Daming Shuanglong Biography

041 [water army right envoy] full

After a while, several soldiers captured the island in the water and dragged him back to the ship. Jin Dongguo cut off his head and handed it to a soldier and said, "Go! Hang it on the mast."

Soon after, the Japanese commander-in-chief was killed, and the news of the destruction of the flagship had spread to the ears of every Japanese soldier. They watched their commander's head hanging on the mast and had no intention to fight, and began to look for opportunities to break through and escape. Li Shunchen's fleet is fighting well. How can he let go of such a good opportunity!

"Fire! Shoot the arrow! Don't run a Japanese soldier!"

The morale of the North Korean army suddenly doubled and desperately chased the Japanese warships.

After dozens of minutes of fighting, the Japanese fleet to the island was completely annihilated, and the Japanese army survived.

After cleaning the battlefield, Li Shunchen led the fleet to go ashore to rectify and rest. There were no Japanese soldiers on the shore, and the sailors who came to the island died in the naval battle.

While the army was having lunch, a reconnaissance ship slowly docked, and the scouts directly found Li Shunchen: "Bing Zuoshi, General Li asked me to send you a message that the fleet will arrive in Tangpu in two days."

When Li Shunchen heard this, he ignored the meal and shouted, "Okay! I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Your general is really slow. I sent an envoy more than a month ago, and your general left at this time!"

"General Li felt that the time was not ripe, but seeing your brilliant achievements in the South China Sea, my general couldn't sit still."

"Ha ha, I can't sit still! Let's unite to destroy the enemy! OK, send another message for me and tell your general - see you soon!"

In these days of guerrilla warfare, Ye Da has established a deep relationship with * sailors. * soldiers were originally in awe of the Ming Dynasty, and the arrival of Ye Da's arrival deepened * soldiers' yearning for the Celestial dynasty.

"Teaching head? What on earth does China look like?"

"Well, well..." Ye replied that I haven't been there either. Although I came from there, it's not an era after all. I can't tell them that there are planes and cars. However, after all, it is a descendant who still knows a little about the history of the Ming Dynasty. If it really doesn't work, you can fool them: "My hometown is in the coastal generation. People there make a living by fishing. The sea is very clear, the sky is very blue, and the air is very fresh..." When Ye answered this, he moved his eyes. Tears came out, because he thought that hundreds of years later, the sea in his city was green, the sky was gray, and there was dust in the air. But these words are not good for soldiers. That's not what they want to hear: "The leader, that, have you seen the emperor?"

Wanli? Oh, I really haven't seen it. Ye Da shook his head and said, "I haven't been to Beijing... Beijing, and pull, can ordinary people see the emperor? However, I know that our Ming emperor is very concerned about the situation, and the reinforcements of the Ming Dynasty will come soon.

The reinforcements of the Ming Dynasty are the only hope of the sailors who fought against Japan. They all hope that the reinforcements of the Ming Dynasty can come as soon as possible and drive the Japanese army out of the peninsula. Ye Da's sometimes firm words and the continuous victory of the naval battle in the South China Sea also continue to enhance the confidence of the sailors. The sailors' questions about Ye Da's questions also re-enlighted Ye Da's homesicking. Originally, the high-frequency battles in the first few days made Ye Da almost have time to think about other things. Mom and Dad, my son is unfilial and can't serve you at home.

Two days later, at dusk, Li Yiqi, the right envoy of the All-luo Road Marine Army, led 25 board house boats under his command and successfully met with Li Shunchen.

"Brother Yiqi, you are finally here!" Yuan Jun welcomed Li Yiqi before Li Shunchen. Li Yiqi looked at Yuan Yizhen coldly and ignored him, and then went straight to Li Shunchen. Yuan Jun stood still and was not embarrassed. Ye Da carefully observed Li Yiqi. He is different from ordinary * people. To put it bluntly, the bridge of his nose is slightly higher. Don't underestimate this point, which is enough to make him much more handsome than ordinary * men. The general seems to be about 30 years old, and his cold face is full of disdain for Yuan Jun and respect for Li Shunchen.

"Brother Ru, I have been rectifying and gathering all the warships and sailors under my command these days, so I'm a little late. Aren't you surprised?"

"But I've been waiting for the two armies to converge. Now our all-road navy warships are here. This will be a nightmare for the Japanese army!"

"That's right. From now on, we will drive the Japanese pirates back to their hometown, especially in the South China Sea, and don't let their feet get a drop of water from our South China Sea!"

"Whoever gets it, let him be buried at the bottom of the sea forever!"

"Please" Li Shunchen invited Li Yiqi into the command room: "Let's discuss our future combat strategy."

"Wait," Li Yiqi waved his hand and said, "I heard that you have a martial arts master from China here. Can you show me?"

Ye Da has been standing aside. At this time, when he heard that Li Yiqi was also interested in himself, he hurriedly said, "I am."

Li Yiqi looked carefully at Ye and replied, "Don't you suspect that he is the enemy's spy?"

Li Yiqi's cold eyes made Ye Da feel furored. Don't be afraid of the shadow! What are you afraid of! Ye Da hurriedly encouraged himself.

