Daming Shuanglong Biography

039 [Sichuan annihilation of the enemy]

The deputy general looked around: "We only have 7 ships left!"

Yasuharu Wakisaka's heart sank: Half of the warship has been lost! Dare not to think any more, he immediately ordered: "Retain two palace ships, and the rest of the ships will turn around and break out with me!"

"However, General, there are two enemy ships behind us. They have firmly blocked Sichuan Bay. Let's break through the sea! The gap there is relatively large, and there is no need to turn around, which is less risky.

"You are stupid! In that case, even if we stand out and they chase after us, we will still be killed. Although it is risky and difficult, once we successfully rush out and get to the shore, we have an absolute advantage in both equipment and individual combat ability!"

The deputy general is convinced that what he is a leader is to see deeply!

Then the Japanese ships, under the command of Yasuharu Wakisaka, began to turn around and break out. In the process, the Japanese army lost two more ships. When the formation was fully completed, the Japanese army only had five warships left.

Yuan has found the enemy's purpose. He loudly commanded the soldiers: "Full of ammunition, hurry up! The archer is in place!"

The soldiers quickly gathered on the deck, filled the fire arrows, filled with ammunition, and prepared to shoot the enemy who had been sent to the door into a hole.

The Japanese army rushed to the Yuanjun fleet blocking the mouth of the harbor in an arrow. Yasuharu's ship was in the middle and protected by the other four ships.

The two horizontal teams of Yuanjun are not equipped with turtle boats, but due to the relatively stable formation, all ships fired at the same time, and all archers fired arrows together! Dense shells and fire arrows flew towards the Japanese ships.

The Japanese army has no way out this time! The * fleet behind has caught up, and there are falling shells and fire arrows everywhere!

When they rushed to the front, the Japanese army lost two more warships. Now Yasuharu Wakisaka's ship is behind, and the first two ships are ready to carry out suicide strikes to keep their commander.

The goal of the two warships is very clear, that is, the empty space of the two * ships in the middle. They bumped straight into the stern bow of the two * ships. Because the distance was very close, other ships did not dare to fire for fear of accidentally injuring their own people.

Two Japanese ships, one left and one right, crashed into the head and tail of the two ships, knocking the two * warships out of their positions and vacave an exit. Yasuharu Wasaka's ship then rushed there and passed through. The two Japanese ships suffered a lot of damage due to this impact, and after the impact, they became parallel to the ship and were smashed by the artillery close at hand!

Now there is only a lonely ship left on the sea that the Japanese commander rushed to the shore desperately. Li Shunchen led the * fleet to chase, and the shells fell beside Yasuji Wakisaka one by one, and did not blow him up!

There are still some Japanese troops on the coast of Sichuan. When they learned of the defeat of their fleet, they deployed troops along the coast to strengthen their defense. Yasuharu Wakisaka finally landed under the cover of Japanese artillery fire on the shore.

"Eight-grid tooth road!" Yasuharu Wakisaka urged every Japanese soldier angrily: "Fire at me! Fire! Blow them up!"

*The fleet entered the inland sea and did not dare to move forward.

"What should we do? Attack or not?" Yuan Jun asked Li Shunchen.

Li Shunchen didn't want to land on the beach, because the death and injury may be very serious. As hesitating, a soldier shouted, "General! There are our people on the shore!"

"Hmm?" Li Shunchen looked on the shore, and as expected, some people were wearing * clothes. But these people are not hostages. They are helping the Japanese army set off guns!

"Damn! Unexpectedly, he helped the enemy fight against his own people!" Yuan Jun said angrily, "These traitors! Unforgivable!"

Li Shunchen also had a little blood, and he seemed to lose his calmness in an instant! A flash of knife! Li Shunchen's * has been pulled out of his waist: "All the ships have advanced to the shore!" It is bound to annihilate all the enemy troops on the shore!"

With that, Li Shunchen jumped into the bow and commanded his fleet to rush forward.

Ye Da saw that Li Shunchen ignored the rain of bullets and hurried up to dissuade him: "General is in danger!" With that, he was about to pull Li Shunchen down from the bow. Li Shunchen broke away from Ye Da and continued to be tall!

* Encouraged by Li Shunchen, the soldiers were not afraid of anything. They all climbed up to the deck and fought back against the shore with bows and arrows and artillery. The Japanese army on the shore was stunned by the approaching and desperate soldiers. Some of them have run inland regardless of the obstruction of Yasuchi Wakisaka. Yasuharu Wasaka angrily killed several deserters and shouted, "Hang me! The escapee will not be spared!"

The war has entered a white heat, and the two sides have not given in to each other. Fire artillery shells are flying all over the sky, and the Japanese and North Korean troops are seriously killed and injured. Ye Da hid behind Li Shunchen. On the one thing, he was really afraid, and on the other, he could make others mistakenly think that he was going to protect Li Shunchen, but in fact, he was protecting himself.

Seeing the ship slowly approaching the shore, Yasuharu Wakisaka went crazy: " Hold on! Hold on!"

"General! Let's get out of here. If we don't leave, it will be too late!" The deputy general urged.

Looking at the few soldiers left around him, some of whom were * prisoners, Anji Wakisaka gritted his teeth and said, "You stay to supervise the army!" After saying that, he ran away alone.

