila after more than ten days of arduous sailing.

Although it has entered autumn and the number of typhoons at sea has decreased significantly, the fleet still encountered a strong wind on the way. Fortunately, the sailors on the ship are experienced and the ship is strong in structure. Although some ships have been damaged, the damage is not serious, and they are passing through the wind ball. After that, the scattered fleet slowly reassemsized and finally lost only one light gunboat, and the rest of the ships only suffered minor damage. Such a loss was quite good for this era. This was also thanks to the strong enough warship built by the Great China Dynasty, if it hadn't been far surpassed by the Great China Dynasty. If the construction standard of ordinary merchant ships is to build warships, such a fleet loses much more than such strong winds at sea.

Another point is that the officers and sailors on the ship are all elites. All the officers have received systematic education and have at least experienced many voyages with the ship. As for the sailors, they are the best. They are old sea wolves who have been fighting for a long time. Even those trainee officers on the ship are also The special training of the Aquar's School, so the people on the ship work together is also an important factor to ensure the safety of the ship!

Each ship was accompanied by craftsmen, and one of the ships was converted into a maintenance ship before departure. Several iron furnaces were loaded on the ship, and a large number of craftsmen were also carried. During the voyage, these craftsmen made every effort to repair the damaged ships.

When their fleet arrived in Manila, the fleet's ships had been basically repaired and restored their ability to fight normally, but the army soldiers who went on the expedition with the ship suffered great crimes. When they experienced the baptism of the storm, most of them were seasick and stunned, vomiting and diarrhea were unspeakable. At this time , unable to recover their physical strength, most people are in a relatively weak state, and it is obvious that they can't rely on them for the time being.

However, the one-eyed dragon resolutely decided to launch an attack. One day in October, the one-eyed dragon led the fleet to the mouth of Manila Bay, where it finally met the Spanish fleet in the Philippines that came out to fight.

It is said that it is a fleet stationed in the Philippines. In fact, most of the Spanish warships here are armed merchant ships. If 20 years ago, in the face of the marine fleet of the Ming Dynasty, they can be said to be a first-class battleship belonging to the Big Mac, with extremely strong firepower, but now it is facing the new Chinese and North Korean naval fleet. , these Spanish armed merchant ships have become small, and their firepower is extremely weak.

When the fleets of both sides met, the one-eyed dragon personally commanded the flagship, led the gunboat formation, and rushed to these Spanish fleets like hungry tigers.

The number of Spanish fleet here is very poor. There are only a dozen warships of different sizes, and most of the ships are hired sailors belonging to merchant sailors. They have no determination or fighting spirit to serve the Spanish king at all. In addition, their strength is completely at a disadvantage, and they are against the fleet of one-eyed dragons. After that, there was no chance for them to bubble at all.

The large and medium-sized fleet completely occupied an absolute advantage, and under the leadership of the one-eyed dragon, launched a fierce attack on the Spanish fleet with the momentum of lion fighting rabbits and rabbits.

After a naval battle, more than a dozen Spanish warships and armed merchant ships sank about one-third on the spot, and most of the remaining remaining ships were also battered and scarred. The captain had to order the white flag to declare surrender and be captured by the large and medium fleet.

Then the one-eyed dragon led the fleet and immediately captured the island at the mouth of Manila Bay. In later times, this island was called Corejdo Island, which is the gateway to Manila Bay. On the left hand side is the Bataan Peninsula and the right hand is Krabi Land, which is right at the mouth of Manila Bay. It can be said that it has been a soldier. A place that must be fought for.

On the island of Korejido, the Spaniards built a lighthouse and sent a small number of defenders to garrison, but in the face of the huge large and medium fleet, the defenders on the island did not even dare to fire their guns and announced their surrender.

After the one-eyed dragon controlled the island of Korejido, it led the army to attack the right-hand Krabi field and quickly cleared the Spanish defenders at the beach, causing the troop transport fleet to dock and unload.

Only then did the army on the troop transport ship set foot on solid land. After landing, almost all of them were soft and weak, and they felt a little dizzy. They couldn't find the root under their feet for a long time.

Fortunately, there are naval warships watching for them nearby. If there is no naval fleet to protect them, even if one or two thousand indigenous black monkeys come to raid the landed army, it is estimated that they can be captured alive.

The one-eyed dragon ordered the army battalions to rest temporarily on the shore, build simple fortifications, and take a two-day rest before they enter the next battle.

And he himself led most of the warships and rushed straight to Manila City in Manila Bay.

The governor of Manila did not expect that the Great Central Dynasty would send such a powerful fleet this time. He was scared to pee his pants on the spot, hurriedly organized all the capable personnel to enter the fortifications, board the castle, distributed muskets, took out the ammunition from the ammunition depot, transported it to the gun position, and began to prepare for the battle.

The one-eyed dragon did not negotiate with the Spanish governor here, but directly fought, took the fleet to assign targets, and then began to shell.

