Daming Shuanglong Biography

042 [re-extermination of the Japanese army] full

The Japanese troops stationed in Tangxiangpu did not know that the fleet that came to the island had been completely destroyed a few days ago, and the thunderous gunfire and blood-stained sea of Tangpu Port did not disturb this unified navy force.

Ye Da is ready to kill this time. As the saying goes: Where are the shoes that are not wet when walking by the river? Although he has fought four or five naval battles, Ye Da has not yet taken action. According to modern society, killing a person is to pay for his life. However, at that time, it seemed that killing was not legal but reasonable.

"Teaching Ye, we have never seen you kill the enemy. Let's show us this time!" Several younger sailors coaxed together. This is also the direct catalyst for Ye Da's determination this time.

"Okay! This time I'll show you how good I am." Although Ye Da's mouth is relatively hard, his heart is really soft. Although killing seems inevitable, he should also take into account the mental endurance after the following killing.

"Give" a * sailor and handed Ye Da an iron cannon. "This gun was captured by the Japanese army in the last naval battle. Don't you know if you are used to it?"

It turns out that the Japanese navy also has equipment*, not only the army. Why didn't you show it to General Li? Ye Da thought to himself: If *the navy is fully equipped*, the strength will be further advanced.

"General Li has seen it, but he said that although this weapon is lethal, the speed of shooting is too slow, and it is not as practical as a rocket."

At that time, every time you shoot, you need to refill gunpowder and bullets, and then ignite and fire. It's really slow. If it's a long-range battle, it's still an advantage. The key problem is that Ye Da can't understand this thing. I guess there is no one who can understand it. Even if he can understand it, he still needs time and financial resources to do it. And now * what exactly lacks is time and financial resources! Seoul has been captured, and the kings have hunted in the north. There is no time to fix this. Earlier, when the Japanese army hadn't come, they didn't know how to develop science and technology and strengthen armaments. Now it's too late to say anything. The great Chairman M once said, "If you fall behind, you will be beaten!"

"I don't know how to use this. Give me a knife." Ye Da is good at boxing, and any weapon is not very easy for him, because learning martial arts in modern society is not to kill people. In fact, Ye Da is also worried that he may be timid when he really goes to the battlefield, but fortunately, he has a reflex-like physical function, and he will not suffer too much.

The night has slowly sunk down. Ye Da stood in the bow, and the sea breeze roaring beside him. The ancient sea breeze was really mixed with bloody salty smell. I don't know whether it was an inexhaustible ghost or a dead body that was about to sink to the bottom of the sea a few days ago.

Tang Xiangpu arrived off the sea, and Ye Da followed several medium-sized warships led by Li Shunchen into the bay.

"Pick up the torches and make it bigger." Li Shunchen ordered the soldiers to light torches so that the enemy could clearly see how many boats they had come, so that the Japanese could be easily deceived. At the same time, Yuan Jun, Li Yiqi and Li Shunchen's men were ready to ambush off the sea.

Li Shunchen stood in the bow, and Ye Da stood beside him. Looking at the firelight of the Japanese warships from afar, it seems that the Japanese army has not gone to bed too early.

"There are a few big words written on the Japanese war flag. I don't know what it is?"

Ye Da followed Li Shunchen's eyes and saw a huge battle flag inserted on the central warship of the Japanese army, with red, blue and white stripes, and seven Japanese characters "Nan Wu Miao Fa Lian Hua Jing" written on it. Japanese characters are not difficult to recognize for Ye Da, but I just don't know what these words mean. They look like some Buddhist scriptures.

"What does it look like?"

"Do you understand Japanese?" Li Shunchen looked at Ye Da in surprise, because he couldn't imagine that a 20-year-old man could speak more than three languages.

"I can understand a little," Ye replied modestly: "According to my opinion, the commander of this Japanese fleet may be a Buddhist, or they may be a whole army with a unified belief."

"In that case, the enemy's combat effectiveness should be stronger." Li Shunchen said worriedly.

"Yes, their cohesion may be very strong, and we should be more careful."

At this time, the Japanese army had found Li Shunchen's fleet. Ye Dawang saw that the Japanese army's torches were gradually increasing. It seemed that the Japanese army had begun to prepare for the battle.

Li Shunchen commanded the fleet to slowly approach the Japanese army, and Ye Da held the knife in his hand tightly.

"Fire!" Under Li Shunchen's order, the warship began to fire at the Japanese army at the same time, and the Japanese army also began to fight back. Because of the hurried preparation, the Japanese army launched all the warships to fight back for a long time. Li Shunchen loudly commanded the fleet: "Fire! Shoot!" Ye Da looked at his ship getting closer and closer to the Japanese ship. He was a little worried: "General Li, is it time to turn around?"