The deputy general looked at his coach's distant back and said to himself, "I'm not stupid. It's important to escape!" With that, I also ran.

As soon as the Japanese commander fled, the army was lax, and the Japanese army began to flee inland.

Li Shunchen was overjoyed to see the defeat of the Japanese army and immediately ordered, "All of them come to the shore and destroy the Japanese army!"

While he loudly encouraged his soldiers, a bullet hit his chest, and Li Shunchen fell on the board with a sullen hum. Ye Da was right behind him and quickly ran forward to hold Li Shunchen: "What's wrong with you?"

Li Shunchen had blood on his left chest. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay! War is important!" With that, he was about to get up and continue to fight. But at this moment, he fainted!


Ye Da didn't talk nonsense to him and pulled him into the cabin: " Doctor! Doctor!"

An old man over 50 years old ran over and said, "What's wrong? Ah! General Li is injured!"

"Quick! Let him lie down and stop the bleeding as soon as possible!"

Ye replied with concern, "How is his injury?"

The doctor looked at the wound and frowned: "This bullet penetrated his heart!"

"What? No way!"

"Look at the location of the wound, which is exactly the position of the heart. I'm afraid the general's life is in danger!"

"Then...don't talk nonsense! Hurry up and cure it!"

The doctor took out his set of knives, put on gloves, pulled out a knife, and roasted it on the fire.

"Help me hold him down. When I give him an operation, don't let him move. Once you touch the heart, your life will die!"

This... Ye Da was not sure. He found three strong soldiers from outside the cabin, and the four of them joined forces to hold Li Shunchen.

The doctor took a knife and scratched the wound. Although Ye Da had seen all kinds of corpses, he was still a little dizzy when he encountered this scene. He closed his eyes and tried not to look at the blood.

The battle is still going on outside the cabin, * the navy has begun to grab the beach and land, but because most of the Japanese army has escaped, the landing battle is going extremely smoothly. The Japanese army is dead and injured everywhere, and those puppet troops are also killed by their compatriots angrily! It's just a pity that the Japanese commander Yasuji Wakisaka escaped.

The operation also went smoothly. The doctor put down the last knife, wiped the sweat on his face and said, "It's so close! The bullet is less than a centimeter away from the heart. General Li's life is so great!"

Ye Da also breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Li Shunchen did not die "early" because of his arrival. It seems that history will still follow the past trajectory.

"Then when will he wake up?"

While dressing the wound, the doctor said, "Take the medicine and you will almost wake up tomorrow. It will take half a month if it is completely healed."

"That's it. Let him have a good rest," Ye answered and greeted the other three soldiers to leave the cabin. Many soldiers have gathered outside the cabin. They are very worried about the situation of the coach. Luo Dayi first asked, "How's General Li?"

Ye Da made a silent gesture and said, "God bless! General Li is out of danger. But he needs to rest. Let's not disturb him for the time being.

After the crowd dispersed, Ye Da looked at the messy sea and the shore, with infinite emotion in his heart. If it goes on like this, your hands will be covered with the blood of other people's lives sooner or later. In this era, the probability of not killing is much less than being killed. In order to survive, you will experience these sooner or later, but when this day really comes, can you accept it? He thought of his relatives far away in the future and Xiaoxing, alas! I haven't had a girlfriend yet! That's how I was crossed!

The night slowly fell, and the soldiers began to bury their pots to make food. Yuan Jun, Luo Daying and some other generals came to Li Shunchen's command ship to have a meal together. At the same time, they could not rest assured that Li Shunchen. However, Yuan Jun couldn't wait for Li Shunchen to wake up, so that Li Shunchen's fleet might belong to him. No one knew his idea, otherwise Li Shunchen's generals led by Luo Dayong would definitely smash him into ten thousand pieces first.

Li Shunchen hasn't woken up yet.

While eating, a spy under Yuanjun came to report: "Another Japanese fleet has just arrived at Tangpu Port. This fleet has a total of more than 20 warships, all of which are board houses and Azhai ships. One of the warships is bigger than other ships. That is the command ship where the commander of this fleet is located."

"Let's attack!" Yuan Jun ate half of the meal and got up excitedly. He had been overwhelmed by victory!

"We can't move for the time being. Our army has just fought a big battle. It's better to have a good rest and wait until tomorrow." Ye Da said.

Of course, Yuanjun will not listen to Ye's answer, "The fighter plane is dying!" Can't delay!"

However, the generals led by Luo Daying looked at Yuanjun coldly and did not express their opinions. In fact, they all look down on Yuanjun because of the good deeds that Yuanjun did on Geoje Island.

Yuan Jun was embarrassed. He had less than 10 warships. If he went there, it would be useless. It seemed that Li Shunchen's subordinates would not listen to his command.

Ye Da also felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so he would better find a step for Yuan Jun. General Li is still in a coma and is not out of danger. The lack of leader of our army is not conducive to combat. Let's wait for General Li to wake up and make a long-term plan.

"Hmm! All right." Yuan Jun hummed gently and felt quite uncomfortable.

Seeing that Yuan Jun sat down, the generals began to eat again.