Daming Shuanglong Biography

040 [Tangpu annihilation of the enemy] full

Early the next morning, Li Shunchen woke up. He touched his chest and still felt pain faintly. Seeing that the coach woke up, the bodyguard immediately brought a basin of water and prepared the meal. Li Shunchen asked about the war last night while eating. At this time, the captains of the ships had gathered one after another, and Yuan Jun and Ye Da were also listed.

"I heard that a Japanese army was stationed in Tangpu Port."

"What happened last night, I don't know if I left this morning." Yuan Jun still revealed some resentment when he spoke. It seems that he can't let go of what happened last night.

"I don't think they have left yet. At least they have to sleep there for one night. It's not too late. Let's go!"

General? Your body..."

"It doesn't matter" Li Shunchen acted decisively. Often, the victory of war depends not only on wisdom, but also on courage!

The army went to Tangpu Port while having breakfast. During this period, the doctor came to check Li Shunchen's wound again, changed some medicine, and told him, "This time, you can't climb to the bow as a gun rake!"

Li Shunchen was quite obedient and smiled shyly like a child.

The army marched to the sea off Tangpu and first sent a reconnaissance ship to inquire about the enemy in front of it. 21 enemy warships were launched on the coast of Yantangpu, with a large ship in the center, 10 warships on each wing, and a large ship with a big flag on the word: come to the island.

This military meeting was held mainly to discuss how to kill enemy generals, because although the Japanese warships were completely annihilated in the previous battles, they did not capture a Japanese general. Relatively speaking, the victory was a little insufficient.

"It is said that the thief captures the king first. I heard that the name of the Japanese commander this time is Toshihisa Raijima, which used to be a big name in Japan. If we can capture it smoothly, we can not only give a heavy blow to the enemy, but also get more rewards from the court!"

"There is no need for the imperial court to reward, and now the king himself is difficult to protect..." Halfway through the words, Ye Da suddenly felt murderousness around him. He hurriedly closed his mouth. It seemed that the soldiers were still taboo on this topic.

"Although you are not from this dynasty, I think you should respect my king!" Li Shunchen said seriously.

"I'm sorry, I just want to say that I have a good way to capture the enemy."

"Then you can say it"

"I mean, other ships covered it, and the turtle ship rushed all the way until it blew up the enemy's flagship!"

Li Shunchen nodded: "That's what I mean. The enemy is unfolding a crane-wing array. This kind of formation can concentrate firepower, and the boat is frivolous and convenient. If you swim in the two wings, you can quickly change the formation and surround the guerrillas. In fact, it is very difficult to deal with. If our army rushes in rashly, I believe that the whole army will be destroyed. But we have a 'turtle boat'! Japanese ordinary artillery does not pose a threat to the turtle ship at all, so it can completely attack his flagship regardless of the enemy's two wings. And it is currently in a period of high tide, and the sea is also very strong, which is really conducive to the raid war!"

Ye Da praised in his heart: I also just thought of a little fur, and Li Shunchen thought about it so carefully!

"Cough," Li Shunchen's wound was faintly painful, but he didn't care about the pain, because now he is going to line up!

"Luo used to listen to the order!"

"The end!"

"You are responsible for commanding the three turtle ships. When I order you, you have to rush to the enemy's flagship as fast as possible."

"Deed Order"

"Jin Dongguo listens to the order!"

"The end!"

"You take 200 archers and are responsible for commanding two board house boats to follow Luo Dayong. When you rush to the enemy's flagship, you can launch a rocket to kill the enemy's commander. If necessary, you can board the ship and kill the enemy! Remember! Be sure to bring back the head of the enemy commander!" Li Shunchen has not only satisfied with winning the battle, but also has a higher level of pursuit.

"Let me go too. With me, the soldiers will definitely have more confidence!" When he said this, Ye Da had repeatedly thought about it in his heart for a long time. Although he was afraid of death, he wanted to kill the enemy on the battlefield in person. Anyway, this disaster could not be avoided. Instead of passively accepting it, it was better to take the initiative to attack.

Li Shunchen nodded: "Okay." Ye Da is right. After all, he is the martial arts instructor of his current navy.

"Yuanjun, you will command your fleet to provide fire support in the rear"

"No problem!" As long as they don't charge, Yuanjun is willing to do it.

"I personally commanded the rest of the warships to cover for Luo Dayong and Jin Dongguo, specifically..."

There are gusts of cool wind in the early morning, and the Japanese have found a fleet specially designed for them, so they have all boarded the ship and are ready to fight.

Li Shunchen was slowly sailing towards the Tangpu Inland Sea with a large army. The three turtle ships used by Luo Da were in the middle of the army, followed by two board houseboats from Jindong. Behind it are several warships of Yuanjun.

"Accelerate!" When he was about to enter the inland sea, Li Shunchen gave the order to speed up, and all the warships began to rush to Tangpu Port as fast as possible.

Caidao Tongjiu stood on the flagship at this time. He looked at Li Shunchen's fleet coldly and said with a smile, "Just rush into my crane wing array so defenselessly, and I promise that you will have no return!" Hey hey!"