"Oh, no, he has worked hard to teach sailors to practice martial arts since he got on the boat, and if he is really a spy, he will not have won these consecutive battles." Li Shunchen believed in Ye Da very much. After all, Ye Da gave an excellent suggestion to his warship, that is, to install a collision rod.

Ye answered cast a grateful look at Li Shunchen, and on the other hand, Li Yiqi is too personal in modern words!

"That's good..." Before the words fell, Li Yiqi flew up and kicked directly at Ye Da's face. Ye Da was unprepared. This kick directly in Ye Da's nose, and blood flowed down in an instant.

Li Yiqi's foot shocked everyone, including Li Shunchen, and the soldiers on Li Yiqi's ship shouted: "General Li is invincible in the world!" General Li is invincible!"

"Is it at this level?" Li Yiqi stretched out his hand and waved, signaling Ye Da to attack.

Ye Da was kicked just now, and his nose hurts. Although he is very angry, he has to put up with it. Who makes himself a foreigner? Ye Da looked at Li Shunchen, because he didn't know whether this fight should be fought or not. After all, he has to listen to Li Shunchen now. If he wants to change to modern times, Ye Da must rush up and beat Li Yiqi to pieces!

Li Shunchen nodded slightly and said, "Yiqi is also an ancestral martial arts master. If he wants to try your strength, you can practice with General Li."

got the affirmation, and Ye Da thought: Now I'm going to teach you how to respect others! Ye Da shouted and rushed up. The two fought together, and Li Yiqi's men shouted to cheer for their general.

It can be seen that Li Yiqi is a practitioner. There are blocks of muscles under his military uniform. Li Yiqi's moves are very fierce, and every punch and foot are full of strength. However, Ye Da is not easy to provoke. What Yongchunquan is good at is to defeat the strong with the weak and use his strength. After a few moves, Ye Da took the opportunity to overturn Li Yiqi to the ground.

Li Yiqi lay on the ground and shook his head, and his subordinates also stopped. At this time, Yuan Jun gloated and shouted: "Good fight" because Li Yiqi ignored himself just now. On the one hand, Ye Da was not happy, because he had not revenged fiercely just now. On the other hand, he was also worried that Li Yiqi would take the opportunity to attack. Who knows who Li Yiqi is? What if he is hacked because of this?

Li Yiqi got up from the ground, and his eyes were no longer as cold as he was just now, replaced by a trace of respect. The little brother is young and has extraordinary skills. No wonder your brother praises you very much." With that, he came over and patted Ye Da's nervous shoulder: "I have something important to discuss with you today. Let's practice another day."

Ye answered and was a little overwhelmed by the sudden change of Li Yiqi. Originally, he was still on guard against Li Yiqi's double attack, so he had to squeeze out a strong smile: "Okay."

Then Li Shunchen and several people walked into the command room. "Ye Da, come here, too." Li Shunchen did not forget to call Ye Da. After all, Ye Da also gave him a good point in the last Tangpu naval battle.

"I brought a very important news this time. The Japanese army has a strong fleet gathered around Tang Xiangpu. This time I just want to join you to destroy this Japanese army." Four people walked into Li Shunchen's command room. On the table of the command room, there was a topographic map of the waters of the South China Sea. Li Yiqi pointed out A relatively narrow port said, "It's just that Tangxiangpu is too narrow, easy to defend and difficult to attack, which is not conducive to launching large-scale operations. If the fleet rushes in, it may be ambushed by the Japanese army."

"This is easy to solve. We lure them out and then set an ambush on the periphery, just like the battle in Sichuan, and let them enter our ambush circle! Then destroy it in one fell swoop!" Yuan Jun said.

"I have the same idea. Let's discuss how to set an ambush and seduce!" Li Shunchen nodded.

"Well, Yuan Jun is responsible for seducing the enemy, and your brother and I are responsible for setting up an ambush," Li Yiqi looked at Yuan Jun coldly and said.

"Let me go? Isn't there a turtle boat at Li Shunchen's place? Let the turtle ship lure the enemy. Anyway, there will be no loss. Yuan Jun thought that if I don't command these warships well, it may come true. Anyway, I won't do anything dangerous.

"You can't let the tortoise boat go. What if the army knows about the tortoise ship, what should they do if they are not fooled? Moreover, the turtle ship is relatively scary. The Japanese army may be timid as soon as they see the turtle boat, and the plan to seduce the enemy will not succeed." Ye Da interrupted.

"Ye Answer is right. The turtle ship is not used to lure the enemy, but to kill the enemy. I think let me lure the enemy. I still have a few smaller medium warships here. The Japanese army will definitely be fooled when they see that we do not have an advantage in quantity and quality. Yuanjun, you set an ambush at the mouth of the sea. When all the Japanese fleets leave, you will intercept from behind. Yiqi, you will lead your fleet to form an encirclement on the periphery. I will let my command the turtle ship to smash the enemy's formation. You can kill it when you see the opportunity and try not to let a Japanese army survive!"

"Okay! It's not too late. Let's go!"

The Jeolla United Marine Fleet sailed to Tangxiangpu, and another Japanese fleet is going to suffer a devastating blow!