"It's not time yet! We have to convince the Japanese that they are ready to sacrifice.

Li Shunchen didn't say this clearly. Ye Da thought he was going to sacrifice himself and was shocked. However, Li Shunchen's real meaning is to let the Japanese army see that some of his ships have been damaged, and the Japanese army will really believe it.

I'm really not here to play! Ye answered and swallowed his breath. Well, it's up to fate.

At this time, the Japanese warships also began to gather and approach. Soon, a Japanese shell exploded on another warship not far away, and the warship emitted black smoke.

"turn around and withdraw from the harbor!" Li Shunchen finally gave the order, and all the ships urgently turned around and sailed to the sea. The warship with black smoke also retreated closely with the large team and was not willing to lag behind at all. The shells fired by the Japanese ship kept falling into the sea behind them, blowing up a big splash.

"It seems that the Japanese army has been fooled again. The Japanese army is always so down on the enemy." Ye Da wanted to lose so many battles without learning a lesson. No wonder he always fails!

Li Shunchen's fleet sailed out of Tang Xiangpu and soon disappeared into the night. The board house boat led by Li Yiqi and the turtle ship and other ships led by Li Shunchen's subordinates led by Luo Dayyong were ready to attack.

The Japanese ships rushed out one by one. They all wanted to grab the first success, but after coming out, they were no longer Li Shunchen's medium-sized warships that couldn't help fighting. Instead, they were replaced by turtle ships six times larger than their warships and many large board houses that could no longer be seen.

"It's not good! I was fooled!" At this time, the Japanese commander stood on the central flagship and finally found that he and his subordinates had entered the ambush circle of the navy.

With a cannon sound, Luo Da's turtle ships had already hit straight over. Wow! What is this? The Japanese army shouted in surprise when they saw 6 times the huge objects of their warship.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!" The Japanese commander shouted hoarsely, but their formation had been smashed by the * warships. Li Yiqi and Yuanjun attacked on both sides, and the Japanese army was dizzy and could not find the north, let alone retreat.

"Damn it! Spell it! Give me back! Board the ship and kill the enemy!" The Japanese coach saw that there was no hope of retreat and was ready to fight for his life!

Ye Da and Li Shunchen turned the bow and killed it back. The Japanese fleet was killed, but the army was not in chaos. Because this Japanese army has a unified belief, they are very loyal to the coach. A Japanese Anzhai ship was seen crashing straight into the ship where Li Shunchen was.

"Quick! Turn the rudder, the enemy ship is going to crash!" A sailor first discovered the situation.

It's too late. The Japanese army launched the best boarding technology. Dozens of Japanese sailors with long knives have all jumped over with cables at the moment when the ship is about to hit, and a white-hand battle is inevitable.

"I didn't want to kill, but you came to force me." Ye Da said a few complaints and held his knife tightly in his hand.

"Protect General Li" * sailors also surrounded.

"Kill!" The Japanese army swarmed up and looked at Li Shunchen. No wonder Li Shunchen's general uniform was different from ordinary sailors. The enemy was led by a 14- or 15-year-old hairy child. Ye Da thought that the war made the child feel cruelty early, but the child also commanded the Japanese army behind him, which might be the leader of a family.

The two sides began to cut each other, and Ye Da didn't dare to come forward holding the knife tightly. The knife didn't have long eyes. Maybe someone stabbed himself and hung up here. If you don't look for him, he will still look for you. A Japanese soldier saw that the battle was fierce in other places. Seeing that Ye Da was quite quiet, and Ye Da looked very angry and thought it was easy to bully, so he went straight to Ye Da.

"Don't force me!" Ye Da finally felt that he was really unavoidable. He simply took a step, closed his eyes, and inserted the knife into the chest of the Japanese soldier first. The Japanese soldiers didn't expect Ye Da to fall to the ground so quickly.

Ye Da's heart pounded, his hand softened, and the knife fell to the ground. Killed, finally killed! At this time, there was nothing else to think about, and then two red-eyed Japanese soldiers followed. Ye Da quickly picked up the knife and got up.

Two Japanese soldiers, one left and one right, were full of strength, and each knife was full of hatred. Ye Da's hard-lined arms were a little numb. Can't fight for a long time! Ye Da looked at the sky, lowered his body, cut his waist, killed a Japanese soldier, and then rolled away from another's pursuit. At this time, the Japanese soldier was also killed by the * sailor who caught up.

A few minutes later, the battle was over, dozens of Japanese soldiers were killed, and several sailors were also lost. Ye Da sat on the ground for a long time and could not calm down.

It didn't take long for the sound of gunfire and the sea gradually quieted down. There were many Japanese corpses and the remains of Japanese warships floating on the sea. This battle won another great victory!