Of course, Li Shunchen is not stupid. The Grand Fleet has just sailed into the inland sea and suddenly stopped not far from the front Japanese ship. Luo Dayong suddenly shouted at this moment, "Go!" The three turtle boats were in front of and two behind, and the two board house boats with Ye Da in the middle bag rushed forward at a faster speed. The empty space was quickly made up from the back. When Luo Dayong rushed out for a period of time, Li Shunchen quickly divided the fleet into two groups and rushed to the enemy ships in front of both sides of the crane wing array. Yuan Jun did not move in place and was ready to cover with artillery fire.

Ye Da stood on the board house boat and felt the roaring air beside him. Hey! Bring me a bow and arrow!"

Ye Da has been very open with Li Shunchen's sailors these days. Although he can't recognize everyone, these sailors know that their leaders come from the heavenly kingdom. They have great kung fu and respect this "foreigner" who is younger than him. So as soon as he said what he wanted, he rushed to give it to him.

Ye Da took a bow and a bag of arrows, but in an instant he regretted that he had never practiced archery! How can you stay here if you lose someone later? These soldiers regard themselves as gods. Anyway, they are invincible by empty-handed combat alone.

At this time, Jin Dongguo shouted: "Squat down!"

Brush! The soldiers all squatted against the railing of the boat, and Ye Da also hurriedly squatted down. It seems that it is about to enter the enemy's range! Sure enough, just a dozen seconds later. The Japanese fleet opened fire at the same time, and shells flew towards them.

At this time, Tongjiu came to the island and was still thinking about what the fleet was doing badly? Only five ships were sent to die. But looking at the speed and direction of these five ships, it seems to be coming towards themselves! It turned out to be the death squad! Humph! Five boats just want to rush in front of me? It's too underestimated the strength of the navy on the island!

"Order to fire!" Under the order of coming to the island for a long time, the flag bearer began to wave the flag in his hand. Seeing the flag, the warships were aiming and firing!

"The enemy fired!" Li Shunchen led the fleet in two ways to insert into the wings of the crane wing array. The enemy ship, which was concentrating its firepower to eliminate the turtle ship, was caught off and intercepted into three groups. At present, there are only the flagship and four surrounding warships left in the middle of the Japanese army, and the rest of the warships are all separated by Li Shunchen, and the two sides have entered a close melee!

The battlefield changed rapidly. Li Shunchen's fleet was inserted horizontally and happened in a few minutes. Within a few minutes, Luo Dayu had rushed to the flagship of the island.

"Bram it hard!" Luo Da pointed the bow at the Japanese flagship and inserted it fiercely with a collision rod!

I didn't expect that his crane wing array would be cracked like this, and the * "death squad" rushed to him unscathed. He couldn't believe everything in front of him, and his head suddenly fell blank.

"Dong!" The impact rod of a turtle ship fiercely inserted into the hull of the Japanese flagship, and then two other ships also collided. Laidao stood in the bow of the boat and was suddenly overturned on the deck.

At this time, two board houses full of archers also arrived at the designated position - attached to the Japanese flagship.

Jin Dongguo also shouted at this time, "All stand up and light the fire!"

*The hands all got up, and several soldiers in charge of ignition quickly set fire to the arrows of each * hand.

"Fight arrows!"

Wh! Wheops! Wheops!

The rain of arrows flew towards the deck of the island.

"Quick! General, jump off the boat!" A soldier came to the island and was about to jump off the boat.

"Oh" If you come to the island and stumble, you will jump off the boat.

Ye Da never dared to shoot with a bow and arrow in his hand, and several people were staring at him! A igniting soldier stood behind him and waited to light a second fire for him.


At this time, Ye Da found the Japanese commander who was about to jump into the sea, because he heard what the Japanese soldiers said to them, and he understood!

"Quick! That's the Japanese commander! Stop him from jumping into the sea!" Ye Da pointed to the island and said.

Hearing this, no one cares about Ye Da anymore. They all picked up bows and arrows and began to shoot to the island. Even the person in charge of lighting the fire threw away the torch and picked up the bow and arrow. This is the first achievement! No one wants to give up such a good opportunity.

Ye Da also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and he began to aim at the island. Wheops!" An arrow was released and shot. Another arrow fell into the sea. Although Ye Da didn't hit it, someone shot it. Under the arrows, there must be accuracy!

A fire arrow inserted into the chest of the island, and the body of the island caught fire in an instant. In order to save his commander, the Japanese soldier gritted his teeth and kicked off the ship, but at the same time, he was shot into a hedgehog by countless arrows.

"The enemy coach has fallen into the sea!"

"Don't let him run away!"

Several angry * soldiers have jumped into the sea to capture and kill the enemy commander, and other soldiers are not willing to fall behind and jump into the sea one after another. At the same time, the flagship that came to the island had been fragmented by the artillery of the tortoise ship, and the soldiers on the ship were also killed and injured and fell into the sea one after another.