The Spanish forts on the shore were also very fierce. At the beginning of the artillery battle, the large and medium fleet did not take much advantage. The ships were repeatedly hit by the Spanish cannons of various forts, causing considerable casualties to the sailors on the ship.

But the one-eyed dragon is not moved at all. According to him, if you don't die in a war, it's not a war. A few people die is nothing. The dead people are martyrs when they go back and can get a lot of cares. They are afraid that he is a bird and continue to shoot close.

The sailors of each ship gritted their teeth and insisted, constantly approaching the ship's forts on the shore, and directly shelling the forts and castles with the heavy guns on the ship.

After all, the number of turrets and guns is limited, and the relative position is fixed. Although the shooting is relatively accurate, it can't withstand the group fight! Moreover, the bows of many ships of the large and medium fleet are loaded with their strongest 48-pound center of gravity Caron cannon. This guy is a big killer. A solid bullet weighs 40 catties. Even if it is smashed, it is enough for Spaniards to drink a pot.

Under the fire of the large and medium fleet, the forts built by the Spaniards on the shore began to be destroyed one after another. When some of the forts were bombarded, they even buried all the Spanish defenders in the forts alive and did not escape.

Such shelling lasted all day. Although the ammunition consumption of the large and medium fleet was very serious, it also achieved quite good results, almost destroying all the Spanish forts in the port of Manila. Even if the forts have not been completely destroyed, they have basically lost much combat effectiveness.

The next morning, the one-eyed dragon ordered the ships to replenish ammunition from the supply ship, sailed into the port of Manila again, and began to concentrate fire on Manila.

The Spanish defenders resisted desperately, but under such intensive artillery fire, they suffered heavy losses. The artillery positions on the castle were destroyed one after another, and the defenders were killed and injured a lot.

Two consecutive days of fleet bombardment has messed up the defense system of the whole western tooth pullers in Manila, and has basically lost its perfect defensive ability.

The army that landed in Krabi on the third day has recovered. After the soldiers got rid of the feeling of seasickness, they immediately began to fight. They surrounded Manila from land and water around Manila.

It was not until this time that the Spaniards knew the strength of the army. The one-eyed dragon also pulled out 5,000 sailors from the fleet, holding a short version of the wolf tooth two rifle to assist the army to attack Manila together.

The Spanish defenders in Manila originally intended to do their best to defend the city, but they did not expect that the rifles of the Dazhong army could shoot so far. So accurate, the Dazhong army did not line up not too far away. They simply approached the distance of Manila City directly to build a simple chest wall, and then behind the chest wall. Face, they began to launch fire against the Spanish defenders in Manila.

The sharpshooters and snipers above the first-class shooters in the army all lined up behind the chest wall, and the rest of the infantry were responsible for filling them with ammunition, but only a brief violent fire was fired, and the Spanish infantry defending the city were hit and turned over.

And what is sad is that the arable guns in their hands can't reach the large and medium-sized army under the city at all. They can only be passively beaten. They finally resurrect some fire points and set up the cannons, but they will soon be covered by the fierce fire of the large and medium fleet.

After two days of fierce fighting, the Spanish defenders in the city almost completely lost their resistance. The Governor of the Philippines could not hold on, so he had to send someone to negotiate with the one-eyed dragon.

The one-eyed dragon ordered them to surrender immediately and unconditionally, otherwise they would attack the city and slaughter all the Spaniards in the city and all those who had resisted the Chinese army.

The Spanish colonists had no choice but to declare their surrender, opened the gate of Manila to declare their surrender, and then were captured by all the large and medium-sized army. Among them, the officers and governors were sent back to the Greater China and went to Beijing to offer victory. Then the one-eyed dragon commanded the soldiers and horses and began to remove the remaining Spanish strongholds throughout the Philippines. And forces, and led fleets to attack everywhere, destroying or conquering some castle strongholds of the Spaniards on the surrounding islands.

The whole war against the Philippines lasted for more than three months and lasted until the beginning of the fourth year of the Great China and North Korea. All the colonial sites established by the Spaniards in the Philippines were captured by the Dazhong army and captured pure Spain. There are more than 2,000 people, as well as more than 700 mercenaries and sailors from Europe and Asia hired by Spaniards.

As for the local indigenous black monkeys, more than 5,000 people have been captured. Of course, the few thousand people killed by the Dazhong army cannot be included.

Subsequently, the Dazhong Emperor Yu Xiaotian announced the complete recovery of Luzon and renamed the whole territory of the Philippines as Luzon Province and merged into the territory of the Dazhong Dynasty. He sent officials to Manila City and renamed Manila City to South Lu City. In the future, he will be responsible for the management of the whole Luzon Province and stationed 6,000 Chinese troops and one owned The Luzon squadron of 20 warships was stationed in Manila and all parts of Luzon.

So far, the Spanish colonial history in the Philippines has also completely ended and they have been expelled from Luzon.